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1、课程概况 教材:酒店英语视听说教程 基本教学设计: 背景知识介绍,听力训练,分组情景模拟。 考核方式:课堂表现+小组成绩+期末考查 课堂表现:出勤率、主动发言、纪律 小组成绩:情景模拟效果 Content 1.Reservation 2.Registration 3.Concierge 5.Checkout 6.Housekeeping 7.Food and Beverage Service 8.Western Foods and Western Beverage 10.Chinese Foods 11.Chinese Tea and Alcohol 12.Room Service 13.Ba

2、nquet Service 16.Complaint Settlement Tasks Reservation Registration Checkout Recommending Chinese Dishes Resolving Restaurant complaints Taking orders Banquet Decoration Introduce Chinese Alcohol culture Chapter 1 Reservation Teaching aims Aims: How to receive room reservations 怎样接待客房预订 How to conf

3、irm room reservations 怎样确定客房预订 How to make a phone call for room reservations 怎样电话客房预订Information should be taken客人姓名 Guest Name登记编号 Code联系电话 Telephone Number联系地址 Address入住人数 Number of Guests入住时间 Occupation Time客户基本信息客户要求房间种类 Room Type房间数量 Room Number价格标准 Price折扣优惠 Discount房间要求 Room Demand房间布置 Decor

4、ationsRoom Types Single room Double room Deluxe suite/presidential suiteLanguage points in listening part 1.reserve v. 预定,预约Reservation n. reserve a room/book a roome.g. I have reserved a room in the name of James. 保持,保留 All rights reserved. 版权所有。 2.preference n. 偏爱 e.g. It is a matter of personal p

5、reference. Preference will be given to graduates of this university. access n. 通道,机会,权利e.g. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. you need a password to get access to the computer system. Promotion n. 促销;晋升We are doing a special promotion of wines.His promotion to Sales Manager took

6、 everybody by surprise. Language points in listening part Deluxe adj. 豪华的,高级的Luxury n./adj. Anniversary n. Wedding anniversaryThe colleges 50th anniversary celebration Amend v. 修改Amended version. Amendment n. Language points in listening part Watch the video and practice videos第175回room reservation

7、- with caption_高清.mp4 videos第一口语网 订房间 booking a room_标清_标清.flvUseful Drills(注:表示此话为客户所说)I How to greet walk-in customer or customers on phone 接待上门预订或接听预订电话早上好 我是订房部的Jane 有什么可以帮到您的吗?Good morning. Reservations. Jane speaking. Can I help you?下午好 欢迎光临天天酒店!有何吩咐呢?Good afternoon. Welcome to Tiantian Hotel,

8、 May I help you?我想要订一间下周三入住的单人房Id like to book a single room for Wednesday next week.我想为我朋友预订一间双人房Id like to book a double room for my friend.Useful DrillsII How to get information from the customers 如何从客户处获取信息您打算住多久呢?How long will you plan to stay?您打算住多久呢?How long will you be staying?请问您是哪位?May I k

9、now who Im talking with? (Making a phone)请问您要哪种房型?What type of room do you require?请问您要订多少间房呢?How many rooms will you require?请问您的名字/电话号码?May I have your name/telephone number, please?如何与您联系呢?May I have the way to contact with you?请问要以谁的名义来订呢? Who is the booking for?Useful DrillsIII How to offer and

10、 get room rate 怎样提供和获知房价一间双人房要多少钱呢?How much does a double room cost?每天收费多少?How much a day do you charge?有优惠/折扣吗?Can I get a discount?每天380元,送早餐RMB380 per night, with breakfast.我们有标准/豪华双人房,每天每间350元We can do a standard /deluxe double room for RMB350 per night.双人对床房,每间每天600元We charge RMB600 for a delux

11、e twin per night.如果起订5间房,房价可以享受20%的优惠The price/rate for a minimum of 5 rooms is 20 percent off.对不起,我们不提供折扣Im sorry, there is no discount.儿童可以减价Theres a reduction for children.我们已经将价格降至最低限度了 We have already cut the price very fine.Useful DrillsIV Confirm and register确认和登记 V Booked up订房已满 我可以看看您的护照吗?M

