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二年级 上册 义 务 教 育 教 科 书 ? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????? ???? ????????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????? ???????????? ????????????? ????? ?? ????? ??????????? ?????? ???????? ???????????????????????????? ? ? ?????? ???????????????? ??????? ??????? ?????????????????????? ????? ??????????? ???????????????? ????? ???????????????? ????????? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ????? ???????????????????????? ????????? ? ????????????????? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ????????????????? 编者的话 亲爱的同学们: 你们好。欢迎使用小学《英语》。 在小学《英语》二年级上册里,你们将继续和Liu Tao, Wang Bing, Su Hai, Yang Ling等小朋友一起快乐地学习。 在这学期里,你们将和这些小朋友一起去动物园玩、去农 场参观。你们将学会用英语介绍家庭成员并描述他们的外貌和职 业,学会描述拥有的宠物和玩具,描述在动物园看到的动物及其 特征,说说在农场看到的水果和蔬菜,学会用英语礼貌地请别人 吃点心和喝饮料,表达对学校生活的热爱,发出打扫卫生的指令 等。 你们还将学做很多有趣的游戏,学唱和诵读更多好听的歌曲 和歌谣。 同学们,让我们一起感受学习英语的乐趣吧! 2016年5月 Liu Tao Su Hai Miss Li Characters Mr Green Yang LingWang Bing Unit 1 She’s my aunt ���������������������������������� 6 Unit 2 I have a rabbit ������������������������������� 10 Unit 3 It has a short tail ��������������������������� 14 Unit 4 Autumn ������������������������������������������ 18 Project 1 An animal book ���������������������������� 22 Unit 5 Have some juice, please! �������������� 24 Unit 6 We like our school ������������������������� 28 Contents Unit 7 Let’s clean up! ������������������������������� 32 Unit 8 My dad is a doctor ������������������������ 36 Project 2 A fancy-dress party ���������������������� 40 Picture dictionary �������������������������� 42 Word lists ��������������������������������������� 44 6 Story time Yes. This is my cousin. 1 She’s cute. Unit She’s my aunt1 uncle auntcousin Is this your uncle? He’s tall. 2 Unit 1 7 4 No. She’s my aunt. This is my mum. tall short 3 Hi! Hello, Mrs Wang. Is this your mum? 8 Fun time Stick and say 1 2 He’s my dad. She’s my mum. . 9 Unit 1 Song time 1= bB 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 . 6 1 . 6 5 – This is my un- cle. He’s ve- ry tall. 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 – This is my aunt. She’s al- so tall. 1 2 3 4 5 1 . 6 1 . 6 5 – This is my cou- sin. She’s ve- ry small. 1 . · 6 5 4 3 2 1 – I like them all, like them all. : This is my uncle 10 Story time Unit I have a rabbit2 2 1 I have a rabbit. It’s white. It’s small. I have a dog. It’s brown. It’s big. a doga cata hamstera rabbit 11 Unit 2 I have a rabbit 4 3 Look! smallbig I have a hamster. It’s white. It’s big too. A big hamster? Wow! 12 Fun time Show and tell I have a cat. It’s brown. It’s big. I have a dog. It’s white. It’s small. 13 Unit 2 Rhyme time I have a cat I have a cat. It’s big and fat. Look at my cat On the red mat. 14 Story time Unit It has a short tail3 2 1 Oh, it has a short tail. a giraffea tigera monkeya bear Look at the bear. 15 Unit 3 It has a short tail3 4 Look at the giraffe. Wow! It has a long neck! Ha! Ha! Look at the monkey! Oh no! shortlong 16 Fun time Match and say Look at the monkey. It has a long tail. ○ ○ ○ ○ Look at the bear. It has a short tail. ○ ○ ○ ○ 17 Unit 3 Song time 1=E 2 4 5 . 