Unit 1 Science Fiction Using Language-ppt课件2021-2022学年高二下学期新人教版选择性必修第四册.pptx

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Unit 1 Science Fiction Using Language-ppt课件2021-2022学年高二下学期新人教版选择性必修第四册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 1 Science Fiction Using Language-ppt课件2021-2022学年高二下学期新人教版选择性必修第四册.pptx_第4页
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Unit 1 Science Fiction Using Language-ppt课件2021-2022学年高二下学期新人教版选择性必修第四册.pptx_第5页
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1、UNIT 1 SCIENCE FICTIONUsing LanguageDo you know the man?Liu CixinHe is one of the most famous science-fiction novelists all over the world.His Three Body Problem has become such an international cultural phenomenon that business and government leaders have read the books and drawn lessons from it.Wa

2、rming upThree Body Problem won the Hugo Award,the first for an Asian authorBarack Obama:“wildly imaginative,really interesting”.Lei Jun,CEO of Xiaomi,said the book gave him ideas about marketing competition.Mark Zuckerberg,Facebook founder,recommends it.The Wandering Earth In the film,based on a sho

3、rt story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin,the Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun.In response,humans around the world work together to build a giant engine system that will push the Earth away from the sun.Instead of abandoning the Earth,this time were taking it with us.Watch th

4、e video.Using LanguageWrite a sci-fi short storythe time machinethe starting lever the leather seat The main panelSometimes referred to as“The Father of Science Fiction”,Herbert George Wells(1866 1946)was an English novelist,teacher,historian and journalist.Look at the pictures,guess what they are.1

5、 In groups,discuss what would do if you could time travel?If I could time travel,I would like to:lsee my old actual self.lsee my beloved ones who have passed away.lexperience my childhood life again.lbe able to predict the future or decide my future.lsee what life/man the world/earth will be like in

6、 millions of years to comelsee the wonders of the world in the near or distant future.lsee what the future hold in store for us.Pre-readingReadingI pushed the starting lever onthe main panel forwards an inch then immediatelybackwards again.l drew a breath,gripped the lever and pushed it forwards.I p

7、ushed the lever further.Like an impatient tool,I pulled the leverbackwards hard.The Time Traveller started the machine twice.Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 42 Read an extract from The Time Machine,and find out how many times the Time Traveller started the machine.Scanning3 Read the text again and anser t

8、he questions.1.How does the Time Traveller first know he has travelled through time?He saw the clock indicate a time in the future.(Para.1,the last two sentences)2.How does the Time Traveller feel when travelling through time?What rhetorical devices does the writer use to describe his feelings.It fe

9、lt strange and unpleasant.The writer uses all kinds of rhetorical devices,such as simile and overstatement.Detailed readingSimile:It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.The sun and moon looked as if they were being grouwn across the sky,.Around me I saw trees growing like puffs of sm

10、oke;.I saw huge buildings rise up,then disappear like in a dream.Overstatement:I calculated that I was being pushed through time at hundreds of years a minute.3.Why is the Time Traveller worried about stopping the machine?If he stopped and the same space was being occupied by something else,they wou

11、ld be forced together and explode like a bomb.(Para.4,Sentence 4)4.Where does the Time Machine arrive when the man finally stops it?In the rain in some mud next to the machine.(Para.5,Sentence 2)Para.1 A.How I felt while time travellingPara.2 B.What I thought before I stopped the Time Machine and wh

12、at happened when stopped itPara.3 C.How I got the first of all Time Machines started and what happenedPara.4 D.How I ended up somewhere in the future after travelling thousands of yearsPara.5 E.What happened while I got the Time Machine working SkimmingMatch each paragraph with the main idea.Post-re

13、adingClue from the film Time Travel What date he finally stops and what is different about it from the time he leftWho or what he will meet What adventures he will haveWill he return to his own timeDiscuss what might happen next in the story.Post-readingOne possible versionThe Time Traveller stops i

14、n the year 802701.The whole earth looks like a garden with beautiful,happy people called Eloi who play all the time,but this hides a horrible truth;there is a whole world of people called Morlocks who live underground in a dark,mechanised society who use the Eloi as a source of food.The Time Travell

15、er meets an Eloi woman and falls in love with her.The Time Traveller and the Eloi woman are attacked by Morlocks.He is able to escape,but he loses contact with the woman and perhaps she is killed.The Morlocks then steal the Time Machine and use it as bait to capture and kill the Time Traveller.Howev

16、er,once he is in the Time Machine,he pulls the lever and begins to travel in time again and is able to make his escape.He travels 30 million years into the future to see the sun cool and the earth turn into a lifeless planet.He then travels back to the time from where he started out,only to find tha