12、ay I see your passport, please?请您填写这张登记表好吗?Would you please complete this registration form?你有身份证吗?Have you got any identification?对不起,我们酒店那一天的客房全部订满了Im afraid our hotel is fully booked on that date.您要的那一日房间已经确认了 我们期待为您服务 Your room is confirmed for that day. We look forward to serving you.很抱歉,我们没有空房

13、Im sorry, but were booked up.对不起,我们现在没有空房Im sorry, but we have no vacancies at the moment.很抱歉,所有的客房都已经订满了Im sorry, but all rooms are taken.Tips在正式的英语表达里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种:May I .?Could you .?Would you .?Shall I .?1. 四种疑问基本句型只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况1) 服务员自己要做什么事时,就使用May I .?请问尊姓大名?May I have your name

14、, please?请问您的国籍是哪里?May I know your nationality, please?请让我看一下您的护照好吗?May I see your passport, please?请问您什么时候结账离开?May I have your check out time, please?Tips1. 四种疑问基本句型4) 在提供建议协助 征求意见时,可使用Shall I .? 或Would you like me to do .? 请您填写这张表格好吗?Could you fill out the form, please?请您写下来好吗?Could you write that

15、 down, please?请不要挂电话好吗?Could you hold the line, please?2) 麻烦客人时,可使用Could you .? 3) 询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you .?请问您要订一间双人房吗?Would you like to book a double room?请问您要喝茶还是咖啡?Would you like tea or coffee?请问您介意坐在这里吗?Would you mind sitting here?请问要我为您安排预约吗?Shall I make the reservation for you?请问要我为您画一张地图

16、吗?Shall I draw you a map?Role-playing Each group should make a reservation. Every member should be clear the role you are going to play. Try your best to use some correct and effective sentences. Service procedure(服务流程)1. Greet the guest2. Ask the guest of the reservation information: The date of ar

17、rival and departure The number of the people the room type and the number of rooms3. Search for the room available /needed in the computer4. Get the following information from the guest the name of the guest the guests telephone number 5. Confirm the reservation6. Express your wishesTask of service

18、practice(实训任务) George Brown wants to book a double room in Peace Hotel in Shanghai. The room rate per night is 180 dollars. George Brown 先生向上海和平饭店预定了一间双人房,房费为每晚先生向上海和平饭店预定了一间双人房,房费为每晚180美元。美元。 The time: from April 20th to 22nd ,thats three days in all. 时间:时间:4月月20至至4月月22日,共日,共3个晚上。个晚上。 The telephone

19、 number of George Brown is 0044-0246-720598. George Brown 的电话号码是的电话号码是0044-0246-720598. Li Yan handles the reservation. 预订员李艳办理了这个电话预定手续。预订员李艳办理了这个电话预定手续。Model of practice(实训对照)Li: Good morning, Peace hotel, Room reservation. May I help you?Brown: Yes, Id like to reserve a room from 20th to 22nd of

20、April.Li: Please wait a moment. Ill check our rooms available for these days. Thank you for waiting, sir. What type of room would you like?Brown: A double room. Whats the room rate per night ?Li: 180 dollars. Will that be all right?Brown: Yes, that will be fine.Li: May I have your name and your tele

21、phone number?Brown: Sure. My name is George Brown and my telephone number is 0044-0246-720598.Li: Thank you, Mr. Brown. Youve booked a double room from 20th to 22nd of April, and your telephone number is 0044-0246-720598. Am I correct?Brown: Yes, thats right. Thank you.Li: Im glad to serve you. We l

22、ook forward to your coming.Li: Li Yan, a reservationist.Brown: George Brown, a guest.Chapter 2 Registration uBackground knowledge uListening practices uRole-playing uSummary: comments on your class performance Background knowledge: front desk Before guests arrive, there are a few things to prepare.

