Unit 3 单词用法图文趣味解读3 ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、词课堂版本:新人教版本:新人教 单元:必修二单元:必修二 Unit 3 (Listening and Speaking Reading and Thinking)本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1. blog:词源故事:blog是 weblog (web + log) 的缩略词。log原指“航海日志”,后来被用以泛指任何类型的流水记录。weblog 就是在网上的流水记录形式,相当于网络时代的日记本。blog可译为“网络日志”或“网志”,但该译法无法概括其独特内涵和深远意义,于是根据其发音想出了“博客”这一中文译名。 名词动词化:写博客;词块:blog post 词族:blog, blogging,

2、 blogger2. engine:音译词“引擎”;词块:a search engine, a fire engine 派生词:engineer 3. chat:词源:chat 是 chatter 的缩略。chatter是模仿鸟鸣声构成的拟声词,表示动物 (如鸟、猴、松鼠等) 的叫声和物体 (如牙齿、机器等) 发出的声音,也表示“喋喋不休”。16世纪chat衍生出“闲谈”或“谈天”。 词块:have a chat with sb, chat with sb about / over sth4. stream:隐喻:具体的“小河;溪流” 液 / 气 / 人 / 车流 名词动词化:流动 (计算机)

3、 流播5. identity:词源: “同一”、“同一性”(sameness) 词块:identity card;词族:identity, identify, identical, identification 6. convenient:核心句式:it is convenient (for sb) to do sth 构词法:convenient convenience7. cash:词块:in cash;派生词:casiher8. update:up + date (v)9. software:soft + ware10. network:net + work11. stuck:分词形容词

4、,来自 stick 过去分词形式。 词块:be / get stuck in12. keep sb company:company 熟词生义:陪伴13. surf:词块:surf the Net / Internet 隐喻:具体的“冲浪” 抽象的“(网上) 冲浪”14. benefit:bene- (well 好) + fit (do, perform 做) 做好事、善举 个人利益,即善有善报 词块:benefit from, be of (great) benefit, for the benefit of sb / for sbs benefit 15. distance:dis- (ap

5、art 分开) + -st (stand 站) + -ance 分开站着 距离 名词动词化:social distancing (保持社交距离) 词块:in the distance, at / from a distance, within walking distance, long-distance running / runner16. inspire:in- (in) + -spir- (breath 呼吸) + -e 使吸入 词族:inspire, inspiration, inspired, inspiring 词块:inspire sb to do sth17. now tha

6、t:conj,that可以省略18. access:英语释义:the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb / sth 词块:have (easy / no) access to, Internet access 名词动词化:access the Internet;派生词:accessible19. charity:抽象名词具体化 词块:charity organisations, raise money for charity, a charity concert / dinner 20. go through:一词多义,基本义“穿过”21

7、. tough:一词多义,基本义“结实的;坚硬的”22. province:派生词:provincial23. conference:词块:hold a conference, a press conference24. resident:词块:rural / urban residents25. plus:加号;反义词 minus; 熟词生义:优点 词块:on the plus side重重难难点点词词精精讲讲toughidentitystick & stuckplus一词多义一词多义搭配搭配一词多义一词多义一词多义一词多义benefit搭配义搭配义distance一词多义一词多义inspi

8、re一词多义一词多义go throughaccess 英语释义英语释义搭配义搭配义一词多义一词多义convenient一词多义一词多义identityidentity card (ID card) Student ID card 词源解读identity的词源义即“同一同一”、“同一性同一性”(sameness, oneness, state of being the same)。同一性同一性:同一类事物共同具有的典型特征,这个典型特征是这类事物区别于其他事物的地方。 C & U 缩写为ID 身份:an identity card (ID card) C & U (区别人或群体的区别人或群体的

9、) 个性个性 / 特征:特征: After years of performing, he felt that in some ways he had lost his identity. The college years are supposed to be a time for the development of adult identity. 2016 北京改identity n 【温故B2U1】identify vt 认出;识别 to recognize and correctly name sb / sth:He was too far away to be able to id

10、entify faces.One of the 17 people killed in the school shooting was identified as Jamie. 确认;找出 to find or discover sb / sth:To be effective, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on them. 2009 浙江 表明的身份 to be a sign that shows who or what sb/sth is:His accent identify him as a Frenchman

