Unit 5 Discovering Useful Structures-ppt课件--(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、【版本:人教册别:选必一】Discovering useful structures contents The subject clause Language points HomeworkIIILead-inIVLead-inLook at the sentences below and state the functions of the noun clauses italicised.1.What concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious sho

2、rtage of food to eat.2.How this could be done was a challenging question at the time.3.Whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate.4.It is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops

3、generated from Yuans hybrid strains.5.What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams.在句子中在句子中充当主语充当主语的从句就叫做的从句就叫做主语从句主语从句The subject clause 1.That Yuan Longping had realised his dream of seawater rice surprised the whole world.2.That the earth is round is

4、a fact.3.That English is important is an undoubted fact.4.That the moon itself does not give off light is common know ledge.5.That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.The subject clause 1that 引导的引导的主语主语从句从句:l that 无含义无含义l that 在在句子中句子中不充当任何成分不充当任何成分,不可省略不可省略。The subject clause 21.

5、Whether they will get married is not decided yet.2.Whether he likes this present is unclear.3.Whether she is coming or not doesnt matter too much.“whether+陈述句陈述句”做主语,做主语,whether 引导的主语引导的主语从句从句,不能用不能用if1.What she did is not yet known.2.Who will go to the concert is not known.3.Which book they will ch

6、oose is not clear.4.Whoever comes is welcome.5.Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.l 连接代词 what,who,whose,which,whoever,whatever,whichever 引导的主语从句。l 连接词在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,有意义且不可省略。The subject clause 31.When we arrive doesnt matter.2.When the meeting is to be held has not yet been deci

7、ded.3.Why he refused to cooperate with us is still a mystery.4.How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.The subject clause 4l 连接副词 when,where,why,how 引导的主语从句。l 连接词在从句中充当状语,有意义且不可省略。3.That he doesnt understand French is obvious.It is known to all that light travels in str

8、aight lines.It has not been announced when the plane is to take off.It is obvious that he doesnt understand French.It is a fact that the earth is round.1.That light travels in straight lines is known to all.2.When the plane is to take off has not been announced.4.That the earth is round is a fact.Th

9、e subject clause 5Can you change the following sentences into another form?为避免头重脚轻,常用 it作形式主语置于句首,真正的主语从句后置。Can you find out the common feature in this set of subject clauses?1.It is reported that no passengers were injured in the accident.2.Its well-known that the earth moves round the sun.3.Its sa

10、id that Mr Green has arrived in London.4.It is suggested that the meeting(should)be put off.5.It was ordered that we(should)arrive there in half an hour.The subject clause 6It be+过去分词+that 从句it 为形式主语,that 从句作真正的主语;类似的过去分词有:believed,thought,demanded,hoped,discussed,expected 等。It is reported that.(据报道

11、)It is believed that.(人们相信)It is generally thought that(人们普遍认为)It has been found that.(现已发现)It should be noted that(应当注意)It must be pointed out that(必须指出)It is+过去分词 +that 从句主要句型The subject clause 61.It is obvious that youve made a big mistake.2.It is likely that he cant come to the party tonight.3.I

12、t is true that English is becoming an international language.4.It is necessary that you(should)master some computer skills.Can you find out the common feature in this set of subject clauses?It be+adj+that 从句:it 为形式主语,that 从句作真正的主语;类似的形容词有:strange,natural,obvious,true,wonderful,possible,evident,surpr

13、ising 等。The subject clause 71.It is common knowledge that the whale is not a fish.2.It is a shame that you did not pass the test.3.It is a great pity that you missed the film.4.It is no wonder that you are so tired.5.It is a miracle that he can recover from the serious illness.It be+n+that 从句:it 为形式

14、主语,that 从句作真正的主语;类似的名词有:pity,surprise,news,wonder,shame,knowledge,miracle 等。The subject clause 8 It is good news that.(真是太好了)It is no wonder that.(难怪)It is a shame that.(遗憾的是;真是太不像话了)It is common knowledge that.(是常识)It is a miracle that.(真是个奇迹)It be+名词+that 从句主要句型The subject clause 8The subject clau

15、sethat 引导引导的主从的主从that 在句中不作成分,无含义,不可省在句中不作成分,无含义,不可省whether 引引导的主从导的主从whether 引导主从,有引导主从,有“是否是否”含义,不可含义,不可省省连接代词和连接代词和连接副词引连接副词引导的主从导的主从连接代词和连接副词在从句中有含义,且充连接代词和连接副词在从句中有含义,且充当主、宾、定、状等成分当主、宾、定、状等成分it 作形式主作形式主语,从句为语,从句为真正的主语真正的主语It is+过去分词过去分词+that 从句从句It is+形容词形容词+that 从句从句It is+名词名词+that 从句从句主语主语从句从

16、句1._ he attended the meeting or not wasnt quite clear.2._ team will win the match is still unknown.3._ comes to the activity will receive a present.4._ he figured out a way to solve the problem successfully surprised us all.5.We usually think _ we cant get seems better than what we have.WhetherWhich

