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1、 2013年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 *学科、专业名称:翻译硕士专业研究方向:英语笔译考试科目名称:翻译硕士英语 考试科目代码:211考生注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸(卷)上,写在本试题上一律不给分。 I. Vocabulary & Grammar (30%)Directions: There are 30 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the

2、sentence. Mark your answers on your Answer Sheet.1. There are some words in Chinese that have no exact_ in English.A. equalities B. equations C. equities D. equivalents2. _ the traffic jam, we would have caught our train. A. Because of B. By means of C. But for D. Due to3. According to the law of th

3、at country, the Parliament will have to be _ before the General Election. A. decomposed B. dispersed C. dissolved D. disintegrated4. Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to _ or at least weaken the trends that emerged in the 1980s. A. reverse B. revolve C. revolt D. revive5. M

4、y supply of confidence slowly _ as the deadline approached. A. withdrew B. eliminated C. exterminated D. diminished6. Sometimes they _ their students poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence. A. distribute B. attribute C. contribute D. consider7. He failed to carry out some of the provisions of

5、the contract, and now he has to _ the consequences. A.run into B. abide by C. answer for D. step into8. Lets listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, _? A. do we B. dont we C. shall we D. will we9. New York state taxes are used to _ the high cost of operating a subway system in Manhat

6、tan and the outlying boroughs of New York City. A. promote B. offset C. endorse D. sanction10. Many people at the rock concert were standing in the _, because there were no seats left. A. bridges B. tributaries C. aisles D. altars11. The nurse gave me something to _ the pain. A. aggravate B. increas

7、e C. augment D. alleviate12. I didnt like the way that book _. A. turned up B. turned in C. turned out D. turned over考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 13. No _ woman would go alone to a bar like that one.A. respectful B. respectable C. respecting D. respective14. Thirty-six hours_ the length of time for which I should b

8、e paid. A. are B. was C. is D. were15. _ out of season, I should have ordered some from the fruit stand. A. If oranges would have been B. If oranges have not been C. Had oranges not been D. Should oranges not have been16. Petrol is manufactured from the _ oil we take out of the ground. A. rough B. c

9、rude C. raw D. tough17. Uncle Bill used to climb mountains but he isnt as_ as before.A. aged B. astringent C. agile D. antic18. Many attended the conference, a brief report _has been published. A. of which B. which C. of that D. for which19. In his _ to meet with the architects, he found the difficu

10、lties of obtaining a visa very discouraging. A. journey B. endeavor C. nightmare D. failure20. Many large _ cities have outgrown their water supplies and rely on water from distant sources. A. metropolitan B. suburban C. industrious D. rural21. Because of her _, Queen Victoria was unendingly confron

11、ted by artists wishing to paint her picture. A. timidity B. celebrity C. irritability D. reclusiveness22. Unlike animals, plants are able to make their own food through a process known as _. A. pollination B. germination C. photosynthesis D. fission23. To maximize chances of _ a heart attack, one sh

12、ould get immediate medical care at the first onset of symptoms. A. disappearing B. surviving C. lessening D. diagnosing24. It isnt so much whether he works hard; the question is whether he works_. A. at all B. above all C. in all D. after all25. A pie chart may be used to show the relative _ of valu

13、es. A. swarm B. diagram C. distribution D. tones26. An effective employer must have the courage to _ an employee who fails to perform. A. lay on B. lay off C. lay out D. lay over27. The key to maintaining brushes is to _ them well before washing off the paint. A. press B. soak C. flash D. crack28. T

14、he matter is _ settled; we may look upon it as being settled. A. as long as B. for good C. for sure D. as good as 考试科目: 翻译硕士英语 共 页,第 页29. Newspapers and magazines carry extensive _ of diet and health topics and diet books are among the best sellers. A. sketch B. concern C. coverage D. involvement30.

