2020年江苏中考英语复习课件专题十九 书面表达.pptx

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1、Writing 1(2019宿迁) 某软件公司为了开发一款适合中学生在课后学习英语的app,邀请你一起参与设计。请根据下文提示,用英 语向该公司介绍你的构想。,A组 20152019年江苏中考题组,注意事项: 1.词数90左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2.文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。 Here is my design for the new app. I hope my ideas will be valuable to your company.,答案 写作提示 1.审题: 这是一篇提示类作文。以第三人称描写这个学习英语的app,并表达自己的观点。主体时态为一般现在

2、 时。 2.确定要点: (1)这款app的名称:Happy English Learning (2)这款app应包括的内容:英语类的新闻、电影、歌曲、游戏等 (3)这款app会给学生带来的好处: 1)便于和同学一起学习; 2)帮助学生扩大词汇量;,3)有利于提高英语听力; 4)(自主发挥,至少一点) (4)其他方面:(自主发挥,至少一点) 参考范文 Here is my design for the new app. It is named Happy English Learning. This app includes English news, Eng- lish movies, Eng

3、lish songs, English games and so on. It can make it easy for students to study together. It is true that vocabulary is very important in English study. Students can enlarge their English vocabulary by using this app. Their English listening skills can be greatly improved. They can also practise thei

4、r spoken English by singing English songs and watching films. In a word, students can have fun learning English by using this app. I hope my ideas will be valuable to your company.,精彩语句 1.精美词汇: include v.包括;enlarge v.扩大;in a word总之;have fun doing sth.做某事很开心 2.出彩结构: 1) It can make it easy for student

5、s to study together. 本句用了make+it(形式宾语)+adj.(宾补)+for sb. to do sth. (不定式作真正的宾语)的结构。 2) It is true that vocabulary is very important in English study.本句用了it作形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的 主语。,Writing 2(2019连云港) 减负之后,同学们有了更多的课余时间。某校英语角就“如何让课余生活更有意义?”展开了讨论,大 家各抒己见。请你根据下图提示,以“How to Make Our Spare Time More Meaningf

6、ul?”为题,用英语写一 篇短文。 注意:(1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; (2)词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息;,(4)参考词汇:提升素养promote literacy。 How to Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful?,答案 写作提示 1.本文

7、的话题是如何让课余生活更有意义。 2.本文为根据图表所提供的信息进行的半开放式写作。 3.写作时可采用总分总的结构,时态以一般现在时为主,写作内容可有适当拓展和发挥。 参考范文 How to Make Our Spare Time More Meaningful? Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before, but how to make our spare time more meaningful? My schoolmates give the following suggestions. First,

8、 its good to help our parents do some housework to show our love for them. Second, we will know more about the world by reading. Third, it is a good chance for us to get close to nature and relax ourselves. In my opinion, we can do some sports to make us stronger and healthier. Whats more, we can ta

9、ke an active,part in some social activities as volunteers to help those in need. In a word, lets make full use of our spare time and promote our literacy. 高级语块 help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事 know about sth.了解某事 get close to nature亲近自然 do some sports做运动 whats more更重要的是 take an active part in积极参与 make full u

10、se of充分利用,Writing 3(2019南京) 假如你是李华,在网上看到英国Britech公司为正在开发的一款提高英语写作能力的应用软件(app)征集 网友建议。请根据网上的征集信息,用英语给该公司写一封电子邮件。 IDEAS NEEDED Britech is now designing an app that helps learners with their English writing. The app is to help learners explore ideas, organize them and write them down. Your ideas are ne

11、eded! Heres what to do: Write to share your ideas! Feel free to be creative! Please let us know: Whats the name of the app? What problem does the app solve? What does the app do? Contact us at appdesignB,注意: 1.内容涵盖所有要点,可适当发挥。 2.词数80左右(已给出的文章开头,不计入总词数)。 3.文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Dear Sir or Mada

12、m, Thanks for designing an app for English writing. Yours, Li Hua,答案 写作提示 1.体裁:本文是应用文中的回信类作文。 2.人称:第一人称等。 3.时态:主体时态为一般现在时。 4.确定要点: 1)这个app的名称; 2)这个app解决什么问题; 3)这个app应有的具体功能。,参考范文 Dear Sir or Madam, Thanks for designing an app for English writing. Id like to share my ideas here. Could its name be “Wr

