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1、泸州市二O二二年初中学业水平考试英语试题说明:1. 本试卷分为第一部分(选择题)和第二部分(非选择题)两部分。第一部分(选择题)第1至6页,第二部分(非选择题)第7至8页。2. 第一部分(选择题)满分70分,第二部分(非选择题)满分50分,全卷满分为120分;考试时间为120分钟。3. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考号填写在答题卡上,并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答卷时,考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上,答在试题卷上无效。考试结来,将试卷和答题卡一并收回。第一部分(选择题 共70分)注意事项:每小题答案选出后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案

2、。一、基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分)第一节 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. Im taking the high school entrance examination these days. I hope I will make it. _!A. Good luck B. No way C. What a pity D. Congratulations2. Hurry up, Su Mei! The graduation ceremony begins in a second

3、. We have_ time left. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little3. With a high-speed train station built in Luzhou, it is much_ for us to travel to Chengdu. A. easier B. easilier C. more easy D. more easily4. Paul, have you tried this chicken? Its a special in Luzhou and has been introduced in the TV pro

4、gram A Bite of China. Yes, it_ hot but delicious. A. eats B. looks C. tastes D. sees5. As teenagers, we are not allowed_ mobile phones into school so that we can focus on our schoolwork. A. bring B. to bring C. bringing D. brought6. Peter, how long have you been in the ice skating club? Not long. I

5、didnt join the club_ I enjoyed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. A. when B. until C. unless D. after7. Lily, a concert is being held in our school for the birthday of the Communist Youth League of China(GYLC). I know. It has been 100 years since CYLC_.A. born B. was born C. is born D. has born8. Xia

6、o Ming, what news are you reading? Shenzhou XIV with three astronauts_ space on June 5th, 2022. A. left for B. waited for C. asked for D. argued for9. David, do you know Su Yiming, a snowboarder from China? Sure. He won the first place in the mens Big Air Event. He_ be hard-working. A. neednt B. can

7、t C. should D. must10. Could you tell me_ for the fruit? You can just pay on the phone. A. how much will I pay B. how will I pay C. how much I will pay D. how I will pay第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AOn April 16, Shenzhou XIII astronauts saf

8、ely came back to Earth. The landing set a new speed record. When Shenzhou XII came back 11 the space station in 2021, it took about 28 hours. This time, it took just 9 hours 12 ! It landed upright. This landing position is not often seen in China s space light history. Landing upright makes sure tha

9、t astronauts have the 13 landing. The astronauts felt good after landing. 14 they still needed to sit on chairs. The long space journey changed 15 bodies. In the next few months, they will gradually get used to living on Earth. 11. A. for B. to C. from D. with12. A. return B. returning C. returned D

10、. to return13. A. softer B. more soft C. soft D. softest14. A. But B. So C. And D. Or15. A. our B. their C. his D. yourBI was shopping at a department store and had just got onto the down escalator(手扶电梯)when I noticed a woman standing to the side. She looked about 65, and her 16 told me she was scar

11、ed. I turned 17 the woman and asked Do you need any help?The woman remained silent. As the escalator continued moving I heard the woman reply 18 , Im afraid. Want me to come back and get you? I called to her. She 19 .But by the time I reached her arm, the woman had reconsidered. I don t think I can

12、do it, she said. I suddenly realized that I had offered far greater help than I 20 .I know we can do it, I said. I can hold on to you. She looked down at the scary 21 Then her eyes came back to mine, looking doubtful. This has never 22 me before, she said, as much to herself as to me. I took her 23

13、. Shall we?She made a little sound of 24 as we stepped on, but wed passed the point of no return. To my joy, she 25 a little as the stairs moved us downward. I dont understand this at all, she said. However, as we got near the 26 , she felt scared again, but we did it. Im so 27 she began. It was not

14、hing, I said. I was happy to do it.Happy, yes. I seldom help others. I am 28 because I care for a family and work full time. For a short moment, I seemed to understand 29 someone would become a nurse or a social worker or something else. Not only did I help the old lady get on the escalator, but als

15、o helped her 30 her fear. It was a much happier moment than Id had in weeks. 16. A. age B. speech C. clothes D. expression17. A. towards B. down C. against D. into18. A. confidently B. softly C. excitedly D. calmly19. A. cried B. laughed C. nodded D. shouted20. A. accepted B. expected C. taught D. a