15、 The world leaders need to take action on the energy crisis that is _ before our eyes. A. taking shape B. taking effect C. taking apart D. taking overII. Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: This part consists of two sections. In Section A, there are three passages followed by a total of 15 multip

16、le-choice questions. In Section B, there is one passage followed by a total of 5 short-answer questions. Read the passages and then mark or write down your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section A Passage 1All North American canids have a doglike appearance characterized by a graceful body, long muzzle

17、, erect ears, slender legs, and bushy tail. Most are social animals that travel and hunt in groups or pairs. After years of persecution by humans, the populations of most North American canids, especially wolves and foxes, have decreased greatly. The coyote, however, has thrived alongside humans, in

18、creasing in both numbers and range. Its common name comes from coyotl, the term used by Mexicos Nahuatl Indians, and its scientific name, canis latrans, means “barking dog.” The coyotes vocalizations are varied, but the most distinctive are given at dusk, dawn, or during the night and consists of a

19、series of barks followed by a prolonged howl and ending with short, sharp yaps. This call keeps the band alert to the locations of its members. One voice usually prompts others to join in, resulting in the familiar chorus heard at night throughout the west. The best runner among the canids, the coyo

20、te is able to leap fourteen feet and cruise normally at 25-30 miles per hour. It is a strong swimmer and does not hesitate to enter water after prey. In feeding, the coyote is an opportunist, eating rabbits, mice, ground squirrels, birds, snakes, insects, many kinds of fruit, and carrionwhatever is

21、available. To catch larger prey, such as deer or antelope, the coyote may team up with one or two others, running in relays to tire prey or waiting in ambush while others chase prey toward it. Often a badger serves as involuntary supplier of smaller prey: while it digs for rodents at one end of thei

22、r burrow, the coyote waits for any that may emerge from an escape hole at the other end. Predators of the coyote once included the grizzly and black bears, the mountain lion, and the wolf, but their declining populations make them no longer a threat. Man is the major enemy, especially since coyote p

23、elts have become increasingly valuable, yet the coyote population continues to grow, despite efforts at trapping, shooting, and poisoning the animals. 1. According to the passage, the coyote is unlike other North American canids in what way? A. The coyotes body is not graceful. B. The coyote is not

24、hunted by humans. C. The coyote population has not decreased.D. The coyote does not know how to swim. 2. All of the following statements describe the coyotes vocalizations EXCEPTA. Vocalizations communicate the locations of other coyotes.B. The coyote uses its distinctive call to trick and catch pre

25、y.C. A group of coyotes will often bark and howl together.D. The coyotes scientific name reflects its manner of vocalizing. 3. According to the passage, the coyote is an opportunist because itA. knows how to avoid being captured.B. likes to team up with other coyotes.C. has better luck than other pr

26、edators.D. takes advantage of circumstances. 4. Which animal sometimes unknowingly helps the coyote catch food?A. wolf B. rodentC. deerD. badger 5. According to the passage, all the following statements are true EXCEPTA. the coyote is a serious threat to human activities. B. the coyote is a skillful

27、 and athletic predator.C. the coyote hunts cooperatively with other coyotes. D. the coyote survives despite persecution by humans. Passage 2Starting on January 1, Bakersfield High School is planning to implement a dress code. The administration has printed out a list of those items that students wil

28、l be allowed to wear to school and those that will be considered unacceptable. Even though I understand that the school had good intentions, I think that it is a bad idea overall. There are a number of problems with the dress code. The rule against clothes that are “torn, ripped, or cut off” discrim

29、inates against those students who cannot afford to buy new clothes every year. In the late spring and early summer, students forced to wear long pants will be so uncomfortable that they will not be able to concentrate on their studies. Although girls can stay cool in skirts and dresses, boys have no

30、 such option. Even so, a dress code violates students freedom of expression. Students should be able to dress themselves in a way that expresses their tastes and creativity. It is only through making decisions about ourselves and how we choose to present ourselves that we will grow into mature, inde

