1、Curriculum and Teaching Curriculum and Teaching TheoriesTheoriesIntroduction of the coursePurpose 1.grasp the rationale for Curriculum and Teaching. 2.develop the ability to look up the English material. 3.widen the field of vision of students studying.List of Reference Books 1.1.Analyzing the curri
2、culum(Analyzing the curriculum(课程分析课程分析) ) George George J .Posner/J .Posner/著著 陕西师大出版社陕西师大出版社 2.2.Learning to Teaching (Learning to Teaching (学会教学学会教学) ) Richard Richard I .ArendsI .Arends/ /著著 陕西师大出版社陕西师大出版社 3.3.课程与教学论课程与教学论 黄甫全主编黄甫全主编 高等教育出版社高等教育出版社 4.4.课程与教学论课程与教学论 张华主编张华主编 华东师大出版社华东师大出版社 5.5.课程
3、理论课程理论- -课程的基础、原理与问题课程的基础、原理与问题 施良方著施良方著 教育科学出版教育科学出版社社 6.6.课程研制方法论课程研制方法论 郝德永著郝德永著 教育科学出版社教育科学出版社 7.7.教学论教学论 李秉德、李定仁主编李秉德、李定仁主编 人民教育出版社人民教育出版社 8.8.教学理论反思与建设教学理论反思与建设 徐继存著徐继存著 甘肃教育出版社甘肃教育出版社 9.9.教学论导论教学论导论徐继存著徐继存著 甘肃教育出版社甘肃教育出版社 10.10.教学别论教学别论 石欧著石欧著 湖南教育出版社湖南教育出版社 Contents in BriefPart About Curric
4、ulum(20 lessons) Chapter Concepts of Curriculum Chapter Curriculum Purpose Chapter Curriculum Content Chapter Curriculum Organization Chapter Curriculum Implementation Chapter Curriculum EvaluationPart Teaching Theories(22 lessons) Chapter Teaching and Learning in Todays Classrooms Chapter Teacher P
5、lanning Chapter Classrooms As Learning Communities Chapter Classroom Management Chapter Assessment and EvaluationPart the Relationship(3 lessons)Part About CurriculumChapter Concepts of Curriculum What is a curriculum? For example is a textbook or a syllabus a curriculum? What should a curriculum in
6、clude? Definitions of “curriculum”Seven common concepts of curriculum Scope and sequence The depiction of curriculum as a matrix of objectives assigned to successive grade levels and grouped according to a common theme. Syllabus A plan for an entire course,typically including rationale, topics, reso
7、urces, and evaluation. Content outline A list of topics covered organized in outline form. Standards A list of knowledge and skills required by all students upon completion. Textbooks Instructional materials used as the guide for classroom instruction. Course of study A series of courses that the st
8、udent must complete. Planned experiences All experiences students have that are planned by the school whether academic, athletic, emotional, or social. The five levels of curriculum(J.I.Goodlad) 1. ideological curriculum 2. formal curriculum 3. perceived curriculum 4. operational curriculum 5. exper
9、iential curriculum 课程的多元定义并不妨碍对课程领域的具体研究。课程的多元定义并不妨碍对课程领域的具体研究。广泛的、广义的理解课程,同时防止课程范围的广泛的、广义的理解课程,同时防止课程范围的过分宽泛,特别是潜在的方面。过分宽泛,特别是潜在的方面。建立一种建构的、生成的课程观。建立一种建构的、生成的课程观。任何课程都是根植于一定的历史文化传统,反映任何课程都是根植于一定的历史文化传统,反映文化的承接,民族文化的特点。文化的承接,民族文化的特点。 课程课程是一个发展的概念,它是为实现各级各类是一个发展的概念,它是为实现各级各类学校的教育目标而规定的教学科目及它的目的、内学校的教
10、育目标而规定的教学科目及它的目的、内容、范围、分量和进程的总和,包括为学生的全面容、范围、分量和进程的总和,包括为学生的全面发展而营造的学校环境的全部内容。发展而营造的学校环境的全部内容。 -(当代教育学当代教育学袁振国主编第袁振国主编第132页页)The three curricula Subject Curriculum The curriculum consists of those subject matters according to educational goals and the students developing levels,and goes by the logic
11、al system to set standards, compile textbooks, fix teaching order. The curriculum is the basic form of school curriculum. Activity curriculum The curriculum focus on the development of students interests and organized according to the motive of students activity. Hidden curriculum Institutional norm
12、s and values not openly acknowledged by teachers or school officials. 材料:材料: 基础教育课程改革纲要基础教育课程改革纲要 改变课程管改变课程管 理过于集中理过于集中 的状况的状况实实 行行国家国家地方地方学校学校调整课调整课程结构程结构实实 行行小学阶段以综合小学阶段以综合课程为主;课程为主;初中阶段设置分初中阶段设置分科与综合相结合科与综合相结合的课程;的课程;高中以分科课程高中以分科课程为主为主从小学至高中设置综合实践活动并作为必修课从小学至高中设置综合实践活动并作为必修课Topic for discussion:T
