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1、2024年山西省朔州市多校中考英语模拟试卷一、补全对话根据下面的对话内容,在空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。A: Hi, Eric! The National Day is coming! Do you have any plans?B: Yes. 1 Im looking forward to the holiday!A: Have you ever been to Yungang Grottoes (石窟) in Datong, Shanxi Province?B: 2 I didnt have a chance to go there b

2、efore. A: Its a pity. There is a special exhibition (展览) of 3D-printed Yungang Grottoes in the museum.B: 3 Lets go there to enjoy the beauty of the grottoes.A: 4 B: Can we fix the date on October 3rd?A: Sure. 5 B: See you!二、完形填空请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The girls

3、of the school track team (田径队) sat together on the ground. A strange student took a big bag across the field toward them. 6 the strong sun, she was wearing long trousers, which made her look different. “Girls, this is Lara,” said the coach. “Shes a new runner. Jessie, you help her learn the 7 . “Jes

4、sie eyed Lara up and down, and she turned away and joined her friends without words. Lara sat on the bottom row and 8 her bag. She changed her right shoe to a running shoe, and then she took off her long trousers. Suddenly, the team members stared at her artificial (假的) left leg. Behind her, Jessie

5、and Ramona argued. “Wow, she is so 9 !” Ramona said. “Lets find a way to help her.” Ramona continued to say in a loud voice. However, Jessie went away and talked to other girls with a frown (皱眉).The 10 began. Lara was a little nervous, so she took off before the gun. Many of the girls laughed, 11 no

6、t Ramona. “No big deal, weve all done it!” she called. “Take a deep breath and lets go again, Lara,” said the coach 12 . This time, Lara ran fast after the gun fired. She was the first one to reach the finish line, along with Ramona, who finished just behind her. “Woo-hoo, Lara!” Ramona shouted. “Ho

7、w fast you ran!” Soon other runners 13 Lara, too. And then the whole track team was either cheering or congratulating Laraeven Jessie.6ABeforeBInCWithout7ArulesBtripsCstories8AmissedBopenedCbought9AbraveBafraidChappy10AexaminationBcompetitionCintroduction11AandBbutCor12AsoftlyBangrilyCproudly13Achee

8、red forBlooked forCwaited for三、阅读理解请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Good TV programs provide a chance for people to learn about different cultures and experience different ways of life. Here are four programs I suggest watching. Each program can bring you something new and amazing. HUM

9、AN AND NATUREThis program started on May 11, 1994. Its purpose is to make people understand how we influence the environment and how we can live a more environment-friendly life. It is also a window for people to gain knowledge of animals, plants and nature. Travel Along the BooksIt includes all the

10、 knowledge of textbooks from primary school to secondary school. It lets the students feel the culture and expand (展) their knowledge. Read ten thousand books, and _. Meet the Chinese Characters (文字)You can learn many stories behind Chinese characters in this program. Each episode (一集) lasts for onl

11、y five minutes, but it carries the deep meaning and is a great choice for viewing anytime. Fine cartoons bring the characters from thousands of years ago to life. A Thousand Years of FoodThe program finds out stories of Chinese food from ancient books. Actors use short plays to show the history of t

12、he dishes. The program connects tasty food with ancient history. People are interested in this way of presenting the program. 14What is HUMAN AND NATURE about?AMany kinds of wild animals.BThe growing process of plants.CThe way of protecting the environment.15Which of the following sentences can be t

13、he best choice for “_”?Atravel ten thousand milesBstudy the past to know the futureCsee what the northern countries show16How long does each episode of Meet the Chinese Characters last?AFor four minutes.BFor five minutes.CFor six minutes.17How is the history of dishes shown in A Thousand Years of Fo

14、od?ABy telling stories.BBy using short plays.CBy writing a poem.18What is the writer trying to do in the passage?AShow the most popular programs.BIntroduce the writers favorite TV programs.CPresent some educational programs to students.请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On Jordyn Perezs

