Unit 6 Nature in words Developing ideas 课件--(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第三册《英语》.pptx

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1、Unit6 Nature in words外研版选择性必修第三册外研版选择性必修第三册 penslvenj 约翰约翰霍普金斯大学霍普金斯大学乳腺癌1.pesticide n.a chemical used to kill pests杀虫剂2.poisonous adj poison nIf sth.is poisonous,it will kill you or make you ill if you eat it.3.ban n.v.to say that sth.must not be done a ban on smoking ban sb.from doing4.contaminati

2、on pollution contaminate pollute弄脏,污染,毒害5.consume:to eat or drink sth.消费;吃,喝6.filter v.leak 渗透;过滤7.spray 喷雾,喷洒Noteskntmnen Activity 1 Look at the infographic below and answer the questions.P68Facts about DDT:DDT was first produced in 1874 and was later used as pesticide.It stays in the environment.I

3、t is highly poisonous to living organism,including humans.Now banned in many countries,it is still used in some for malaria(疟疾)control.mler 信息图表P68Developing ideasActivity 1 Look at the infographic below and answer the questions.1 How does DDT reach the human body in the food chain?When DDT is spray

4、ed onto plants in order to kill insects,it is absorbed by the plants and later consumed by animals;humans in turn eat those animals.DDT also leaks through the soil and into rivers and lakes,where it contaminates fish consumed by humans.2 What harm does DDT cause?DDT is highly poisonous to living org

5、anism,including humans.For dozens of years,human beings have paid a heavy price for it:a large number of birds have died out;Germ cells have been damaged;Various chronic diseases have appeared 几十年来,人类为此付出了沉重的代价:大量鸟类灭绝,生殖细胞受损,出现各种慢性疾病 1874年,德国Zeidler合成了DDT。19361939年,瑞士化学家保罗赫尔曼穆勒(Paul Hermann Mller,18

6、991965)发现了DDT的杀虫效能和使用价值,1943年传播国外,1944正式发表。DDT是第一个重要的有机氯杀虫剂,在第二次世界大战后一段时间内,大量应用于农业和卫生保健,起过很大的作用,瑞士化学家保罗赫尔曼穆勒Mller因此获得1948年的诺贝尔医学奖。Pesticides were yesterdays gospel,but todays disaster.农药是昨天的福音,今天的灾难农药是昨天的福音,今天的灾难Activity 2 Read the book review on Silent Spring,a book that led to the banning of DDT.P

7、redict what will be mentioned in the passage.It is a book review on Silent Spring,so the following parts may be mentioned in this passage:Lets listen to Silent SpringA book review:an article in a newspaper or magazine giving opinion about a new book A book review author,theme,main ideayear of public

8、ationthe reason for its publicationbasic information of the bookfeatures of the writingcomments on this bookinfluence of this bookP6P5P4P2The opening of the bookThe aim of the bookSome unsuccessful solutionsThe books impactcomments on this bookThe book deserves to be rereadCarefully reading1.a book

9、review 2.stillness 4.puzzled&puzzling 6.desert *7.scores of+cn.Para1Carefully readingPara1Carefully readingPara11.Why did many people get puzzled and disturbed?ABecause they didnt speak of birds again.BBecause the feeding stations were destroyed.CBecause most birds were gone.DBecause birds voices we

10、re unusual.Para1 Carefully readingCarefully readingPara2Notes:1.profession 职业2.alert 提醒 alert sb.to sth使 sb.意识到3.aim to do 目的是4.monitor v.监管;监视 n.显示器,班长5.in particular 尤其是,特别是6.cause harm to 对.造成伤害2What can we learn about Rachel Carson?AShe was born in 1962.BShe was a writer by profession.CShe thoug

11、ht pesticides were harmful.DShe used too many pesticides daily.Para2 Carefully readingPara34Notes:1.urge sb.to do urgent urgency urgently 3.in addition to4.dozens of 5.or so6.be originally designed to do Carefully readingPara347.alarming 惊人的,吓人的,担忧的8.impact 影响9.be regarded as a milestone被视为一个里程碑10.l

