Unit 4 Learning About Language 同步课时作业-(2022新)人教版高中英语高二选择性必修第四册.docx

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1、Unit 4 Sharing Learning about Language2021-2022学年高二英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册同步课时作业一、填空1.You _ (值得) a rest after the hard work you have done.2.Mr Robb _ (辞职)his position last month because of his illness.3.He welcomed me back with a smile and a _ (握手).4.The milk you poured out in the _ (茶碟) was quickly lap

2、ped (舔着喝) up by the cat.5.My mother can make a delicious meal with the _ (剩余的) food.6.She risked her own life to save a _ (残疾的) woman.7.To ensure your safety, you should change your broken _ (插头) at once.8.We could hear the porridge beginning to _ (沸腾).9.一看到我,她就上下打量我。_, she began to look at me _.10.

3、由于害怕被老师发现,我们躲在灌木丛的后面。_ by the teacher, we hid behind the bush.11.我不愿意做违背我的意愿的事情。I am not _ the things _.12.我们的村子就在河的那一边。Our village is _.13.这个城市高出海平面不足10米。The city is _ ten metres _.14.在老师的指导下,我们终于成功地完成了该实验。_, we successfully completed the experiment.15.我们很高兴地发现环境保护得到了重视。We are pleased to find that

4、the protection of the environment _.二、语法填空16. Global Youth Service Day is the largest youth service and civic action event in the world and the only one that _(celebrate) the contributions made by all the youth aged from 5 to 25 through service. The Youth Engagement Team of United Way of Central Ind

5、iana is taking action _(advance) the common good. When members _(find) out that a small, rural town had the _(high) percentage of financially(经济上) strained households in the area, they decided to do something about it. The team built a Little Free Library, and prepared 100 snack bags with _(note) of

6、 encouragement inside for kids _(involve) in the We All Matter after-school program. Serving _ a young age promotes healthy lifestyles and choices, teaches life skills, improves the community _(great) and encourages a lifelong ethic of giving. Are you ready to join the youth like these in making _ d

7、ifference? Youth Service America offers excellent resources and your local United Way can point the youth to the people and places in your community _ need your support.17.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Years ago I wrote an article about volunteering. I hoped to see more students do volunteer

8、work, whether its to help _(education) poor children, visit sick old people in the hospital, _ anything else that involved giving time to make our society _ (good). Many people who read the article _ (write) back to tell me about _ (they) own volunteer work. I also get e-mails from students asking f

9、or advice_ how to set up programmes. Teach for America is an example of _ a very determined person can _ (large) make a difference in the lives of others. In this programme students volunteer to go to the poorest schools to help teach young students. They are _ (pay) just enough money to live. It se

10、ems to be a wonderful programme _ it helps bring successful young people to educate the poorest children. And it teaches these university students about some problems in America.答案以及解析1.答案:deserve 2.答案:resigned3.答案:handshake4.答案:saucer5.答案:leftover6.答案:disabled7.答案:plug8.答案:bubble9.答案:At the sight o

11、f me, up and down10.答案:Afraid of being found11.答案:willing to do, against my will12.答案:on the other side of the river13.答案:not more than, above the sea level14.答案:Under the guidance of our teacher15.答案:has been attached importance to16.答案:celebrates; to advance; found ; highest; notes; involved; at;

12、greatly; a; that解析:考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空前的 that 引导定语从句,先行词是 the only one,故谓语动词应用单数;又因此处陈述的是客观事实,故应用一般现在时,故填celebrates。 考查固定搭配。take action to do sth.意为“釆取行动做某事”。 考查时态。由空后的 had 和 decided 可知,此处叙述过去发生的事情,故应用一般过去时,故填found。 考查形容词的最高级。结合语境和空前的定冠词 the 可知,此处应用形容词最高级,故填highest。 考查名词复数。note表示“便条”时为可数名词,其前无限定词,故

13、空处填notes。 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,_(involve) in the We All Matter after-school program作 kids 的后置定语,因 kids 和involve 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填involved。 考查介词。at a young age意为“在年轻时”。 考查副词。空处修饰动词作状语表示“大大地”,故应用副词greatly。 考查冠词。make a difference 为固定短语,意为 “有影响,有关系”。 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,_ need your support为定语从句,先行词为 the people and

14、 places; 当先行词既有人又有物时,应用 that 引导定语从句,故填that。 17.答案: educate; or; better; wrote; their; on/ about; how; largely; paid; because解析:本空后面是名词,故本空应该用动词形式。固定搭配: whetheror“无论还是”,表示让步。理解句意可知,这里指的是让我们的社会变得更好,故用比较级。作者回忆过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。修饰名词用形容词性物主代词。名词和介词的固定搭配, advice on/ about sth.。理解句意可知,“Teach for America”就是一个例子,一个坚定的人如何改变别人的生活,故用连词how引导宾语从句。修饰动词用副词。理解句意可知,句子的主语they就是指上文的students,他们应该是被付给足够的钱,故用被动语态。这个项目之所以是一个出色的项目,是因为该项目有助于带着那些成功的年轻人去教育最贫困的孩子们,可见上下文是因果关系。


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