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1、高一(下)期末复习单句写作训练6.简而言之,尽管疫情(epidemic)很严重,但没有必要恐慌(panic)。In brief,although the epidemic is serious,there is no need to panic.7.如果我们一起努力,我们一定会战胜病毒的。Well definitely beat the virus if we work hard together.8.我是李华,一个来自中国的17岁高中生。Im Li Hua,a 17-year-old high school student from China.9.我写信是想看看你是否能帮我一个忙。Im w

2、riting to see if it is possible for you to do me a favor.10.我计划在9月份毕业后去英国学习两年。Im planning to study in the UK for two years after graduation in September.应用文单句训练 1 11.谢谢你的时间和好意。Thank you for your time and kindness.12.如果你能尽快回复,我会不胜感激的。I would appreciate it if you could reply soon.13.我是李华,学生会主席。Im Li H

3、ua,President of the Student Union.14.我正在写信通知你篮球比赛的安排来促进我们的友谊。Im writing to inform you of the arrangements for the basketball match to promote our friendship.15.比赛将于9月8日上午9:30举行,当时它是周日,没有人要上课。The match will be held at 9:30 a.m.on September 8th,when it is Sunday and no one has classes.应用文单句训练 1 16.它将在

4、学校操场的篮球场上举行,在那里我们有可靠而先进的设备。It is going to take place on the basketball court in the school playground,where we have reliable and advanced equipment.17.舒适的运动鞋是必要的,建议你穿运动恤,这样你可以打得更好Comfortable sneakers are necessary and it is recommended that you wear sport shirts so you can play better.应用文单句训练 1 18.顺

5、便说一下,提前半小时到达,因为将会有一个简短的欢迎仪式 By the way,you are expected to arrive half an hour earlier since there will be a brief welcome ceremony.19.我们都知道,它对这个地球非常重要。As we all know,it is of great importance to the planet.20.这是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步,我们确实需要它。This is a step in the right direction and we do need it.应用文单句训练 1 2

6、4.这是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步,我们确实需要它。This is a step in the right direction and we do need it.应用文单句训练 1 6.如果你方便的话,星期天早上去看你。I will visit you on Sunday morning if it is convenient to you.7.我很期待着你的回复。Im looking forward to your reply.8.来自英国一所著名大学的格林教授将举办一个关于西方礼仪的讲座。There will be a lecture on western etiquette by Pro

7、fessor Green,who comes from a famous British university.9.讲座将于下周二下午2时至4点在会议室进行。The lecture will be given in the meeting room from 2:00pm to 4:00pm next Tuesday.10.我们学校所有的学生都要去参加。All the students in our school are to attend it.应用文单句训练 211.每个人都必须保持安静,专心听演讲,做笔记。Everyone must keep quiet and take notes w

8、hile listening to the lecture attentively.12.讲座结束后,格林教授将回答师生们提出的问题。After the lecture,Professor Green will answer the questions raised by the teachers and students.13.一定要不要迟到。Be sure not to be late.14.第十届最佳歌手比赛于上周五下午在学校礼堂举行。The Tenth Best Singers Competition was held in the school hall last Friday af

9、ternoon.15.为了使我们的学校生活丰富多彩,学生会组织了这次比赛。To make our school life rich and colorful,the Students Union organized this competition.应用文单句训练 216.我们校长在两点半宣布活动开始。Our school headmaster announced the beginning of the event 2:30pm.17.从全学校选出的20名杰出歌手参加了比赛。20 outstanding singers from the whole school participated t

10、he competition.18.他们都有唱歌的天赋。They all have a talent for singing.19.他们不仅给我们带来了迷人的歌曲,还带来了极大的欢乐和娱乐。They brought us not only attractive songs but also great joy and entertainment.20.作为回报,歌手们得到了听众的热烈欢呼和掌声。In return,the singers received wild cheers and applause from the audience.应用文单句训练 221.公布获奖者后,一些学校领导走上

11、台,颁发奖状,并祝贺他们的成就After the winners were announced,some of the school leaders went up to the stage and awarded the winners certificates and prizes and congratulated them on their achievements.22.我很抱歉得知你玩得这么糟糕。Im sorry to hear that youre having such a bad time.23.事实是,每个人都会有一个这样的时期,所以你不必担心。The truth is t

