Unit 2 延伸阅读 (2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.docx

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1、外研版选择性必修第二册unit2延伸阅读.Read the passage quickly and get the general idea of the passage.1Whats the main idea of the passage on P2021?AThe spending power of young people varies from person to person.BHow teenagers spend their money wisely to realize selfvalue.CMore and more teens max out their parents

2、credit cards on games.DYoung people must prepare four jars to save money.答案B2Read the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1AThe value of the Investing jarPara.2 BThe wider aim of the jarsPara.3 CMaking “Kare Bags” for the homeless peoplePara.4 DThe value of the Giving jarPara.5 EG

3、iving four jars as a birthday presentPara.6 FThe value of the Spending jarPara.7 GThe value of the Saving jarPara.8 HWays to spend moneyPara.9 IManaging money in different ways答案Para.1HPara.2CPara.3I Para.4EPara.5FPara.6GPara.7APara.8DPara.9B.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer.1Wh

4、at is the common problem young people face despite differences in spending power?AHow to use parents credit cards.BHow to celebrate your birthday.CHow to deal with your money.DHow to take courses in personal finance.2How did Khloe Thompson make good use of money?AShe bought classroom things with her

5、 pocket money.BShe bought daily necessities with her pocket money.CShe bought four jars to save her pocket money.DShe made Kare Bags to help the homeless people.3Which of the following is the American way of educating teenagers to use money?AMaxing out their parentscredit cards on study rather than

6、on online activities.BRequiring high school students to take courses in personal finance.CMaking “Kare Bags” for the homeless people with crowd funding.DPutting their money into different jars for a rainy day.4What can we learn from the story “how to spend your money using four jars”?AMotivate teena

7、gers to come to understand the real value of using money.BGive teenagers the opportunity to build for the future.CGive teenagers independence and the opportunity to buy something they like.DMotivate teenagers to help those in need around the world.答案CDBA.重点单词1_ n截止时间;最后期限2_v吐口水,吐唾沫3_ n(头戴式)耳机4_ n媒体报

8、道的热门话题;标题5_n地区,区域6_n牙膏7_ n一件商品(或物品)8_ v投资9_ adj.终身的10_ n构想,设想11_ adv.同样地,相似地12_ n钉子13_adj.恰当的,合适的_adv.恰当地14_adj.替他人着想的_ n仔细考虑;体谅,顾及_ v考虑;认为15_ v澄清,讲清楚,阐明_ n澄清,阐明16_v促进,增进_ n提升;促销17_ n必需品;必然性_ adj.必然的;必要的18_ adv.客观地_ adj.客观的 n目的,目标_ v反对;拒绝19_ v使有知识和技能,使能够胜任;装备,配备_ n器材;设备1.deadline 2 spit 3 headphone

9、4 headline 5 district 6 toothpaste 7 item 8 invest 9 lifelong 10 vision 11 likewise 12 nail 13 appropriate ;appropriately 14 considerate ;consideration;consider 15 clarify;clarification 16 promote ;promotion 17 necessity;necessary 18 objectively;objective;object 19 equip;equipment.核心短语1_(钱)花光;(信用卡)刷

10、爆2_与形成对比3_在的帮助下4_没有的机会;不能进入5_从那时起6_控制;管理7_胜任;由决定;从事;忙于8_ 信任9_ 这样;用这种方法10_配备有;装备有1.max out 2 in contrast to 3 with the help of4 have no access to 5 from then on 6 in control of 7 be up to 8 believe in 9 in this way 10 be equipped with.经典句式1表地点的介词短语放到句首构成完全倒装结构袋子里装着牙膏、肥皂和袜子等必需品,这些都是她先用零花钱买的,然后又通过众筹买的。

11、2make宾语宾补这些物品让穷人和无家可归的人的生活变得更为容易一些。3on doing一就一收到这样一个Kare包,一位女士就说“你让我感觉到像一个人”。4It is.that.强调句型从那时起,他的孙辈们开始控制如何使用他们收到的钱:消费、储蓄、投资或者捐赠。5whether.or.无论/不管还是不管你是想帮助朋友,给动物慈善机构捐款,还是给其他国家的孩子,这都是你的钱,可以用来做任何你相信的事情。1.Inside the bags are necessities such as toothpaste,soap and socks,bought first with her pocket

12、money and then through crowd funding.2.These items helped to make the lives of poor and homeless people a little bit easier.3.On receiving a Kare Bag,one woman said,“You make me feel like a human being.”4.It was from then on that his grandchildren started to be in control of what to do with the money they receive:spend,save,invest or give?5.Whether you want to help out a friend,give money to an animal charity or to children in another country,its your money to give to whatever cause you believe in.


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