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1、第 1 页 共 4 页五年级英语五年级英语练习题练习题听力部分一、一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听两两遍。遍。10()1.A.forestB.frontC.fingerD.fridge()2.A.greatB.friendC.againD.afraid()3.A.swimB.swingC.swimmingD.sing()4.A.hiB.highC.eightD.tall()5.A.tailsB.eyesC.earsD.wings()6.A.puppyB.hoppingC.hobbyD.happy()7.A.thirtyB.thirdC.t

2、hirstyD.thirteen()8.A.haveB.houseC.hasD.horse()9.A.thereB.bearC.otherD.near()10A.legB.ballC.footD.feet二、听录音,选出所听句子的答句,听两遍。二、听录音,选出所听句子的答句,听两遍。6()1.A.Heres a glass of water.B.Heres a hamburger for you.C.You can go to bed now.()2.A.There are some computers.B.There is only one.C.There are two offices.(

3、)3.A.Yes,they are.B.Some little dogs.C.Yes,there are.()4.A.There are four.B.I can see four.C.It has four.()5.A.Its Mikes.B.Hes Liu Tao.C.Helens.()6.A.I can play football.B.Playing football.C.Football.三、听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项,听两遍。三、听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项,听两遍。6()1.How many students are there in the class?A.18B.20C.

4、38()2.Who likes writing stories?A.Nancy.B.Nancys brother.C.BothAand B.()3.What can you see in the tree?A.Abird.B.Two birds.C.There are two birds.()4.Where are Susan and her friend?A.In the classroom.B.In the park.C.At home.()5.What is it?A.Its a duck.B:Its a panda.C.Its a bear.()6.What does Liu Taos

5、 animal friend have?A:Big ears and small eyes.B.Small eyes and long ears.C.Big eyes and small ears.四、根据所听内容,完成下列短文,听三遍。四、根据所听内容,完成下列短文,听三遍。8It is Sunday today.Jim and his family are at home.Jim _reading,but his sister _.She likes _.Their motherlikes_ _.And their father likes _ the_.They all have som

6、e _.学校:_ 班级:_姓名:_ 学号:_密封线第 2 页 共 4 页笔试部分五、五、找出单词画线部分读音与其他找出单词画线部分读音与其他三三个读音不一致的选项个读音不一致的选项。5()1.A.doctorB.comeC.niceD.cousin()2.A.rubberB.pushC.sunnyD.hurry()3.A.cinemaB.danceC.juiceD.crayon()4.A.youngB.yearC.manyD.your()5.A.bodyB.motherC.hotD.coffee六、英汉互译六、英汉互译。101.show him around2.在三楼3.sunny weath

7、er4.在我前面5.give it a cake6.一个动物朋友7.talk about their hobbies8.擅长游泳9.skate on the ice10.两间电脑室七、七、单项选择单项选择。12()1.The boy cant play_ piano,but he can play_ football.A.the;theB./;theC.the;/D./;/()2.I like drawing in the park _ my friends.A.andB.toC.withD.for()3._ is popular in China.A.CoffeeB.TeaC.MilkD.J

8、uice()4.Mike likes_ table tennis.He can_well.A.playing;playB.playing;playingC.play;playingD.play;play()5.The cakes are too_.Do you have any soft ones?A.smallB.softC.hardD.white()6.His hobby is _.A.reads booksB.reading bookC.read booksD.reading books()7.It has _legs _arms.A.no;andB.some;orC.no;orD.an

9、y;or()8.There are two cats under the tree.One is fat and _is thin.A.oneB.otherC.the oneD.the other()9.You can see _ in Canada.A.pandasB.bald eaglesC.polar bearsD.kangaroos()10.There _ any rice in the bowl.A.isB.arentC.hasD.isnt()11.The golden feathers on the floor change into _ feathers.(快乐英语 Unit 2

10、)A.goldenB.birdC.chickenD.yellow()12.After hearing the little horses story,mother horse asked him to_.(快乐英语 Unit 4)A.listen to the squirrelB.listen to the cowC.try it by himselfD.stay at home八、词汇检测八、词汇检测。10第 3 页 共 4 页A)根据句意,在括号中选出最佳选项,填在横线上。1.Dont push_(she/her)!Its too high.2.There is a river betwe

11、en the _(hill/hills).3.Mikes dog _(have/has)four short legs.4.Look,there is some _(hamburgers/bread)on the table.5.I like shopping.My mother likes it_.(also/too)B)根据句意,写出所给中文或单词的正确形式。6.Goldilocks is very _(害怕的)to see the bears.7.Mary_(dance)very well.She has _(dance)lessons on Sundays.8.Elephants ha

12、ve big _(身体).9.The two pictures on the wall are _(都)beautiful.九、完成句子九、完成句子。61.There are some toys on the bed.(改成否定句)There _ toys on the bed.2.Nancy has a cute dog.(改为一般疑问句)_ Nancy_ a cute dog?3.There are some art rooms in our school.(改为单数句)There _room in our school.4.My friends like reading stories.

