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1、2015年湖南农业大学硕士招生自命题科目试题科目名称及代码: 综合知识 811 适 用 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学考生需带的工具: 考生注意事项:所有答案必须做在答题纸上,做在试题纸上一律无效;按试题顺序答题,在答题纸上标明题目序号。Section A: Linguistics (60 points) I. Translate the following linguistic terms into English. (5 points, 1 point each)1.应用语言学 2.音位变体 3.述谓分析 4.输入假设 5.派生词素 II. Define FIVE of the follo

2、wing terms, giving examples if necessary. (10 points,2 points each ) 1. Displacement 2. Back clipping 3. Minimal pair 4. Morphological rule5. Perlocutionary act6. Sociolinguistics7. Subordinate constructionIII. Fill in each blank with a suitable term, with some of the initial letters given. (10 poin

3、ts, 1 point each)1. D_ refers to an area of human activity in which one particular speech variety or a combination of several speech varieties is regularly used,for instance, situations in which the persons talking to one another are members of the family, e.g. mother and children. 2. B _is a proces

4、s of word-formation in which a new word is formed by combing the meanings and sounds of two words, one of the which is not in its full form or both of which are not in their full forms, like brunch.3. H_ structure is the sentence structure that group words into structural constituents and shows the

5、syntactic category of each structural constituent, such as NP, VP and PP. 4. M_ is the branch of grammar that studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.5. C _are those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action.6. T_

6、 theory is a theory about trace left by movement. This theory assumes that a moved constituent leaves behind a phonologically null element in its original site.7.P_ are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state and are not verifiable, in other words, they are utterances that perform an

7、act.8. I_ is the language system of an individual as expressed their way he or she speaks or writes within the overall system of a particular language.9. S_ is the study of meaning communicated through language. The basic task is to show how people communicate meanings with pieces of language.10. A

8、_ phonetics studies the movement of the vocal organs of producing the sounds of speech.IV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T for true and F for false. (15 points,1.5 points each )1. ( )Duality is one of the characteristics of human language. It refers to the f

9、act that language has two levels of structures: the system of sounds and the system of meanings.2. ( )Saussurss exposition of synchronic analysis led to the school of historical lingusitics. 3. ( )Chomskys concept of linguistic performance is similar to Saussures concept of parole, while his use of

10、linguistic competence is somewhat different from Saussures langue.4. ( )If language learners are provided with sufficient and the right kind of language exposure and chances to interact with language input, they will acquire the native-like competence in the target language.5. ( )Syntactic category

11、refers to all phrasal syntactic categories such as NP,VP, and PP, and word-level syntactic categories that serve as heads of phrasal syntactic categories such as N and V. 6. ( )Competence and performance refer respectively to a language users underlying knowledge about the system of rules and the ac

12、tual use of language in concrete situation.7. ( )Two sentences using the same words may mean quite differently.8. ( )Hyponymy is a matter of class membership, so it is the same as meronymy.9. ( )Inviting, suggesting, warning, ordering are instances of commissives.10. ( )The right ear advantage(REA)i

13、s true to no matter whether people have the left hemispheric dominance for speech or the less common right hemispheric dominance for speech.V. Choose FIVE of the following questions to answer. (20 points,4 points each)1. Who put forward the concept of langue and parole? What is the difference betwee

14、n them?2. To what extent is phonology related to phonetics and how do they differ?3. Decide which way of word formation is used to form the following words. Motel lase ROM mew/miaow4. What is word? What is lexicon? What is lexeme? What is vocabulary? 5. Can you make some comments on IC analysis?6. W

15、hat is X-bar theory?7. What is discourse analysis?Section B: Translation (60 points)1Translate the following into Chinese (30 points)The sublime paradox of the spiritual life is repeated in all true development of personal gift and power. In order to find his life a man must first lose it; in order

16、to keep his soul a man must first give it. The beginning of all education is self-conscious; at the start every effect must be calculated, every skill, method, or dexterity carefully studied. Training involves a rigid account of oneself based on searching self-knowledge. To become an effective speak

17、er one must know his defects of bearing, gesture, voice; one must bring his whole personality into clear light, and study it as if it were an external thing; one must become intensely self-conscious. The initiation to every art is through this door of rigid scrutiny of self and entire surrender of s

