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1、My aunt was a biology professor. When I was young, she was used to take me to the biology lab.There I saw mouse, cats and other animals. My aunt also gave me lessons in the wild places. She oftentakes me for a walk in the backyard that we would catch frogs and snakes, and find fireflies in the sky.S

2、he seemed know everything about wildlife. In these days, think about my aunt and her influence onher life, I feel very lucky. I am gratefully that I ve got the chance to learn for her. She helped medevelop my interest in all that was alive and death around me.2022 年东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟试卷 (二)英语答题卡缺考标记, 考生

3、禁填!由监考负责用黑色字迹的签字笔填涂。1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。3. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4. 作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、刮纸刀。注意事项填涂样例正确填涂错误填涂姓名准考证号贴条形码区1617181920ABABABABABCCCCC1112131415ABABABAB


5、CDCDCDCDEFGEFGEGFGFEFGFEFG61.请 勿 在 此 区 域 内 作 答Dear Henry,Yours Sincerely,Li Hua115 CABAC610 BCAAB1115 ACBCA1620 CCABB21-23 DBD24-27 ABCD2831 BABA3235 ACBA36-40 GFBCD41-45 ACDBB46-50 CADCB51-55 BAADC56-60 ADDBC61.users62. without63.have designed64.harvests65.its66. are refl

6、ected67. limited68. a69. that70.universallyMy aunt was a biology professor. When I was young, she was used to take me删to the biology lab. There I saw mouse, cats and other animals. My aunt also gavemiceme lessons in the wild places. She often takes me for a walk in the backyard thattookwherewe would

7、 catch frogs and snakes, and find fireflies in the sky. She seemed knowtoeverything about wildlife. In these days, think about my aunt and her influencethinkingon her life, I feel very lucky. I am gratefully that Ive got the chance to learn formygratefulfromher. She helped me develop my interest in

8、all that was alive and sometimes deathdeadaround me.Dear Henry,With the living standards improving, waste treatment gradually becomes amajor concern of the growing population. Severe garbage classification can solvethe problem to a great extent. Now Im writing to tell you some advantages of it.Garba

9、ge classification contributes to environmental protection efficiently,making it easier for waste to be reused or recycled. We put our classified rubbishinto different dustbins so that industry can dispose it respectively. For example,used batteries which contain poisonous substances can be buried wi

10、thout anyharm. Besides, leftovers recycled are carried to feed animals, especially pigs.How about you? Can you tell me the way to classify garbage in yourschool?Yours sincerelyLi Hua2录音原文Text 1M: There are two scheduled conferences. Id like you to go to the one on Friday.W: There isnt much time for

11、preparations.M: Dont worry. Some files are ready and you can have a look.Text 2M: Lets buy the cake now.W: Okay, but it might go bad if we pick it up today. Id like to collect it when Mike comes homethe day after tomorrow. I leave work early on Wednesdays anyway.Text 3M: Its Thursday today. Could yo

12、u have these clothes dry-cleaned by Friday morning?W: Im sorry. I dont think Ill finish doing that on Friday.M: Then can I pick up my clothes the day after tomorrow?W: Okay.Text 4M: Im feeling sick.W: Oh, honey. Is your tooth hurting you again?M: Yes. Should I take some medicine?W: Lets wait and see

13、 what happens tomorrow. If it still hurts, maybe you need to go to the dentist.Text 5W: Id like to meet Mr. Johnson.M: Im sorry. Do you have an appointment?W: No. I come here to thank him for getting my lost wallet back. I really appreciate it.Text 6W: I am so excited about the coming weekend.M: Are

14、 you going to the lake?W: No. Im going to ride a motorcycle to a nearby island. Its boring to stay in the downtown allthe time.M: Great.W: I did it once before and it was so amazing. The only thing that I didnt like was wearing thehelmet. It made my hair so wild. This time I will remember not to hav

15、e my hair styled before Igo.M: Good. Im sure that the helmet will protect you well.Text 7W: Thanks for taking me here, Bill. I really enjoyed it.M: Im glad to know that youre interested in space science. Next time Ill take you to anotherexhibition of spaceships.W: Thanks. How did you get the tickets

16、? I know its hard to get a ticket. Did you buy them fromsomeone else at a higher price?M: No, my brother works at the ticket office, and everyone in that office can get two free tickets.So he gave them to me.W: Great. By the way, what did you choose as your minor?M: I chose Acting. You know, I major

17、 in Directing, so I wanted to choose something related to that.3And you?W: I chose Fashion Design.M: Sounds good.Text 8M: Oh, we havent decided what to get for Mom yet.W: I know. What does she need?M: Well, honey, the other day she said she needed a car.W: Yes. But I dont think its safe to drive at

18、her age.M: Youre right.W: We can choose something ordinary, like a wallet or a silk scarf.M: Oh, come on, shes in her 60s. I think we should get her something more expensive than that,shouldnt we?W: Yes, how about getting her a computer? That way we could keep in touch by email.M: No, no.You know sh

19、e said she was too old to learn anything new. I dont think shed use it.Text 9W: Wow, Charles! Long time no see! Its great to see you again.M: Anna! It is you. What a coincidence! We havent met each other after graduating from college.What are you doing in Brighton? Are you just hanging out?W: Ive ju

20、st got a new job as a lawyer in Brighton, so I come here to buy some new clothes. Hey,what do you think of this suit?M: Thats a good look for a professional woman.W: I believe you have good taste.M: Thanks. You still have my number?W: I changed my phone and my number, so I lost your number. Here is

21、my new number.M: OK, I will save that.W: Great. Oh, Ive got to go now. I made an appointment with my friend to see a movie. Call meso we can arrange dinner sometime.M: Definitely. Bye.Text 10W: Today ABC looks at two amazing older people whove made the news, mainly because theysimply decided not to

22、stop.Julia “Hurricane” HawkinsMs. Hawkins set a new world record earlier this November by running the 100-meter dash injust over 62 seconds. If that doesnt sound like a record to you, keep in mind that she is 105years old. Running isnt Ms. Hawkins main sportshes been biking for most of her life. But

23、she took up running several years ago and set her first world record in 2017.M.J. “Sunny” EberhartIn early November, M.J. “Sunny” Eberhart became the oldest person to hike the fullAppalachian Trail. He is 83 years old. The 2,193-mile hiking trail through the AppalachianMountains isnt easy, even for

24、younger people. Mr. Eberhart had to deal with pain and injuries,but he kept going anyway. Hes not exactly new to hiking. Hes been hiking extremely longdistances since 1993, when he retired as an eye doctor. Hes even written books about his hiking.Mr. Eberhart has been writing about his hike on his website. He ended his final report with thisquote: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”


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