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1、Unit 1 Teenager LifeUnit1 Teenager Life主题语境主题语境本单元为“人与自我人与自我”主题语境下对“个人及学校生活个人及学校生活”的探讨。中心话题是“青少年的生活青少年的生活”,主要是对高中生活的探讨,通过亚当自述高一新生面临的挑战,展示了高中生活中新的困难与挑战,以及面对挑战的勇气和毅力。本单元也介绍了美国高中的课程与课外活动,展现了丰富多彩的高中生活。语言技能语言技能【理解性技能【理解性技能】 运用略读,通过标题、图片、关键词或主题句等获取文章大意。 【表达性技能】【表达性技能】 (1)口头叙述计划和将要发生的事情。(2)写一封有关解决青少年问题的建议信

2、。语言知识语言知识【词汇】【词汇】核心词汇:核心词汇:volunteer,debate, prefer, suitable, challenge,confusing, graduate, recommend, advanced, quit, responsible, solution, schedule, expert, behaviour, attract, addicted等。等。常考短语:常考短语:debate with, prefer. to. ,clean up, be suitable for, graduate from, sign up (for), be responsibl

3、e for, be attracted to, focus on, be addicted to等。等。【语法】【语法】名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语名词短语、形容词短语和副词短语【句式】【句式】(1) 原因状语从句;原因状语从句;(2) so that引导目的状语从句;引导目的状语从句;(3) It is/was+adj.+(for sb) to do sth;(4) “ “动词动词+it+宾补宾补+不定式不定式(短语短语)” ”结构;结构;(5) too.to.结构。结构。Period I Reading and Thinking课文思维导图课文思维导图Hi! My name is Ada

4、m and Im a freshman at senior high school. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. The first week was a little confusing.嗨!我叫亚当,是高中一年级的新生。从初中嗨!我叫亚当,是高中一年级的新生。从初中到高中真是一项巨大的到高中真是一项巨大的挑战挑战。第一周有点让人。第一周有点让人困惑困惑。First, I had to think very carefully about which course

5、s I wanted to take. The school adviser helped me choose the suitable ones:maths,English,chemistry,world history,and Chinese. I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I graduate. My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like E

6、nglish and Im good at it. 首先,我必须非常仔细地考虑我想上哪些课程。学校指导老师帮我选择了适合我的课程:数学、英语、化学、世界历史和汉语。我知道汉语是一种非常难的语言,但我希望毕毕业业时能说得很流利流利。因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错,我的指导老师建议我选修选修高级文学高级文学。 I had to choose extra-curricular activities, too. I tried to join the school football team,but the coach told me that I didnt play well enough. Obvi

7、ously, I was unhappy, but I wont quit. Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year. I joined a volunteer club instead. Every Wednesday, we work at a soup kitchen and hand out food to homeless people in the community. 我也不得不选择课外课外活动。我试图加入学校足球队,但教练告诉我,我踢得不够好。显然显然,我很不开心,但我不

8、会放弃放弃。我会自己想办法改进,这样我明年就能入选球队了。相反,我加入了一个志愿者俱乐部加入了一个志愿者俱乐部。每周三,我们会在施舍处干活,把食物分发分发给社区里的无家可归者。 I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more. Im a bit worried about keeping up with the other students in my advanced course, and it ll be qui

9、te difficult to get used to all the homework. Still, Im happy to be here. Studying hard isnt always fun, but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future. 我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并我知道作为一名高中生,我必须更加努力地学习,并习惯习惯对对更多的事情更多的事情负责负责。我有点担心在我的高级课程中。我有点担心在我的高级课程中跟上跟上其他学生的其他学生的水平,要习惯所有的

10、作业会相当困难。不过,我还是很高兴来到水平,要习惯所有的作业会相当困难。不过,我还是很高兴来到这里。努力学习并不总是有趣的,但我会为大学或未来发生的任这里。努力学习并不总是有趣的,但我会为大学或未来发生的任何其他事情何其他事情做好充分准备做好充分准备。核心词汇核心词汇1.Volunteer Club 志愿者俱乐部志愿者俱乐部 教材教材 P12 volunteer n.C志愿者;义务工作者;自告奋勇者志愿者;义务工作者;自告奋勇者In the mid-1990s, Tom Bissell taught English as a volunteer in Uzbekistan.20世纪世纪90年代