17、WhoeverThatwhatThe subject clause:Instant Practice即学即练6._ we do is to serve the people.7._ they will come hasnt been made public.8._ surprised me most was _ the little boy did so well in the competition.9.It is _(report)that the river has become clear and clean.WhateverWhenWhatthatreported即学即练The su

18、bject clause:Instant Practice1.That my parents wanted to know was my performance at school.2.It is reported when China has successfully sent Change 5 into space.3.If he can finish his task on time is of great importance.4.Who leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.5.That matters most in l

19、earning English is enough practice.WhatthatWhetherWhoeverWhatThe subject clause:Instant Practice Grandma has been complaining about the vegetables sold in the supermarket,_ have been grown using chemical fertilisers.To her,_ they look beautiful on the outside is obvious.However,_ she is unhappy abou

20、t is the lower nutritional value and reduced flavour.Now that both of my grandparents have retired from their jobs in the city,_ they are going to spend their retirement is an important decision for them._ they can live a healthy life is the first thing they are considering.So they have made up thei

21、r minds to move to the countryside,_ they can live a green life.whichthatwhathowWhetherwhere即学即练The subject clause:Instant PracticeLanguage points1commit oneself to 2increase the output 3pay less attention to 4make use of5be comprised of6remain an unanswered question 7cause cancer 增加产量增加产量不太注意不太注意利用

22、利用由由组成组成仍是个未解决的问题仍是个未解决的问题引起癌症引起癌症Important phrases(P52 P53)致力于致力于8complain about sth9lower nutritional value 10 now that 11 make up ones minds to do sth12 move to the countryside 13 live a green life14 find a solution 既然既然下定决心做某事下定决心做某事搬到农村搬到农村过环保生活过环保生活找到解决方法找到解决方法降低营养价值降低营养价值Important phrases(P52

23、 P53)抱怨某事抱怨某事 1._ more and more farm machines being used in the fields,the _(consume)of fuel has been increasing.(P52)随着随着越来越多的农业机械被用于田间,燃料的消耗也在增加。越来越多的农业机械被用于田间,燃料的消耗也在增加。u with 的复合结构作状语,修饰整个句子:(1)with+宾语+to do 表尚未发生的动作 (2)with+宾语+doing 表正在进行的动作 (3)with+宾语+done 表已经完成的动作,与宾语之间是被动关系WithconsumptionImp

24、ortant sentences(P52)u has been increasing 现在完成进行时表示从过去到现在一直在进行的动作或状态1.With my homework _(finish),I went out to walk my dog.2.With all my classmates _(stand)by me,I felt confident and cheerful.3.With such a great family _(feed),my parents are busy with work from dawn till night.4._ what they needed

25、bought,they left the shopping mall happily.finishedstandingto feedWith即学即练Important sentences(P52)2.A vast underground shelter _(build)during World War II has been turned _ an urban farm,_ (supply)supermarkets and restaurants in London.(P52)在在第二次世界大战期间建造的一个巨大的地下避难所第二次世界大战期间建造的一个巨大的地下避难所,已经已经变变 成成了一个

26、城市农场,供应伦敦的超市和餐馆。了一个城市农场,供应伦敦的超市和餐馆。u“built during World War II”是过去分词短语作定语,修饰 shelter,与 shelter 之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。u“supplying supermarkets and restaurants”现在分词作状语修饰 an urban farm,并与之存在逻辑上的主动关系。builtintosupplyingImportant sentences(P52)(1)_(consider)your great interest in playing football,the school intend

27、s to hold a football match this weekend.(2)My mother strongly suggests I drink milk every morning,_(say)that it is beneficial to my health.(3)由于疫情的危险性,学校决定我们进行线上上课由于疫情的危险性,学校决定我们进行线上上课。Considering the great danger of the epidemic,our school decided to offer us online courses.Consideringsaying即学即练Imp

28、ortant sentences(P52)3.The shelter,_ could protect up _ 8000 people from wartime bombs,was comprised of two large tunnels that were intended to one day become an _(extend)of the London underground.(P52)这个这个避难所可以保护多达避难所可以保护多达8,000人免受战争时期的炸弹袭击,它由两条人免受战争时期的炸弹袭击,它由两条大大 隧道隧道组成,这两条隧道原本计划在某天成为伦敦地铁的延伸部分。组成,

29、这两条隧道原本计划在某天成为伦敦地铁的延伸部分。up to 多 /高达 protect sb from/against(doing)sth 保护某人免受 be comprised of 由组成 intend to do sth 打算做某事 be intended to do 被打算做某事which toextensionImportant sentences(P52)4.Students _(encourage)to try a variety of free-time activities _(reduce)the intense stress _ studying.(P52)encourage sb to do sth a variety of=varieties of=various reduce ones stress increase ones stress are encouragedto reducefromImportant sentences(P52)我们鼓励学生尝试各种业余活动来减轻学习的压力。我们鼓励学生尝试各种业余活动来减轻学习的压力。IV HomeworkFinish the Exercises on P90.


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