13、iting Made Easy”? Many of us have difficulty in writing. We dont know how to organize ideas, use proper words, and so on. I hope it can solve these problems. Here is my advice on what the app does. First, it should provide some reading materials. The more we read, the better we write. Second, the ap

14、p should have an online course so that we can develop our writing skills. Third, there should be an e-teacher who can correct mistakes and offer suggestions. I hope my advice is worth taking. Yours, Li Hua,精彩语句 1.精美词汇:have difficulty in doing sth.做某事有困难 and so on等等 correct mistakes纠错 offer sugges- t

15、ions提供建议 2.出彩结构:The more we read, the better we write.(本句用了“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,表示“越 ,就越 ”) Second, the app should have an online course so that we can develop our writing skills. (so that引导目的状语 从句) Third, there should be an e-teacher who can correct mistakes and offer suggestions. (who引导定语从句,修饰 先行词a

16、n e-teacher),Writing 4(2018无锡) 假设你名叫张华,是“2018无锡马拉松”组委会的一名工作人员。近日,对外联络部转发给你一位牙买加 选手的电子邮件,并附上了组委会的处理意见。请根据邮件内容及处理意见给他回复。 Dear sir/madam, Im Alfred from Jamaica. I took part in 2018 Wuxi Marathon on March 25 and I got a silver medal. I didnt re- alize you had got my name wrong until I showed the medal

17、to my friends. My family name is Morrison, with double r. However, theres only one ron the medal. How could this happen?!-( Yours sincerely, Alfred MoRRison 处理意见: 1.重制奖牌,6月25日前寄出; 2.提供一张免费机票作为补偿(compensation),两年内可从世界任意地点飞往上海; 3.旧奖牌须收回。,注意事项: 1.邮件内容须根据处理意见自拟,要求语句通顺、意思连贯、符合情境; 2.词数在80个左右,邮件的首尾已给出,不计入总

18、词数。 Dear Morrison, It is true that we have got your name wrong. I am sorry for making such a mistake. Yours sincerely, Zhang Hua,答案 写作提示 1.审题: 这是一篇回信类作文。邮件需明确处理意见,语言需符合作者身份。 2.确定要点: (1)表达歉意。 (2)处理意见: 制作一块新奖牌; 6月25日前寄出; 补偿一张免费机票,两年内可以从任意地点飞往上海; 旧奖牌收回。 (3)保持联系,表达祝愿。,参考范文 Dear Morrison, It is true that

19、 we have got your name wrong. I am sorry for making such a mistake. We have decided to make a new medal for you after discussing it. It will be sent to you before June 25. Mean- while, we will offer you a free air ticket as compensation. You can fly to Shanghai from anywhere over the world within tw

20、o years. But the old medal must be taken back. If you have anything else, please contact us any- time. Thank you for supporting our work and wish you a good trip! Yours sincerely, Zhang Hua 精彩语句 1.精美词汇: meanwhile adv.同时;from anywhere over the world从世界的任何地方;contact sb.联系某人 2.出彩结构:We have decided to m

21、ake a new medal for you after discussing it. 句子有两个非谓语动词作宾语 的结构:decide to do和after doing。,Writing 5(2018连云港) 积极锻炼是非常重要的,为此,某英文报开展了一次关于初中生锻炼情况的调查活动。请你根据下列图表 和相关文字提示,以“Exercising is important!”为题,用英语写一篇短文。,注意:(1)短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯; (2)词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数; (3)短文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名等信息; (4)参考词汇:敏锐的sh

22、arp Exercising is important! Recently, we have done a survey about students exercising. According to the survey,答案 写作提示 1.审题: 这是一篇图表类作文,以第三人称客观描述调查数据,以第一人称表达自己的看法。主体时态为一般现在 时。 2.确定要点: (1)关于初中生锻炼情况的调查数据: 每天锻炼的时间:多于1小时的人有32%;少于1小时的有68%。 不经常锻炼的原因:46%的人认为作业多,没时间;29%的人认为不擅长;25%的人不感兴趣。 (2)锻炼的意义: 有益身体健;保持思