17、t three hours have passed.5 Imagine and write your own story about a time machine you will invent,and your journey through time.Use the story and the guide below to help you.1 Think about what your machine will look like.Is it a vehicle or a machine?2 How does your time machine work?What do you have

18、 to do to make it work?3 What period in time do you want to travel to?Think about interesting things and people you would like to see there.Writing4 Imagine what it might feel like to travel through time.Think of words to describe this and make your story as vivid as possible.5 Include rhetorical de

19、vices in your story,like metaphors,similes,overstatements,etc.Exchange your draft with a partner and revise the draft using your partners comments.Share your story with the rest of the class.Time Machine A few weeks ago on a cold and rainy day Professor William was reading a non-fiction book.It was

20、about how to make a time machine.He decided he would try making a time machine.He decided he would go to the science mall to get some equipment.After that he went back to his science lab.Then he started making the time machine.He put together different machinery to make laser boosters.Over the next

21、few days he created the engine,time boost and lots of other equipment.When he finished creating all the pieces he put them together.He turned the lasers boosters on and then walked onto the time machine.He set the time machine to year 1915,World War I.Then he stepped on to the pad that was on the fl

22、oor and suddenly arrived at the beach in Anzac Cove.It was April 25th.When he walked off the time machine he saw troops dodging bullets.It was like that for a half an hour.After a while it started to settle.Then the troops were walking back to their camp thinking it was all better.Then out of the co

23、rner of a troops eye he saw a bullet coming towards them.He shouted“Get down,a bullet is coming.”After the bullet passed they quickly ran back to the camp.Most of the troops got shot.While Professor William was watching he saw General William Birdwood running back to the ship to take cover,so he fol

24、lowed him up the ramp and disappeared into the hull.After a few hours of watching the fight the Professor decided it was getting too dangerous to stay.So he went back to the time machine.He stood on the pad and pulled the lever to 2015.It suddenly cranked and then shut down.He looked around to figur

25、e out what had happened and found a bullet hole in the machine.He wondered how he was going to fix the time machine.Suddenly an idea popped into his head.He went looking for a bullet shell and found one in the sand.Then he raced back to his time machine and covered the hole with the bullet shell.The

26、n he turned the machine on and cranked the lever back to 2015.This time it worked.科幻故事科幻故事科幻故事科幻故事写作属于写作属于想象性作文。这类题目要求学生创造想象性作文。这类题目要求学生创造出从未接触甚至根本不存在的新形象。允许自由想象、出从未接触甚至根本不存在的新形象。允许自由想象、自主发挥的空间较大自主发挥的空间较大,因此需要灵活的思维和丰富的想因此需要灵活的思维和丰富的想象力。科幻故事是用幻想的形式象力。科幻故事是用幻想的形式,表现人类在未来世界表现人类在未来世界的物质精神文化生活和科学技术远景的物质精


28、虚构。因此在写作时要注意:可以有新奇大胆的想象但要张与虚构。因此在写作时要注意:可以有新奇大胆的想象但要有一定的科学知识作基础,要科学幻想而不是胡思乱想。可以有一定的科学知识作基础,要科学幻想而不是胡思乱想。可以从自己的生活出发进行幻想,寻找题材,可以就如何解决现实从自己的生活出发进行幻想,寻找题材,可以就如何解决现实或者未来世界中会出现的问题进行合理想象。或者未来世界中会出现的问题进行合理想象。怎怎样写科幻作文呢?可按以下步骤进行:样写科幻作文呢?可按以下步骤进行:一一、确定主题、确定主题 把把生活中碰到的、电视上或书上看到的各种科幻形象特生活中碰到的、电视上或书上看到的各种科幻形象特点揉合

29、,充分发点揉合,充分发挥想挥想象象力,力,创造一个生动创造一个生动的角的角色,确定作文色,确定作文的主题。的主题。二二、构思情节、构思情节 情情节内容的设定要新奇节内容的设定要新奇,吸,吸引人引人。充。充分发分发挥想挥想象力,在象力,在科科学基学基础上合理想象。比础上合理想象。比如写如写未来生活中的机器人,可以未来生活中的机器人,可以写写外外貌特征貌特征、功、功能,也可以写机器人的思想情感等。能,也可以写机器人的思想情感等。ContentRhetorical deviceBeginningDevelopingClimaxEnding你校校报英语角举办科幻故事征文比赛你校校报英语角举办科幻故事征