11、中期,汤姆年代中期,汤姆比斯尔作为志愿者在乌兹别克斯坦教英语。(比斯尔作为志愿者在乌兹别克斯坦教英语。(2020新高考全国新高考全国1)I need some volunteers to help with the washing-up.我需要几个自告奋勇者帮我洗我需要几个自告奋勇者帮我洗餐具。餐具。 vi.& vt.自愿做;义务做;无偿做自愿做;义务做;无偿做常用搭配常用搭配volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事;自告奋勇做某事自愿做某事;自告奋勇做某事volunteer for sth 自愿去做某事自愿去做某事Helen volunteered to have Thanksgi

12、ving at her house this year.海伦主动提出今年的海伦主动提出今年的感恩节在她家过。感恩节在她家过。Several staff members volunteered for early retirement.几位职员自愿提前退休。几位职员自愿提前退休。核心词汇核心词汇联想词联想词voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的自愿的;志愿的牛刀小试牛刀小试Susan had quit her well-paid job and was working as _ volunteer in the neighborhood when I visited her last yea

13、r. (2018北京卷)We worked with _(volunteer) of ages and backgrounds. Most of our _(volunteer) are aged 17-24. (2019北京卷)When Mary arrived at our village, she volunteered _ (teach) in our school. avolunteersvoulunteersto teach核心词汇核心词汇2.Debate Club 辩论俱乐部 教材 P12Debate:a formal argument or discussionn.辩论;讨论T

14、he issue of whether classical music is relevant to young people causes a heated debate debate.古典音乐是否与年轻人相关这一问题引起了激列的争论。常用搭配常用搭配under debate 正在讨论中正在讨论中have a debate with sb on/about/over sth和某人就某事进行辩论和某人就某事进行辩论lts still under debate whether the old bus station should be replaced with a new hotel or n

15、ot.这个旧公共汽车站是否应该被新宾馆取代仍在讨论中。The students are having a debate with their teacher over the question.学生们正在和他们的老师就这一问题进行辩论。核心词汇核心词汇 vi.& vr.辩论;争论;讨论常用搭配常用搭配debate with sb on/about sth =debate sth with sb和某人就某事进行辩论和某人就某事进行辩论/讨讨论论He likes to debate issues with his friends.他喜欢和他的朋友们讨论问题。联想词联想词 debater n.辩论者

16、;辩手辩论者;辩手牛刀小试Whether he deserves what has happened to him is still _ debate. We are having a heated debate _ the impact of computer on children. We debated _ him on the question till late into the night. 我们花了一个小时讨论这个计划的利与弊。 _underabout /over /onwith核心词汇核心词汇3.I prefer helping others.我更喜欢帮助别人。 教材 P12p

17、refer vt.(preferred, preferred; preferring)较喜欢;更喜欢;喜欢多于用法归纳用法归纳prefer 即 like better,因此不能再与better, more等表示比较含义的单词连用。prefer不用于进行时,其后可接动词不定式、名词、动名词等作宾语。Which of these two dresses do you prefer?这两件连衣裙你更喜欢哪一件?常用搭配常用搭配prefer to do sth/prefer doing sth更喜欢做某事更喜欢做某事prefer sb to do sth 更想让某人做某事更想让某人做某事prefer

18、A to B比起比起B更喜欢更喜欢Aprefer doing A to doing B比起做比起做B更喜欢做更喜欢做Aprefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做宁愿做A而不愿做而不愿做B;喜欢做;喜欢做A而不喜欢做而不喜欢做B核心词汇核心词汇I prefer walking/to walk alone after a days work.Id prefer you to drive, if you dont mind.They preferred good news to bad.I prefer singing to acting.特别注意特别注意prefer to

19、 do sth中的to是不定式符号,prefer (doing) sth to (doing) sth中的to是介词。联想词联想词preference n.喜爱;偏爱;优待;优先喜爱;偏爱;优待;优先express/show/have a preference for.偏爱偏爱Many people expressed a preference for the original plan.许多人表示更喜欢原计划。核心词汇核心词汇牛刀小试牛刀小试You prefer healthy food _ fast food. (2018年全国年全国II卷)卷)The boss prefers_ (red