23、维敏锐;变得自信快乐。 (3)你的建议:关于如何更好地开展锻炼(至少两点)。,参考范文 Exercising is important! Recently, we have done a survey about students exercising. According to the survey, 32% of the students spend over one hour every day doing exercise, while 68% of them spend less than one hour. The reasons are as fol- lows: Firstly

24、, 46% of them have too much homework, so they have no time to do exercise. Secondly, 29% of them are not good at exercise. Thirdly, 25% of them are not interested in it. As we all know, exercising is good for our health, which keeps our mind sharp and makes us confident and hap- py. In my opinion, w

25、e should keep a balance between our study and exercising. Besides, we should develop a good habit of doing exercise.,精彩语句 1.精美词汇:as follows如下;keep ones mind sharp 使某人头脑敏锐;develop a good habit of.养成的好习 惯 2.出彩结构:.32% of the students spend over one hour every day doing exercise, while 68% of them spend

26、 less than one hour. while意为“然而”,表示前后对比。,Writing 6(2017苏州) 假定你是苏华,你最近认识的英国笔友David给你发了一封电子邮件,想了解你初中三年来在学习和生 活方面的一些收获、困惑和感受。请认真阅读下面的邮件,根据信中的内容及你的实际用英语回复。,答案 写作提示 1.审题: 本文属于书信类作文。以第二人称为主,主体时态为一般现在时。 2.确定要点: (1)What do you like best about your school life? 写最喜欢学校生活的哪一部分,并说出理由。 (2)Whats the biggest probl

27、em as a junior student? 学习或生活中最大的问题是什么。 (3)Who has helped you most? And why? 对你影响最深的人,并举例说明。 (4)Do you enjoy your school life? Why or why not? 表达自己对学校生活的看法,并说出理由。,参考范文 Dear David, Thank you so much for your email. Im very happy to tell you about my school life. I like the Football Club best because

28、Ive made quite a few friends by joining the club. Moreover, its an excel- lent chance to learn team spirit. However, Ive also met some problems over the three years. The biggest one is how to achieve a balance be- tween my schoolwork and my hobbies. Whenever I am in great need, my English teacher al

29、ways comes to me, so she is the person who has helped me most in the junior high. All in all, I enjoy my school life because its colourful and meaningful. How about your school life? Write to me soon. Best wishes, Su Hua,精彩语句 1.精美词汇:quite a few许多;moreover adv.而且;however adv.但是;achieve a balance取得平衡;

30、all in all总的说 来 2.出彩结构:Whenever I am in great need, my English teacher always comes to me, so she is the person who has helped me most in the junior high. whenever引导时间状语从句,so连接并列分句,who引导定语从句。,Writing 7(2016南京) 假如你是在南京学习的英国交流学生Max,你的英国同学Simon给你写了一封电子邮件。请你根据邮 件内容,用英语给Simon回一封电子邮件。 Hey Max, I havent he

31、ard from you since you arrived in Nanjing.How are you getting on?Is everything OK with the school you study in? What are your English classes like? Write soon! Yours, Simon 注意: 1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 2.语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3.词数80左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。,Hi Simon, Sorry I havent written till now. Yours,

32、 Max,答案 写作提示 1.审题: 这是一篇应用文。以第一人称为主,主体时态为一般现在时。 2.确定要点: (1)问题1:How are you getting on? (2)问题2:Is everything OK with the school you study in? (3)问题3:What are your English classes like? 3.合理拓展。 参考范文 Hi Simon, Sorry I havent written till now. Im really busy with the courses and making new friends these

33、days. I think people here are kind and friendly and I am getting on well with them.,My school is large and beautiful. We have lessons on weekdays. School starts at 8:00 a.m. and finishes at 4:30 p. m. After school, we can do some sports to relax. English classes in China are not like those in Britai

34、n. The texts are easy. We practise a lot in class. And some- times we play games after class. I will send you some photos of my school next time. Take care! Yours, Max 精彩语句 1.be busy with忙于 2.get on well with与相处融洽,某事进展顺利 3.English classes in China are not like those in Britain.用those替代English classe