13、(对划线部分提问)_ your friends like _?5.lot,of,has,story books,she,a(连词成句)_.十十、从从 A 栏中选出与栏中选出与 B 栏中相应的答句。栏中相应的答句。5AB()1.I like making cakes.A.No,there arent.()2.Are there any computers in the classroom?B.Drawing.()3.How many classrooms are there in our school?C.Me too.()4.Does Jenny have a parrot?D.Yes,she

14、 does.()5.What does Su Hai like doing?E.There are 30.十一、看图完成对话。十一、看图完成对话。71.A:_ you good at _?B:No,Im not.A:What do you like _?B:I like _.2.A:Candy,come and have a look at my picture.B:Wow!Nice!Do you like _?A:Yes,I do.What about you?B:I like_.十十二二、阅读理解、阅读理解 10AI love a lot of animals.My favourite a

15、nimal is the dog.Dogs are usually friendlyand very helpful.If a man is blind,he cant see.Adog can help him cross the streets.第 4 页 共 4 页If a man is deaf,he cant hear.Adog can help him answer the door.If the firemencant find people in a fire,dogs can help them too.I have a pet dog named Daniel.When I

16、 come home from school,he welcomesme at the door.In the evening,I play with him in my room.At weekends,I usuallytake him to the park near my home.We have a very good time there.Dogs are very lovely.I like dogs very much.Do you like them?判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不符的用“F”表示。()1.Dogs are usually friend

17、ly and very helpful.()2.Adog can help a blind man answer the door.()3.Dogs can help firemen find people in the fire.()4.Daniel is the writers pet dog.()5.In the evening,the writer takes Daniel to the park.BToday,the tortoise and the rabbit have a race again.The tortoise is far behind therabbit.The r

18、abbit wins.The tortoise feels so angry.He takes off his heavy and hardshell and kicks it away.Abear sees the shell.He finds its interesting.It can make a beautiful sound.Hethinks it is a drum.The bear plays it happily.Two birds come when they hear the sound.They wantthe shell too.They think it can b

19、e their new house.So they give some honey to thebear and get the shell.The two birds put the shell on a big tree.What a warm house!But then,a heavyrain comes.It rushes the shell into the river.The two birds are very sad.()1.The tortoise has a race with the _.A.rabbitB.bearC.birds()2.The bear thinks

20、the shell is _.A.a boatB.a drumC.a swan()3.The birds like the shell because_.A.it can be their new houseB.it seems like a boatC.it can make a beautiful sound()4.In order to(为了)get the shell,the birds give some _ to the bear.A.applesB.honeyC.fruits()5._ rushes the shell into the river.A.Some mosquito

21、esB.Some fishC.Aheavy rain十三、书面表达。十三、书面表达。5以“My familys hobbies”为题写一篇英语小短文,介绍自己一家人的爱好。要求:语法正确,语句通顺,不少于 5 句话。My familys hobbies_五年级英语五年级英语听力听力材料材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的选项,听两遍。1.The little girl is in the forest.2.The girl is not afraid of the bear.3.I like to play on the swing.4.I cant jump high.5.The r

22、abbit has two long ears and a short tail.6.My hobby is playing the piano.7.Im thirsty.I want to drink some water.8.I can see a lovely horse on the farm.9.Are there any books?10.I can play football with my left foot.二、听录音,选出所听句子的答句,听两遍。1.Im hungry,Mum.2.How many computers are there in the office?3.Ar

23、e there any lovely animals?4.How many legs does it have?5.Whose animal friends are these?6.Whats your hobby?三、听对话,选出所给问题的最佳选项,听两遍。1.A:Wow,your classroom is big and bright.How many students are there in your class?B:Twenty boys and eighteen girls.2.A:What do you like doing,Nancy?B:I like reading stor

24、ies.And my brother likes writing stories.3.A:Look,there are two beautiful birds in the tree.B:Oh,they can sing.4.A:Look,Susan.Theres a swing.Lets go and play.B:Great!Push me,please.5.A:What animal do you have?B:My animal friend is white and black.It is cute and fat.6.A:Hello,Mike,this is my animal friend.B:How lovely,Liu Tao!It has big eyes and small ears.四、根据所听内容,完成下列短文,听三遍。It is Sunday today.Jim and his family are at home.Jim likes reading,but his sister doesnt.She likes skating.Their mother likes watching films.And their father likes playing the piano.They all have some hobbies.


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