31、pendent adults. 6. Which of the following is the best version of the underlined sentence in paragraph 1?A. (as it is now)B. school. Those that will be considered unacceptableC. school; others that will be considered unacceptableD. school as well as unacceptable clothing 7. What does the underlined “

32、it” in paragraph 1 refer to?A. the administration B. the dress codeC. the listD. the intention8. Which of the following is the best version of the underlined “Even so” in paragraph 3?A. To the extent thatB. More importantly C. It is true thatD. That notwithstanding 9. Which of the following, if adde

33、d at the end of the 3rd paragraph, would provide the best concluding sentence for the passage?A. As near-adults, we should be allowed decide how to dress ourselves.B. In todays society, teenagers are required to make decisions about a number of extremely important issues. C. Thus, the dress code wil

34、l ultimately impede the educational process rather than aid it. D. It is for a student and his/her parents to decide what clothing a student should wear, not a school administration. 10. The authors argument would be more balanced if it included a section on which of the following?A. An outline of t

35、he steps that students will take to overturn the dress code, should it be implemented. B. A list of other bureaucratic policies that have angered students in the past. C. A discussion of the authors own clothing preferences.D. An acknowledgement of the positive aspects of the dress-code policy. Pass

36、age 3Granted, the study of racial and sex differences in intelligence has not exactly covered itself in glory. In a heated debate, scientists are calling for an end to research on possible links between race, gender and intelligence. Neuroscientist Steven Rose of Britains Open University argues, the

37、 problem is that both race and IQ are slippery concepts. Standard measures of intelligence are ridiculously flexible. In the 1930s and 1940s, for instance, when girls kept outscoring boys, IQ tests were repeatedly adjusted to make the results turn out “right”. That calls into question what studies o

38、f intelligence actually measure, and whether it is too easy to choose and modify data to produce desired results. Worse, race in the sense of Caucasian, Asian and African is too broad to capture anything biological, including genetic differences. As for sex, there are indeed structural and biochemic

39、al differences between male and female brains. But since boys and girls, and men and women, live very different lives and are treated differently first by parents and then by society, its impossible to attribute those differences to native biology rather than experience. That is especially true now

40、that discoveries in neuroplasticity have shown that brains of any age can change their structure and function in response to experience. Defenders of studies of how intelligence varies by race or sex argue, the studies must continue because of the wealth of important knowledge they produce. In the 1

41、960s, for instance, psychologist Arthur Jensen presented evidence that African-Americans are inferior in intellect due to inherited genes. That prompted psychologist James Flynn of the University of Otago, New Zealand, to examine decades of IQ data from dozens of countries, something he never would

42、have done without Jensens work to drive him. He discovered what is now called the Flynn effect, which is the increase in IQ scores over the last 70 or so years. The increase reflects generational improvements in abstract problem solving. The Flynn effect “shows that substantial increases in IQ can a

43、nd have occurred over a short period of time,” says psychologist Wendy Williams of Cornell University. “Genetics cannot explain such changes. Thus we look to environment As experiences for blacks improve, so can and does IQ.” That has already happened: one quarter of the IQ gap between black and whi

44、te Americans has been erased in 30 years. Cultural effects are more powerful than we thought, says Williams, a conclusion that would have remained undiscovered if race and IQ were off limits. There has been a parallel increase in understanding sex differences in IQ. The fact that experience shapes t

45、he brain, and that girls and boys experiences are different so their brain differences might be the result of different experiences, seems less like an argument against studying sex and IQ than a fascinating research project: how do sex-specific experiences leave a footprint in the folds of the cort

46、ex? 11. The opponents of race-IQ studies think that _. A. the studies lack clear purposeB. the measures of IQ are inconsistentC. the IQ tests cannot define intelligence D. the definition of race is too narrow12. According to paragraph 3, sex differences in IQ are mainly caused by _.A. innate biology B. life experience C. genetic structure D. social environment 13. Some scientists insist on the continuance of the studies because these studies _. A. help people get valuable knowledge B. help to increase peoples intelligen


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