2017年湖南农业大学考研专业课试题811 综合知识.doc

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1、2017年湖南农业大学硕士招生自命题科目试题科目名称及代码:811 综合知识适 用 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学考生需带的工具: 考生注意事项:所有答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题纸上一律无效;按试题顺序答题,在答题纸上标明题目序号。一、解释题:从下面挑选5个术语进行简单解释并可根据需要举例说明 (共计10分,每小题2分)1、langue and parole 5、Inflection2、minimal pairs 6、speech community3、auxiliary verb 7、linguistic relativity4、locutionary act 二、填空题: 在下面每空填一

2、个词,其中部分首字母已给出(共计10分,每空1分)1、If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use it is said to be d_ 2、Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are produced without o_3、An initialism is pronounced letter by letter, while an a _ is pronounced as a word. 4、Clear l and d

3、ark are allophones of the same one phoneme /l/. They never take the same position in sound combinations, thus they are said to be in c_ distribution. 5、C _ is a term used in lexicology by some linguists to refer to the habitual co-occurrences of individual lexical items. For example, we can “correct

4、” a “mistake”, “read” a “book” and “watch TV”. No one can “correct” a television or “read” a mistake.6、Predication analysis is to break down predications into their constituents: a _ and predicate.7、G _ opposites may be seen in terms of degrees of quality involved.8、C _ Principle proposed by J.Grice

5、 is the general principle, in making conversation, that all participants are expected to observe.9、A c _ sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as “and ”, “but”, “or”. 10、Language itself is not sexist, but its use may reflect the s_ attitude connoted in the language that is sex

6、ist. 三、判断题:根据语言学常识判明正误,对者在该题括号里标T,错者在该题括号里标F. (共计15分,每小题1.5分)1、( )Language is a system of arbitrary, written signs which permit all the people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or interact.2、( )In the history of any language the writing s

7、ystem always came into being before the spoken form.3、( )Stem is the part of word that remains when all inflectional affixes are removed.4、( )Move-rule itself can rule out ungrammatical forms and result in grammatical strings.5、( )Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the illocu

8、tionary act because this kind of speech is identical with the speakers intention.6、( )Women in western countries at least appear to be more status-conscious and sensitive to the social significance of certain linguistic variables.7、( )One merit of componential analysis is that by specifying the sema

9、ntic features of certain words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in meaning.8、( )In language classrooms nowadays the grammar taught to students is basically descriptive, and more attention is paid to developing learners communicative skills.9、( )The assimilation rule assimilat

10、es one sound to another by “copying” a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.10、( )Chomskys concept of linguistics performance is similar to Saussures concept of parole, while his use of linguistic competence is somewhat different from Saussures langue. 四、问答题:从下面各题挑选5题做

11、简单回答 (共计20分,每小题4分)1、What are the differences and relationships held between phonetics and phonology?2、In English, the suffix “-able” as in “X+able” means “able to be X-ed”(1) Use an example to illustrate this rule.(2) What kind of words can function as “X”?(3) In words like “unthinkable” the suffix

12、“-able” means more than able to be “X-ed”. Think of Two more words of this type.3、Explain why the sentence John saw a girl with a telescope is ambiguous.4、What are gradable antonyms? Explain the concept with examples.5、In what way do we say English is an inflectional language?6、What are endocentric

13、constructions and exocentric constructions? Exemplify the two notions.7、 Study the following conversation from Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. “What is his name?”“Bingley”“Is he married or single?”“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune, four or five thousand a year. What a

14、 fine thing for our girls!”Discuss it in terms of Grices Cooperative Principle. Is there any maxim that is being flouted? What conversational implicature is communicated by such deliberate breach?五、英译汉: 将下列段落翻译成汉语(共计30分)Abstraction is an old story with the philosophers, but it has been like a new to

15、y in the hands of the artists of our day. Why cant we have any one quality of poetry we choose by itself? We can have in thought. Then it will go hard if we cant in practice. Our lives for it.Granted no one but a humanist much cares how sound a poem is if it is only a sound. The sound is the gold in

16、 the ore. Then we will have the sound out alone and dispense with the inessential. We do till we make the discovery that the object in writing poetry is to make all poems sound as different as possible from each other, and the resources for that of vowels, consonants, punctuation, syntax, words, sen