23、Print out the Arrival Guest list, Departure List, Special Request List, VIP List, Empty Room List, and Room Status List. The guests need to register at the Front Desk before we arrange any rooms for them, and then we have to confirm their methods of payment. After that, we could hand guests the keys

24、 and room cards, and send a bellman or porter to take them to their rooms. The check-in procedure has been computerized in most hotels. Instead of pages of paper, receptionist just needs to register guests in computer using property management system (PMS), such as Opera, Fidelio. In China, many hot

25、els prefer the system in Chinese language, such as Xihu Software and Qianlima Software. However, English PMS, such as Opera is still the first choice for international hotel brands in China.notes Front desk 前台 Register v. 登记,注册,入住 Methods of payment 付款方式 Bellman 行李员 Procedure n. 程序, 步骤Preparations f

26、or RegistrationA. Listen to Episode 1 and complete the following conversation with what you hear.Clerk:Good afternoon. How can I help you? Jason:Hi, my name is Jason Louis. I have _. Can we check in now?Clerk:May I have _?Daisy:Louis, L-O-U-I-S.Clerk:One moment, please. Yes, I have your booking reco

27、rd here. Your reservation is just _, right?Daisy: You are right. _?Clerk:Its $ 264.10 including VAT.Daisy:Excuse me, what is VAT?Clerk:Its value _.Jason:Thats okay. a reservationyour surname pleasefor one nightHow much is itadded tax, sirTranscript for Episode 1 B. Divide the class into a group of t

28、wo or three students, and do the dialogue again.Clerk (C): Good afternoon. How can I help you? Jason (J): Hi, my name is Jason Louis. I have a reservation. Can we check innow?C: May I have your surname please?Daisy (D): Louis, L-O-U-I-S.C: One moment, please. Yes, I have your booking record here. Yo

29、ur reservationis just for one night, right?D: You are right. How much is it?C: Its $ 264.10 including VAT.D: Excuse me, what is VAT?C: Its value added tax, sir.J: Thats okay.Notes Surname n. 姓氏 VAT value added tax 增值税 VAT 即 Value Added Tax/ AD VALOREM tax ,附加税,欧盟的一种税制,即购物时要另加税,是根据商品的价VAT格而征收的。如定价是 i

30、nc vat,即已含税, excl vat 是未包税,Zero vat 是税率为0。意大利好像是 20% 税率,(英国是17.5%,2011年一月4日调高至20%),即要多给20% 款项,阿根廷为21%(部分商品实行50%减免,即为10.5%)。 VAT 在国内通常被称为增值税。中国大陆地区的增值税率普遍是17%,有部分实行低税率13%以及零税率Scenario 2: Asking Method of Payment A. Listen to Episode 2, and decide what each short dialogue is about and fill in with cor

31、rect information where appropriate. TotalAmountotalAmountMoment of oment of TransactionTransactionMethod of ethod of P PaymentaymentDepositepositPre-authorizationre-authorizationDialogue 1Dialogue 1Dialogue 2Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3Dialogue 3 Dialogue 4Dialogue 4 Scenario 2: Asking Method of Payment Li

32、sten to Episode 2, and decide what each short dialogue is about and fill in with correct information where appropriate. TotalAmountotalAmountMoment of Moment of TransactionTransactionMethod of P PaymentD DepositepositPre-authorizationre-authorizationDialogue Dialogue 1 1580 RMB / / / /Dialogue Dialo

33、gue 2 2 $ 268.90 /Credit Card / /Dialogue Dialogue 3 3$ 1198 RegistrationCash $200 /Dialogue Dialogue 4 4400 Registration Credit Card 100 400Notes Total amount 总值,总价 Transaction n. 交易 Deposit n. 保证金,押金 存款,储蓄 Pre-authorization n. 预授权 take a swipe of your credit card 刷您的信用卡Transcript for Episode 2Dial

34、ogue 1Guest: How much do I have to pay?Clerk: The total amount is 580 RMB, including breakfast and VAT. Dialogue 2Guest (G): How much is the room?Clerk (C): Its $268.90 for two nights. Would you like to pay by credit card?G: Yes, please. Dialogue 3Jason (J): My credit card is somehow not working tod

35、ay, can I pay by cash?Clerk (C): Certainly, sir.J: Good, how much do I have to pay right now?C: I need the total amount of your 4 days room charge plus $ 200 as deposit which allows you to use other hotel services in the next 4 days. The 4 days room charge will be $ 1198. Dialogue 4Clerk (C): Would

36、you like to pay by credit card or cash when you checking out?Guest (G): By credit card.C: No problem. I just need to take a swipe of your credit card now, sir.G: Sure, will you take the full amount of my room charge now?C: No, sir. I just need to take a pre-authorization of the full amount plus 100