30、文比赛,请你写一个关于飞请你写一个关于飞碟的故事参加比赛。内容包括碟的故事参加比赛。内容包括:1.时间时间,地点地点;2.主要情节主要情节;3.你的感受。你的感受。注意注意:1词数词数80左右左右;2.故事题目已经给出故事题目已经给出,不计入总词数。不计入总词数。The Saucer_明确话题:科幻故事,飞碟明确话题:科幻故事,飞碟明明确时态人称:一般过去时,第一人称确时态人称:一般过去时,第一人称文文章架构:背景;发生的过程;想法和感受章架构:背景;发生的过程;想法和感受列出要点:时间、地点、主要情节、感受列出要点:时间、地点、主要情节、感受The Saucer It was hot at

31、night and I couldnt fall asleep in the tent,so I crawled out of the tent and walked around to cool down.The sky was clear and stars were shining.Suddenly a bright light flashed across the sky and then near my tent appeared a flying saucer,which looked just like the one in the book I had read during

32、the day.I quickly hid behind a stone and saw an alien come down through a round door.He walked into my tent and came out with something in his hand.The UFO then flew away.I immediately ran into my tent and found that my Pad was gone.I was so puzzled that I couldnt believe what I had seen.But I decid

33、ed that the next time the alien came,I would talk to him.The sea is everything.It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe.Its breath is pure and healthy.It is an immense desert,where man is never lonely,for he feels life stirring on all sides.The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and

34、 wonderful existence.It is nothing but love and emotion;it is the Living Infinite.Jules Verne,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaFinish your short story.What would you do if you could time travel back to the Tang/Song Dynasty?List at least 5 points.Useful words and expressions1.was at ten oclock t

35、oday the first of all Time Machines began its career.今天十点钟,第一台时间机器开始了它的事业。今天十点钟,第一台时间机器开始了它的事业。2.give it a(last/final.)check(最后)检查一遍它(最后)检查一遍它p=have a(last/final.)check in it 对某物进行(最后的)检查对某物进行(最后的)检查p=make/do/conduct/run/carry out a (last/final.)check on/of sth They gave the car a thorough/careful/r

36、egular check before setting out _ their journey.It thaton=They made a thourough/careful/regular check of the car before setting out on their journey.=They checked the car thoroughly/carefully/regularly before setting out on their journey.We carry out/do regular checks _ our products to make sure tha

37、t they are _ high quality.2.and sat/seated myself in the leather seat psit/seat oneself/sb in a seat/on a chair/at a desk/beside sbp=sit down.or make sb sit down 使自己、某人在使自己、某人在.坐下坐下on/ofof3.pushed the starting lever on the main panel forwards an inch then immediately backwards again.把主面板上的启动杆往前推了一英寸

38、,然后立刻又往后拉把主面板上的启动杆往前推了一英寸,然后立刻又往后拉p vi.&vt.(+n.)forward(s)/backward(s)go/move/look forward(s)/backward(s)向前走、移动、期待向前走、移动、期待./向后退、移动、看向后退、移动、看 take a step forward(s)/backward(s)=take a forward/backward step 向前、向后迈一步向前、向后迈一步The new measures are seen by some _ a major step forward(s)/backward(s).as3.Lo

39、oking arond,I saw my laboratory exactly as(it was)before.当我环顾四周的时候,我看见我的实验室跟以前一模一样当我环顾四周的时候,我看见我的实验室跟以前一模一样。4.I thought my mind had tricked me.我还以为我的大脑欺骗了我。我还以为我的大脑欺骗了我。ptrick sb into sth/doing sth欺骗某人做某事欺骗某人做某事pplay tricks on sb 戏弄某人戏弄某人5.A moment before 一会儿之前(从过去某时算起)一会儿之前(从过去某时算起)a moment ago 一会儿

40、之前(从现在算起)一会儿之前(从现在算起)6.draw a breath=take a breath 吸了一口气吸了一口气7.grip sth(the lever)(firmly/tightly)抓紧操纵杆抓紧操纵杆 =hold/grap.=take/catch hold of.8.niece C 侄女,外甥女侄女,外甥女 nephew C 侄子侄子;外甥外甥;9.fetch sb sth/fetch sth for sb.为某人去取、拿、请来为某人去取、拿、请来 =go and get.pfetch sb/sth from(school.)从某地去接、拿、去从某地去接、拿、去pWould y

41、ou mind fetching some help/a doctor?the kids from school?10.apparently adv.明显地明显地 =clearly/obviously/evidently11.turn out a lamp/light 熄灭油灯、关掉电灯熄灭油灯、关掉电灯12.feel/look/seem/sound/smell/taste.like/as if 从句从句 感觉、看起来、似乎、听起来、闻起来、尝起来好像感觉、看起来、似乎、听起来、闻起来、尝起来好像.13.skipped to day 调到白天调到白天14.but soon there was

