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1、2 0 2 2 年 教 师 节 英 文 主 题 班 会演讲人:演讲人:XXXXXX时间:时间:20222022年年教-师-节-快-乐Directory 目录About Teachers Day关于教师节About Teachers Day Learning关于教师节的学习Thanks to our teachers感谢我们的教师Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Unif i

2、ed fonts make reading moreAbout Teachers Day关/于/教/师/节Classroom discussions课堂讨论Tell us about Teachers Day as you know it说说你所知道的教师节。Teachers Day in ancient times古代的教师节在中国几千年的灿烂历史中“师”,总是人尊敬爱戴的In Chinas splendid history of thousands of years,the teacher is always respected and loved by people01古代的教师节取自:

3、每年农历的八月二十七The ancient Teachers Day is taken from:the twenty-seventh day of August in the lunar calendar every year02这天是圣人孔子的出生日This day is the birth day of the sage Confucius03The Evolution of Teachers Day教师节的演变June 6 is Teachers Day6月6日为教师节01August 27 is Teachers Day8月27日为教师节03May 1 is Teachers Day

4、,5月1日为教师节02September 10 is Teachers Day9月10日为教师节04The current Teachers Day date现在的教师节日期September 10 of each year每年9月10日Different celebrations不同的庆祝活动Since Teachers Day is not a traditional Chinese festival,there are different celebrations every year in different places,and there is no unified and fix

5、ed form.由于教师节并非中国传统节日,所以各地每年都会有不同的庆祝活动,没有统一、固定的形式。Singing and dancing performances for teachers为教师献上歌舞表演0 0 1 1Visit and condolences to teacher representatives走访、慰问教师代表0 0 2 2Different celebrations不同的庆祝活动Write your blessings in hand-copied newspapers,greeting cards,and paintings将祝福写在手抄报、贺卡、绘画上Post g

6、roup photos and event testimonials on social apps将合影照及活动感言晒至社交软件上Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Unif ied fonts make reading moreAbout Teachers Day Learning关/于/教/师/节/的/学/习How to write Teachers Day in var

7、ious countries各国教师节写法Teacheas Day Australia 澳大利亚National Teacher Day United States美国Teachers Day Chile 智利Sentence learning 句子学习02Celebrating the Teachers Day;celebrating the tea;Teachers day celebration庆祝教师节On Teachers Day在教师节那一天03Wishing you a happy Teachers Day祝您有个愉快的教师节01Sentence learning 句子学习The

8、 teachers are celebrating Teachers Day with the students now.教师们正和同学们庆祝教师节。We celebrate Teachers Day on September 10th every year.我们在每年的九月十日庆祝教师节。Sentence learning 句子学习03The day after tomorrow is Teachers Day.后天就是教师节。04Teachers Day is in September.教师节在九月份。01Happy Teachers Day,dear teachers!亲爱的老师们,教师

9、节快乐!02We give our best wishes to our teachers on Teachers Day.我们在教师节向老师致以最美好的祝愿。Sentence learning 句子学习Please say happy Teachers Day to your teachers on the Teachers Day!教师节请向你的老师说声教师节快乐!Another Teachers Day,happy Teachers Day to all the teachers!又是教师节了,祝天下老师教师节快乐!Theme color makes PPT more convenien

10、t to change Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Unif ied fonts make reading moreThanks to our teachers感/谢/我/们/的/教/师Our teachers我们的老师3他们善待每个人,不希望任何一个人掉队。They treat everyone well and dont want anyone to be left behind.1 1他们一直与自己的学生相处得很好,他们是我们的朋友。They have a

11、lways gotten along well with their students and they are our friends.2 2当学生有困难时,老师可以及时帮助他们。When students have difficulties,teachers can help them in time.Our teachers我们的老师nThanks to the teacher,we do not need to do anything earth-shattering.n感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事。n它表现在日常的点点滴滴:nIt manifests itself i

12、n everyday bits and pieces:n课堂上,一道坚定的目光,一个轻轻的点头,你在专心地听课,这便是感恩;nIn class,a firm gaze,a gentle nod,you are listening intently to the lecture,this is gratitude;Our teachers我们的老师Thanks to the teacher,we do not need to do anything earth-shattering.感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事。下课后,遇到了老师,一个微笑,一声礼貌的问好“老师好”,这也是感恩;

13、After class,I met the teacher,a smile,a polite greeting hello teacher,which is also gratitude;Our teachers我们的老师01Thanks to the teacher,we do not need to do anything earth-shattering.感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事。02After school,beckoning to the teacher and saying Teacher,you have worked hard,goodbye,this is

14、 still gratitude to the teacher.放学了,向老师招招手,说上一句“老师您辛苦了,再见”,这依然是对老师的感恩。Our teachers我们的老师01Thankstotheteacher,wedonotneedtodoanythingearth-shattering.感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事。02Intheclassroom,cleantheclassroomandgivetheclassatidyenvironment在教室里,把教室打扫得干干净净,给班级一个整洁的环境Our teachers我们的老师Thanks to the teacher

15、,we do not need to do anything earth-shattering.感恩老师,并不需要我们去做什么惊天动地的大事。On the corridors,on the stairs,on the campus paths,I saw the shells of confetti on the ground and did not hesitate to pick them up在楼道、楼梯上,在校园的小径上,看到地上有纸屑果壳,毫不犹豫地将它们拾起来Stop ignoring these little things.不要再忽视这些点点滴滴小事了。Because behin

16、d this little thing,you have your respect and gratitude to the teacher through the lens.因为在这点滴小事的背后,透视着的你对老师的尊重和感激。Everyone wants to be respected and recognized by others,let us use actions to repay the teachers educational kindness!人人都希望得到别人的敬重和认同,让我们用行动来回报教师的教育恩情吧!Conclusion结束语Finally,lets wish teachers together:Happy Teachers Day!最后,让我们一起祝福老师们:教师节快乐!2 0 2 2 年 教 师 节 英 文 主 题 班 会演讲人:演讲人:XXXXXX时间:时间:20222022年年演示完毕 感谢您的观看!

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