37、from your card. The total amount of pre-authorization is 400.G: So you are charging the full amount now.C: No, sir. Pre-authorization is to hold the amount in your account, its not the same as taking the money now.G: Ok, I see.Scenario 3: Filling in Registration Card A. Listen to Episode 3 and answe

38、r the following questions.i. Guests home address Answer: ii. Guests passport number Answer: iii. Room number Answer: iv. Where is the breakfast served? Answer: v. Where is breakfast voucher? Answer: 43 White Glove Road, 11206 NY659803379935177th floorin the key holderTranscript for Episode 3Clerk (C

39、): OK, sir. I will need to ask you a couple of questions.Jason (J): Yes.C: May I have your home address, please?J: Its 43 White Glove Road, 11206 NY.C: May I have your passport number, please, Mr. Louis.J: Sure, its 65980337993.C: Thank you. Mr. Louis. Your room number is 517 on the fifth floor.J: T

40、hank you. Where is the breakfast served in the morning?C: Breakfast is served on the 7th floor from 7.50 am to 10.30 am.J: Excellent.C: Ive enclosed 2 breakfast vouchers in your key holder for you.J: Thanks a lot.C: Its my pleasure. Enjoy your stay! Scenario 4:Bell Service You may become one of the

41、following working staff in your hospitality career. Listen A. Listen to Episode 4 and put the following responses in correct order. Porter JasonGood afternoon, sir. Let me take care of your luggage. Here you are.Follow me please. No worries! Here we are. Thank you! Be careful!May I have your key car

42、d? Things inside of the bag are fragile Thank you! Would you please keep your Thanks a lot!valuables in the hotel safe? With pleasure. Feel free to let me Certainly. Its very kind of you.know should you need any help.Scenario 4:Bell Service You may become one of the following working staff in your h

43、ospitality career. Listen B.Listen to the episode again and answer the following questions. 1.Why does Jason ask the bellman to be careful?_2.Why does the bellman ask Jason for the key card?_3.What does the bellman advise Jason to do with his valuable items?_4.Where does Jason put his valuables?_ Be

44、cause the things inside his bag are very fragile.The bellman is taking Jason to his roomThe bellman advises Jason to deposit his valuable items in the hotel safe.Jason decides to take the bellmans advice and put his valuables in the hotel safe.Porter (P): Good afternoon, sir. Let me take care of you

45、r luggage. Follow me, please.Jason (J): Thank you! Be careful! Things inside of the bag are fragile.P: No worries! Here we are. May I have your key card? J: Here you are.P: Thank you! Would you please keep your valuables in the hotel safe?J: Certainly. Its very kind of you.P: With pleasure. Feel fre

46、e to let me know should you need any help.J: Thanks a lot!Transcript for Episode 4Notes Luggage n. 行李 Fragile adj. 易碎的,脆弱的 Valuable n. 贵重物品 adj. 贵重的,宝贵的 Hotel safe 酒店保险柜Chapter 3Concierge 礼宾服务礼宾服务PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载:

47、 教案下载: Major Topics 背景知识背景知识: Concierge 礼宾部 工作场景:工作场景: 1. Before arrival 客人抵达前 2. After arrival 客人抵达后3. During stay 住店期间4. At departure 客人离店时 员工职责员工职责:Job Description of the Department本部员工职责描述 培训视频培训视频: Hotel Concierge Service 酒店礼宾服务 幽默故事:幽默故事:Smoking Rate Gets Smokers Irate惹恼客人的吸烟费 As Jane and Jaso

48、n enjoyed the hospitality culture of San Francisco for a couple of days, they got a call from Abby, Janes cousin. Abby sounds excited and told the young couple that she has just graduated from college and is coming to San Francisco for holiday with a girlfriend. Joan has reserved room at the same ho

49、tel. Its their first time to the city for the two girls, they may need some help. This chapter introduces the daily services provided by Concierge. In Part 1, background knowledge of concierge is provided for you to enhance your awareness about the department. Then in Part 2, youll learn the procedu

50、re to provide concierge service, and youll see how Joan and Abby find their room. Moreover, in Part 3, youll get chances to practice your concierge service skills by doing more excises. In Part 4, you will watch a short video regarding concierge service. In the next section, Part 5, youll understand


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