1· 1 1· 1 1· 2 3· 3 3· 3 3 – The mon-keys in the zoo, the mon-keys in the zoo. The ti- gers in the zoo, the ti- gers in the zoo. 5 5· 6 5· 3 1· 2 3· 3 2· 2 1· Heigh- ho, the der- ry- o, the mon-keys in the zoo. Heigh- ho, the der- ry- o, the ti- gers in the zoo. : The monkeys in the zoo 18 Story time Unit Autumn4 2 1 Yes. It’s autumn. pearsoranges It’s cool. Those are pears. They’re yellow. These are apples. They’re red. apples 19 Unit 4 Autumn 4 3 Look! pumpkinspotatoes Look! What are those? They’re pumpkins. It’s so big! 20 Fun time Point and say What are these? What are those? They’re pigs. They’re apples. 21 Unit 4 Song time 1=D 2 4 5 3 5 5 3 5 6 5 4 3 2 3 4 Ap- ple red, ap- ple round. Ap- ple jui- cy, ap- ple sweet. 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 2 2 4 3 2 1 Ap- ple, ap- ple, I love you. Ap- ple sweet, I love to eat. Apple song : 22 A Work in groups. Draw or stick. An animal bookProject 1 2323 Unit 4 C Show and tell. What are these? B Ask and answer. They’re cats. Look at the cats. They’re cute. This cat is big. It has . That cat is small. It has . 24 Story time Unit Have some juice, please!5 2 1Have some juice, please! Yogurt, please. juiceyogurt How about you? Juice? Yogurt? Thank you, Yang Ling. I like juice. 25 Unit 5 3 Thank you, Mrs Yang. 4 Have some snacks, please! Thank you, Mum. I like tarts. a cupcakea tarta sandwich Me too. Mmm …This sandwich is yummy! 26 Fun time Say and act Have some juice! Apple juice, please. Orange juice, please. Have some snacks! A cupcake, please. A tart, please. 2 1 27 Unit 5 Two tarts for me Two tarts for me, To have with my tea. Yum, yum, yummy! I like tarts and tea! Rhyme time 28 Story time Unit We like our school6 2 1 go to schoolread We go to school every day. We read and write. We sing and dance. 29 Unit 6 We like our school 4 3 We play games too. We have fun at school. We like our school. writeplay games 30 Fun time 1 Say and act I read. 2Well done! 31 Unit 6 Rhyme time At school Let’s read, let’s play At school today. Let’s write, let’s play At school every day! 32 Story time Unit Let’s clean up!7 2 1 a tablea chair Let’s clean up! OK! Clean the table, please. Clean the chairs, please. 33 Unit 7 Let’s clean up! 4 Well done! 3 Clean the desk, please. Clean the door and window, please. a desk a windowa door Phew! 34 Fun time Play a game Clean the chair, please. OK. 35 Unit 7 Song time 1=F 3 4 1· 1 1 5 . 3· 3 3 1 1 3 5 – Clean the ta- ble, clean the chair, clean the door, 4 3 2 – 2 3 4 4 3 2 3 1 my dear friend. Clean the win- dow, clean the desk and 1 3 2 5 . 7 . 2 1 – clean the arm- chair, my dear friend. Clean up : 36 Story time Unit My dad is a doctor8 1 My dad is a cook. My dad is a doctor. a teachera doctora cook 37 Unit 8 My dad is a doctor 2 This is my mum. She’s a teacher. My mum is a nurse. a workera farmer a nurse 38 Fun time Look and say She’s a teacher. He’s a worker. 39 Unit 8 Rhyme time I’m a doctor I’m a doctor Dressed in white. I help people Feel well And I work Day and night. 