18、elf to the discipline of minute study and exacting practice. The pianist knows the artistic value of every note, and strikes each note with carefully calculated effect. The artist gives himself up to a patient study of details, and is content with the monotony of laborious imitation; subjecting ever

19、y element of material and manner to the most thorough analysis.The first stage in the education of the true worker is self-conscious; the final stage is self-forgetful. No man can enter the final stage without passing through the initial stage; no man can enter the final stage without leaving the in

20、itial stage behind him. One must first develop intense self-consciousness, and then one must be able to forget and obliterate himself. One must first accept the most exacting discipline of the school, and then one must forget that schools exist. The apprentice is the servant of detail; the master is

21、 the servant of the idea: the first accepts methods as if they were the finalities of art; the second uses them as mere instruments. Tennysons attention was once called to certain very subtle vowel effects in one of his later poems; he promptly said that he had not thought of them. That was undoubte

22、dly true, for he had become a master; but there was a time, in his days of apprenticeship, when he had studied the musical qualities and resources of words with the most searching intelligence. The transition from apprenticeship to mastery is accomplished when a man passes through self-consciousness

23、 into self-forgetfulness, when his knowledge and skill become so much a part of himself that they become instinctive. When the artist has gained, through calculation, study, and, practice, complete command of himself and his materials, he subordinates skill to insight, and makes his art the unconsci

24、ous expression of his deepest nature. When this stage is reached the artist can pour his whole soul into his work almost instinctively; his skill and methods have become so completely a part of himself that he can use them almost without being conscious of them.2Translate the following into English.

25、 (30 points) “诺诺”者,唯命是从,凡事好好好,是是是,逢人点头哈腰,遇事不辨青红皂白,正所谓“唯唯诺诺”。“谔”,指正直的言论。“谔谔”,表示勇于讲真话,有分歧时也敢于据理力争。先秦时期有过“千人之诺诺,不如一人之谔谔”的说教。说明当时很敬重直言争辩,哪怕争辩者只是一人孤军奋战。待到后来,谔谔之士则成了“珍稀动物”,许多人邀欢尚且不暇,哪里还有直言的心思!论语中说:“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”,有些读书人把“坦荡荡”没挂在心上,“戚戚之态”倒是如影相随,辜负了老夫子的语重心长。近几年的“两会”,一改若干年前召开 “没有杂音”的团结大会的传统,竟开成在某些问题上“有些争论”的大会,一

26、些代表、委员直言不讳论国事,有的代表、委员还发表了与个别政府部门 “大政方针”不同的声音;也有些代表、委员之间展开了辩论,有的人甚至向某些部委叫板“发难”。真可谓各抒己见,议论纷纷。其实议论纷纷很好。有文章说,简写的开会“会”字,拆开来就是“人云”,开会的人议论纷纷才像个会议,也说明我们的政治生活很正常,民主空气高涨,凡事能够集思广益,群策群力。是啊,如果像有些基层把“两会”开成每年一次的“例行公事”,与会人员见面时“握握手”,开会时“拍拍手”,表决时“举举手”,散会时“挥挥手”,这类兴师动众、劳民伤财的会议,开与不开能有多大区别?有个别领导同志一时还不大习惯与会者“七嘴八舌”,尤其反对“唇枪舌剑”地辩论。他们不明白,所谓“民主协商”、“兼听则明”,都少不得“七嘴八舌”。君子和而不同。从不尽一致走向一致,那是真正的和谐共识。相反,不论多么重要、多么复杂的问题,举国上下,从无异议,从无杂音,那就有点假了。上古之人,不重“千人之诺诺”,而重“一士之谔谔”,是心胸开阔与襟怀坦荡的表现。一千人说顺从与阿谀奉承的话,不如一个人直言不讳更有意义与价值。Section C: 中文写作(30 points) 随着信息科技的不断发展,各类社交互动平台为语言文化带来了一个新的发展空间,也带来了新式网络语言。请以“网络语言之我见”为题,写一篇不少于700字的文章,文体不限(诗歌除外)。共5页 第5页


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