Unit 3 Words and expressions 2-ppt课件--(2022)高二英语新人教版选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、B6U3 Words and expressions II Environmental ProtectionCreate a harmonious campus together.Prevent school violence1.The harmony of sea and sky海天一色2.We must try to live _ harmony with ourselves and those around us.3.我确信不同民族的人民可以融洽相处。(强调;it作形式宾语)I do believe it possible for different ethnic groups to l

2、ive together in harmony.1.harmonious adj.(关系(关系/声音声音/颜色)和谐的颜色)和谐的 harmony n.融洽融洽/和谐和谐;(音乐)和声(音乐)和声 in harmony with 与和谐 in harmony 和谐地 in=harmoniouslyAfter completing the form,click the submit button.Dont shoot,please!I submit.give in surrenderyield1.All applications must _(submit)by Monday.2.They su

3、bmitted their reports _ the manager yesterday.3.她面对威胁,拒不低头。2.submit vt.提交提交/呈递;呈递;submit A to B 把A提交给B vt./vi.屈服屈服/顺从顺从submit(oneself)to(doing)sth.屈服于(做)某事 submission un.屈服屈服/顺从顺从;提交提交/呈递呈递be submittedtosubmitted-submitted;submittingShe refused to submit(herself)to threats.3.on behalf of sb.代表(某人);代

4、表(某人);represent 代表(某人代表(某人/某群人某群人/国家国家/地区)地区);(符号(符号/标志)代表着标志)代表着/标志着标志着 stand for(符号(符号/标志)代表着标志)代表着/标志着标志着1.Brown areas _(represent)desert on the map.2.The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers _(represent)the victims.3.I,_ _ _(代表)our class,welcome you warmly and sincerely.4.What does ATM st

5、and for?5.我很高兴在这里代表我们学校进行演出。=on sbs behalfrepresenton behalf of representingI am glad to put on a performance here on behalf of our school.I am glad to put on a performance here representing our school.1.The technique _(originate)by an Italian artist.2.She never forgot her humble origins.3.All meat

6、should be clearly labeled with its country of origin.4.最初的计划是明天提交报告。(不定式作表语)4.originate vi/vt.发源发源/起源;创立起源;创立 origin cn.起源起源/起因起因;出身出身/血统血统 常用复数常用复数 original adj.最初的最初的/原先的;原先的;新颖的新颖的/独创的;真迹的独创的;真迹的 cn.原稿原稿/原件原件 originally adv.最初最初/原先原先was originatedThe original plan is to submit the report tomorrow

7、.Wildlife conservation1.环境保护environmental conservation2.能源的节约energy conservation3.他们花了4个月在雨林里开展保护工作。They spent four months carrying out conservation work in the rainforest.4.People tend to be more liberal when theyre young and more conservative as they get older.5.conservation un.(对环境对环境/文物等文物等)保护保护

8、;节约节约/防止浪费防止浪费 conserve vt.保护;节约(水保护;节约(水/能源等)能源等)conservative adj.保守保守的的&cn.保守派保守派1.A dozen or so cars were parked near the entrance.2.You will be able to take ten dozen bottles free of duty through customs.3.The riot(暴乱)left four people dead and several dozen injured.6.dozen n.一打(一打(1212个);个);doze

9、n前有前有_或具有或具有_的词,如:的词,如:_等修饰限制时,等修饰限制时,dozen要用要用_形式形式,后面接后面接_,且名词前通常无需用介词,且名词前通常无需用介词of。数词数词数词意义数词意义a,many,several,some,a few单数单数可数名词复数可数名词复数a dozen eggs2 dozen soft drinks4.有许多作业要写,我晚上不能去看电影了。(with的复合结构)With dozens of homework to do,I cant go to the cinema tonight.6.dozen n.一打(一打(1212个);个);dozen前有前有