15、eighth birthday, her mom suggested a new way to celebrate her birthdaygiving away her gifts to a childrens hospital. “I have already had everything I needed, and these kids who were going through hard times in hospital needed them to cheer up more than I did,” Jordyn said. Now as a student in high s

16、chool, Jordyn continues to bring joy to kids and teens who have serious illnesses. Kids can be in hospital for lots of reasons. For example, asthma (哮喘), a condition that causes breathing problems, is a top reason for younger children in her country. Kids at the age of 12 and older more often see a

17、doctor for mental (精神的) health problems. Whatever the patients age or illness, a hospital stay can be stressful. Efforts like Jordyns are a bright spot during a difficult time. Jordyns first gift drive was in 2016. Since then, it has kicked off each year in early November, a few weeks before her bir

18、thday. Along with an invitation to her party, Jordyns friends get a list of gift ideas for kids in hospital. The number of gifts grows every year. “Seeing other peoples happinessthats all that matters to me,” Jordyn says. Natalie Gutierrez, a nurse at a childrens hospital, has seen Jordyns gift-givi

19、ng activity for many years. “She puts smiles on the faces of these little patients in our hospital and on our nurses and doctors,” Gutierrez says. “They are all amazed at her generosity (慷慨) at such a young age.”Jordyns efforts to help kids in hospital have encouraged others to follow in her footste

20、ps. Her friends have volunteered in different kinds of organizations, too. And Jordyns 7-year-old sister helps animals by working at the Animal Society. “Helping others, its just a good feeling to have at the end of the day,” Jordyn says. “I want to keep doing this as long as I can.”19What does Jord

21、yn think about her gift-giving?AKids in hospital need some gifts to cheer up.BShe should give away new things to help children.CGifts need to be sent to kids who are younger than her.20What does the underlined phrase “a bright spot” mean?AA force for good.BA big problem.CA serious situation.21Why ar

22、e Natalie Gutierrezs words mentioned?ATo make people pay attention to her patients.BTo show the importance of the health problems.CTo praise the actions of gift-giving from Jordyn.22What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?AAnimals are having a difficult time at the Animal Society.BMore and mo

23、re people take part in activities about helping.CIf you give something to others,you will get something from others.23What is the best title of the passage?ACaring about Patients in NeedBA Special Way to Celebrate the BirthdayCSome Advice on How to Make Friends请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文

24、意思通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。Joking around with someone can be a pleasing thing. However, people may see it differently. 24 The jokes will become worse when you show you cant accept them. You need to catch the fine line between laughing with someone and laughing at them. 25 To make a tease (取笑) feel

25、proper, we need to consider the relationship between each other. A healthy tease should make both sides feel relaxed. When both sides know its simply a joke, a feeling of understanding can be created. The environment is important for close relationships. 26 But it doesnt matter if your sister calls

26、you by your nickname (绰号) when youre at home. Meanwhile, different people have different views on jokes. When making a joke, we naturally see the funny side of it. 27 We dont know what experiences they have had, so we dont know how they might understand the joke. Imagine a swimming party where one p

27、erson doesnt get in the pool. Others might tease him or her for not joining in or being unable to swim. But what if that person is afraid of water? Those doing the teasing might say they didnt know. 28 Good relationships can be formed without putting others down. In our daily lives,we should pay att

28、ention to our words and actions and care about others feelings.AThe level of relationship is key.BBut other people might not see it in the same way.CSometimes it may make people feel angry and painful.DTeasing is a good way to help people build friendships.EPeople might have their own personal reaso

29、ns for not seeing the funny side.FYou may not feel good when youre called by your nickname across the playground.四、任务型阅读请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词。每空一词。In the old days, there was little else to do but read books. Travel was especially slow, and you needed something to do on long train r

30、ides, in the airport or up all night on the ship. In the days before online video games, reading was one of the few ways to kill time. It was also a great way to meet people. These days, however, different kinds of media entertainment options (娱乐选择) have increased so much that nobody is on the same

