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1、2024年安徽省合肥市第四十五中学九年级一模英语试卷一、听力选择1What is Jim going to do this afternoon? ABC2Which of the following are they talking about? ABC3How do they go to the railway station? ABy underground.BBy car.COn foot.4When will the party be held? AOn July 13th.BOn July 30th.COn July 31st.5Which colour does the man c

2、hoose? AYellow.BGreen.CBlue.听下面一段对话,回答两个小题。6What should the man do when using the machine?AStart with a high speed.BDrink water every half an hour.CUse it more than 4 times a day.7How much does the man have to pay for the machine now? A¥500.B¥1,000.C¥1,500.听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。8What is the weather like no

3、w?ASunny.BRainy.CCloudy.9Which building has blue walls?AThe museum.BThe train station.CThe shopping center.10What will the speakers do next?AVisit the museum.BTake the train.CEnjoy local food.你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,短文读两遍。11How old is Lucys grandfather?A80.B82.C84.12What

4、did Lucys family plan for her grandfather?AA party.BA trip.CA book.13How did Lucys family ask Grandfathers friends to help?ABy sending letters.BBy making calls.CBy paying visits.14When did Lucys family give the gift to Grandfather?AIn the morning.BAt noon.CIn the evening.15What does Lucy think is th

5、e most important?AFamily.BFriendship.CHealth.二、听力填空你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词,短文读两遍。Ways to learn 16 culturesRead works.It 17 you to get a full understanding of the local way of life.Make friends with foreigners.It helps you to know the 18 knowledge of their culture.Be interested in their

6、19 .It has an important 20 for us to make full sense of traditional culture.三、单项选择21Its so difficult for me to remember these new words clearly.Dont lose heart. Maybe you can try to _ them with interesting things.AdiscussBconnectCfillDshare22Its surprising that the boy did better with your encourage

7、ment.Correction does much, but _ does more.AchoiceBdecisionCreasonDpraise23Where did you buy that beautiful hat, from a real shop or a supermarket?_. I am used to shopping online.ANeitherBEitherCNoneDBoth24I think Mount Huangshan is a wonderful place for people to travel.I _ agree with you. Everyone

8、 who once came here spoke highly of it.ApossiblyBhardlyCtotallyDquickly25In Chinese families, people wont start dinner _ the elders take their seats.AafterBwhenCbecauseDuntil26Please bring Ms. Li to the welcome party _ telling her so that she can be surprised.AaboutBfromCwithoutDfor27Its a long time

9、! I cant remember when this picture _ in Xiaoyaojin Park.Awas takenBtakesCis takenDtook28In recent years our hometown has _ a new look. The people are leading a better life.Agiven upBput offCturned downDtaken on29I wonder _ life will be different in the future.Maybe we will be able to live on anothe

10、r planet with the development of space technology.AwhetherBhowCwhenDwhere30Ruby, could you please help me solve these problems?_, but still half will be left for you to do by yourself.AI dont think soBI hope notCWith pleasureDMy pleasure四、完形填空Zhu Yangzhu is the spaceflight engineer for the Shenzhou

11、XVI task. He has loved the blue sky and flying 31 he was a boy.When he was a middle school student, Zhu often did physical exercises about flying. Because of his 32 grades, Zhu could enter the College of Aerospace (航空航天) Science and Engineering in Changsha in the summer of 2005. And he 33 there for

12、the following years. During studying, Zhu made great 34 and finished his high school life from the university with a doctors degree.In the summer of 2018, Zhu heard about the news about Chinas astronauts. He 35 to have a try to become an astronaut. In September 2020, Zhu was 36 chosen as one of the

13、countrys third group of 18 astronauts, including six other flight engineers.However, for an engineer who had no air flight 37 , the astronaut training tasks presented a real test. For example, astronauts had to 38 for three days and three nights in a closed room, during which they had to do many tes

14、ts on a computer. That 39 a lot of hard work. He not only completed the hard training himself, but also played a(n) 40 role in relaxing the team and helping others in his team.Last year, all his hard work paid off when he was chosen to carry out the Shenzhou-16 task.31AunlessBsinceCthoughDbecause32A