10、_或具有或具有_的词,如:的词,如:_等修饰限制时,等修饰限制时,dozen要用要用_形式形式,后面接后面接_,且名词前通常无需用介词,且名词前通常无需用介词of。dozens of 数词数词数词意义数词意义a,many,several,some,a few单数单数可数名词复数可数名词复数许多许多;数十数十/几十几十7.carry out 执行执行/进行进行 carry on(with)sth.继续做继续做 carry through 将将进行到底进行到底/贯彻贯彻;帮助帮助渡过难关;渡过难关;carry away 运走;使失去自制力运走;使失去自制力/激动激动 carry off 成功地完成

11、;赢得(奖品)成功地完成;赢得(奖品)1.You will have an accident if you _ driving like that.2.Turn off the water supply before _(carry)out repairs.3.It was a daring attempt but he carried it off.4.我决心要坚持到底。5.Hearing the report that Jay Chou was going to give a concert in Xiamen,I got carried away and started shouting

12、 at the television.carry oncarrying I am determined to carry this through.1.However,on closer _(inspect),a number of problems emerged.2.Each hotel _(inspect)and,if it fulfills certain criteria,is recommended.3.老师走来走去检查他们的作业。(非谓语作状语)8.inspection un.&cn.视察;仔细检查视察;仔细检查 inspect vt.视察;仔细检查视察;仔细检查 inspect

13、or cn.检查员检查员/督察员督察员is inspectedinspectionThe teacher walked around inspecting their work.bearstand put up with1.There is a limit to _one person can tolerate.2.She refused to tolerate _(call)a liar.3.The plants are tolerant_ frost.4.The inspector warned that they had zero tolerance for cheating.5.我不知

14、道你怎么能忍受那样的噪音。(宾语从句)9.tolerate vt.忍受忍受/忍耐忍耐;容忍容忍/包容;包容;tolerate(sb/sth)doing sth 容忍(某人)做某事 tolerant adj.宽容的宽容的/容忍的容忍的;(植物植物/动物动物/机器)能耐机器)能耐的的be tolerant of/towards sth.对容忍;耐 tolerance un.容忍容忍/包容包容;(;(痛苦痛苦/困难等的困难等的)忍受程度忍受程度/忍耐力忍耐力 have zero/no tolerance for 对.零/不容忍whatbeing calledof/towardsI dont know

15、 how you tolerated that noise.1.I will sign the document _ behalf of my company.2.This painting is a copy;the _(origin)is in Paris.3.He gave up struggling for freedom,_(submit)to the cruel reality.4.他一生致力于环境保护事业,呼吁人与自然和谐相处。He devoted his life to the cause of environmental conservation,calling for a

16、harmonious relationship between man and nature.onoriginalsubmitting moderate adj.中等的中等的;适度适度/有节制有节制的的;温和温和/稳健稳健/不激进不激进的的 vi.&vt.缓和缓和/使适中使适中 1.The moderate price and excellent performance can be accepted easier by users.2.While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial,too much stress can exhaust

17、 you.3.He was moderate in his views.4.Her anger moderated when she learned why her son had done it.1.年收入an annual income2.年会an annual meeting/conference3.这个展览每年在我们城市的博物馆举行一次。(被动)The exhibition is held annually in the museum of our city.annual adj.每年的;一年的每年的;一年的cn.年刊年刊/年鉴年鉴 annuallyadv.一年一次地一年一次地 tro

18、pical forestst_ fruitsropicaltropical adj.(来自来自/产自产自)热带的热带的 The city center was in chaos after the demonstration 1.经济的混乱经济的混乱economic chaos2.国内的混乱国内的混乱domestic chaoschaos un.混乱;混乱;紊乱紊乱in chaos 一片混乱 nuclear explosion1.nuclear energy核能2.a nuclear weapon核武器3.a nuclear missile核导弹nuclear adj.原子能的;核能的原子能的

19、;核能的1.My teeth are very sensitive to cold food.2.Lauras sensitive about her weight.3.It made me much more sensitive to the needs of the disabled.4.This in an extremely sensitive microscope.sensitive adj.敏感的敏感的;sensitively adv.敏感地敏感地sense n.感觉;理解力感觉;理解力/判断力判断力 vt.感觉到感觉到善解人意的善解人意的/有感知力有感知力/能理解的;能理解的;(

