Unit3 Faster, higher, stronger Developing ideas P32-34 课件(含视频)-(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.zip

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Developing ideas P32-34 Unit 3 Faster,higher,stronger Pre-readingWhich sport do you like best?Why?Is it a team sport or an individual sport?The Beauty of SportsLook at the pictures and answer the questions.1.What are the key differences between team sports and individual sports?TeamTeamIndividualIndividualOne player competes against other player.Every player needs to trust and depend on others,to help and work together to reach a common goal.Team sports requires no less than two players on each side.Players find satisfaction pushing themselves to achieve personal goals.2.Can you think of any famous sports teams?Why are they so well-known?Read and discussWho are they?How much do you know about their story?Read the passage and find out:While-readingWhat events are mentioned in the passage?The 1984 Los Angeles OlympicsThe 2004 Athens OlympicsThe 2016 Rio(de Janeiro)OlympicSetting a scene involves establishing the time and place where events take place and describing any main sights and sounds.The scene you set at the beginning of your writing-whether it is fiction or non-fiction-will engage your readers and help set the right atmosphere for the reminder of your writing.Learning to learnRead the sentences and decide if they are facts(F)or opinions(O).1.The Chinese womens volleyball team won a three-set victory in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics._2.Facing several strong competitors in Rio,the Chinese womens volleyball team eventually won in the final._3.Fighting spirit alone was not enough for victory._FFORead the sentences and decide if they are facts(F)or opinions(O).4.Strong team spirit is more important than the skills of individual players._5.Zhu Ting was voted Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics._OFMatch the paragraphs with the corresponding descriptions.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Chinese womens team had splendid history in the past.Chinese womens volleyball team is winning the Olympic gold medal again.The keys to Chinas victory.The team will start its new journey.Before the eventDuring the eventAfter the eventstructure analysis1.How does the author start the passage?What effect does it achieve?2.What do you think of the opinion that a team needs to start from zero after winning a gold medal?3.What achievements by other Chinese sports teams have made the greatest impression on you?Give an example of their sporting spirit.4.What kind of sporting spirit does each of the reading passages in this unit reflect?Talk about their similarities and differences.1.Discuss the questions below.What spirit does the Chinese womens volleyball team show in the passage?What else do you think has contributed to their success?What are the examples that support your ideas?2.Complete the mind map with your ideas and the examples that support them.TeamworkExample:_ Example(s):_Example(s):_Cooperation between team members allows individuals to demonstrate their own skills.Now talk about how well you have contributed to your group discussion and help each other to make improvement.3.Give a talk to the class.Language points P32-33P32-33 课文回顾The Return of the Champions(P32-33).doc1 The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric!If China wins this point,they will walk out of the stadium with an Olympic gold medal.Zhang Changning serves.Over the net,Popovic dives for the ball.例:礼堂里的气氛极为热烈。The mood in the hall was _.electric adj.(to describe the atmosphere of a place or event)people are in a state of great excitement.句意句意:这里是里约热内卢,现场气氛紧张而热烈!:这里是里约热内卢,现场气氛紧张而热烈!如果中国队拿下这一分,她们将赢得这枚奥运金牌。如果中国队拿下这一分,她们将赢得这枚奥运金牌。张常宁发球。球过网,波波维奇倒地接球。张常宁发球。球过网,波波维奇倒地接球。”electric【辨析辨析】electric/electrical/electronic electric 指任何电动的或发电的装置。被修饰的物体 本身可带电。例:电流 _ 电源 _electric currentelectric powerelectrical“与电有关的,电气科学的”,被修饰词 本身不带电。例:家用电器 _electrical applianceselectronic 电子的,电子器件的,电子设备的 例:电子计算器 _electronic calculator练习:1.有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。2.这部词典有电子版本。3.他埋头读一本电学方面的书。1.With this _,the grandpa wont feel cold in winter.2.This dictionary is available _ _.3.He buried himself in _.electric blanketin electronic editionan electrical bookserve v.put the ball into play n.(sports)a stroke that puts the ball in play例:Whos serving?Ill change my serve a little.