15、lowBrichChighDbad33AtaughtBvolunteeredCtouredDremained34AprogressBchangeCwealthDdevelopment35AdecidedBrefusedCcontinuedDagreed36AslowlyBfinallyCsimplyDquietly37AachievementBfeelingCexperienceDability38Apay backBlie downChang outDstay up39AwastedBsavedCrequiredDadvised40AdangerousBimportantClovelyDfr

16、iendlyHave you ever done something that makes you cringe (畏缩 )? No one likes feeling embarrassed (尴尬的), and learning to 41 embarrassment can make you feel more confident.Embarrassment is a big 42 that can make you laugh, cry and want to hide under your clothes. Falling over in a shop or accidentally

17、 43 your teacher “Mum” might feel like the end of the world, but everyone gets embarrassed sometimes.Embarrassment is a way of teaching us not to 44 mistakes. Youre more likely to worry too much about what other people think of you, so that you will be more 45 about what you are going to do. Even if

18、 you think everyone notices you with ketchup (番茄酱) on your face, studies show that 46 people notice than you think. Sometimes embarrassing feelings can stop you from trying new things. If this happens, share your feelings with a person that you 47 .If something isnt very serious, try making a 48 out

19、 of it. Laughter can show people that there is 49 to worry about. Although youre feeling embarrassed, other people may not have even noticed.Sometimes were embarrassed about the 50 weve shown towards others. In that case try saying how sorry you are and that you have forgotten what happened.41Adeal

20、withBcare aboutClearn fromDput away42AsayingBfeelingCtrainingDmeeting43AcallingBemailingCregardingDcheering44AavoidBchooseCrepeatDcorrect45AexcitedBinterestedCcarefulDhelpful46AtallerBshorterCmoreDfewer47AguessBsupportCdoubtDtrust48AplanBjokeCwishDmess49AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything50AideaB

21、adviceCwayDword五、补全对话根据对话内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hello! 51 B: This is Jack speaking. Who is that?A: This is Mary. 52 B: I have no idea. And you?A: I plan to attend an after-school activity. Do you have any interest?B: Uh. 53 A: Its about protecting the environment of Wanfo Lake. B: Sounds

22、 meaningful! 54 A: You are so kind. Im glad you can join us. B: Thanks! 55 A: So it is.AWhat are you going to do this afternoon?BWhen will we take part in the activity?CI think I will join it.DIs that Jack speaking?EWhat is the after-school activity about?FWhat a good idea!GIt is our job to protect

23、the environment.六、阅读理解Victory Language offers beginners language courses for more than 20 languages across the UK. If you are thinking about taking an evening language course, find out if you are ready with our Language Test for Beginners.Discount (折扣): Our 350 5-week courses and 500 10-week courses

24、 start on 9th July. Get 10% off if you book between June 17th and June 30th.Am I Really a Beginner?Lots of our students feel they are a complete beginner even though they may have studied the language. Its important to understand that our course levels are divided into beginner 1, beginner 2 and beg

25、inner 3. You can find out which beginner courses you should take by checking your level with our free online level test or by sneaking to one of our course teachers.PS. Our beginner 1 classes are for people who have zero experience of the language, so make sure you start in the right level.Do not wa

26、it. Join us now.56How much should you pay if you buy the 5-week courses on June 18th?A285.B315.C350.D385.57What can students do to learn about their language level?ACommunicate online with a beginner or make a public speech.BAsk their parents for advice or complete an online examination.CTake a pen-

27、and-paper test or write an article about language learning.DTake an online level test or talk to a teacher from Victory Language.58Where does the text probably come from?AA travel guide.BA book review.CA study report.DA newspaper.Vani Sharma had an elder sister Anitha. When Vani was 5, her sister wa

28、s sick and had to stay in hospital for a month. Vani and her parents often stayed close by, and a Ronald McDonaldHouse program near the hospital always served people some meals. It freely offered them food and a comfortable place to stay. Vani remembered eating pasta prepared by kind volunteers.Her

29、family were really thankful because they received a lot of support. It meant a lot to them. After Anitha got well, they all decided to be volunteers. Seven years later, they and their friends continued helping out there by preparing a meal for 50 to 70 guests once a month.Vani now helps plan the men

30、u and cook the food. She also tries to make guests feel welcome in many other ways. As guests eat, Vani and Anitha often play music to cheer them up.The Sharmas enjoy bringing happiness to others during a difficult time. As Vani says, “Its great to give back to the community and make more people fee