20、对光对光/温度温度/位置等的细微变化)灵敏的;位置等的细微变化)灵敏的;1.the law of the jungle丛林法则丛林法则jungle n.(热带)丛林;尔虞我诈的环境(热带)丛林;尔虞我诈的环境smog n.烟雾烟雾/雾霾(指城市里由汽车和工厂废气所造成的雾霾(指城市里由汽车和工厂废气所造成的不洁空气)不洁空气)smoggy adj.烟雾弥漫的烟雾弥漫的smoke+fogturn up/down the volume mute adj.静音的;静音的;哑的哑的缄默缄默/沉默的;沉默的;volume n.量量;体积体积;(成套书籍中的成套书籍中的)一卷一卷;音量音量 1.incre

21、ase volume of sales2.The first volume of his poems is popular.the garbage mountain1.垃圾袋垃圾袋garbage bags2.捡垃圾捡垃圾collect/pick up garbage3.倒垃圾倒垃圾empty/dump/take out the garbage4.垃圾分类垃圾分类garbage sorting/refuse classification5.Please do not drop/throw/leave the trash./No littering.请勿乱扔垃圾。请勿乱扔垃圾。garbage un

22、.垃圾垃圾;废话;废话=rubbish/trash/waste/litter1.There are plenty of small industrial e_.2.他仍在从事促进当地创业的志愿者工作。(非谓语作定语)Hs is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.3.他是很有事业心的人。He is a man of great enterprise.enterprise n.公司公司/企业企业 C;创业创业UU;事业心事业心/进取心进取心UUnterprises restore vt.恢复恢复;使复原使复原/修

23、复修复1.back up and restore data1.安全规章安全规章safety regulations2.防火条例防火条例fire regulations3.Under the new regulations,_(spend)on office equipment will be strictly controlled.根据新的规定,办公设备开支将受到严格控制。根据新的规定,办公设备开支将受到严格控制。regulation cn.规则规则/条例条例/法令法令(常用复数)(常用复数);un.(通过规章进行的)控制(通过规章进行的)控制/管理管理 regulate vt.(通过规章)控

24、制(通过规章)控制/管理;调节管理;调节/校准校准spendingBomb Disposal Experts 1.Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains.2.He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.他放出话说他将使出十八般武艺。disposal un.丢弃丢弃/处理处理/清除;清除;安排安排/安置安置at ones disposal 任某人处理/自行支配dispose vi.丢弃丢弃/处理处理(尤指难以清除的东西尤指难以清除的东西);vt.排排列列/安排;安排;propos

25、al cn.提议提议;建议建议1.Many people regard Beethovens fifth symphony as his finest work.2.If its fine tomorrow well go out.3.Shell wear fine jewelry wherever she goes.4.She _(fine)$500 and banned from driving for one month.5.Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines on drivers who park illegally.各市

26、政会将有绝对权力对违章停车者处以罚款。fine adj.vt.对对处以罚款处以罚款 cn.罚金罚金 was fined健康的;健康的;很好的很好的/水准很高的;水准很高的;(天气)晴朗的;(天气)晴朗的;精美的精美的/精致的;精致的;1.开展运动run/conduct/carry out a campaign2.全世界/全球/国际性运动a worldwide/global/international campaign3.反吸烟/反欺凌活动an anti-smoking/anti-bullying campaign4.We are campaigning for law reform.campaign cn.运动(为社会运动(为社会/商业商业/政治目的而进行的一系列有计划政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动);战役的活动);战役 vt./vi.参加参加/领导运动领导运动 Changjiang waterwaywaterway cn.水道水道;航道航道1.Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.采取行动打击恐怖主义是当务之急。agenda cn.议程表议程表/议事日程;(政治)议题议事日程;(政治)议题=be(at)top of the agenda


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