Part 1 Climate教学课件.pptx

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1、Part One Great Britain Unit Two Land And ResourcesG ClimateTask One Leading -inWhat can you see from these pictures shot in the UK?Task Two Exchanging Pre-reading (自主交流)(自主交流)Exchange what you have learned about the climate in The UK. 1.What effects Britains climate? 2.What are the characters of Bri

2、tish climate? 3. How does climate affect the settlement and development of Britain? Britains climate is affected by the Atlantic Ocean. The weather in the UK is moderate year-round, warmer in winter and cooler in summer than other areas at the same latitude. 1.What effects Britains climate?2.What ar

3、e the characters of British climate? 3. How does climate affect the settlement and development of Britain?In preindustrial times, people settled in the southern England, where the climate was milder, the growing season longer, and the rich soil and steady rainfall produced bountiful harvests. After

4、the Industrial revolution, population grew in the colder and harsher northern regions where rich resources were beneath the ground.Task Three Presenting new reading (自主探究) Skim to get the main idea of each paragraph by finding to key words or topic sentence G Climates TheAtlanticOceanhasasignificant




8、erthan)32Cordropbelow-10CanywhereintheBritishIsles.Ingeneral,frosts,whenthetemperaturedipsbelow0C,arerare. Winds blowing off the Atlantic Ocean bring clouds and large amounts of moisture to the British Isles. Average annual precipitation (fall of rain) is more than 1,000 mm, varying from the extreme

9、s of 5,000 mm in the western Highlands of Scotland to less than 500 mm in the driest parts of East Anglia in England. The western part of Britain receives much more moisture than the eastern areas. It rains year-round, and in the winter the rain may change to snow, particularly in the north. It snow

10、s infrequently in the south, and when it does it is likely to be wet, slushy (melting snow), and short-lived. Southern Britain has experienced episodes (one event in a chain of events) of drought in recent years, although historically these are rare occurrences (happenings). Some regard these episod

11、es as indicators (person or thing that points out or gives information of something) of global climatic changes.The UK is rich in moisture. The climate has affected settlement and development in Britain for thousands of years. The mild, wet climate ensured that thick forests rich in game, as well as

12、 rivers and streams abundant with fish, were available to prehistoric hunters and gatherers. Britain was regarded as a cold, remote, and distant part of the ancient Roman Empire in the first few centuries AD, so relatively few Romans were willing to move there for trade, administrative (management),

13、 or military reasons. Preindustrial settlements clustered (be in ,form a close group round) in southern England, where the climate was milder, the growing season longer, and the rich soil and steady rainfall produced bountiful harvests. Continuous waves of invaders made the plains of southern Englan

14、d their primary objective. After the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, populations grew enormously in areas with rich resources beneath the ground, particularly coal, even though these resources were sometimes located in the colder, harsher (rough and disagreeable, esp. to the sense)

15、northern regions of England or the western Lowlands of Scotland.Task Four Proceedingreadingcomprehension(自主探究)Step One Ingroupsthestudentstrytoanalyzethedifficultsentencestructuresofeachparagraphbyquestionandansweranddesigntestitemsforothergroupstodo.Step TwoEachgroupasksitsneighborgroupantleastoneq

16、uestionoronetesttodoincludingnewwordsandexpressionsunderstanding,sentencestructures,details,inference,etc.Task Five Performing induction 自主归纳自主归纳NewwordsandexpressionsImportantstructuresReadingskillsDetails(inference)abouttheclimateWhat you have learned from this course in this period?Task Six Producing output(体验参与)(体验参与)A competition about what you have obtained in this lesson.One group provides a question or long sentence for theother groups to answer or analyze.


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