11、.【知新知新】identification R1 n U & C 识别;鉴定;确认识别;鉴定;确认 when you recognize sth or discover exactly what it is:Each product in the supermarket has an identification number. Each unit leader needed a flag, or colour, to be easily seen for identification during a battle. U 缩写为缩写为ID 身份证明身份证明 (文件文件):We are all

12、 asked to show some identification an identity card or a passport before boarding the plane. 便利的;方便的:便利的;方便的:it is convenient (for sb) to do sth:It is very convenient to travel in London by underground. 2011 天津If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. 2016 全国书面表达 就近的;近便的:

13、就近的;近便的:a restaurant convenient for shops and theatresconvenient adj 词汇拓展词汇拓展convenience n U 便利;方便:便利;方便:a convenience storeconvenience foods The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions. England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided roughly into thre

14、e zones. C 便利的事物;便利设施:便利的事物;便利设施:It was a great convenience to live near my school.at sbs convenience 正式用语正式用语 在某人方便时:在某人方便时:Please come at your convenience. at your earliest convenience 正式用语正式用语 书信用语书信用语 尽早;尽快:尽早;尽快:We would appreciate it if you could reply at your earliest convenience. 2011 上海书面表达

15、改抽象名词具体化抽象名词具体化stick (stuck, stuck) v vt & vi (被被) 刺入;刺入;(被被) 戳进:戳进:The nurse stuck the needle into my arm. I found a nail sticking in the tyre. vt & vi 粘粘 (住住);贴;贴 (住住):stick a stamp on an envelope This food can stick to your teeth. vt & vi 伸出:伸出:Peter stuck his head behind the door. vt 非正式用语非正式用语

16、放置:放置:Stick your bags down there. vi & vt 阻塞;阻塞;(被被) 难住:难住:The key has stuck in the lock. He was stuck by this question. stick around 非正式用语 不走开;待在原地stick out 伸出;突出:Stick out your tongue, please. The photo showed Edward with very short hair and his ears sticking out.stick to 坚持;遵守 (keep to):The sures

17、t way to success is sticking to your goal. Once he made a promise, he would stick to it (= he did as he had promised). stick up 竖立:On Christmas morning we stuck up a board with “A Merry Christmas” on it. stick with 非正式用语 不用于被动语态 持续;坚持:You should choose an activity that you enjoy, and one that youll

18、stick with. 2009 湖南改 留在的记忆里:Those words will stick with me for the rest of my life. n C 枝条;树枝:gather sticks to make a fire 棍;棒;棍 / 条状物:a walking stick sticky adj 黏的;黏性的 stuck adj 不用于名词前 卡住的;无法移动的:The cats stuck in the tree. 2012 江苏They got stuck in a traffic jam. 陷 (入);困 (于):His positive attitude in

19、spired many people who were stuck in illness. 北师大新必修 6She found herself stuck at home with only her computer to keep her company. 人教新必修 3改分词形容词翻译下面的句子。翻译下面的句子。 新鲜空气对我们的健康有好处。 The fresh air _ our health.is good forbenefitis of benefit to benefits 利益;益处利益;益处 an advantage, improvement, or help that you

20、 get from sth:side benefit 2019 全国There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film. 2010 广东He has had the benefit of a first-class education. 津贴;救济金津贴;救济金 (welfare)benefit n C & U bene- (well 好) + fit (do, perform 做) 做好事、善举 个人利益,即善有善报【重要搭配重要搭配】be of benefit to 对对有益有益 (be beneficial to):The rac

21、e was of great benefit to the participants, physically and mentally. for sbs benefit / for the benefit of sb 为了某人的利益:为了某人的利益: The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor. The books are of great use (= are very useful) to English learners. Friends are of great importance (= are very important

22、) to everyone. The mobile phone is of good quality. be of + + 抽象名词抽象名词 = = be + + 对应的形容词对应的形容词 vt & vi 有益于;受益:有益于;受益:The rain will benefit the crops greatly. Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations. 2011 江苏I am sure everyone will benefit a lot from this activity. 2008 陕西书面表达benefi

23、t beneficial adj 正式用语正式用语 有益的;有利的有益的;有利的 having a helpful or useful effect:Exercise is highly beneficial to health. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students. 2009 北京【词汇拓展词汇拓展】阳光对植物有益。 1. Sunshine _ plants.2. Plants _ _ sunshine.3. Sunshine _ _ _ plants.4. Sunshine _ _ _

