1、第1页共4页三 峡 大 学2018年硕士研究生入学考试试题(B卷)科目代码: 517 科目名称: 英语翻译基础 考试时间为3小时,卷面总分为 150 分答案必须写在答题纸上I. Directions: Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one
2、point for each. (30)1. 不忘初心2. 电信诈骗3. “一带一路”4. 引力波5. 中国高铁6. 量子通信卫星7. 耳鼻喉科8. 微信9. 亚投行10. 中石化11. 点球12. 地沟油13. 诺贝尔医学奖14. 东盟15. 以权牟私16. nomophobia17. Artificial Intelligence18. Insurance Policy19. wireless fidelity20. i.e.21. THAD22. PRISM/Prism23. Brexit24. CFO25. DHL26. GNP27. OTC28. HIV29. VR30. UNESC
3、OII. Directions: Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English. (60*2=120) (1)The design and implementation of PPPs (Public-Private P
4、artnerships) for the provision of public services face major regulatory, institutional, and financial challenges. PPP implementation in the PRC is hampered by a lack of transparency, regulatory gaps, and PPP regulations that overlap and which are poorly coordinated with other regulations including r
5、ules on land, tax, budget, and government procurement.第2页PPPs in the PRC are also often characterized by a significant imbalance in allocation of risks and responsibilities. Moreover, while there is accumulated experience in infrastructure PPPs, a major barrier with regard to PPP implementation in t
6、he social sectors is a lack of knowledge and expertise within local governments to understand the intricacies of social sector PPP design, procurement, and contract management. Ministerial and central guidelines and requirements for PPPs issued by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) in 2015 indicate that
7、the policy framework is improving the enabling environment, but a lot needs to be done to translate this into PPP projects at the local government level that are in line with international good practice for PPPs.The Government of the PRC considers PPP for ECS to be the most urgent need to promote ef
8、ficiency and quality of service delivery. The government wants to promote a mechanism for genuine and transparent PPPs (i.e., transparent bidding processes with open and fair competition) that can be replicated nationwide to (i) close the gap between local government fiscal capacity and the increasi
9、ng demand for social services; and (ii) search for innovation, better technology, and management skills to tackle sophisticated issues such as elderly care. PPPs have been implemented in the PRC since the late 1980s but the policy emphasis of PPPs has significantly shifted since 2014. In 2014, the T
10、hird Plenum of the Communist Party of China called for a decisive role for the market in delivering public services. Between late 2014 and May 2015, the MOF and the National Development and Reform Commission compiled a database of more than 7,700 PPP project proposals (amounting to $1.37 trillion),
11、and selected 200 demonstration PPPs to be developed in the next five-year period. 第3页However, such PPPs need to be based on firm policy foundations, political commitment, and a sound and predictable legal and regulatory environment. Market players generally require that these policy conditions and t
12、he public sector capacity are in place when considering their participation in a project. (390 words)(2)今昔对比,恍若隔世。如今,宽敞的龙华滨江大道上,整整齐齐的三排梧桐与一排银杏交织出树木扶疏、绿叶葱茏的景致;与浩浩东流的黄浦江隔岸对望的,是“弹眼落睛”的世博园建筑群;在滨江大道的临江一侧,还预留了宽敞的有轨电车道、休闲自行车道和休闲步道。不仅是徐汇滨江的面貌变了。由龙华滨江大道向东,原卢湾区8万平方米的南园滨江地块,也一改以往旧厂房、旧码头和棚户区麇集的破败景象,亮丽变身为集休闲、娱乐、展示、餐饮等功能于一体的大型公共绿地;由原上海船厂码头改建而成的上海船厂滨江绿地,总长1300米的滨江岸线上,点缀出九块“近水楼台”的观景平台,登台临风,可观潮听涛、极目浦江美景。整条黄浦江岸线,绿地面积曾仅有少得可怜的十公顷左右。如今,沿岸的绿地面积已增至275公顷,成为纵贯上海中心城区核心公共生态廊道。(350字)第4页