40 A Look and tick. A fancy-dress partyProject 2 B Cut and make. Menu Snacks Drinks 4141 Unit 4 D Do a role-play. Hello. C Say and act. Hello. I’m . I’m a doctor. Hi. This is . She’s a teacher. I’m . I’m a nurse. Hi. Have some juice, please! Thank you. I like orange juice. Apple juice, please. 42 Picture dictionary uncleauntcousintallshort a doga catsmallbiga hamstera rabbit a giraffea tigera monkeya bearshortlong pearsorangespumpkinspotatoesapples 43 juiceyogurta cupcakea sandwicha tart go to schoolreadwriteplay games a tablea chaira deska windowa door a teacher a workera doctora farmera cook a nurse 44 cat 猫 Unit 3 it 它 has (同it, he和she连用)有 short 短的 tail 尾巴 bear 熊 giraffe 长颈鹿 long 长的 neck 脖子 monkey 猴子 tiger 老虎 oh no! 哦,不! Unit 4 autumn 秋天 cool 凉的,凉爽的 these 这些 are (同we, you, they, these和 those连用)是 apple 苹果 those 那些 . Word lists Unit 1 she's = she is 她是 aunt 姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶婶; 舅妈 cousin 表兄弟;表姐妹; 堂兄弟;堂姐妹 uncle 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅; 姑父;姨父 he's = he is 他是 tall 高的 Mrs (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前) 太太,夫人 short 矮的 Unit 2 have 有 rabbit 兔子 white 白色的 small 小的 dog 狗 brown 棕色的 big 大的 hamster 仓鼠 too 也 ( Ⅰ ) 45 pear 梨 what 什么 pumpkin 南瓜 so 这么,如此 orange 橙子 potato 马铃薯,土豆 Unit 5 have 吃;喝 some 一些 juice 果汁 How about you? 你呢? yogurt 酸奶 snack 点心 mmm (表示思考、喜欢等发出的 声音)嗯 sandwich 三明治 yummy 好吃的,美味的 tart 蛋挞;水果挞 cupcake 纸杯蛋糕 Unit 6 our 我们的 school 学校 go to school 上学 every day 每天 read 识字,读书 write 写字 play games 做游戏 have fun 玩得开心 at school 在学校 Unit 7 clean up 打扫,扫除 clean 使……干净 table 桌子 chair 椅子 desk 书桌 door 门 window 窗户 phew (表示热、累或宽慰)哦,唷 Unit 8 doctor 医生 cook 厨师 teacher 教师,老师 nurse 护士 farmer 农民,农场主 worker 工人 46 A apple 苹果 (4) are (同we, you, they, these 和those连用)是 (4) at school 在学校 (6) aunt 姑妈;姨妈;伯母;婶婶; 舅妈 (1) autumn 秋天 (4) B bear 熊 (3) big 大的 (2) brown 棕色的 (2) C cat 猫 (2) chair 椅子 (7) clean 使……干净 (7) clean up 打扫,扫除 (7) cook 厨师 (8) cool 凉的,凉爽的 (4) cousin 表兄弟;表姐妹;堂兄弟; 堂姐妹 (1) cupcake 纸杯蛋糕 (5) D desk 书桌 (7) doctor 医生 (8) dog 狗 (2) door 门 (7) E every day 每天 (6) F farmer 农民,农场主 (8) G giraffe 长颈鹿 (3) go to school 上学 (6) H hamster 仓鼠 (2) has (同it, he和she连用)有 (3) have 有 (2) have 吃;喝 (5) have fun 玩得开心 (6) he's = he is 他是 (1) How about you? 你呢? (5) ( Ⅱ ) 注: 括号中的数字为该词条在本册书中首次出现时的单元数。 47 I it 它 (3) J juice 果汁 (5) L long 长的 (3) M mmm (表示思考、喜欢等发出 的声音)嗯 (5) monkey 猴子 (3) Mrs (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前) 太太,夫人 (1) N neck 脖子 (3) nurse 护士 (8) O oh no! 哦,不! (3) orange 橙子 (4) our 我们的 (6) P pear 梨 (4) phew (表示热、累或宽慰) 哦、唷 (7) play games 做游戏 (6) potato 马铃薯,土豆 (4) pumpkin 南瓜 (4) R rabbit 兔子 (2) read 识字,读书 (6) S sandwich 三明治 (5) school 学校 (6) she's = she is 她是 (1) short 矮的 (1) short 短的 (3) small 小的 (2) snack 点心 (5) so 这么,如此 (4) some 一些 (5) T table 桌子 (7) tail 尾巴 (3) tall 高的 (1) tart 蛋挞;水果挞 (5) teacher 教师,老师 (8) these 这些 (4) 48 those 那些 (4) tiger 老虎 (3) too 也 (2) U uncle 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父; 姨父 (1) W what 什么 (4) white 白色的 (2) window 窗户 (7) worker 工人 (8) write 写字 (6) Y yogurt 酸奶 (5) yummy 好吃的,美味的 (5) 49 51
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