20、uce)the sales rather than cut the costs.They prefer that a training company _(organize) the course.Most people prefer _(ride) to work to_ (drive)as the free-bicycle service is offered.Rather than _(ride) on a crowded bus, he always prefers _(ride)a bicycle.I prefer him not_ (suffer) from such great

21、pressure.toto reduceshould organizeridingdrivingrideto ride to suffer 核心词汇核心词汇4.Which club do you think is suitable for Adam?你认为哪个俱乐部适合亚当? suitable adj.合适的;适用的合适的;适用的 I hope I can find a suitable job after graduation.我希望毕业之后我能够找到一份合适的工作。常用搭配常用搭配be suitable for.适合适合be suitable to do.适合做适合做I want to b

22、uy some books suitable for children. 我想买一些适合儿童阅读的书籍。These crayons are not suitable to use in very hot weather.这些彩色蜡笔不适合在非常炎热的天气使用。核心词汇核心词汇联想词联想词suit n.西装;一套衣服西装;一套衣服vt.(服装、颜色等服装、颜色等) 适合;对适合;对(某人某人)方便;中方便;中的意的意The six survivors lived through their difficulties because of the special rubber suits they

23、 were wearing.这六位幸存者因穿着特殊的橡胶服渡过了难关。He changed his overalls for a suit.他脱下了他的工作服,换上了一套西服。Blue suits you. You should wear it more often.你适合穿蓝色。你应该多穿蓝色衣服。She had the ability to suit her performances to the audience.她有能力使自己的表演迎合观众的口味。unsuitable adj.不合适的不合适的核心词汇核心词汇牛刀小试His goal is to make a film that is

24、suitable _ children. Youve covered with sweat. It is not suitable _ (bathe) right away. forto bathe核心词汇核心词汇5.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.从初中过渡到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。 challenge n.挑战;艰巨任务挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向怀疑;向挑战;质疑;激发,激励挑战;质疑;激发,激励 Write a poem about how courage, de

25、termination, and strength have helped you face challenges in your life.写一首诗,讲述关于勇气、决心和力量是如何帮助你面对生活中的挑战的。(2020新高考全国I)Up to now, our society has been challenged with limited living space and a shortage of natural resources.到目前为止,我们的社会一直面临着生存空间有限和自然资源匮乏的挑战。核心词汇核心词汇常用搭配常用搭配the challenge of (doing) sth(做

26、做)某事的挑战某事的挑战face a challenge 面临挑战面临挑战accept/take up/take on a challenge接受挑战接受挑战meet the challenge of.迎接迎接的挑战的挑战challenge sb(to sth)向某人挑战向某人挑战(某事某事);(尤指对方不情愿时尤指对方不情愿时)强烈强烈建议某人建议某人(做某事做某事)challenging adj.具有挑战性的具有挑战性的She finished the most challenging task without a mistake. challenger n.挑战者挑战者核心词汇核心词汇牛

27、刀小试牛刀小试Exploring outer space is a challenge _man against nature.He challenged me_ (play) another tennis game.I challenged him _a game of chess. It is_ challenge for graduates to find suitable work.Some graduates find it _(challenge)to find a suitable job after graduation.If he takes on the work,he w

28、ill have to meet the challenge of _ (organise)a team all by himself.of to play to a challengingorganising6 .The first week was a lite confusing.第一周(的生活)就让人有点困惑。confusing adj.(difficult to understand;not clear) 令人迷惑的;难以理解的;不清楚的令人迷惑的;难以理解的;不清楚的 If the structure of your speech is loose and confusing, c

29、hances are that your confusing thinking is also disordered.如果你的演讲结构松散、难懂,那么可能你的思维也是杂乱无章的。联想词联想词confuse vt. 把把弄糊涂;使迷惑;弄糊涂;使迷惑;(把人或物把人或物)混淆混淆confuse.with.把把与与混淆混淆They asked so many questions that they confused me.他们问了这么多问题,都把我弄糊涂了。Please dont confuse Australia with Austria.请别把Australia(澳大利亚)和Austria(奥