31、page. Todays fewer and fewer book readers could lead to a million missed chances and connections. On April 23, we celebrate World Reading Day to shine light on the joys and advantages of delving (探究) into the written word. Deep reading allows us to lose ourselves fully in a story to understand it, t

32、o connect with its characters and to explore (探索) new worlds. But how can slow reading compete with social media that provides quick results? Reading is a habit, and to get good at it, you need practice. The key to developing good reading habits is to enjoy what you are doing. Pick a few books aroun

33、d your favourite theme and read one of them. Unlike short videos, the pictures that come from reading are the ones you create yourself and this gives you more joy. When you read, you can understand the world around you more clearly. The simple pleasure of losing yourself in pages of a good book migh

34、t feel like a past habit, but it can actually be a great way of enjoying yourself in the present. People hardly had anything to do but read books in the past. They had to kill time by reading books, especially during the slow and long 29 , when they are on the train, in the airport or on the ship. T

35、hey could also meet people by reading. However, few people choose to read because of the increase in media entertainment options, which makes them miss many 30 and connections. World Reading Day stresses that reading can help us not only 31 the story and characters but also explore new worlds. Compa

36、red with social media that provides 32 results, developing the habit of slow reading needs practice. You can imagine the pictures when reading, which will bring you a lot of joy. You can also understand the world around you more 33 . The simple joy of reading, a past habit, can become a great way to

37、 help you enjoy yourself. 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。Language is special. Learning or forgetting a language means knowing or not knowing a way to talk. Although we dont use our dialect (方言) very often, it still influences all of us. Since language diversity (多样性) is something we all sh

38、are, its our responsibility to protect it. Technology can protect languages, like helping us record and save languages,spread them around and study them. But we need to be careful and work hard to protect language diversity. Adapted from a Conference (Chart I) Dialect is a tool that people use to ta

39、lk with each other. Usually, it can fully express what the speaker wants to say and achieve the goal of communication. This kind of language or dialect has enough power. However,nowadays,many people mainly use Putonghua in their daily lives. Even in some places where people seem to use dialects, man

40、y new things in society are mixed with the pronunciation of Putonghua, and sometimes even the whole sentence is changed to Putonghua. Home is the last place where dialects are used. According to a survey, from the communication terms used by three generations in the families of Suzhou locals, we cou

41、ld find the reasons that influence the use of language. First, social and cultural background including a persons values, beliefs and customs can influence the way he or she communicates. The second is about the educational background, which can influence a persons skilled use of language and the ty

42、pe of language he or she uses. We can do something to keep the familys language tradition. For example, we can create a good environment where the familys language is spoken and used regularly. Besides, grandparents teach children their dialect and culture, while children teach grandparents new word

43、s and expressions. Artificial intelligence (AI) uses some interesting pictures to give power to the Suzhou dialect. It hopes that the familiar local accent (口音) can bring back memories of the dialect from peoples childhood and make them feel more connected to their hometown. It also hopes that more

44、young people will take action to protect the dialect, develop an interest in it,speak the dialect and tell more Suzhou stories in Suzhou dialect. The more a language is used,the more alive it becomes. Artificial intelligence protects the dialect through intelligent voice innovation (智能语音创新) and brin

45、gs the dialect closer to young people. 34What does “learning or forgetting a language” mean? 35Why is technology mentioned when talking about the language in Chart I? 36What can we know from Chart ? 37Please fill in the blank in Chart . 38How does AI protect the Suzhou dialect? 39What can the dialec

46、t help us with? 五、短文填空词语运用 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。Our time is truly valuable, and we should be careful with it. I read that when smokers stop smoking, their lungs (肺) start to become healthier than before. Is the same true for our brains? One day, I decided to kick my addiction (上瘾) to phone. I wanted to make up for the time 40 was wasted on my phone. I couldnt completely stop 41 my phone


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