Unit2 ICONIC ATTRACTIONS按课时顺序详细 ppt课件(含音视频素材)-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第四册.rar

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Listening unit2单击输入您的封面副标题2.Answers1.Dave Edmonds-business journalist-the Bay of Islands;2.Felicity James- editor of World Nature magazine-the geothermal parks; 3.Jane Smith-writer of the Fantastic Life blog-the New Zealand experience3.Suggested Answersthe Bay of Islands: one of the most beautiful places in New Zealand; has boat cruises, hiking tours, tours to observe and experience Maori culture;beaches and water activities; plenty of great wildlife-penguins, whales,dolphins.the geothermal parks: hot springs,geysers, bubbling mud, and sulphuric pools make that area one of the most amazing places.the New Zealand experience: a kiwi bird, a flock of sheep, manuka honey,the haka, bungee jumping, experience its culture.4.AnswersAll in allIn my opinionIn shortPeriod 1 Unit 2 Iconic AttractionsReading & Thinking1.iconic adj.2.foundation n.3.political adj.4.didgeridoo n.5.located adj.6.equator n.7.koala n.8.barbecue n.9.bakery n.10.joint n.adj.1.符号的;图标的2.创建;基础;地基3.政治的4.迪吉里杜管5.位于6.赤道7.考拉;树袋熊8.户外烧烤;烤架9.面包(糕饼)店;面包厂10.公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所);关节联合的;共同的 icon n.found v.politics n.politician n.policy n.situate v.使位于;使坐落于11.butcher n.12.premier adj. n.13.herb n.14.dim sim 15.hollow adj.16.vibrate vt. & vi.17.horn n.18.pitch n.19.straightforward adj.20.slogan n.21.minister n.22.prime minister11.肉贩;屠夫;刽子手12.最著名的;第一的;首要的;n.总理;首相13.药草;香草;草本14.(特指澳大利亚的)点心15.中空的;空心的16.(使)振动17.(乐器)号18.音高19.坦率的;简单的20.标语;口号21.部长;大臣;外交使节22.首相;总理vibration n.震动;颤动;抖动;(感情的)共鸣23.frog n.24.arrow n.25.entitle vt.26.getaway n.27.dive vi.&n.28.kayaking n.29.freedom30.domain31.sponsor vt. n.32.liberty n.23.蛙;青蛙24.箭;箭头25.给命名(或题名);使享有权利26.适合度假的地方27.潜水;跳水;俯冲28.划皮艇29.自由;不受影响的状态30.领域;领土;范围31.倡议;赞助;主办(法案等的)倡议者;赞助者32.自由entitlement(拥有某物或做某事的)权利,资格 sponsorship资助;赞助款free-freely liberate v.liberation n.33.golf n.34.strait n.35.sample n.36.monument n.33.高尔夫球运动34.海峡35.样本;样品36.纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹The photo is of the world famous Sydney Opera House, in Sydney, Australia. With a population of over five million people, Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, and the largest city in Australia. The native people have been living in the Sydney area for at least 30,000 years. The Sydney Opera House itself is one of the most iconic architectural structures in the world, designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon(181-2008) in 1957, and is meant to look like either seashells or the sails of a ship. koalakangarooplatypusChiko rollCheese and bacon roll奶酪培根卷Chicken parmigianabarbecueGreen chicken curry pie绿咖喱鸡肉派The Great Ocean Road is a highway built along Australias southern coast. The road is quite scenic, offering excellent views of the ocean and running through several national parks, making it a major tourist attraction.