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1、Chapter 4 BloodChapter 4 Blood组组 胚胚 教教 研研 室室: 袁袁 娲娲Department of histology and embryologyLearning Objectives The composition of blood (血液血液). The structure, function and normal values (正常值正常值) of the formed elements of blood(血液有形成分血液有形成分). Hematopoiesis (血细胞的发生血细胞的发生). The hematopoietic tissue (造血组织

2、造血组织) and the hematopoietic stem cells (造血干细造血干细胞胞) . The production and significance of lymph(淋巴淋巴).* a specialized form of C.T.* a circulating tissue* as a transporting medium* a total volume about 5 liters in health adultINTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONComponents of blood 血液的组成成分血液的组成成分 * Formed elements

3、-blood cells (45%)* Intercellular substance-plasma (55%)Erythrocytes 红细胞红细胞Leukocytes 白细胞白细胞Platelets 血小板血小板H2O ( 90% )Plasma proteins: albumin白蛋白白蛋白, globulin球蛋球蛋 白白, fibrinogen纤维蛋白原纤维蛋白原, etc.Others:血液的组成血液的组成centrifugation (离心) - plasmaLeukocytes + Platelets - Erythrocyte (Red blood cell)anticoag

4、ulant (heparin)抗凝剂(肝素)抗凝剂(肝素) 血块、血清血块、血清Serum 血清血清 without anticoagulant Clotting 无无纤维蛋白原纤维蛋白原血液有血液有形成分形成分红细胞:男红细胞:男 ( ; 女女 (万个万个/ul/ul) ) 白细胞白细胞 (4.0(4.010) 10) 10 109 9 /L/L或或 4 4千千-1-1万个万个/ul/ul血小板血小板 (100300) 109 /L (或(或10-30万个万个/u

5、l) 有粒白细胞有粒白细胞 无粒白细胞无粒白细胞中性粒细胞中性粒细胞 50-70%50-70%嗜酸性粒细胞嗜酸性粒细胞 0.5-3%0.5-3%嗜碱性粒细胞嗜碱性粒细胞 0-1%0-1%淋巴细胞淋巴细胞 25-30%25-30%单核细胞单核细胞 3-8%3-8%血液有形成分正常值血液有形成分正常值血象血象(hemogram(hemogram) ): 血细胞的形态、数量、百分比及血血细胞的形态、数量、百分比及血红蛋白的含量红蛋白的含量. . 血象是临床疾病诊断、治疗的重要指标。血象是临床疾病诊断、治疗的重要指标。WrightWright染色法(瑞特染色染色法(瑞特染色法)法): :染料是由酸性染

6、料是由酸性 GiemsaGiemsa染色法(吉姆萨染染色法(吉姆萨染色法)色法): :吉姆萨染液由伊吉姆萨染液由伊红,天青组成。红,天青组成。 血涂片血涂片 blood smear: blood smear: 观察血细胞形态观察血细胞形态染色方法染色方法: : Wright Wright 或或 GiemsaGiemsa染色染色一、红细胞(一、红细胞(erythrocyte,rederythrocyte,red blood cell, RBC blood cell, RBC) 1.1.结构特点结构特点 2.2.血型血型 3.3.功能功能 4.4.寿命寿命 5.5.网织红细胞网织红细胞Mature

7、 Erythrocyte * biconcave disc shape, providing greater surface area; * no nucleus and organelles; * Hemoglobin ( Hb ); * deformability.SEMSize: 7.5 8.5m (diameter)Number: Male: 4.25.51012/ L (Hb: 120150g/L) Female: 3.55.0 1012/ L (Hb: 110140g/L)2 2ABOABO血型抗原系统血型抗原系统:红细胞膜含血型抗原红细胞膜含血型抗原 A A型:有型:有A A型抗

8、原型抗原 B B型:有型:有B B型抗原型抗原 O O型:无型:无A A型、型、B B型抗原型抗原 ABAB型:有型:有A A型、型、B B型抗原型抗原3 3功能功能: : 红细胞具有携带红细胞具有携带 O O和和COCO的功能,由血红的功能,由血红 蛋白执行。蛋白执行。 4 4寿命寿命: :红细胞的平均寿命红细胞的平均寿命 约为约为120120天。天。溶血溶血 (hemolysis)血影(血影(erythrocyte ghost):溶血后残留溶血后残留 的红细胞膜囊。的红细胞膜囊。 * not fully mature RBC * 0.5 1% of a total number of RB