13、opic for discussion: The curriculum purposes of The curriculum purposes of basic education in China.basic education in China. CF team Chapter Curriculum purposeLevels of Educational Purposes societal goal What citizens or policymakers want their countrys political, economic, social, and educationali
14、nstitutions to accomplish. administrative goal What leaders of organizations want to accomplish that allows for the maintenance and improvement of the organization. educational aim what citizens or policymakers want societys educational institutions to accomplish; generally long-term and the result
15、of many influences, only one of which is the school; generally expressed in terms of characteristics of people who have been well educated. educational goal what citizens or policymakers want formal educational institutions -i.e.,schools and colleges-to accomplish expressed in terms of characteristi
16、cs of people who have been well-educated. learning objective whatever people are intended to learn as a consequence of being students in educational institutions. Societal goal are achieved through educational other societal institutions institutions are guided by educational aims administrative goa
17、ls Are achieved through formal nonformal maturation education education is guided by educational goals other goals are achieved through learning objectives other objectives The Origin of Curriculum Purpose 1. Study of students 2. Study of society 3. Study of subject Chapter Curriculum content What i
18、s curriculum content? For example is textbook, learning activities or experiences ? How to select curriculum content? What should curriculum type and structure include?Topic for discussion:Topic for discussion: The transformation of curriculum The transformation of curriculum content of basic educat
19、ion in our content of basic education in our country.country. Dreaming team q what is curriculum content curriculum content The special facts, conceptions and tenets of every subjects , and the form of organizing them. q three perspectives of curriculum content the textbook the learning activities t
20、he experiences n n principles of curriculum content selectionq pay attention to the basis of curriculum content. qcurriculum content should keep close to social life. Materialsq Curriculum content should suit characters of student and school education. 材料:材料: 语文新教材修改八成多语文新教材修改八成多 北京青年报北京青年报 (07/07/1
21、1 04:03) “高一新教材总共有高一新教材总共有56种,目前除了种,目前除了11种练习册没到之外,其余教材全部种练习册没到之外,其余教材全部到了,包括必修科目和选修科目。到了,包括必修科目和选修科目。”据即将参与新课程改革教学的高中语文老据即将参与新课程改革教学的高中语文老师师介绍,从在今年秋季使用的新高中介绍,从在今年秋季使用的新高中语文语文教材中,包括教材中,包括春春、雨中登泰雨中登泰山山、南州六月荔枝丹南州六月荔枝丹等著名篇目已经被删除,等著名篇目已经被删除,“语文教材内容变化很大,语文教材内容变化很大,高一至少改了八成内容。高一至少改了八成内容。”目前,高中新课改使用的教材陆续运抵
22、各中学。目前,高中新课改使用的教材陆续运抵各中学。 “高一语文教材内容变化很大,增加了很多内容。高一语文教材内容变化很大,增加了很多内容。”北京北京57中学高级语文中学高级语文教教师祁晓红说,原来许多高二、高三才上的课,在新教材中压到高一来学,比如师祁晓红说,原来许多高二、高三才上的课,在新教材中压到高一来学,比如窦娥冤窦娥冤、蔺相如廉颇列传蔺相如廉颇列传等,还增加了许多篇目,比如巴金的等,还增加了许多篇目,比如巴金的小狗小狗包弟包弟、别了不列颠尼亚别了不列颠尼亚等。另外,在名著导读中原来只学部分内容的等。另外,在名著导读中原来只学部分内容的论语论语等也要求全部导读。可以说,新版本的高一等也要
23、求全部导读。可以说,新版本的高一语文语文教材内容,有教材内容,有 八成以上都与老版本不同。在这次语文新课程改革中,一些著名文章被删除了,八成以上都与老版本不同。在这次语文新课程改革中,一些著名文章被删除了,其中包括原来的高一其中包括原来的高一语文语文第一课第一课雨中登泰山雨中登泰山、脍炙人口的散文、脍炙人口的散文春春、经典的说明文经典的说明文南州六月荔枝丹南州六月荔枝丹等。与此同时,一些曾经被高中等。与此同时,一些曾经被高中语文语文课课本删除的篇目如今又重新被选用,比如本删除的篇目如今又重新被选用,比如包身工包身工(作者夏衍)等。(作者夏衍)等。 “被删除的文章主要是因其时代感不强,现在的学生
25、斯维辛没有什么新闻等都是从人性角度挖掘。而等都是从人性角度挖掘。而论语论语、苏武传苏武传等等增加内容则加重了对学生传统文学的普及与认知。增加内容则加重了对学生传统文学的普及与认知。”n n curriculum types and structure n n curriculum types 1. According to the form of curriculum organization Subject-based curriculum Related curriculum Fused curriculum Materials Broad-field curriculum Core cu