24、_ plants. benefitsbenefitfromisbeneficialtoisofbenefittoSunshine is good for plants.翻译下面的句子(每空一词)。翻译下面的句子(每空一词)。 保持安全保持安全“距离距离”避免汽车追尾的方法除了避免汽车追尾的方法除了预先判断之外,最直接有预先判断之外,最直接有效的方法就是保持效的方法就是保持3 3秒的秒的安全行车安全行车距离距离。social distancing 世界卫生组织确认新冠肺炎“大流行”以来,全球多国疫情迅速恶化。在这种严峻形势下,中国的抗疫经验受到广泛认可和借鉴,其中很重要的一条就是social d

25、istancing。 耶鲁大学的尼古拉斯克里斯塔基斯援引相关研究结果称,中国严格的social distancing措施使新冠肺炎“传染率” 从1人传染3.8人下降到0.32人。 这里的distance是名词动词化。 distance 词源解读词源解读distance由前缀dis- “分离,分开(apart)”、词根-st- “站立(stand)”及名词词尾-ance组成,两边分开站,即有一段“距离”。distance n C & U 距离;间距:距离;间距:The honey guide birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long dista

26、nce away. 2012 全国改Its just a distance of 50 metres from here to the restaurant. 2011 山东改The beach is within walking distance of my house. U 单数单数 遥远;远处;远方:遥远;远处;远方:Watch the performance on the street from a safe distance. C & U 冷淡;疏远:冷淡;疏远: The coldness and distance in her voice took me by surprise.

27、【重要搭配重要搭配】at / from a distance 有相当距离:有相当距离:The picture looks beautiful at a distance.in / into the distance 在远处:在远处:Farther in the distance, I could enjoy the view of snowy mountains.keep ones distance 保持距离保持距离 vt 使远离;使疏远:使远离;使疏远:When he retired, he tried to distance himself from city life. 名词动词化dis

28、tance语义网络图语义网络图感情上的“距离” 空间上的“距离”遥远的“距离” 距离;间距遥远;远处;远方冷淡;疏远距离(基本义)distance根据所给汉语,从方框中选择适当的词填空。根据所给汉语,从方框中选择适当的词填空。我们必须提倡独创性,激发创造力,鼓励创新。We must _ originality, _ creativity and _ innovation.promote inspire encouragepromoteinspireencourage inspireinspire vt 激励;鼓舞激励;鼓舞 to make sb want to do sth:We need s

29、omeone who can inspire the team. inspire sb to do sth:Her trust in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined possible. 2010 北京 激发;唤起激发;唤起 to make sb feel, think, etc. sth:His driving hardly inspires confidence (= make people feel confident because they trust your ability). 常用于被动语态常用于被动语态

30、 启发;给启发;给灵感灵感 to give sb the idea for sth:This piece of music was inspired by dolphin sounds.“使吸入使吸入”活力活力“使吸入使吸入”感受感受“使吸入使吸入”灵感灵感inspire由前缀in- “入(into)”、词根-spir- “呼吸(to breathe)”及词尾-e组成,意为“使吸入”激发;唤起激发;唤起激励;鼓舞激励;鼓舞 使使吸入吸入 (基本义)(基本义)“使使吸入吸入”感受感受“使使吸入吸入”活力活力启发;给启发;给灵感灵感“使使吸入吸入”灵感灵感inspire 语义网络图语义网络图辨析辨

31、析encourage, promote, inspireencourage:鼓励:鼓励 to give sb support, courage or hopeMy parents encouraged me in my further studies. promote:促进:促进 to help sth to happen or developAll our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities. 2019 北京inspire:激励:激励 to make sb want to do sthH

32、e inspired many young people to take up the sport.辨析可以从英语释义入手,加以区分词汇拓展词汇拓展inspired adj 备受鼓舞的备受鼓舞的inspiring adj 鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的inspiration n U 灵感;灵感; C 常用单数常用单数 启发灵感的人启发灵感的人 / / 事物;鼓舞人心的人事物;鼓舞人心的人 / / 事物:事物:托马斯阿尔瓦爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison,18471931),美国人。发明家、企业家。他发明的留声机、电影摄影机和改进的电灯对世界有极大影响。Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. EdisonHe gave me the inspiration to pick up my pen again. 2015 江苏改Many poets drew / took their inspiration from the nature. Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family. 2020 山东谢谢观赏


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