(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Starting out&understanding ideas ppt课件(含视频).rar

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  • (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第三册Unit 3 Starting out&understanding ideas ppt课件(含视频)
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    • SH6_U3_UI2_P26.mp3
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Unit3 period 1Starting outnActivity 1 Watch the video and answer the questions.1. Which wars are discussed in the video?_.The First World War and the Second World War.2. What was the deadliest conflict in 2. What was the deadliest conflict in human history? How many people human history? How many people were killed?were killed?The Second World War. Around 60 millionStarting outThe First World WarThe Second World WarThe Cause of the WarThe Beginning TimeDuration(持续时间)Total CasualtiesThe conflicts between the great European powersIn 1914Four years (19141918)Around 40 millionAgainst fascismIn 1939Six yearsAround 60 million基本信息名称: 第一次世界大战发生时间: 1914年7月28日-1918年11月11日地点 : 欧洲、太平洋、中东、地中海与非洲、亚洲部分地区参战方: 同盟国、协约国英国、法国为首的协约国获胜导火线: 1914年6月28日萨拉热窝事件开始标志: 1914年7月28日奥匈帝国向塞尔维亚宣战结束标志: 1918年11月11日德国投降战争结果: 摧毁了欧洲四大帝国战后格局: 欧洲列强国力下降、美日兴起影响: 影响着欧洲及国际关系的发展性质: 帝国主义战争 侵略性、非正义战后条约:凡尔赛条约及其他系列条约等Starting outA good soldier is not violent. A good fighter is not angry. A good winner is not vengeful.There never was a good war or a bad peace.The supreme of war is to beat the enemy without fighting.You cannot prevent and prepare for war at the same time.Activity 21 What is your understanding of the quotes?2 Which of the quotes helps you to better understand the nature of war? Give your reasons.3 What is your opinion on war? Come up with three words or expressions to help express your opinion.desiresdeathsufferingdestructioncrueltyhorrorNotes:1. conflict2. violent 狂暴的,凶猛的 violence 暴力*3. vengeful 报复的*4. supreme 至高的,最高的5. come up with6. prepare forUnderstanding ideas1 What do you think the pictures and the map show?2 What do you expect to read about in the passage? Now read and check your answer. Main idea of each paragraph1234567Notes:*7. rage v. 席卷,蔓延;发怒 n. 愤怒*8. allied troops 同盟军9. landing (军队的)登陆10. operation 行动;手术;运转,运行 operate 11. occupation 占领;职业12. tide 潮水,潮汐;时机13. issue v. 发表,发布 n. 问题;发行; (报刊)期号*14. commander 指挥官15. march 行军;示威游行*16. parachute 降落伞17. objective 目标,目的18. coastline 19. horror 令人惊恐的事20. drown 淹死 21. gunfire *22. amongst = among 在当中23. tank 24. recall 回想,回忆起25. barely 勉强才能 26. liberate 解放+sp.27. memorial adj. 纪念的 n. 纪念碑,纪念物*28. solemn 严肃的,庄重的29. occasion 时刻;场合 30. weary 使疲倦*31. condemn 使处于困境 谴责 宣判32. outstanding *33. casualty 伤亡人员34. everlasting 永久的*35. initial 最初的36. anniversary 周年纪念日Activity 3 Organise information from the passage and complete the fact file.6 June, 1944 to reach the Normandy beaches along about 80 kilometers of French coastline General Eisenhower the Normandy beaches gathered in large numbers the Normandy landings (Operation Overlord) the English Channel to Normandy lay dead in the water and amongst the tanks on the beach were removed from north-west France despite the high cost in human life, the D-Day landings were a success and were seen widely as the beginning of the end of the Second World War. P2837. be made up of38. in large numbersEg. Allied troops made up mainly of Britain, Canadian and American soldiers were gathering in large numbers.39. free fromEg. free north-west Europe from German occupation40. have full confidence inEg. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.41. nothing less thanEg. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!我们将迎接的只会是彻底的胜利!42. make it43. meet up with 与相遇 Think & ShareWhat is the historical significance of the D-Day landings?The D-Day landings were the largest combined sea, air and land operation in history. The operation was seen widely as the beginning of the end of the Second World War.Think & ShareHow can you use the language you have learnt to describe another event during the Second World War? Share your ideas with the class.
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