17、tences, metre are not enough. We need the help of context- meaning-subject matter. That is the greatest help towards variety. All that can be done with words is soon told. So also with metres-particularly in our language where there are virtually but two, strict iambic and loose iambic. The ancients

18、 with many were still poor if they depended on metres for all tune. It is painful to watch our sprung-rhythmists straining at the point of omitting one short from a foot for relief from monotony. The possibilities for tune from the dramatic tones of meaning struck across the rigidity of a limited me

19、tre are endless. And we are back in poetry as merely one more art of having something to say, sound or unsound. Probably better if sound, because deeper and from wider experience.Then there is this wildness whereof it is spoken. Granted again that it has an equal claim with sound to being a poems be

20、tter half. If it is a wild tune, it is a poem. Our problem then is, as modern abstractionists, to have the wildness pure; to be wild with nothing to be wild about. We bring up as aberrationists, giving way to undirected associations and kicking ourselves from one chance suggestion to another in all

21、directions as of a hot afternoon in the life of a grasshopper. Theme alone can steady us down. just as the first mystery was how a poem could have a tune in such a straightness as metre, so the second mystery is how a poem can have wildness and at the same time a subject that shall be fulfilled.六、汉译

22、英: 将下列段落翻译成英语(共计30分)现代人的流行病把信息当做知识,把知识当做智慧。许多人日夜在网上泡着,四处收集新闻热点,说起来滔滔不绝,仿佛天下大事尽在心中,联合国秘书长就是给他打工的小马仔。可是如果你仔细听听,认真想想,却发现他嘴里没有一句是他的话。他根本没有兴趣咀嚼和消化那些信息。他只是一个信息的贩卖者,是一个廉价的传声筒。把品牌当做品位,把冷漠当做修养。一身高档的行头,却在大街上随地吐痰、满口脏话;捧着时尚杂志,却不肯为老人让一下座。身体早熟,能力超低;物质丰富,营养过剩。有的孩子上了大学竟然还不会叠被子、洗衣服,甚至不会系鞋带。疯狂跳槽,一事无成。总想着“天生我材必有用”,总想着

23、“此处不留爷,自有留爷处”,不是踏踏实实做人,扎扎实实做事,而是在哪里呆着都觉得委屈了自己,看什么都不顺眼,做什么都不顺心,这山望着那山高。跳槽成了习惯,甚至成了生活方式。 不怕丢丑,出名至上。人人都想在电视上露一回脸,抢不到这机会的就在网络上晒自己,多难看的相貌、多丢人的事,也敢发布出去。只要能出名,什么都在所不惜。“做秀”一说,也走向了自我的反面,摇身一变,不再羞羞答答,而是风光无限。七、下列各汉语短语中均有一处错误,请指出并改正(共计5分,每小题 1分)1. 禁若寒蝉 2. 攻城掠地 3. 甘之如怡 4. 以老卖老 5. 故步自封八、 中文写作(30分)2003年,国内许多媒体对北大毕业

24、生陆步轩2000年开始进入杀猪行当进行了铺天盖地的报道,陆步轩生于1966年、1985年以长安区文科状元的成绩考入北京大学中文系、1989年毕业分配至长安区柴油机厂工作,2008年认识了另一位北大卖猪肉的陈生,陈生提出开办“屠夫学校”,两人一拍即合。2011年12月,陆步轩带着自己花4个月写的猪肉营销学讲义,走进广州“屠夫学校”当老师,还出版了屠夫看世界。2013年,两位北大才子,联手重新杀回北京,在北京卖起了有机猪肉。 另一位北大才女徐璐,2000年考入北大,学新闻专业,毕业后先后在北京的科技公司、房地产公司做策划、营销等工作。北漂10年后,2010年选择回乡,2013年接手一家快递公司开始创业。3年时间,她由曾经的白领,变身为一个开货车送快递、还能扛100斤左右快件的“女汉子”。最近一篇北大才子送快递,端盘子,蛰伏30年后,竟一举颠覆数学界网上纷纷转载,但谁能想到,在被世界认可之前,这位学术卓越的数学家张益唐,竟半生漂泊在外,一直默默无闻。三年前,一篇素数间的有界距离,被数学界最高期刊数学年刊强烈推荐发表之后,这个沉寂了三十年的,瞬时成为了数学界的传奇。根据上述材料,写一篇不少于700字左右的议论文,题目自拟。共3页 第3页


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