1、 祝大家圣诞快乐!-A Red Light for Scofflaws(对违反法律者亮红灯对违反法律者亮红灯) Frank TrippettAuthorFrank Trippett : Frank Trippett was born July 1, 1926, in Columbus, Mississippi, and grew up in Aberdeen, Mississippi. He attended Mississippi College, Duke University, and the University of Mississippi. Trippetts first job
2、as a journalist was with the Meridian (Mississippi) Star. He fell in love with journalism, which he later called, “that trade that was designed in heaven for those of us who are unsuited for useful employment.” Trippett worked for the Fredericksburg (Virginia) Free Lance-Star, and was the Capital Bu
3、reau Chief for the St. Petersburg (Florida) Times before joining Newsweek magazine as an associate editor in 1961. He was a senior editor at Look magazine and a senior writer and essayist for Time magazine. Author His writing won awards from the National Headliner Club, the National Bar Association
4、and the American Political Science Association. Trippett is the author of the nonfiction books The States, United They Fell (1967) and The First Horsemen (1974), as well as the novel Child Ellen (1975). His essays have been anthologized in numerous college writing textbooks.His most recent book, Hym
5、ning & Hawing About America (2000), published by Xlibris (), is the first comprehensive collection of his essays. The subjects of his essays range from politics and personalities to social conditions and psychological phenomena. It is a brilliant look in the rear view mirror at the American scene du
6、ring the twentieth century.Frank Trippett has been called “one of the really mind-blowing talents of his generation as a journalist, essayist, and story teller.”Trippett and his wife Betty lived and raised their four children in Larchmont, New York, until his death at the age of 71 on June 18, 1998.
7、(Article first posted January 2002) SummaryFrank Trippett: (1926 ) Now senior editor of Time magazine, he has had a lifelong career in journalism. He has served as a writer and editor at such national publications as Look and Newsweek and is the author of three books:The States: United They Fall(196
8、7), The First Horseman(1974), and Child Ellen(1975). The text first appeared in Time, in which the author takes a wider view of what happens when individuals bend small laws for their own convenience.TIMETIME(即时代周刊),是美国乃至世界知名的时事性周刊之一。1923年3月由亨利R卢斯和布里顿哈登创办。刊名最初为事实,后改用现名,由时代华纳公司在纽约出版,读者主要是中产阶级和知识阶层。该杂
10、由而比美国新闻和世界报道更保守。该刊刊名最初为News-Week,由托马斯JC马丁于1933年2月17日创立。1937年,马尔柯姆米尔成为该刊主编及总裁,他将刊物改用现名,并加强了该刊文章的可读性,以及引入了新的署名专栏和国际版面。随着时间的流逝,新闻周刊已经发展为一个内容广泛的全方位新闻类杂志,其涵盖范围包括了从突发新闻到深度分析的各种内容。1961年,华盛顿邮报公司将其收归旗下。Part2: Language PointsStep 1Nothing is more .than .Para. 2:没有什么比没有什么比更更Outwardly they are in comparative de
11、gree, but inwardly they are in supreme degree. And other similar patterns:To my mind nothing is more horrible than being all alone in the world.Step 2duck out (of )Para. 2:逃避逃避to try to avoid(a difficulty or unpleasant responsibility)You cant duck out now, you made a solemn promise.Step 3add up toPa
12、ra. 3:等于等于; 意味着意味着; 总起来说总起来说to mean or suggestThis conversation adds up to a difference of opinion between us.Step 4not to mentionPara. 5:更不用说更不用说,更何况更何况not to say; not to speak of, etc.We are too busy to take a long vacation this year, not to mention the fact that we cant afford it.Step 5cannot hel
13、p being harmed .Para. 5:不得不,禁不住不得不,禁不住“cannot help+doing”; “cannot but+do”, or “cannot help but”: cannot fail to; be compelled or obliged toWe cannot help but believe in the youth who is always trying to improve himself.Step 6for allPara. 6:尽管,虽然尽管,虽然in spite ofFor all his wealth, he was lonely and
14、unhappy.Step 7take fromPara. 7:取自取自,减少,降低,减少,降低to removeThe police overpowered the gunman and took his gun from him.Step 8abound in/withPara. 2:富于富于,充满着,充满着to have in large numbers or great quantityThe land abounds in springs and streams of water.Step 9take toPara. 7:喜欢喜欢;习惯于习惯于;开始从事开始从事;觉得(某事)容易学觉得
15、(某事)容易学to be pleased by or attracted to; begin to do sth. as a regular habitIm sorry to hear that he has taken to drink.Step 10pose as/forPara. 3:喜欢喜欢;习惯于习惯于;开始从事开始从事;觉得(某事)容易学觉得(某事)容易学to pretend to be; to cause (some difficulty) for sb.She was employed by the art school to pose for student artists.