12、hat everyone has periods like this,so you dont have to worry.24.这里有两个关于如何控制你的脾气的有用的技巧。Here are two useful tips on how to control your temper.25.首先,和你信任的人谈谈你的感受这是一种管理情绪的好方法。First,talk to someone you trust about how you feel,which is a good way of managing emotions.应用文单句训练 226.此外,去户外和朋友一起玩团队游戏,因为体育锻炼将

13、有助于改善你的心理健康。Whats more,go outdoors and play team games with your friends,as physical exercise will be beneficial to improve your mental health.27.我希望你能心情好。期待着你的回复。I hope youll have a good mood.Looking forward to your reply.28.小时候,简古道尔对户外和动物有天生的喜爱。As a child,Jane Goodall had a natural love for the ou

14、tdoors and animals.29.在那里,简遇到了路易斯利基博士,他给了她一份在当地自然历史博物馆的工作。There,Jane met Dr.Louis Leakey,who offered her a job at the local natural history museum.30.他感觉到她对动物和自然有着强烈的兴趣。He felt her strong interest in animals and nature.应用文单句训练 21.它将在学校操场的篮球场上举行,在那里我们有可靠而先进的设备。It is going to take place on the basketb

15、all court in the school playground,where we have reliable and advanced equipment.2.舒适的运动鞋是必要的,建议你穿运动恤,这样你可以打得更好Comfortable sneakers are necessary and it is recommended that you wear sport shirts so you can play better.应用文单句训练 33.顺便说一下,提前半小时到达,因为将会有一个简短的欢迎仪式。By the way,you are expected to arrive half

16、 an hour earlier since there will be a brief welcome ceremony.4.我们都知道,它对这个地球非常重要。As we all know,it is of great importance to the planet.5.这是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步,我们确实需要它。This is a step in the right direction and we do need it.应用文单句训练 3应用文单句训练 41.保持生态平衡很重要。It is important to keep the balance of nature.2.懒汉谋生日

17、益艰难。It is getting harder every day for a lazy man to make a living.3.如何处理垃圾是个大问题。How to get rid of rubbish is a big problem.应用文单句训练 41.我来谈一谈如何学好英语。我来谈一谈如何学好英语。Now Id like to tell you how I learn English.2.我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用英语思考的习惯。我经常大声朗读,这样容易记住并形成用英语思考的习惯。I often read aloud,which helps me to rememb

18、er them easily and form a good habit of thinking in English.3.我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。我每天收听英语广播,用英语和别人交谈。I listen to English program every day and communicate/talk with others in English.4.这样,我的听力和口语进步很快。这样,我的听力和口语进步很快。In this way,Ive improved both my hearing and my spoken English.5.我坚持用英语写日记,我的写作能力不断提高。

19、我坚持用英语写日记,我的写作能力不断提高。I keep a diary in English and my written English is becoming better and better.应用文单句训练 41.电视在日常生活中起着重要作用。电视在日常生活中起着重要作用。TV plays an important part in our daily life nowadays.2.一方面,它让我们及时了解国内外所发生的一方面,它让我们及时了解国内外所发生的 一切。一切。On one hand,it provides us news at home and abroad.3.我们可以从

20、电视节目中学到很多知识。我们可以从电视节目中学到很多知识。We can learn a lot from TV programs.4.另一方面,看太多电视对健康,尤其对眼睛不好。另一方面,看太多电视对健康,尤其对眼睛不好。On the other hand,watching TV too much does great harm to our health,especially to our eyes.5.有些电视节目对孩子有不良影响。有些电视节目对孩子有不良影响。Some TV programs have a bad effect on children.应用文单句训练 41.1月月20日下

21、午日下午4:306:00在阶梯教室有个英语讲座。在阶梯教室有个英语讲座。There will be an English lecture in the lecture-hall from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.January 20.2.北大李教授将作如何提高英语听力和口语能力的报告。北大李教授将作如何提高英语听力和口语能力的报告。Professor Li,from Beijing University,will give a talk on how to improve our listening and spoken English.3.所有英语教师和高中生都要求准时参加。所有英

22、语教师和高中生都要求准时参加。All the English teachers and the senior students are required to attend the lecture on time.4.会后在会议厅有英语晚会。会后在会议厅有英语晚会。After his talk,an English Evening will be held at the meeting room.5.欢送各位参加。欢送各位参加。Everyone is welcome.应用文单句训练 41.Mrs.Green 1989年年9月到我校以来一直认真工作。月到我校以来一直认真工作。Mrs.Green