31、l warm.”59What happened to Anitha when Vani was five?AShe got a serious illness.BShe had to be in hospital for three weeks.CHer parents couldnt stay with her.DShe had no comfortable places to stay at.60Why did the Sharmas decide to be volunteers?ABecause they were forced to do so.BBecause they had s

32、o much free time.CBecause they wanted to pass on kindness.DBecause they had to do something in return.61What is the correct order of the text?a. Vani and Anitha brought a lot of joy to others.b. Vanis family decided to be volunteers.c. The Sharmas got help from a program.d. Vani prepared food for gu

33、ests.Aa-d-c-bBc-a-b-dCa-c-d-bDc-b-d-a62What is the purpose of the text?AFo tell us to take more exercise.BTo call on us to help other people.CTo explain why we should never give up.DTo teach us how to be volunteers.China has fewer very overweight people compared to many other countries worldwide. Th

34、e reason behind this is the traditional Chinese diet which is known for its health benefits. Lets explore what makes the Chinese diet so good for health.A traditional Chinese diet is heavy on vegetables. The Chinese enjoy filling their plates with fresh and healthy vegetables, such as snow peas, bro

35、ccoli, and green beans. These vegetables are good for the body and can even help in fighting cancer. Moreover, vegetables are low in calories (卡路里). That means they are one of the best choices for managing the calories you take in at a meal.Unlike some other countries, Chinese meals do not usually e

36、nd with a high-calorie dessert. Sometimes, at the end of a Chinese meal, a sweet soup, like red bean or tofu soup, may be served. However, these soups are usually much lower in calories compared to desserts like cakes or ice cream, even though they have some sugar.The choice of drinks also plays a r

37、ole in weight control. In many other countries, sugary cola drinks and energy drinks are popular. However, in China, people have been drinking tea for more than 3,000 years, and they usually enjoy it all day long. Drinking tea can help burn extra (多余的) calories and can also provide protection agains

38、t certain diseases.Additionally, the Chinese dont eat as much fast food as people in some other countries. This results in a lower intake of fat. In countries like America, the serving sizes in restaurants are usually larger than usual. This leads to people eating far more calories than they need. I

39、n China, however, people usually eat smaller-sized dishes, which are often shared with others.All these points add up to the traditional Chinese diet being a healthy one. Lots of fresh vegetables, fewer desserts, a love for tea, and smaller-sized dishes all help people to stay slim and healthy.63Wha

40、t does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to (指的是)?ASweet soups.BChinese meals.CWestern meals.DHigh-calorie desserts.64What can we infer from Paragraph 4?ATea is popular around the world.BChinese people prefer tea to energy drinks.CAmericans also like drinking tea nowadays.DEnergy drink

41、s can help control peoples weight.65What is the structure(结构) of the text?A/B/C/D/With spring soon coming to an end, people in China are looking forward to the first solar term (节气) of summer, Lixia, which falls on May 5 of this year. Lixia, or the Start of Summer, is the seventh of the 24 Chinese s

42、olar terms. It symbolizes the passing from spring to summer.Because of the heat of summer, plants will grow faster. The crops also welcome the rapid growing season. Therefore, farmers are usually happy to welcome the arrival of Lixi. This is the best time of the year to plant early rice in the south

43、 of China. There are a lot of ancient Chinese idioms (习语) that warn people not to stay. free during this period of time. For example, in some places people cook “Five-Colored Rice”. It is usually made from five kinds of beans, including red bean, yellow bean, black bean and green bean. It stands for

44、 peoples good wishes for a colorful life. In some areas, children will wear a bag with an egg around their necks. This is believed to help prevent abdominal distension (腹胀). Its common illness among ancient Chinese children during summer.On the day of Lixia, people also have the tradition of eating

45、three kinds of food: cherries, green plums, and green wheat. Since there are so many different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables from which to select, what gets eaten during this time can influence the country. In ancient times, during Lixia, emperors would give ice to their ministers. Common cit

46、izens would have icy drinks.Other Lixia traditions include the singing of many kinds of folk songs. People also weigh themselves on Lixia. When the summer passes, theyll weigh themselves again to see how many pounds they have lost during the hot season.66Why are the farmers happy to welcome the arrival of Lixia?A


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