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1、P1/73Lesson 34 Lesson 34 A happy discoveryA happy discoveryP2/73 antique n.古董,古玩 adj.古董的,古式的,古风的 古董店 antique shop antique furniture 古式家具 P3/73 fascination n.魅力,迷惑力(the power of fascinating 常与for/over/on连用)have fascination for sb -Cats have unfailing fascination for most people.-Chinese Art has great

2、 fascination for me.P4/73 fascinate v.(attract or interest very strongly)使着迷,常用被动形式-Cats never fail to fascinate human being.-English never fail to fascinate students.fascinated by/with sth.-He is fascinated with chess.-The students were fascinated by his idea.P5/73 同:charm 比fascinate 语气要弱-The beaut

3、iful picture charms me.-I am charmed by the beautiful picture.P6/73 forbidding adj.望而生畏的,望而却步的(having a unfriendly or danger look)-He has got a forbidding appearance.forbid 不允许 forbid sb to do sth.-The father forbade his children to touch the electronic things.forbid doing sth.-You are forbid smokin

4、g.-Smoking is forbidden here.P7/73 The Forbidden City 紫禁城 forbidden fruit 禁果 forbidden zone 禁区【辨】Forbid 和prohibit 比较:forbid:政府或私人下令以禁止 -Swimming is forbidden here.prohibit:法律条文或官方明令禁止 -The law prohibits young people under 18 from going to bar.P8/73 muster v.鼓起 同:collect/summon muster up/collect up/s

5、ummon up=gather/keep up 鼓起,振奋-他鼓起勇气走向了女孩。-He mustered up his courage and walked up to the girl.P9/73 pretentious adj.自命不凡的,矫饰的,做作的-We wont like to visit that pretentious shop.-我们不会想去那个弄虚作假的店的。pretend v.假装,自认为 -He pretended to know everything.adj.假装的-He is a pretend person.-他是个虚伪的人。P10/73 labyrinth n

6、.迷宫 a labyrinth of relationship 错综复杂的关系 a labyrinth of streets 错综复杂的街道 musty adj.陈腐的,发霉的 musty bread 发霉的面包 adj.落伍的 musty old ideas 老一套的陈旧想法P11/73 rarity n.稀世珍品 rare adj.稀有的 rare treasure 稀世珍品 rare opportunity 稀有机会,难得的机会 rare metal 稀有金属P12/73 assorted adj.各式各样的(various types mixed together)【辨】differe

7、nt/diverse/various/assorted 比较:1)different:强调此事物与彼事物完全不同-The word is different from that word.2)diverse 强调性质不同-We have got diverse opinion.P13/73 2)various:各种各样的(all kinds of 强调种类不同)-We have got various books.in every part/all parts/various parts of the world 在世界各地 3)assorted:various types mixed tog

8、ether assorted chocolates 什锦巧克力-He bought a bag of assorted fruit.P14/73 junk n.破烂货,废品 junk food 垃圾食品 junk mail 垃圾邮件;(未经索要的)邮寄宣传品 junk shop 旧货店P15/73 litter v.杂乱地布满,乱丢,乱扔-Please dont litter.n.废弃物,(一堆)杂乱的东西 扔垃圾 drop litter litter bin 垃圾箱=(dustbin)P16/73 dedicated adj.专心致志的=single-minded 一心一意的 de dedi

9、cated to 致力于.(=be devoted to)-The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace.-该协会致力于推动世界和平事业。P17/73 bargain hunter 到处找便宜货买的人 bargain n.便宜货 good bargain 便宜货 bad bargain 买得贵 bargain price 廉价 bargain v.讨价还价 bargain with 与.讨价还价-I will not bargain the price with you.hunter 猎人,搜寻者 book-h

10、unter 淘书人 headhunter 猎头P18/73 dealer n.商人=(=businessman/trader/tradesman/merchant)dealer 侧重于零售,相当于tradesman peddler 小贩 deal v.处理,给予(deal with)n.份量,交易 a great deal of 大量 good deal 好交易,划算 big deal大交易,重要的事,了不起-Its no big deal.P19/73 cherish v.抱有,怀有 long-cherished hope 夙愿-she cherishes the hope that her

11、 son will return.-Dont cherish such illusion.-Dont cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts.P20/73 v.珍爱 cherish peace 珍视和平 cherish affection for sb.爱某人 cherished possession 珍贵的财产P21/73 amply adv.足够地-Whatever you do,you must put your heart into it.And then,someday you will be

12、rewarded amply.amplifier n放大镜 ample adj.充足而有余的-Dont be worried.They have gotten ample time.P22/73【辨】1)enough 数量,程度足够-The bread is just enough for one meal.-He is old enough to go to the party.2)sufficient 只放在名词前-We have sufficient food to last one week.enough 可放在名词前或后-We have enough food/food enough

