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1、第1页共4页三 峡 大 学2019年硕士研究生入学考试试题(A卷)科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础 考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为 150 分答案必须写在答题纸上I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one

2、point for each. (30)1红色通缉令 2学术可信性 3酒肉朋友 4自媒体 5基本医疗保险 6供给侧结构性改革 7. 充电站 8. 量子通信 9. 国家转型计划 10非物质文化遗产 11. 打破常规 12. 相互尊重 13. 打脸 14. 物联网 15. 内置保护特性 16. macroeconomic decision 17. will of the state 18. Judging panels 19. innovation-oriented country 20. Caravan migrant 21. rain on ones parade 22. the Belt R

3、oad Initiative 23. in vitro fertilization 24. descriptor for the year 25. durable goods 26. quality-oriented education 27. self-made 28. Assisted Reproductive Technology 29. immunity to HIV infection 30. multi-economic sector II. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target

4、 language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (60*2=120) (1)Asia and the Pacific, the most populated and fastest-growing region in the world, is undergoing dramatic social and environmental

5、changes. Concerns have grown about the long- term sustainability of development in many Asian countries. Rapid industrialization and urbanization, coupled with increased第2页demand for natural resources, are triggering changes in land use and human settlement, declining water quality and quantity, los

6、s of biodiversity, deforestation and desertification, elevated pollution levels, and negative impacts on human health. These threats tend to disproportionately affect the poor. High population densities and rising demand for land for urban development and infrastructure have increased the risks asso

7、ciated with involuntary resettlement of people and the adverse impacts on such vulnerable groups as the poor and Indigenous Peoples. Of the 250 million Indigenous Peoples in the world, some 70% are in Asia and the Pacific. Some 120 languages have become either endangered or extinct, demonstrating th

8、e threats to the culture and integrity of Indigenous Peoples. The challenge of preventing further impoverishment resulting from environmental degradation and involuntary resettlement, acknowledging the special needs and respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups, and imp

9、roving the policies and building the capacity of developing member countries(DMCs) to manage these impacts is acute.Emphasis on donor harmonization and alignment with country systems has been growing. In 2005, the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness established global commitments for donors and p

10、artner countries to improve the management and effectiveness of aid in reducing poverty and inequality, increasing growth, building capacity, and accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. The declaration has five principles: assuring country ownership; aligning donor programs wit

11、h countries development strategies, priorities, and procedures; having donors harmonize their approaches and actions; managing for development results; and having mutual accountability. These principles provide a powerful impetus for donors to help foster better integration of social and environment

12、al considerations into developing country partners strategies and priorities and to continue and intensify their efforts in relation to harmonizing approaches toward addressing social and environmental issues. The Accra Agenda for Action, adopted in 2008, reaffirmed these principles and further emph

13、asized the importance of country systems. (350 words)第3页(2)来到莫斯科,当地各式各样的美食会让人流连忘返:Yolki-Palki餐厅想找价钱实惠的俄罗斯家常菜,就直奔 Yolki-Palki餐厅吧。这家走平民路线的连锁餐馆常常宾客盈门,本地人和外地游客都喜欢光顾。这里供应的美味自助餐配有各种色拉和汤,还有多种地方风味的俄罗斯小吃,如烤肉串、烤土豆、炸肉饼和西伯利亚肉饺等。品尝俄罗斯家常菜在这家大众型、乡村特色的饭馆大厅里,食客坐在塑料制成的大树华盖下,等候身着传统服饰的服务员上菜。俄式薄煎饼(blini)、鱼冻(zalivnoe)和乌克兰腌肥猪肉(Ukrainian salo)都值得一尝。这家饭馆较传统俄罗斯风格略为张扬俗气,因此如果能忽略它主题公园般的喧闹气氛,那么这里的菜品还是物美价廉的。在乡村氛围中体验格鲁吉亚美食菜单上供应的食物种类繁多,但招牌肉饺、喷香的奶酪面包、烤茄子和烤西葫芦(zucchini)是必须一尝的。还可以点各种烤肉串(poultry kebabs)来大家一起吃。烤肉串附带米饭、烤薄脆饼片(flat breads)和可口的蘸酱。(共359词)第4页


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