大洋之路Dim sim should not be confused with the Cantonese food dim sum. This is a large dumpling like a spring roll in shape. The outer wrapper is like that used for jiaozi or shaomai. It is usually filled with minced pork, cabbage, and other vegetables(though other fillings are possible), and then either steamed or deep fried, and served with soy sauce.1. What is the first thing you think of when you think about Australia?The first things that I think of are kangaroos, beaches, and deserts.2.What is your impression of Australia based on your experience and / or what you have seen in the media?My impression is that it is a very dry place that is subject to wildfires. At the same time, it is the smallest continent but a very big country.Skim the text. Match the blog entries to the subheadings. Write the blog entry number in the blanks. Two are extra.First impressionsReflections on multiculturalismPreparing to travelPolitical divisionsAborigines and the didgeridooThe foundation of Australia1234BDDA1. learning2. of 3. guided4. to learn5. who6. called7.was convinced8. biggest9. cultures10. the period2 unit21.plan to do 2.do some research on3.the south of4.refer.to as.5.cant wait to do 6.major in 7.way of life 8.share.with.9.on the other hand 10.along with11.Chinese-inspired dim sim12.learn about13.be native to 14.in close contact with15.be made from16.breathe in/out17.make a musical sound18.the complicated mix of peoples and cultures19.make up20.play a part in 21. personally speaking22.feel at home 23.agree withPeriod 3 of Unit2 自主学习1. fallen 2.discussed一. 1.Unemployed 2.Recorded3.Invited 4. frightened ;frightened; frightening 5. exciting; excited 6.moved; moving 7.accompanied 8.promoted 9.disappointed,tired 10.Lost 二18-需横线后加上(recognize)1.spent2. hidden3.taken 4.used 5.to find 6.fried7.decorated 8.to care 9.to find 10.walking11.surrounding 12.to bined15Completed16. To enjoy17. Learning18.recognizing19.to perform20. were invited listening5.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:中国的研究者希望使用嫦娥四号上的设备来发现和研究南极艾特肯盆地。此处表示目的,应使用不定式作目的状语。故填to find。6.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我喜欢吃西红柿炒鸡蛋。动词fry与tomatoes之间是动宾关系,所以此处应用过去分词作定语,故为fried。7.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:它们是很好的礼物,你会经常看到它们装饰着红包和好运的信息。句中them指代前句中的orange trees,与decorate之间为被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。故填decorated。8.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:它们很容易照顾,也很适合作为礼物。这里考查“be +形容词+ to do”结构。故填to care。9.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:第二天早上,他租了一条船,出发去找这位著名的画家。结合句意表示“出发去作某事”短语为set out to do sth.,后跟不定式作目的状语。故填to find。10.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:除了观赏展品,游客还可以玩电脑模拟游戏,想象自己生活在一个不同的历史时期,或者漫步在热带雨林中。此处与living是并列成分,共同作imagine的宾补,imagine sb doing sth. “想象某人做某事”。故填walking。11.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当他看到雾气从河上升起,山顶上乌云环绕,他不禁流下了眼泪。分析句子结构可知,the soft clouds 69 (surround) the mountain tops是独立主格结构作状语,surround在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语clouds构成主动关系,故应用现在分词。故填surrounding。12.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:农业让人们第一次体验到技术改变生活的力量。分析句子,简单句中已有动词gave故提示词部分需用非谓语动词。分析句意,此处需用不定式表示目的。故填to change。13.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:后来,他们学会了因地制宜,在适当的时间播种,在干旱地区,利用每年的洪水来灌溉农田。分析句子,make所处的分句中无主语,故此处需用非谓语动词。make use of和逻辑主语they之间表示“主动”关系。所以此处用现在分词形式(doing)形式作状语。故填making。14.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:技术创新与良好的市场营销相结合,将促进这些产品的销售。此处是短语:be combined with“与结合/联合”,本句中省略be动词,使用过去分词作状语。15.【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:1931年完工的帝国大厦是1954年之前最高的摩天大楼,它激发了全世界的想象力。句中谓语动词是inspired,此处用非谓语动词。