26、rriculum experience-based curriculum 材料材料2 综合课程的两个范例:生态教育与综合课程的两个范例:生态教育与STS课程课程 生态教育生态教育 这是近年来国内外比较常见的,也往往是比较成功的课这是近年来国内外比较常见的,也往往是比较成功的课程综合。浙江省初中的第一册第五章程综合。浙江省初中的第一册第五章“地球地球”,都是这种类型,即从生,都是这种类型,即从生态的整体性出发组织内容。态的整体性出发组织内容。 在浙江自然科学第一册第五章中安排了在浙江自然科学第一册第五章中安排了大气、地球上的水、地球表大气、地球上的水、地球表面的形态、地貌的变化、地球的运动、宇宙
28、以往在化学中学习大为不同,知识建立的背景和基础要织结构中学习与以往在化学中学习大为不同,知识建立的背景和基础要广阔、丰富得多。广阔、丰富得多。 STS课程(科学课程(科学-技术技术-社会)社会) STS课程在课程在20世纪世纪70年代开始出现,年代开始出现,并且很快得到人们的重视和发展。并且很快得到人们的重视和发展。80年代前后,在发达国家出现了一批年代前后,在发达国家出现了一批比较著名的比较著名的STS课程,如英国的课程,如英国的“社会中的科学和技术社会中的科学和技术”(SATLS)、)、“学校中的社会范围的理科学校中的社会范围的理科”(SLSCON),以及美国的),以及美国的“生物科学课生
29、物科学课程研究程研究”、“社会中的化学社会中的化学”等等,主要对象是等等,主要对象是16-18岁的学生。岁的学生。 美国美国社会中的化学社会中的化学(CHEMCOM)课程,始于)课程,始于1980年,完成年,完成于于1986年,在美国和世界都产生了相当大的影响。这一课程是在科学界年,在美国和世界都产生了相当大的影响。这一课程是在科学界和教育界的合作下完成的,由美国化学会负责,美国国家科学基金和美和教育界的合作下完成的,由美国化学会负责,美国国家科学基金和美国化学会自主,编写组成员包括了中学和大学的化学教师。国化学会自主,编写组成员包括了中学和大学的化学教师。 课程的对象是课程的对象是10-11
30、年级学生(年级学生(15-16岁,高中岁,高中1-2年级)中的一部年级)中的一部分,主要是那些在接受高等教育时不打算选择理工科的学生。分,主要是那些在接受高等教育时不打算选择理工科的学生。 课程选择了八个问题作为主题,分别是:供水;保护化学资源;课程选择了八个问题作为主题,分别是:供水;保护化学资源;石油石油用于建设还是烧掉;理解食物;我们世界中的核化学;化学用于建设还是烧掉;理解食物;我们世界中的核化学;化学药品、空气和气候;化学和健康;化学工业药品、空气和气候;化学和健康;化学工业前途和挑战。前途和挑战。 每一个主题构成为时大约一个月的学习单元。每一个单元都集中每一个主题构成为时大约一个月
31、的学习单元。每一个单元都集中在社会和世界公认的化学问题上。每一个单元都有具体的社会背景:在社会和世界公认的化学问题上。每一个单元都有具体的社会背景:学校、社区、世界等,由此将化学与人类现实生活联系起来。学校、社区、世界等,由此将化学与人类现实生活联系起来。 社会中的化学社会中的化学课程不仅包括对于内容的选择和设计,而且包课程不仅包括对于内容的选择和设计,而且包括对于课程实施即教学活动的设计,在每个单元里都设计了几个学生括对于课程实施即教学活动的设计,在每个单元里都设计了几个学生活动,大致分为决策活动、实验课活动、活动,大致分为决策活动、实验课活动、“现在轮到你现在轮到你”(练习)、(练习)、单
32、元总结和单元总结和“扩展你的知识扩展你的知识”(附加项目)等几类。(附加项目)等几类。 STS课程十分典型地表现出综合课程的一些特点,为综合课提供课程十分典型地表现出综合课程的一些特点,为综合课提供了一种比较成功的范例。了一种比较成功的范例。2. basis on the curriculum philosophystudent-centered curriculum society-centered curriculum discipline-centered curriculum n n curriculum structure n implement discipline、knowled
33、ge discipline and technology discipline implement discipline Including literature, mathematics and foreign language, generally, the percent of implement discipline in school curriculum is about 50%. knowledge discipline Including social science and nature science, for example, history, geography, po
34、litics, physics, chemistry, biology.etc. technology discipline including physical training, art and technology. Materials n n required subject、elective subject、active subject and social activities 材料材料3: 国家教委与上海市课程计划各学科占课时的百分比国家教委与上海市课程计划各学科占课时的百分比占上课总课时数的百分比(%)3028262325211920161210159.28.88.8107.4
35、6.454.4教委计划该学科占总课时数百分比(%)本计划该学科所占总课时数百分比(%)自然文体技能工具学科类知识学科类技艺学科类语文数学外语社会Chapter Curriculum Organization How to comprehend curriculum organization ? What are basic structures of curriculum organization ? How to organize curriculum ? Basic Terms Curriculum Organization Macro and Micro Levels of organi
36、zation Curriculum Organization the word “organization” means “to form as or into a whole consisting of interdependent or coordinated parts”. The parts in this case are elements of the curriculum. Therefore,the term “curriculum organization”can have a wide range of meanings, depending on which defini
37、tion of the term “curriculum” is being used and what kinds of elements are to be organized. Macro and Micro Levels of Organization The term “curriculum organization” is also used at different levels of specificity. The broadest level refers to the relations between educational levels, such as elemen
38、tary and secondary education, (material) or between educational programs, such as vocational and general programs. The most specific level refers to relations between particular concepts, facts, or skills within lesson. 材料:材料: 义务教育课程设置表义务教育课程设置表年级年级一一二二三三四四五五六六七七八八九九课课程程门门类类语文语文数学数学外语外语品德与生活品德与生活品德与
