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1、Secretary EnglishUnit One Handling CallsUnit One Handling CallsUnit GoalsWords and Expressions Comprehension of the TextExercisesPractical WritingSecretary English Unit Goals In this unit,you will learn how to:take a telephone message,make an appointment on the phone,deal with different types of tel

2、ephone calls,behave properly while talking on the phoneSecretary English Words and Expressionsetiquette etket n.礼仪,礼节integral ntgrl a.完整的;必须的switchboard swtb:d n.电话交换机display dsple vt.显示;陈列normal n:ml a.正常的;正规的proper prp(r)a.适当的,相当的properly ad.适当地;恰当地Secretary Englishslang sl n.俚语promptly prmptli ad

3、.迅速地;立即地delivery dlvri n.交付;传送brief bri:f a.简洁的;简明的access kses vt./n.接近,进入verify verfa vt.核实;证明wary wer a.谨慎的,小心翼翼的confidential,knfdenl a.秘密的;机密的Secretary Englishidentify adentfa vt.识别,认出client klant n.顾客contact kntkt n./vt.接触;联系overhear vh(r)vt.偶然听到negatively netvli ad.消极地,否认地affect fekt vt.影响Secre

4、tary Englishbe responsible for 对负责on hold(电话接通时)等某人接电话for instance 例如informof 通知 have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难in person 亲自地be aware of 当心Secretary EnglishComprehension of the Text Read the text carefully,and choose the best answer for each of the following.Secretary English1.A secretarys manne

5、rs in handling phone calls _.A.dont matter much in the business world.B.are an important form of public relations.C.are not decided by the boss.D.can decide whether she is responsible for one or more telephones.Secretary English2.While answering calls,a secretary should _.A.speak clearly in a normal

6、 tone of voiceB.listen carefully to the caller C.use proper language instead of slang;D.all of the aboveSecretary English3.When the telephone rings and your employer is not at his desk _.A.you can take the message and give it to him laterB.you can type out a brief message and handle the matter yours

7、elfC.you can urge him to leave the meeting immediatelyD.you can ask him to stop the company meeting.Secretary English4.What information should a secretary write down about a caller?A.his/her nameB.his/her phone numberC.what the person is calling aboutD.all of the aboveSecretary English5.When you lea

8、ve a message,you should take care not to _.A.provide your nameB.provide your company nameC.share secret information with othersD.overhear others conversationSecretary English Notes to the Text1.Answering the telephone is an integral part of a secretarys responsibilities.本句中,answering为动名词作主语integral意

9、为“必需的,不可或缺的”。请看下例:Smoking is prohibited here.这里禁止吸烟。Secretary English Music is an integral part of the schools curriculum.音乐是这所学校的课程中基本的一环。Secretary English2.The manners which you as a secretary display in handling phone calls are actually an important form of public relations.本句中which引导的定语从句修饰先行词th

10、e manners,定语从句中的短语as a secretary为插入语。display意为“展示”。请看下例:Secretary English I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion.我难得见到她喜怒形于色。3.It is necessary to write down the message;in that way,all this information can be easily accessed when necessary.本句中access意为“使用”。请看下例:The loft can be accessed by

11、 a ladder.搭梯子可以上阁楼。Secretary English access也可作名词,常用于短语get/have/gain/obtain access to,意为“获得使用/进入的权利/机会。请看下例:You need a password to get access to the computer system.使用这个计算机系统需要口令。access的形容词形式为accessible,也经常与介词to连用。请看下例:Secretary English These documents are not accessible to the public.公众无法看到这些文件。Secr

12、etary English4.Your written message should also contain:the date and time the person called,and your nameso the person whom the message is for knows who took the call.本句中whom the message is for为定语从句,修饰先行词the person。请看下例:Secretary English Her mother,in whom she confided,said she would support her unc

13、onditionally.她所信赖的母亲说将无条件地支持她。5.If youre having difficulty understanding what the caller says,ask him/her to spell out the difficult words,so that you can write down the right name and information.本句中have difficulty(in)doing sth.为固定短语,意为“做某事有困难”。请看下例:Secretary English I had considerable difficulty(i

14、n)persuading her to leave.我费力好大的劲想说服她离开。Secretary English6.When your employer is not available,offer to help the caller in any way that you can.本句中available意为“有空的”,它还可表示“可获得的”,“可找到的”。请看下例:Will she be available this afternoon?今天下午她有空吗?Tickets are available free of charge from the school.学校有免费票。Secret

15、ary English ExercisesTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Mr.Hunter is rather busy now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about.2.Mr.Ma is in the Public relations Department.Hold the line,please.Ill transfer your call to his department.Secretary English3.A secretary may

16、 be required to take dictation by writing in shorthand.4.You can reserve seats over the telephone.5.Please contact my secretary to make an appointment.Secretary EnglishTranslate the following sentences into English.1.接电话是秘书必要的职责之一。2.注意听电话,尽可能耐心地帮忙。3.如果电话响时老板不在,你可以记下留言,过后给他看。4.写下信息很重要;这样,当你需要信息时就可以很容

17、易地找到它。Secretary English5.如果你不理解来电者所说的话,请他/她拼写出较难的词语,这样你就可以写下正确的名字和信息。Secretary English Practical Writing Notes A note is a brief record of points or ideas written down as an aid to memory,or to make a request,express affection when it is impossible for the writer to meet or telephone someone.A note

18、usually includes several parts:the date,salutation,body and signature.Secretary EnglishSample September 2nd,Monday Mr.Lu,Miss White who arrived from Japan wishes to see you.You are requested to call him back any time tomorrow morning from 8:00 to 11:00 at 800-23142.HelenSecretary EnglishExercise Read the following note and fill in the blanks according to the Chinese given in bracket.Secretary English Mar.14th,SaturdayMr.Lin,Mr.Smith who 1._ (最近从西班牙来的)wants to see you.You are requested to 2._(打电话给他)any time tomorrow evening from 6:00 to 8:00 at 3044657.StellaSecretary English


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