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1、盐池县2022年初中毕业暨高中阶段招生模拟考试学号 班级 姓名 准考证号 密-封-线 - 英语试卷 (考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分 命题人: 审核人: )选择题(50分)一、完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My parents always told me that I couldnt dance, because it was a girls sport. But I never 1 my dream of becoming a dancing star. I practi

2、ced 2 learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents 3 that dream seemed impossible to achieve. One summer, my little sister Mary was going to dance lessons. I immediately offered to take her to the lessons. What a good 4 to learn dancing!One day Mary asked me to dance with her

3、in the school dancing competition, because 5 of the boys in her class would like to do that. They thought she was slow.“You can be a good dancer!” I 6 her. “Lets show those people that they are wrong!” In the following months, we practiced every evening, still hiding from our parents.Finally came th

4、e big day. I became 7 when I saw my parents watching the competition. But as the music began, I took a deep breath and tried to put my heart into the dance. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the 8 of the crowd, I was sure we had done a good job. When we got off the stage, my father came t

5、owards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Well done, Son. I have to say you are 9 to dance. Go for it and make us proud.”Everyone has to go through lots of difficulties 10 he achieves his dream. I know that the road ahead wont be easy, but I will not be afraid any more.( ) 1Akept upBgave up Ccalle

6、d up Dbrought up( ) 2AloudlyBslowly Csafely Dsecretly( ) 3AsupportBwish Corder Dinstruction( ) 4AresultBchance Cchange Dmessage( ) 5Asome Ball Cnone Dseveral( ) 6Aencouraged BexpectedCaccepted Dinfluenced( ) 7AboredBnervous Crelaxed Dlonely( ) 8AtalkingBsinging Cdancing Dcheering( ) 9Alate Bsurprise

7、dCborn Dmoved( ) 10AifBunlessCuntilDbefore二、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWelcome to Blue Sky Hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay enjoyable. We hope you will find the following useful to you.Hotel ServicesServices24-hour front desk, morning call, ticket ser

8、vice, taxi service, and Internet service.ChargesA single room: 150 each night.A double room: 200 each night. 30 each meal, children under 12 years are half off.Things to rememberCheck-in time: 2:00 p.m. (present your ID card / passport)Check-out time: 12:00 p.m.Mealtime: breakfast (8:00-9:30) lunch(

9、12:00-14:00) dinner(18:30-20:30)( ) 11. What service does the Blue Sky Hotel offer?A. Dog walking. B. Clothes washing. C. Taxi service. D. Health care.( ) 12. If Jacky takes his wife and 6-year-old son for lunch at Blue Sky Hotel, how much will he pay?A.60 yuan.B.75 yuan. C.90 yuan. D.150 yuan.( ) 1

10、3.You can have your dinner at .A.18:00 B. 13:00 C. 15:00D. 19:00( ) 14.In which part of a magazine can we read the text?A. Sport. B. Travel. C. Food.D. Culture.BMr.West wanted to buy a Christmas present for his wife,but he always had much to do at work.He was never able to find time to go shopping.

11、A week before Christmas,Mr.West could not wait any more.He worked at an office,and usually had lunch in a restaurant.But one day he bought some cakes,ate them quickly and went to a big shop near his office during his lunch time.The shop was full of women.At first,he was waiting for his turn.But many

12、 women pushed past him.So after half an hour,he was still far from the salesmen and his lunch hour was coming to the end,so he decided to change his way of doing this and pushed to the front of the line.The women after him became angry and shouted at him, Why cant you behave like a gentleman? Ladies

13、, he answered, I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half an hour,but it is no use,so now I am starting to behave like a lady.( ) 15What can we learn about Mr.West from Paragraph 1? A.He was careful. B.He was rich. C.He was happy. D. He was busy.( ) 16What was Mr.West? A.A waiter. B.A s

14、hop assistant. C.An office worker. D. A teacher.( ) 17When did Mr.West go to buy the present that day? A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon D.In the evening.( ) 18What can we learn about the women in the shop? A.They jumped the line. B.They bought a lot. C.They were friendly to Mr.West. D