16、sked21. A. door B. chair C. machine D. car22. A. happened to B. turned to C. explained to D. got to23. A. hand B. arm C. neck D. shoulder24. A. happiness B. fear C. disappointment D. surprise25. A. moved B. doubted C. worried D. relaxed26. A. top B. store C. bottom D. lift27. A. old B. afraid C. tha

17、nkful D. hopeful28. A. rich B. busy C. right D. happy29. A. why B. how C. when D. where30. A. see B. discuss C. describe D. overcome二、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。APeter was the richest in town. He had earned himself a bad name because he was too proud of h

18、is money. One day, Peter became blind. Only by doing a cornea transplant surgery(角膜移植手术)could he see again, but there was no donor(捐献者). Peter had to wait in the hospital sadly. One afternoon, Peter wanted to sit in the sun, so he felt his way for the little square before the hospital. He raised his

19、 head to enjoy the sunshine. However, he saw nothing but the whole darkness. Just as Peter felt hopeless, someone hit him hard all of a sudden. That angered Peter, so he shouted loudly, Dont you have eyes? Dont you see who you hit! Im Peter!The answer was from a little boy, Im sorry, sir. I didnt no

20、tice, please forgive me!Peter changed his mind and ordered, I can forgive you, but you must talk with me!The boy began. “How beautiful! The grass is green, the sky is blue, the flowers are coming out everywhere, and the little trees are also very lovely. The clouds are floatingAs he was listening, P

21、eter began to envy(嫉妒)that boy. Suddenly, he shouted, Oh, my God, the little boy is so poor, nothing but a pair of eyes! Why do you give him light?You are wrong! came the voice of a lady, My son is too poor to have eyes. What he just described is what I told him! Peter sat on the square silently, te

22、ars coming up in his eyes. Since then, the city charity(慈善机构)would receive a great deal of money every year from the richest person, Peter. 31. What did people think of Peter at the beginning of the story? A. They treated Peter badly. B. Peter was good wC. Peter was unlucky. D. They disliked Peter.

23、32. Who hit Peter in the square? A. A hopeless person. B. An unknown C. A strange lady. D. A little boy. 33. What does the underlined word forgive probably mean? A. 原谅 B. 帮助 C. 惩罚 D. 忘记34. How did Peter probably feel after hearing the lady s words? A. Angry and afraid B. Nervous and excited. C. Surp

24、rised and moved. D. Worried and regretful. 35. What is the theme of the story? A. Money can buy you friends. B. Light lies in peoples heart. C. Patience brings a good return. D. Rich people are always kind. BA man in black clothes jumps high into the air. Sometimes, he carries a red fan(扇子). Sometim

25、es, he spreads his arms like wings. When he lands, the crowd cheers loudly. His dance is eye-catching, and many people watch. He is Chinese dancer Ma Jiaolong. Since 2020, hes made short videos of himself dancing in London. He has performed at the citys parks and landmarks like Tower Bridge. The 35-

26、year-old has nearly 5 million followers on Douyin. Classical Chinese dance mixes martial(武侠)arts movements with those of traditional Chinese opera. Ma was interested in the movements of classical Chinese dance and started to learn it at 12. Later, Ma studied at the Beijing Dance Academy. Since 2019,

27、 he has been teaching classical Chinese dance at Goldsmiths, University of London. Two years ago, Ma had to give online classes due to COVID-19. In his small home, he could only make small moves. One day, he took his wifes suggestion and danced at Greenwich Park, a popular place for tourists. She to

28、ok videos of Ma. He then edited(剪辑)the video, added music and sent it to friends, who loved it and inspired him to share it online. From then on, Ma made more short videos. As his videos went popular, he received messages from people around the world. Now, making and sharing short videos has become

29、a part of my life, and, most importantly, a great way to introduce traditional Chinese dance to more people, especially those in foreign countries, said Ma. 36. Whats Ma Jiaolongs job? A. An editor. B. A pop star. C. A photographer. D. A dance teacher. 37. What are Mas short videos about? A. Londons