23、came to our school in September 1989.Since then she has been working very hard.2.在教学上既严格又耐心。在教学上既严格又耐心。She is not only strict but also patient with us in teaching.3.她讲课生动有趣。她讲课生动有趣。She always makes her classes lively and interesting.4.在她的帮助下,我们的英语进步很快,尤其是口语。在她的帮助下,我们的英语进步很快,尤其是口语。With her help,we ha

24、ve made rapid progress in English,especially in spoken English.5.我们感谢她的出色工作。我们感谢她的出色工作。We all thank her for her excellent teaching.单句写作训练Homework汉译英汉译英1 1There is no doubt that1.毫无疑问网络在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。_2.毫无疑问网络大大地改善了我们的生活。_3.毫无疑问每个人都将从这个活动中获益。_4.毫无疑问空气污染是一个严重的问题。_网络 the Internet 扮演角色 play a role in 改

25、善 improve从中获益 benefit from空气污染air pollution汉译英汉译英2非限制性定语从句:非限制性定语从句:句子,句子,_其他。其他。主语主语:(人)who 状语:状语:(时间)when (物)which (地点)where1.她是我的妈妈,她是我生命中最重要的人。_2.你应该制定学习计划,它会鼓励你更加努力地学习。_3.7月我将去伦敦,在那里我将和许多外国人一起学习。_4.明天早上我将去机场见我的叔叔,那时他将从美国回来。_制定计划 make a plan外国人foreigners汉译英汉译英3No matter when/where1.无论什么时候你有问题,你都

26、可以打电话给我。_2.无论你去哪里,你都应该自信和勇敢。_3.无论什么时候你见到需要帮助的人,你应该尽力帮助他们。_4.无论发生什么,你的父母都会支持你。_汉译英汉译英41.Im sorry to say that我很抱歉说周六上午我将不能和你一起去龙江公园,因为我必须去医院照顾我的祖母。_2.Im sorry to hear that 我很抱歉听说你生病了。_3.Im sorry to do sth.我很抱歉让你失望,但是我不能去参加你的生日派对了。_4.Im happy to know that 我很开心知道在春节期间你将来中国。_汉译英汉译英41.Its obvious that 很明显

27、抽烟对人类健康和环境是有害的。_2.Its possible that 我们通过改变一些坏习惯来改善我们的环境是可能的。_3.be likely to do sth.你很可能受到惩罚,如果你不遵守交通规则。_4.try ones best to do sth.父母和孩子都应该尽力与彼此相处好。_汉译英汉译英51.Its obvious that 很明显抽烟对人类健康和环境是有害的。_2.Its possible that 我们通过改变一些坏习惯来改善我们的环境是可能的。_3.be likely to do sth.你很可能受到惩罚,如果你不遵守交通规则。_4.try ones best to

28、do sth.父母和孩子都应该尽力与彼此相处好。_汉译英汉译英61.There are three main reasons why 野生动物的数量正在减少有三个主要的原因。_2.Here are 3 suggestions for 这里有3个保护野生动物的建议。_3.There are 3 main advantages for sb.to do sth.我做这项工作有3个主要的优势。_汉译英汉译英71.下周五晚上7:30到9:30 我们学校大厅将有一个新年派对。(school hall;New Years Party)_2.我们将在学校大门口集合,并在早上8:00出发。(get toget

29、her;set out)_3.我想知道你对在北京的学校生活感觉如何。(school life)_4.在7月暑假期间我将参加一个中学生英语演讲比赛。(summer vacation;English Speech Contest)_5.我肯定我们将会一起在北京有一个美好的时光。_汉译英汉译英 81.我很抱歉听说你对高中生活感到沮丧。(I am sorry to hear that)_仿写:仿写:我很高兴告诉你我们学校将于下周举行运动会。_2.你可能在同时学习如此多科目方面有困难。(have trouble in doing sth.)_仿写:仿写:我们常常在与父母交流方面有困难。_汉译英汉译英91

30、.毫无疑问,友谊对每个人都是非常重要的。(There is no doubt that)_仿写仿写:毫无疑问,在你的老师的帮助下,你将会取得巨大的进步。_2.对学生来说在考试中感到紧张是常见的。(It is+adj.for sb.to do sth.)_仿写仿写:对于高中生充分利用时间是非常重要的。_汉译英汉译英 101.我们应该尽我们最大的力在生活中练习说英语。(try ones best to do sth.)_仿写仿写:在日常生活中他总是尽他最大的力去帮助别人。_2.我认为早起读英语是一个好主意。(It is a good idea to do sth.)_仿写仿写:我认为乘公交车是一个好主意。_Thank You!


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