15、.They are Mr.Wests friends.CA young man went to a farm and asked for a job. When the old farmer asked what the young man could do to help the farm, he just said, “I can sleep when the wind blows.” This short answer puzzled(迷惑)the farmer. But he liked the young man and said OK anyway.Everything went

16、well until one night when there was a heavy storm. The old farmer and his wife quickly woke up and started checking to see if everything was safe.The farmer and his wife checked their things. They found that the farm tools had been put away safely in the house. The truck was parked in the garage. Th

17、ey found that the doors of the farmhouse were closed. The barn(谷仓)was properly locked. Even the animals were calm. All was well.After checking everything, they went to the young mans room and found that he was sleeping. The farmer and his wife then understood the meaning of the young mans words “I c

18、an sleep when the wind blows.” Because the young man finished all of his work while the skies were clear, he was prepared for the storm before it came.So when the wind blew, he was not afraid. He could sleep in peace.( ) 19The farmer let the man stay on the farm because _.A. he was kindB. he was puz

19、zledC. he was interested in the manD. he wanted to teach the man a lesson( ) 20What happened one night?A. The farmer lost his tools.B. A storm visited the farm.C. The farmhouse was broken.D. The man failed to do his duty.( ) 21How did the farmer feel in the end?A. Satisfied. B. Worried. C. Excited.

20、D. Angry.( ) 22What can be the best title for the text?A. Work for an old farmer.B. Be prepared for the future.C. Work hard all the time.D. Be brave and sleep in peace.DWhat will astronauts(宇航员) eat when a space trip takes years?“Lots of fresh vegetables, says Dr, Janet Williams, whose team have spe

21、nt the last 10 years learning how to grow plants in a space station. And its a good thing that she has already started her work, because space gardening can be really hard.As usual, astronaut George White looked into the closed plant room. He had planted Dr Williams quick-growing seedlings in it, bu

22、t none of the stems see seedlings stem were showing. He opened the room to check and found the problem. The stems werent growing roots upward and the roots werent growing downward. On Earth, gravity(重力) helps a plants stems and roots to find “up” and down. However, in the space station, there was al

23、most no gravity. Dr. Williams suggested a solution: give the plants more light, as plants also use sunlight to find their way. And it worked. When the plants had more light, the stems turned up and the roots went down. Now Dr. Williams was free to worry about the next problem: Would her baby plants

24、live to flower? Can we grow food on a space journey?Many plants died in the space station. Dr. Williams thought she knew why: the space plants were hungry for air. Plants live by taking up CO2, from the air. Since a plant uses it up in the air around, the plant needs moving air to bring more CO2 clo

25、se to its surface. On Earth, the air is always moving. Gravity pulls down cold air, and warm air rises. And with these air movements. plants get enough CO2.Many earlier experiments with plants in space had used closed rooms, Dr. Williams tried a new greenhouse that had a fan to keep the air move. Th

26、e plants loved it. They flowered and even produced more seeds. Using Dr. Williams method, astronaut George completed the first seed-to-seed experiment in space, and moved one plant closer to a garden in space.And this, says Dr. Williams, “is good news for long-term space travel.”( ) 23. Why have Dr.

27、 Williamss team tried to grow plants in space?A. To produce fresh air for astronauts. B. To help astronauts relax themselves.C. To provide food for long space Journeys. D. To make the space garden more beautiful.( ) 24. How did light help solve the problem mentioned in Paragraph 3?A. It helped the p

28、lants to grow in the right direction. B. It encouraged the plants to grow faster.C. It caused the gravity to change. D. It showed the astronauts where to plant vegetables.( ) 25. Why did many plants die in the space station?A. The light was too strong. B. The air was not good enough.C. There was not

29、 enough room to grow. D.There was too much CO2. ( ) 26. What can we learn about Dr. Williamss team from the passage?A. They dont like fresh vegetables. B. They havent built a space garden.C. They think the space gardening can be really easy.D. They have worked on space gardening for many years.ETher

30、e was once a company in the United States which would offer a lot of money to anyone who could find a white marigold (金盏花). It is known that most marigolds are either golden or brown, so it is very hard to find a white one.Twenty years later, the company received a letter from an old woman. She sent