主语the Empire State Building和动词complete是被动关系,用过去分词作状语。16【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处是不定式作目的状语。句意:为了享受数字支付的方便,很多老年市民开始使用智能手机。17.【解析】考查动名词。句意:学会批判性思维是当代小孩未来所必需的重要技能。句子缺少主语成分,而过去分词、动词都不可以作主语。此处用动名词作主语。18【解析】考查with复合结构。句意:中国的形象正在稳步提升,更多的国家认识到中国在国际事务中的作用。“更多的国家”和“认识”之间是主动关系,用with +名词+现在分词结构。19.【解析】考查非谓语。主系表结构之后,常用不定式作原因或目的状语,句意:跟踪北极熊的现代方法只是在二十世纪八十年代以来开始采用,并且在如此大区域内持续采用是昂贵的,故此处用to perform。20.【解析】考查现在分词。本句谓语动词为“were invited”,所以70题空格处动词listen应用非谓语动词形式。听音乐这个动作是由we发出的,所以选用现在分词形式。也可由and前后连接两个并列的结构这一规律解题,and后meeting interesting locals为分词形式,故空格处填listening。Unit 2Period 437.kiwi n.38.geyser n.39.sulphuric pool40.manuka honey41.bungee jumping42.a flock of43.geothermal park44.distribution n.45.pouch n.46.temporary adj.47.phase n.48.trunk n.37.几维(新西兰鸟) 38.间歌泉 39.硫黄池 40.麦卢卡蜂蜜 41.极跳 42.一群(羊或鸟)43.地热公园 44.分布;分配;分发 45.育儿袋;小袋子;荷包 46.暂时的;短暂的47.阶段;时期 48.树干distribute v.temporarily adv.permanent opp.49.licensed adj.50.license vt. n.(= licence)51.session n.52.frequency n.53.violent adj.54.violence n.55.nest n.56.mammal n.57.biology n.58.hatch vi.59.capacity n.60.a handful of49.得到正式许可的50.批准;许可/许可证;执照51.一场;一段时间;会议 52.发生率;重复率(声波或电磁波振动的)频率 53.暴力的;猛烈的 54.暴力;暴行55.巢穴;鸟窝;秘密窝点 56.哺乳动物 57.生理;生物学 58.孵出;破壳;使孵出;策划;(尤指)密谋59.能力;容量60.少数人(或物);一把(的量)frequent adj.frequently adv.violently adv.biological adj.biologist n.capable adj.capably adv.61.fence n.62.prison n.63.grand adj.61.栅栏;围栏62.监狱;监禁63.大的;宏大的grandly adv.1.a symbol of2.a wide distribution3.encounters with4.be against the law5.interaction with6.make laws7.in the interest of8.be in a good state9.on a limited frequency of e across11.lay eggs12.senses of sight or smell13.have a capacity to do 14.a small handful ofBACC1.a2.distribution3.with4.hanging5.them6.made7.mostly8.nurses9.to find10.that/whichunit2period 5 Sample Writing The most iconic animal of China by far is the panda. In fact, many people would say that the panda is a symbol of China. These cuddly creatures with their black and white markings almost look more like stuffed toys than real animals.Nearly everyone sees pandas as cute. This feeling is enhanced by the way the animals clumsily move about, which is sometimes humorous and cartoon-like. However, pandas are not toys-they are in fact live animals. They live mostly in remote nature reserves in Sichuan, China. Most people dont realise that pandas-like all bearsare technically carnivores, and long ago perhaps they mostly ate meat. However, while pandas today can and do eat almost anything their preferred food in their wild foresthabitat is bamboo. As this food does not give them much nutrition, they have to eat almost constantly, and unlike most bears they do not hibernate in the winter. Pandas are generally quite shy and are seldom seen by people in thewild. Despite this, they have been known to attack people. While this is a very rare occurrence. it is a useful reminder that pandas are not cuddly toys but are wild animals and should not be approached in the wild. Until recently, pandas were considered endangered. However, with successful breeding and conservation programmes, their numbers have increased, and they are no longer on the endangered species list. Having said that, they are still considered vulnerable and so more work is needed to protect this magnificent animal.
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