39、社会品德与社会思想品德思想品德历史与社会或历史与社会或历史历史地理地理科学科学科学或科学或物理物理生物生物化学化学综合实践活动综合实践活动体育体育体育与健康体育与健康艺术(或音乐、美术)艺术(或音乐、美术)地方与学校编制的课程地方与学校编制的课程 Basic structures Content Structures discrete (or flat) linear Hierarchical Spiral Content structure AB C DA1BCEFDGABCDAC1B1A2C2B2A3C3B3Discrete, or flatlinearhierarchicalspiral
40、 Media Structures “parallel” structure “convergent” structure “divergent” structure “mixed” curriculum C F 1 2 B E 1 2 A A D 1 2 3 1 2 parallel convergent D A B C D B C A divergent Mixed Organizational Principlesq The Subject Matterq The Learners and the Learning processq The Teacher and the Teachin
41、g process 1. In the elementary grades, teach the basic skills in the morning when the children are fresh and willing to comply, leaving science, health, and social studies for the afternoon (if time permits!) 2. Change activities as often as is necessary in order to maintain students attention. 3. K
42、eep students busy and active; that is, maintain a fast-paced classroom. 4. Because students perceive work that is unfamiliar as ambiguous, and therefore risky, they tend to transform unfamiliar tasks. Therefore, begin teaching with familiar tasks until students develop trust and self-confidence. 5.
43、Dont linger on any topic too long. 6. Keep topics discrete enough to develop a sense of productivity in the class and to provide stopping points for periodic testing. q The milieu in which education take place Social Economic Political Physical CultureChapter Curriculum Implementation How to compreh
44、end curriculum implementation ? What are main channels of curriculum implementation ? what should influence factors include?Topic for discussion:Topic for discussion: The new development of The new development of curriculum implementation of curriculum implementation of elementary education reformat
45、ion.elementary education reformation. W Wild cat team Curriculum Implementationq Curriculum implementation curriculum implementation is the process that curriculum plan will be put into practice, it is the basic channel that curriculum purpose will be realized. New curriculum plan generally means th
46、e transform of curriculum, curriculum implementation try to put it into practice. q The difference between curriculum implementation and curriculum adoption q The important function of teacher in curriculum implementation process Channels of curriculum implementation teaching (main channel) self-stu
47、dy social study.etc Teachingq the relationship of curriculum and teaching three metaphors (American scholar J.G.Saylor ): 1. Curriculum is architectural plan, teaching is construction. 2. Curriculum is a program of match, teaching is process of match. 3. Curriculum is music score, teaching is playin
48、g.New curriculum planPurposeObjectiveDesignTeaching planSieve ASieve BSieve CSieve DCurriculum implementationchoiceTeaching plan in advanceA.Value idea and expect of local community.B.Students needs, interests and abilities.C.Educational circumstances-class organization, textbook, support or restric
49、tion of organizer.D.Choices of teacher s teaching notes. Transformationq The person Participants in curriculum implementation include experts, leaders, teachers, students .etc. The function of teacher is important. Influence factors of teacher include: value ability q The things Curriculum resources
50、 Curriculum resources are the total of the source of all kinds of factors and conditions by which curriculum can be used been in scholastic circumstances. Curriculum resources, as well as the exploration and utilization of them, are the necessary support and guarantee of promoting curriculum constru