30、地利)弄混了。核心词汇核心词汇核心词汇核心词汇 confused adj.(人感到人感到)糊涂的,迷惑的糊涂的,迷惑的(也指人的表情、眼神、声音等充也指人的表情、眼神、声音等充满困惑的满困惑的)be/get confused about.对对感到困惑感到困惑All the roads looked the same and he felt thoroughly confused.所有的路看上去都一样,他完全糊涂了。 confusion n.C,U不确定;困惑;混乱;辨别不清;混淆不确定;困惑;混乱;辨别不清;混淆U慌乱慌乱in confusion 困惑地;局促地困惑地;局促地核心词汇核心词汇牛

31、刀小试牛刀小试2019天津卷天津卷The author takes novel reading as a way to get away from a _(confuse)world.2018江苏卷江苏卷 For example, there are huge amounts of reference books which I am often _ (confuse) to choose from.I am confused_ your recent behaviour. People often confuse me _my twin sister.confusing confusedab

32、outwith核心词汇核心词汇7.I know that Chinese is a very difficult language, but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.我知道汉语是一门很难的语言,但我希望自己到了毕业的时候能够说一口流利的汉语。 graduate vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位毕业;获得学位常用搭配常用搭配graduate from+学校学校 毕业于毕业于(学校)(学校)graduate in+专业专业 毕业于毕业于(专业)专业)After graduating from college,we finally got the cha

33、nce to take a bike trip.He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.他是剑桥大学物理学专业毕业的。2 n.C毕业生;学士学位获得者毕业生;学士学位获得者常用搭配常用搭配a graduate in+专业专业 一名一名专业的毕业生专业的毕业生 a graduate of+学校一名学校一名学校的毕业生学校的毕业生a graduate in English一名英语专业的毕业生一名英语专业的毕业生核心词汇核心词汇联想词联想词 graduation n.U(大学或美国高中的大学或美国高中的)毕业毕业 undergraduate

34、 n.(在读的在读的)大学大学(本科本科)生生 postgraduate n.研究生研究生说明: graduate是非延续性动词非延续性动词,不可与时间段时间段连用。He has graduated from college for 3 years.()He graduated from college 3 years ago.()It is 3 years since he graduated from college. ()核心词汇核心词汇牛刀小试牛刀小试 Sarah graduated _physics _Cambridge University.By the time Jack ret

35、urned home from England, his son_ (graduate) from college.They are the_ (graduate)who graduated _Wuhan University and now are playing an important part in our company.After_ (graduate) she reached a point in her career where she needed to decide what to do.infromhad graduatedgraduatesfromgraduation核

36、心词汇核心词汇8.My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and I m good at it. 我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。语而且成绩不错。 recommend vt.建议;劝告建议;劝告常见用法常见用法 recommend that sb(should) do sth 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事(recommend 意为意为“ “建议建议” ”,后接,后接 advise;

37、 suggest宾语从句时,从句谓语用宾语从句时,从句谓语用“ “should +动词原形动词原形” ”,should可以省略可以省略)recommend sb doing/to do sth 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事recommend doing sth =suggest doing sth 建议做某事建议做某事The judge recommended that he (should) serve 20 years in prison.法官建议判处他入狱服刑20年。My parents recommended me to make more friends.我的父母建议我多交朋友。We

38、 strongly recommend reporting the incident to the police.我们强烈建议将这起事件报告给警察。核心词汇核心词汇 vt.推荐;介绍推荐;介绍Personally I recommend you this car as your first choice.我个人推荐这辆车作为你的首选。常用搭配常用搭配recommend sb/sth to sb 向某人推荐向某人推荐/介绍某人介绍某人/某物某物be highly/thoroughly/strongly recommended 强烈推荐强烈推荐I recommend this book to an

39、yone with an interest in chemistry.我把这本书推荐给所有对化学感兴趣的人。联想词联想词recommendation n. 推荐;介绍;建议推荐;介绍;建议核心词汇核心词汇牛刀小试牛刀小试 I recommended the girl _the shopkeeper as a shop assistant. Thank you for recommending me _the position of a manager. Mary is annoying. I recommend _(leave) her alone. My teacher recommende