我会改变一点我的发球。我会改变一点我的发球。谁发球?谁发球?Guessing:what are other meanings of“serve”?1.Are you being served?2.These experiments serve no useful purpose.3.The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.4.She is serving two years for theft.服(刑)服(刑)对对有用,能满足有用,能满足的需求的需求接待,服务接待,服务产生产生的效果(或结果)的效果(或结果)句意句意:在中国人的心中,中国女排的地位非比寻常。:在中国人的心中,中国女排的地位非比寻常。2The Chinese womens volleyball team holds a very special place in the nations heart.hold a place 占有一席之地例:他将永远在美国人的记忆中占有一席之地。He will always _.hold a place in American memory【拓展】place相关词组in the fist place 把放在首位all over the place 到处in the place of 在位置上take place 发生take place of 代替all1.Great changes have _ in China.2.Can I build _ what I might break?3.Tractors have _ horses in many places.4.This happens _.taken placein the place oftaken place ofall over the place句意句意:二十世纪八十年代,中国女排赢得了多场世界:二十世纪八十年代,中国女排赢得了多场世界大赛,并在大赛,并在1984年洛杉矶奥运会的决赛中,以惊人的年洛杉矶奥运会的决赛中,以惊人的三连胜击败了美国队。三连胜击败了美国队。3In the 1980s,the team burst onto the international volleyball scene with several major world titles,and an amazing three-set victory over the United States in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.Paraphrase:In the 1980s,the team suddenly bacame famous in the international volleyball scene with several major world titles,and they beat the United States three to zero in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.例:这支乐队于1997年突然出现在音乐舞台上。_.The band burst onto the music scene in 1997burst onto:to suddenly appear and become very successful 【拓展】burst 固定搭配及用法be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事burst into sth 突然闯入;突然起来burst out doing 突然起来练习:1.Dont _ my bedroom without knocking.2.She _ crying.3.He _ to tell her the news yesterday.burst intoburst ontowas bursting4 In Rio,the Chinese womens volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the group of death,where it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches.where引导非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句,副词副词where在从句中作地点状语。在从句中作地点状语。作用:对主句作用:对主句补充说明补充说明句意:句意:里约奥运会上,中国女排被分到了里约奥运会上,中国女排被分到了“死亡之组死亡之组”,因,因此她们必须拼尽全力,对抗小组赛中遇到的强大对手。此她们必须拼尽全力,对抗小组赛中遇到的强大对手。练习:1.他们去了伦敦,在那儿呆了六个月的时间。_.2.她打算住在北京,在那里她有很多朋友。_.They went to London,where they lived for six monthsShe is going to live in Beijing,where she has many friends 例:1.我要分配给你一个任务了。_.2.这两间大教室分配给了我们。_ _.3.他们指派了最优秀的人担任这项工作。_.4.你将如何为这个作业评分?_?I have an assignment for you assign v.分配,分派 assign sth to sb 委派某人做 be assigned to 被分配给,归属于assignment n.分配;任务;作业The two large classrooms have been assigned to usTheyve assigned their best man to the jobHow would you grade the assignmentWritingP35P35 Last Saturday,I went to the school playground to watch the final of the 4100-metre relay at our annual sports tournament.It was an extraordinary experience and something I will never forget.Before the race,everyonewas quiet and still.I had never imagined that the atmosphere at a sports event could be so intense.When the runners set off,everyone went wild!We all stood up and started cheering and shouting.It was like being hit by a huge wave of excitement.I could see the WritingRead the passage and answer the questions.WritingRead the passage and answer the questions.runner straining to run as fast as they could,while trying not to drop their batons at the change.The race was all over in just oneminute.It was Li Chong,the fastest student in our school,who first crossed the finish line.Everyone was on their feet,cheering.I was also caught up in the excitement and cheered so hard that I thought my lungs would burst!It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion.Writing about a sporting momenta sporting momentWhat eventWhenWhereThe final of the 4100-metre relay.Last SaturdayAll the audience stood up when the runners set off.The runners strained to run as fast as they could,while trying not to drop their batons at the change.At the school playgroundWhat did the author see?What did the author hear?Cheering and shoutingWhat did the author feel?Caught up in the excitement,as if the authors lungs would burst.It was so wonderful to be part of this sporting moment and enjoy its speed and passion.Think about a sporting moment you have experienced and complete the table.General introductionWhat you saw and heardbefore the eventduring the eventafter the eventHow you feltNow write a passage about the sporting moment.Make improvements to each others passages and share them with the class.Thank you!
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