9、C * no nucleus * ribosomal RNA remnants (netlike structure) * remaining Hb synthesis * Clinic significance ReticulocyteReticulocyte网织红细胞网织红细胞 Pathological conditionsNumberSizeShape HbAnemia贫血贫血 Erythrocytosis红细胞增多症红细胞增多症 Spherocytosis; Sickle cell anemiaThalassemia(地中海贫血)(地中海贫血)Large / small cell an

10、emia Sickle-cell anemia is a painful disease in which RBCs become crescent shaped due to inheritance of an abnormal type of hemoglobin. Sickled RBCs break down, releasing hemoglobin into the circulation. Normal RBC Sickled RBC 镰状镰状Typically, the affected RBCs are small, spherically shaped, and lack

11、the light centers seen in normal RBCs. SpherocytosisGeneral characteristic of leukocytes* spherical shape * posses nuclei * presence of organelles * a total number less than that of erythrocytes * exhibiting amoeboid movement* involving in body defenses and immunity二、白细胞(二、白细胞(leukocyte, white blood

12、 cell,WBC) Classification*Granular leukocytes 有粒白细胞有粒白细胞neutrophils 50 70% 中性粒细胞中性粒细胞eosinophils 0.5 3% 嗜酸性粒细胞嗜酸性粒细胞basophils 0 1% 嗜碱性粒细胞嗜碱性粒细胞*Agranular leukocytes 无粒白细胞无粒白细胞lymphocytes 25 30% 淋巴细胞淋巴细胞monocytes 3 8% 单核细胞单核细胞 Neutrophil Size : 10 12 m (diameter) Morphology 形态形态 nucleus:highly morpho

13、nuclear rod-like 2-3 lobulated 4-5 lobulated young old cytoplasm:specific granules: 80%, smallazurophilic granules: 20%, lysosome 溶酶体Neutrophils 中性粒细胞中性粒细胞 (嗜天青颗粒嗜天青颗粒)中性粒细胞中性粒细胞 (血涂片)(血涂片)Lobulated nuclei Rod-like nucleusazurophilic granules* fine, uniform细细腻,均匀腻,均匀 * evenly distributed* pink stain

14、ingCharateristics of specific granules:Specific granules (80%, samll) contain:alkaline phosphatase碱性磷酸酶碱性磷酸酶 * Phagocytin 吞噬素吞噬素* lysozyme 溶菌酶溶菌酶Azurophilic G. (large, less) containing:acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶酸性磷酸酶* Peroxidase 过氧化物酶过氧化物酶Neutrophil (EM)Chemotaxis (Mobility) 趋化性趋化性: Attracted by chemota

15、ctic factor (released by macrophages)Phagocytosis & destroy bacteria: 吞噬和杀灭细菌吞噬和杀灭细菌 the number of leukocytes acute the % of neutrophils bacteria infection Size: 10 12 m (diameter)LM:nucleus: lobulated; S or irregular; obscured outlinecytoplasm: basophilic granules* variable size* uneven distributio

16、n* strong basophiliaCharacteristicBasophil 嗜碱性粒细胞嗜碱性粒细胞 Basophil E.M.: Basophilic granules contain:* heparin * histamine F.N.: * anticoagulate * responsible to allergic reactionnucleusSize: 10 15 m (diameter)LM:- usually bilobed nucleus- eosinophilic granules * strong eosinophilia (reddish)* coarse

17、and refractile * uniform size and evenly distributedEosinophils 嗜酸性粒细胞嗜酸性粒细胞Characteristic(电镜)(电镜)Eosinophilic granules ( primary lysosomes ) which contain substances: * acid phosphatase* aryl sulphatase 芳基硫酸酯酶芳基硫酸酯酶* Peroxidase * histaminase 组胺酶组胺酶nucleusEosinophilic granules with crystalloid in th

18、e center(EM)Chemotaxis(趋化性)(趋化性) attracted by chemotactic factor from the mast cells Phagocytize(吞噬)(吞噬) foreign bodies, Ag-Ab complexAnti-allergy (抗过敏)(抗过敏) Release histaminase,inactivate histamine for weakening allergic reactionAnti-parasite (抗寄生虫)(抗寄生虫) It is increased in patients infected w/ all

19、ergic reaction or parasite Neutrophils: * ruffled membrane movement* chemetaxis* phagocytosis Eosinophils: anti-parasite; anti-allergy Basophils: * anticoagulation;* involving in allergic responseFunction of granular leukocytesSize: 14 20 m (diameter)Nucleus: large, eccentric, light staining, deep i