31、 100 white marigold seeds (种子) along with the letter.The woman was a fan of flowers, When she first heard the companys news 20 years ago, she got very excited. She thought she could grow her own white marigolds. But her children doubted her. Because she knew nothing about seed genetics (遗传学) after a

32、ll. So her dream of growing white marigolds was just a dream.Still, she worked to make it happen. She planted some common marigold seeds and took good care of them. A year later, when the marigolds bloomed (盛开) , she took the seeds and planted them. Then she waited another year for them to bloom.Day

33、 after day, year after year, through many seasons, her life changed. After her husband died, her children moved away, and many other things happened, but her love to grow white marigolds remained strong in her heart.Finally, after 20 years, she went out to her garden and found a marigoldt was as whi

34、te as snow.( ) 27. What color is the marigold the company wanted?A. Golden. B. Brown. C. White. D, Yellow.( ) 28. What does the underlined word them refer to ?A. Flowers. B. Seeds. C. Children. D. Friends.( ) 29. It took the woman years to get white marigold seeds .A. two B. twelve C. twenty D. thir

35、ty( ) 30. What is the best title(标题) for the text?A. Strong love for marigold. B. Hard life of a woman.C. White seeds of the flower. D. A big company in the USA. 非选择题(50分)三、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Akrit Jaswal was born in India in 1993. His parents discovered soo

36、n that he was 31. (smart) than other children. He could talk when he was only ten 32. (month) , and he could read and write at the age of two. He 33._ (start) reading adult books when he was five.Medicine was one of his favorite interests, and he decided to become a doctor. 34. he was six, the docto

37、rs in a hospital allowed 35._ (he) to watch their performing the operation. He spent much time in 36. _ (watch). In this way, he learned more 37._ (use) medical knowledge.At the age of seven, he perfectly performed his 38._ (one) difficult operation on a village in his hometown. Akrit, who was only

38、1.5-meter tall 39. _ that time, became famous in India. Many local people who could not afford medical care came to see him.Akrit went to university at eleven. He was 40._ youngest college student in India. Hes been devoting(投身)himself to studying medicine since he graduated.四、单词拼写(共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分

39、)根据下列短文,写出与各小题所给汉语相对应的英语单词(每空一词)It was nine on a cold 41. (星期三) night. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike. At the last 42. (十字路口),while I was waiting for the green light,I saw an old man walking toward me. He stopped me and I felt a little nervous. The old man said 43. (慢慢地)“Excuse me.Co

40、uld you please help me? ”I looked at him up and down. He looked about 70 years old.The old man took out a 10-yuan bill and said to me,You see the old lady over there? She is selling baked(烤)sweet potatoes. Could you just take the money and buy one from her? He pointed at an old lady selling somethin

41、g about fifty meters away in the corner.“But why dont you go and buy it 44. (你自己)?”I was puzzled(迷惑的).The old man continued.That old lady is my wife and its her first day to sell baked sweet potatoes. Just now I called her.She told me that there was only one sweet potato left and she wouldnt go home

42、 until all the sweet potatoes were sold. But I know she cant stand the cold because her legs hurt. Im very worried about her. At that time,I understood why the old man asked me to buy his wifes sweet potato. I felt really warm and moved. 45. (没有) taking the money,I rode to the old lady quickly and b

43、ought the last one. As I waved goodbye to the old man. I could see him standing there with a thankful smile.五、综合填空。(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)从下面方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填入短文中,使短文通顺正确(每个词或短语只用一次)。drive, little, before, need, city, with, kind of, they, space, goA kind of little cars may someday take the place of

44、todays big ones. People will like this 46. small cars more and more .The car is as small as a bike but can carry people in it. Everybody can drive it, just like riding a bike. Even children and old people can drive 47. to schools and parks.If everyone 48. such a car in the future, there will be less

45、 pollution in the air. There will also be more space for all the cars in 49. , and the streets will have more 50._ for people to walk. Three such cars can fit in the space now needed for one car of the usual size. The little cars of the future will cost much 51. money than before. And they can go only 65 kilometers an hour, so driving will be safer, too. The cars of the future will be fine for 52._ around a city, but they will not be useful for a long trip. This kind of cars can save a lot of gasoline(汽油). They will go 450 kilometers 53. _ they need to stop for more gasoline. If bi


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