42、division between night and day.但很快就有了昼夜之分。但很快就有了昼夜之分。15.the division between.之间的分隔,划分;分配;分界线;差异,分歧之间的分隔,划分;分配;分界线;差异,分歧There is a growing economic division between the north and south of the country.pdivide.into.把把.分成分成.(部分)(部分)pdivide.from.把与隔开把与隔开(=separate.from.)pdivide.between/among.在在.之间、中间分配之间

43、、中间分配(share.between.)16.Around me I saw trees growing like puffs of smoke;they grew,spread,and died in moments.在我周围我看见树木像一缕缕青烟,不断生长,变得枝繁叶茂,在我周围我看见树木像一缕缕青烟,不断生长,变得枝繁叶茂,片刻后枯萎。片刻后枯萎。17.like in a dream=as if in a dream 犹如梦中一般犹如梦中一般18.at hundreds of years a minute =at a speed of hundreds of years a minut

44、e 以每分钟几百年的速度以每分钟几百年的速度19.I had a strong urge to look at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!我有一种强烈的欲望,想看看眼前随机闪现的东西。我有一种强烈的欲望,想看看眼前随机闪现的东西。phave a(strong/overwhelming/sudden)urge to do sth 有一股(强烈的、无可抗拒的、突然的)做某事的欲望、冲动有一股(强烈的、无可抗拒的、突然的)做某事的欲望、冲动 20.So long as I travelled at maximum

45、 speed,it didnt matter.只要我以最大的速度行驶,没有关系。只要我以最大的速度行驶,没有关系。1)(travel/drive/fly)at maximum/top/full/high/great/slow/low speed 以最大、最高、全速、高速、低速(行驶、驾驶、飞行)以最大、最高、全速、高速、低速(行驶、驾驶、飞行)p(revolve)at a constant/steady speed(of.)以恒定速度(旋转)以恒定速度(旋转)p(travel.)at a speed of 50mph 以每小时以每小时50英里英里 的速度(行驶)的速度(行驶)p(travel.

46、)at the speed of sound/light 以声、光速(行驶)以声、光速(行驶)p(travel.)at speed(fast)快速(行驶)快速(行驶)p(act/work)with speed 迅速(行动、工作)迅速(行动、工作)2)maximum adj.&C 最大量、限度、值(的)最大量、限度、值(的)(minimum)pmaximize/maximise vt.使使.最大化;最大化的利用最大化;最大化的利用.(minimize/minimise)(a/the)maximum(speed/temperature/volume/benefit/number/amount)of

47、.最大速度、温度、体积、效益、数量的最大速度、温度、体积、效益、数量的.The job will require you to make maximum use of all your skills.=The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.=The job will require you to maximize all your skills.最大限度地使用、利用最大限度地使用、利用 The maximum number of students per class is 60.=Each class ha

48、s a maximum(number)of 60 students.=60 students per class is the(absolute)maximum(number).21.explode like a bomb 像炸弹一样爆炸像炸弹一样爆炸pexplode vi.&vt.(使炸弹)爆炸;(使炸弹)爆炸;引爆(炸弹)引爆(炸弹)=go off(vi.);set/let off (vt.)pexplosion C(一次)(一次)爆炸(声)爆炸(声)pexplosive adj.可能会爆炸的;爆炸式的;易引发暴力的可能会爆炸的;爆炸式的;易引发暴力的 C&U 炸药,爆炸物炸药,爆炸物 A

49、 bomb exploded in a crowded station this morning,_(kill)five people.The terrorists threatened _(explode)a car bomb outside the UA embassy.Compare:blow(sth)up vt.&vi.(使)(建筑物、交通工具)炸毁(使)(建筑物、交通工具)炸毁killingto explodeThe plane blew up,in mid-air,killing all the passengers and crew aboard(on board).22.wit

50、h a sudden joilt 伴随着突然的颠簸伴随着突然的颠簸23.was flipped on its side 往一侧翻了(侧翻了)往一侧翻了(侧翻了)p flip (flipped,flipped,flipping)vt.&vi.(使某物)快速翻转,使某物)快速翻转,快速反动(某物)快速反动(某物)(=turn over)The plane flipped and crashed.The pages of the book flipped over in the breeze.24.stun(stunned,stunned,stunning)vt.使某人昏迷;使某人印使某人昏迷;使某


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