20、ndentation, horseshoe cytoplasm: abundant,gray-blue staining, weak basophilia, numerous purple granules (azurophilic G)Monocyte 单核细胞单核细胞Small pseudopodia , microvillus, mitochondrionRER,Lysosomes (azurophilic granule) contain:* Peroxidase * Acid phoshpatase * Lysozyme 溶菌酶溶菌酶 (EM模式图)模式图)nucleusMonocy

21、te under EMFunction of monocyte - differentiate into macrophages.- phagocytosis- immune response- give rise to osteoclasts 破骨细胞,- which are able to dissolve bone. 3 types: small 68m;medium-sized 912m;large 1320mSmall lymphocyte(90%): LM: Round or ovoid; Nu.: sphericity, indentation, condensed chroma

22、tin, darkstaining. Cytoplasm: scanty, as a thinrim in light-blue w/ azurophilicgranules * a large number of free ribosomes, * a few mitochondria, and other organelles * exhibiting small cytoplasmic projections in the surface of cells.(EM模式图)nucleusLymphocyte under EM Classification* function# T-Cell

23、: 75% cellular immunity B-Cell: 10-15% humoral immunity large granule lymphocyte (K & NK cell)* based on the source, characteristics on cellular membrane, life & function# immunological defence Classification & Function三、血小板三、血小板 ( blood platelet, thrombocyte )Megakaryocyte s fragment, in clumpsLM:

24、24m,disc-likeor irregular, anucleated. Two regions: Granulomere: centrally-located, purple-blue granules. Hyalomere: peripherallylocated, in light-blue. cell coat: rich inglycoproteins associated to platelet adhesion; M.T. system: a. opening tubule system开放小管系统开放小管系统: to increase the surface area fo

25、r platelet adhesion. b. dense tubule system致密小管系统致密小管系统: sER , support, collect Ca 2+ and synthesize prostaglandin 前列腺素前列腺素E.M.: actin-like M.F 微丝微丝: mobile. granules: a. granules (special granules): containing platelet derived growth factor, PDGF; thrombospondin. b. dense granules致密颗粒致密颗粒: serotoni

26、n (5-HT), ADP, ATP, Ca2+ & adrenaline 肾上腺素肾上腺素1. Hemostasia 止血止血: 2. Coagulation 凝血凝血:3. Protect blood vessel endothelium, repairing endothelium, prevent atherosclerosis(动脉硬动脉硬化化)Slides review五、骨髓和血细胞的发生五、骨髓和血细胞的发生( bone marrow and hematopoiesis )lHematopoietic organ 造血器官造血器官 yolk sac卵黄囊卵黄囊 (early e

27、mbryo) Liver肝肝 / spleen脾脾 (6w5m) bone marrow骨髓骨髓 (4m and after)lStructure of bone marrow 骨髓的结构骨髓的结构 red bone marrow: hematopoietic tissue 造血组织造血组织 + blood sinusoid 血窦血窦 yellow bone marrow: adipose tissue 脂肪组织脂肪组织 + immature hemocyte 血细胞血细胞 hematopoietic tissue: 造血组织造血组织 reticular c.t. + +hemocytes i

28、n various stage, macrophages, adipocytes, mesenchymal cells blood sinusoid: 血窦血窦 discontinuous endothelia,incomplete BMHemopoietic stem cell self-replication powerful proliferationpotency multi-differentiation Potency Hemopoietic progenitor c.Unipotential or bipotential Produce matrue blood c. Eryth

29、rocytes series granulocyte series monocyte series megakaryocyte series* Lymphocytes derived from lymphatic organs & tissues Nucleus: size(RBC: abesent; megakaryocytes) nucleoli: number & size, until disappear chromatin: fine & scanty coarse & dense;staining: pale deep S.G in granulocytes & Hb in ery

30、throcytes: other organelles in red celluntil disappear mitotic ability:, until disappear(but 分裂能力分裂能力 lymphocyte)Questions for review 1、Reticulocyte2、Monocyte3、Compare the morphologic structure and function of granulocytes.4、简述红细胞的结构特点和、简述红细胞的结构特点和功能。功能。5、简述白细胞的分类原则、简述白细胞的分类原则、分类及所占百分比。分类及所占百分比。Summary table. Erythrocyte & leukocyte E r y t h r o c y t e ( m a t u r e ) LeukocyteNumberSizeShape NucleusOrganelle HBGranulesFunction Lifespanbiconcave discspherenonpresent


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