13、 to last one week.4)adequate 数量和质量上的满足-The performance is adequate.P23/73 masterpiece n.杰作=outstanding works 杰作 original 原作 authentic works 真迹P24/73 mere adj.仅仅的(=only)-别责备他,他只不过是个孩子。-Dont scold him,he is a mere child.the merest thing 最微小的或最不重要的事 a mere nobody 微不足道的人P25/73 prise v.撬开 prise sth.out o

14、f sb.撬开某人的嘴得到信息-Ill prise his secret out of his friend.P26/73 Text:(L1)Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people.exert fascination on 对具有吸引力 Exert on 对施加 Exert a+adj.+influence on sb.Exert a+adj.+pressure on sb.Exert control over sb.对进行控制-My parents exert a great influence on

15、 me.P27/73 Text:(L2)The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.P28/73 Text:(L5)There is always hope that in

16、its labyrinth of musty,dark,disordered rooms a real rarity will be found amongst the piles of assorted junk that litter the floors.P29/73(L8-11)(L8)No one discovers a rarity by chance.A truly dedicated bargain hunter must have patience,and above all,the ability to recognize the worth of something wh

17、en he sees it.(L9)To do this,he must be at least as knowledgeable as the dealer.(L10-11)Like a scientist bent on making a discovery,he must cherish the hope that one day he will amply rewarded.must 的用法P30/73 1)基本用法“必须”must 和have to区别 must强调主观上认为有必要,have to 则是客观上“不得不”。-You must finish your homework b

18、efore you go out.-I have to take my umbrella because its raining outside.P31/73 2)表义务“必须”,或用于肯定句和疑问句“必须”时否定不能must not,只能need not -Must we leave so early?-No,we neednt.P32/73 3)表坚定的建议“一定要”,可用must not作为否定。-You mustnt miss the film,It is very good.(must 否定形式表强烈建议)-你不可错过那部影片,它很好看。但:must not还表示“禁止”-He mu

19、st not leave his room.(表禁止)P33/73(L8)No one discovers a rarity by chance.dedicate v.致力 Dedicate to 致力于“专注于做某事”be concentrated on doing/be dedicated to(doing)/devote oneself to do/be single-minded to do/be self-sacrifice to do/be absorbed in doing P34/73-所有的工作狂都专注于自己的事业。-All the workaholic are dedica

20、ted to their working career.-My father is absorbed in watching TV news.P35/73(L10)Like a scientist bent on making a discovery,he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply rewarded.bent on/upon 决心要 Be bent on doing=be determined on doing/be devoted to/be engage in-My friend is bent on becom

21、ing an excellent surgeon.P36/73 Text:(L12)My old friend,Frank Halliday,is just such a person.He has often described to me how he picked up a masterpiece for a mere 5.One Saturday morning,Frank visited an antique shop in my neighbourhood.P37/73(L14)in my neighbourhood(住)在附近 同:Live nearby/in the vicin

22、ity/be adjacent to/live a stone s throw 一箭之遥P38/73 Text:(L13)As he had never been there before,he found a great deal to interest him.The morning passed rapidly and Frank was about to leave when he noticed a large packing-case lying on the floor.The dealer told him that it had just come in,but that h

23、e could not be bothered to open it.P39/73(L16)cant be bothered to do sth.不可以被打扰做某事(不妥)应译:不想费心做某事(比do not want to do sth.意境更深)P40/73 Text:(L16)Frank begged him to do so and the dealer reluctantly prised it open.The contents were disappointing.Apart from an interesting-looking carved dagger,the box wa

24、s full of crockery,much of it broken.P41/73 Text:(L18)Frank gently lifted the crockery out of the box and suddenly noticed a miniature Painting at the bottom of the packing-case.As its composition and line reminded him of an Italian painting he knew well,he decided to buy it.P42/73(L19)remind sb.of

25、提醒做某事:Caution sb.to do/bethink sb.of/jog sb.memoryP43/73 Text:(L20)Glancing at it briefly,the dealer told him that it was worth 5.Frank could hardly conceal his excitement,for he knew that he had made a real discovery.The tiny painting proved to be an unknown masterpiece by Correggio and was worth h

26、undreds of thousands of pounds.P44/73(L22)hundreds of thousands of 直译:几百个千 即:几十万P45/73古玩店对许多人来说有一种特殊的魅力。高档一点的古玩店为了防尘,把文物漂亮地陈列在玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。而对不太装腔作势的古玩店,无论是谁都不用壮着胆子才敢往里进。人们还常常有希望在发霉、阴暗、杂乱无章、迷宫般的店堂里,从杂乱地摆放在地面上的、一堆堆各式各样的破烂货里找到一件稀世珍品。无论是谁都不会一下子就发现一件珍品。一个到处找便宜的人必须具有耐心,而且最重要的是看到珍品时要有鉴别珍品的能力。要做到这一点,他至少



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