30、 parks and landmarks. B. His classical Chinese dances. C. Traditional Chinese opera. D. His family life in London. 38. Who inspired Ma to share his short video online? A. His wife. B. He himself. C. His followers. D. His friends. 39. Whats the main reason for Ma to make short videos now? A. To sprea

31、d Chinese culture. B. To become more popular. C. To enjoy his life fully. D. To make more money. 40. Whats the best title for the passage? A. Short videos getting popular. B. Dance mixed with martial arts. C. A Chinese dancer abroad. D. Teaching dance in London. CMarch 21 is World Sleep Day. Here ar

32、e some facts about sleep. Sleep at advised timesIn 2021, the Ministry of Education(MOE)advised that junior and senior high school students should go to bed before 10 pm and 11 pm respectively(分别的). How do astronauts sleep? Just like on Earth, a person in space goes to bed at night and then wakes up

33、the next day. But in space there is no up or down, and you do not feel the pull of gravity(重力). As a result, astronauts usually sleep in fixed sleeping bags. Earworms happen while sleepingSome people enjoy listening to music a lot. While we re awake, the music we know well keeps ringing in our ears,

34、 which is called earworms(耳虫现象). This can happen during sleep as well, which could cause problems in getting to sleep and staying asleep. Sleep with your pet? Pets, like dogs and cats, do not sleep continuously and they will often get up and walk on the bed, which can make you sleep even worse. But

35、recent studies found that having pets in the bed may help people who are often worried. The pets, like soft toys, can help cut down their worry. Socks can help us sleepStudies have shown that wearing socks to bed can help you fall asleep faster! Hands and feet help exchange(交换)heat between the far e

36、nds of the body and the heart. Wearing socks means an increase of blood to your hands and feet, which cuts down your core(核心的)body temperature. The lower the core body temperature is, the faster you fall asleep. 41. According to MOE, junior high school students should_.A. go to bed before 10 pm B. g

37、o to bed before 11 pmC. sleep at least 10 hours a day D. sleep at least 11 hours a day42. Why do astronauts sleep in fixed sleeping bags? A. Because there is no bed in the space station. B. Because there is no pull of gravity in space. C. Because sleeping bags are comfortable. D. Because the spacesh

38、ip is too small. 43. According to the passage, earworms can_.A. be bad for sleep quality B. improve music abilityC. help people fall asleep quickly D. appear only during the day44. How does wearing socks help us sleep? A. By making feet warmer than hands. B. By increasing blood to hands and feet. C.

39、 By making core body temperature higher. D. By exchanging heat between hands and feet. 45. Which of the following statements about sleep is true according to the passage? A. World Sleep Day falls in the fifth month each year. B. The sleeping bag is the best choice for sleep. C. Sleeping with pets he

40、lps worried people. D. Music can help people sleep longer. DChina will have 75 percent of its wild animals on land under the national key protection system by 2025, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration(国家林业和草原局)said. Its announcement took place on Sunday, which happened to be the Inter

41、national Day for Biological Diversity(多样性). The administration said that part of China s achievements in protecting wild animals lie in setting wild animals into nature reserves(保护区)after human breeding(繁殖). It said that nine milu deer(麋鹿)recently came into the world in the Daqingshan National Natur

42、e Reserve in Inner Mongolia. They are babies of the milu deer, or Pere Davids deer, who were set into the wild in September following human breeding in Beijing and Jiangsu province. According to the administration, human breeding has helped to increase the population of some animal kinds that had be

43、fore disappeared in the wild, such as milu deer and Przewalskis horses. There are now around 10,000 milu deer and around 700 Przewalskis horses. As for other wild populations, the giant panda population has increased from 1, 114 in the 1980s to 1,864. The number of wild Asian elephants has increased

44、 from about 180 to 300 over the same period. The administration plans to improve the protection of wild animalsincluding giant pandas, Siberian tigers, Asian elephants, and snow leopards. At the same time, the government has made more efforts to punish unlawful trading in wildlife, which also helps with the increase of wild animals. 46. How many kinds of wild animals are mentioned in the passage? A. 5. B. 6. C. 7. D. 8. 47. What was the population of wild Asian elephants in the 1980s? A. About 120. B. About 180. C. About 700. D. About 1,114. 48. What do we know about milu dee


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