40、d me_ (revise) the notes taken before the exams.tofor leavingto revise核心词汇核心词汇8. advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的高级的;高等的;先进的at a high levelvery modernThis science and technology-based theme park uses the most advanced technology. 这个以科技为基础的主题公园使用了最先进的技术。 常见用法常见用法advanced industrial societies先进的工业社会先进的工业社会adv

41、anced maths 高等数学高等数学核心词汇核心词汇联想词联想词 advancen.前进;进步;进展;预付款前进;进步;进展;预付款in advance (of sth) (时间上时间上)事先;提前事先;提前We live in an age of rapid technological advance.我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。To catch the early flight, we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.为了赶上早班飞机,我们提前订了一辆出租车,而且起得很早。 vi.前进;发展前进;发展; 使发展;促进;提

42、前;提出使发展;促进;提前;提出Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years.近年来我们对这种疾病的了解有了很大进展。核心词汇核心词汇 adj.预先的advanced warning/planning/booking预先警告/计划/订购牛刀小试牛刀小试The course is intended for _(advance) learners. We are working hard _(advance) the cause of world peace. advancedto advance核

43、心词汇核心词汇9.Obviously, I was unhappy, but I wont quit. 显然,我并不开心,但我是不会放弃的。 quit vi. & vt.(美美quit, quit;英英quitted,quitting) stop doing sth 停止;戒掉;停止;戒掉; leave (a job, school, etc)离开离开(工作职位、学校等工作职位、学校等);搬离;搬离If he doesnt pay his rent,he will receive a notice to quit.如果他不付他的房租,他将被通知搬出去。常用搭配常用搭配 quit school

44、辍学辍学 quit ones job 辞职辞职 quit doing sth 停止做某事停止做某事核心词汇核心词汇One friend of mine has decided to quit his job and go abroad for further study recently.最近,我的一个朋友已决定辞去他的工作,出国深造。He quit smoking at last.他最终戒了烟。牛刀小试牛刀小试A neighbour came to ask the band to quit_ (make) noises when they practised at 11:00 p.m. Ca

45、thy_ (quit) her job before her son was born so that she could stay home.makingquit/quitted核心词汇核心词汇11.I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.我知道,作为一名高中生,我得更加努力地学习,并且习惯承担更多的责任。 responsible adj. 负责的;有责任的;成为起因负责的;有责任的;成为起因常用搭配常用搭配

46、sb is responsible for sth 某人对某事负责某人对某事负责/有责任有责任sth is responsible for.某事某事/物是物是的原因的原因We should be responsible for our own happiness and misery.Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer.吸烟是许多人患肺癌的原因。可靠的;有责任心的可靠的;有责任心的(=reliable)You can leave the children with Billyhe is very responsible. I

47、ts time you started acting like a responsible adult.核心词汇核心词汇特别注意特别注意responsible作前置定语和后置定语时意义不同:作前置定语前置定语时,表示“有责任心的有责任心的”;作后置定语后置定语时,表示“负有责任的负有责任的”。He is a responsible young man.他是个有责任心的年轻人。Police are determined to catch the man responsible.警方下决心捉拿肇事去联想词联想词responsibility n.责任;职责责任;职责have/take/shoulde

48、r responsibility for (doing) sth对对(做做)某事负责任某事负责任a sense of responsibility 责任感责任感We need to take responsibility for looking after our own health. 核心词汇核心词汇牛刀小试牛刀小试 Human activity is not responsible all water shortages.(汉(汉译英)译英) Who do you trust to take_(responsible) for the car accident? Parents need

49、 to encourage a sense of_ ( responsible) in their children. The man responsible for the job is a newcomer.(英译汉)(英译汉)Give the task to a responsible man. (英译汉)(英译汉)responsibilityresponsibility高考链接高考链接As a main promoter of the International Tea Day, the birthplace of tea and the 64 _ (large) tea-produc

50、ing country, China has a 65 _ (responsible) to work with other countries to promote the healthy development of the tea industry.(2022年高考乙卷语法填空)largestresponsibility核心词汇核心词汇12.solution n.C解决办法;答案;解答解决办法;答案;解答 After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally find the solutio


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