12、aunch n.推出,发起 v.发动,发射Silent Spring was therefore regarded as a milestone in the launch of the green movement in the Western world.(P69)因此,寂静的春天被认为是西方世界发起绿色运动的里程碑。launch a campaign 开始进行一场运动 3What caused a great increase in the awareness of protecting the environment?ACarsons research.BThe fireant pro

13、gram.CThe green movement.DSome gypsy moths.Para3 Para4 4.Which work was regarded as a milestone in the launch of the green movement in the Western world?A.The Edge of the Sea.B.Under the Sea Wind.C.Silent Spring.D.First Snow.Carefully readingPara5Notes:1.a target for 是.的目标,靶子,对象*2.rather than 而不是3.m

14、ore.than.与其说 倒不如说4.attempt to do 尝试做某事(教材P69)Some also said that her work was more emotional than scientific.一些人还说,她的工作更多的是情感上的,而不是科学上的。Carefully readingPara5 5.remain determined to do 决定做某事6.reputationhave a good/bad reputation 有好/坏名声earn/establish a reputation 赢得/树立声誉damage/ruin ones reputation 有损

15、/毁坏某人的名声up to ones reputation 名副其实7.stand by 忠于;继续支持;袖手旁观;8.loud and clear 容易理解;清楚明白5Who supported Carsons research strongly?AMost writers.BMost scientists.CMost critics.DMost officials.Para5 Carefully reading1.crucial 至关重要的2.elegance 优美;简洁 elegant 优雅的3.deserve 值得;应得Eg.The book deserves to be reread

16、 today.The book deserves rereading today.4.passionate adj.热情的;狂热的 passion n 热情,激情5.not because.but because 不是因为.而是因为.Carefully readingPara66.The reason why the author enjoys Carsons book is that .A.the quality of her arguments is strongB.her book has changed the worldC.her writing is beautiful and e

17、legantD.she describes a beautiful silent springPara6 Carefully reading7.Why was Silent Spring so successful?A.Because it caused a great increase in environmental awareness.B.Because the writer is very famous.C.Because it reflects the realism.D.Because the bird described is very nice.8.Whats the topi

18、c of Silent Spring?A.Love,hope,human.B.Nature,love,life.C.Environment,life,human.D.Environment,love,human.Carefully readingActivity 3 Organize information from the passage and complete the notes about Silent Spring.the damaging effects of human activitymore responsible,limited and carefully monitore

19、dscientific information,examples and researchbeautiful and elegantThe pesticide industrydefend her claimsThe use of DDTPresidential Medal of Freedomenvironmental awareness1962Write your own book review!Think&Share1 Why was Silent Spring so successful?Silent Spring was so successful because it alerte

20、d the general public to the dangers of DDT.It planted important new ideas in the public mind,such as that spraying chemicals to control insect populations has an impact on other wildlife,and that the chemicals got into the food chain.2 What is the moral lesson behind “A Fable for Tomorrow”?The moral

21、 lesson is that financial profit should not come at the expense of the environment and the creatures living in it.Think&Share3 Why did some people challenge Carsons findings?Some people challenged Carsons findings because they were concerned about the negative impact they would have on business in t

22、he pesticide industry.Think&Share4 In what different ways do First Snow and Silent Spring raise peoples awareness of nature?First Snow shows the beauty of natureand in particular the snowthrough its words and imagery,while Silent Spring describes an unnatural spring without the beauty of birdsong.Th

23、ey each raise peoples awareness of nature by highlighting the interplay between nature and human behaviour.Think&Share.介词填空1.The jump in car manufacturing should filter employment and spending as well.2.The results of such studies are useful but should not be regardeddefinite.3.We aim increase sales by 10 percent.4.The pesticide can cause harm peoples health.intoastotoSpring needs sound!简单概括:该书以寓言式的开头描绘了一个美丽村庄的突变。书的前半部分,对土壤、植物、动物、水源等相互联系的生态网络的讲解,说明了化学药剂对大自然产生的毒害;后半部分则针对人类生活所接触的化学毒害问题,提出严重的警告。作者以详尽的阐释和独到的分析,细致地讲述了以DDT为代表的杀虫剂的广泛使用,给人们的生存环境所造成的难以逆转的危害人类不断想控制自然的结果,却使生态破坏殆尽,也在不知不觉间累积毒物于自身甚至遗祸子孙。


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