16、Decibel(分贝): 分贝表示一种单位,即两种电或声功率之比或两种电压或电流值或类似声量之比;分贝还是一种测量声音相对响度的单位。分贝用dB表示。以纯音测听500、1000、2000赫兹Hz的气导平均听力计算。正常人的听力范围在025分贝(dB)之间。根据世界卫生组织耳聋分级标准: 2640分贝;轻度聋 4155分贝:中度聋 5670分贝:中重度聋 7190分贝:重度聋听觉:听觉: 0 20 分贝 很静、几乎感觉不到; 20 40 分贝安静、犹如轻声絮语; 40 60 分贝一般、普通室内谈话; 60 70 分贝吵闹、有损神经; 70 90 分贝很吵、神经细胞受到破坏。 90 100 分贝
17、吵闹加剧、听力受损; 100 120 分贝难以忍受、呆一分钟即暂时致聋; 120分贝以上:极度聋或全聋; 300分贝左右或以上:方圆20km的人不可修复性耳 聋。音量类比:音量类比:听到以下声音会耳鸣:130分贝 螺旋浆飞机起飞,很大嗓门的人最大的尖叫声120分贝 球磨机工作听到以下声音影响听力:110分贝 电锯工作,一般家用音响设备最大音量100分贝 拖拉机开动90分贝 很嘈杂的马路生活中常听到的声音:生活中常听到的声音:6080分贝 一般车辆行驶70分贝 大声说话,舒适度上限(比这个声音大的就很 吵了)4060分贝 一般说话50-53分贝 洗衣机的工作声50分贝 办公室40分贝 图书馆,阅
18、览室(超过这个声音就影响睡眠)30分贝 卧室,沙漠的夜晚20分贝 轻声耳语,乡村的夜晚15分贝 1米外一根别针从1厘米的高度掉落下来的声 音13分贝 灯泡的嗡嗡声10分贝 风吹落叶沙沙声,很安静的房间0分贝 刚刚引起听觉,10英尺(约3米)外一只蚊子在 飞-30分贝 20英里外一个人的说话声-80分贝 核潜艇的麦克风在水下听到的100米外一只虾 咀嚼食物的声音Pot(大麻): 大麻,别名:山丝苗、线麻、胡麻、野麻、火麻,拉丁文名:Cannabis sativa L.为桑科、大麻属的植物,特指雌性植物经干燥的花和毛状体。其主要有效化学成份为四氢大麻酚(简称THC),THC在吸食或口服后有精神和生
19、理的活性作用。人类吸食大麻的历史长达千余年,20世纪在毒品和宗教方面的使用有增加倾向。主要危害:主要危害: 有相当多大麻对健康影响的研究,但是这些研究之间有所冲突;例如有些研究认为大麻比烟酒安全、有些则否定。 可以确定的是,大麻烟烧出来的致癌物质比香烟烧出来的还要浓;而且很多人会在大麻烟里面混有烟草,这样会造成尼古丁成瘾。但这只能代表不宜采取吸烟的方式吸食大麻。 2006年12月10日,英国慈善团体Young Minds发表的研究报告显示:经常吸食大麻的年轻人罹患精神病的机率,是不抽大麻的年轻人的两倍。中毒性状态:中毒性状态:1)中毒性谵妄:发生在一次大量使用时。患者意识不清,同时伴发错觉、幻
20、觉与思维障碍。有一部分患者伴随恐惧和冲动行为,也有报道出现凶杀死亡的案例。2)急性焦虑发作:吸食过量时,有时产生严重的焦虑感,重者达到恐惧程度,伴随有灾难或濒死感。有些病人在焦虑的同时产生偏执意念,对他人产生敌对意识,或感到被别人监视。3)急性抑郁反应:有些病人可产生一过性的抑郁状态,悲观厌世,有自杀意念。Roulette(轮盘赌): 一种赌场赌博方式。轮盘赌有一庄主,所有赌注都押给庄主或赌场主。轮盘赌具由转轮和赌注图案两部分组成,式样有两种:一种只有一个赌注图案,轮盘设于一端;另一种是转轮在中间两边各设一图案。庄主宣布开赌后,参加者开始下赌注,下赌的位置由自己选择。转轮向逆时针方向转动,然后
21、掌盘人把一个象牙球或塑料球放在微凸的轮盘面上以顺时针方向旋动,在这个过程中,赌博者可不断下赌,待小球转速下降,落入轮盘上任何两个金属间隔之间,上面标着赌赢的号码、颜色等,掌盘人把输掉的赌注收起来,按规定付给获胜者。根据每次赌博的结局,赌博掌盘人或赌场主都可以获得一定份额的抽成。在美国和欧洲、亚洲、非洲和南美洲,赌场主抽取酬金的方式各不相同。尽管轮盘赌博有各种规则,但都无法去掉赌场主的利润。Visual rubbish(视觉垃圾): 在人类生存活动空间,由于某些不规范的恶劣、低品位设计,导致在人文环境中,人们越来越少考虑到精神文明和人的需求。人文环境面临严峻挑战,直接影响了地域形象,甚至出现环境
22、的另类垃圾:视觉垃圾。 Main ideaMain ideaThe author notices that although the United States is well-known for its history of law and order, scofflaw are increasing recently, especially those who commit minor crimes. Various scofflaw and their dangers are listed by the author to prove that the scofflaw spirit i
23、s pervasive and the social morality is degrading. Therefore he calls on the society to take effective action to stop the increasing scofflaws.StructureStructureIntroduction:(P1) The Americans are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes.Body:(P2P8) Scofflaws abound in amazing variety and the dangers of scofflawry vary widely.Conclusion:(P9) The scofflaw spirit is dangerously infections; something must be done to check its spread.