35、s,以避免重复。,Writing 8(2015连云港) 为促进全民阅读,某校对全体学生的课外阅读情况做了个问卷调查。请根据下面的调查数据和相关文字提 示,以“Lets Read More!”为题,用英语写一篇短文,说明课外阅读的现状和意义,并就中学生如何更好地开 展课外阅读活动提出你的建议。,注意: 1.词数90左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2.文中不得提及有关个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Lets Read More! To go with the Civil Reading,our school has done a survey and found that,答案 写作

36、提示 1.审题: 这是一篇议论文。主体时态为一般现在时。 2.确定要点: (1)描述图表内容: 56%的学生每天花在阅读上的时间不到1个小时; 33%的学生每天花在阅读上的时间为12小时; 11%的学生每天花在阅读上的时间超过3个小时。 (2)阅读的意义: 增长知识; 提高解决问题的能力; 培养良好的习惯,使生活丰富多彩。,(3)你的建议(至少两点)。 3.参考词汇:increase our knowledge增长我们的知识 参考范文 Lets Read More! To go with the Civil Reading,our school has done a survey and fo

37、und that 56% of the students spend less than one hour reading after class each day,while 33% read for 1 to 2 hours,and only 11% read for more than 3 hours. This is not satisfying.As we all know,reading makes a full man.Reading not only increases our knowledge,im- proves our ability to solve problems

38、,but also helps us form a good habit and makes our life colourful. As students,its time for us to read more.Lets start reading clubs,set classroom bookshelves and organize read- ing competitions so that we can do better in our study. 评析 这是一篇半开放型作文。首先,考生须根据图表描述课外阅读的现状,谈谈阅读的意义,然后就如何 开展课外阅读活动谈谈自己的建议。整篇

39、文章既有“规定动作”,又有“自选动作”,论题选材具有时代 特征,与时俱进,话题鲜活,让考生有话可说,有内容可写。,精彩语句 1.satisfying adj.令人满意的 2.not only.but also.不但而且 3.As we all know,reading makes a full man.用了as引导的非限制性定语从句以及名人名言。,一、提示类作文,B组 20152019年全国中考题 组,Writing 1(2019浙江杭州) 假定你是李平,最近收到意大利朋友Linda的电子邮件。以下是邮件的一部分,请你阅读后回复,词数80左 右。,答案 写作提示 1.本文是书信格式的应用文。

40、2.写作主要采用第三人称,时态为一般现在时。 3.构思前应该仔细阅读邮件,找出写作要点,依次进行回答。 4.注意层次感,注意词数,使用完整的语句进行表达。 参考范文 Dear Linda, Thank you so much for agreeing to show my brother around Rome. Now let me tell you something about my brother. He is thirteen years old, easy-going and humorouswe get along really well. He loves different

41、cul- tures. He is interested in museums and likes trying local food. My brother is also cute. Hes of medium height with short straight black hair. He is good at Chinese kungfu, and usually wears T-shirts and jeans.,Thanks again for your help! Yours, Li Ping 精彩语句 1.精美词汇:agree to do同意做 show.around带参观

42、get along well相处得好 2.出彩结构:Thank you so much for agreeing to show my brother around Rome.(Thank you for.为固定结构),Writing 2(2019天津) 假如你是晨光中学的学生李华,平时坚持用英语写日记。请根据以下要点,描述你星期三放学乘地铁 回家路上看到的事情,并表达自己的想法。 (1)一个男孩不舒服,开始呕吐,一位穿着漂亮的女士帮着擦拭地面,男孩表达感谢。 (2)地铁到站,有人挤向座位,有人下不去车,有人因此争吵。 (3)你认为 参考词汇:开始呕吐 begin to vomit 挤向座位

43、push towards the seat 争吵 have a quarrel 要求: (1)词数:80100个。 (2)日记格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。,Wednesday When I took the underground back home after school, I noticed,Writing 3(2019河南) 假如你有机会和任何一个名人共进午餐。请根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。 1.要点:1)这个名人是谁; 2)你为什么想和他或她共进午餐; 3)你想和他或她谈论什么。 2.要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2)

44、词数80左右。,答案 写作提示 1.体裁:记叙文。 2.要点齐全: 1)这个名人是谁; 2)你为什么想和他或她共进午餐; 3)你想和他或她谈论什么。 3.时态:以一般将来时为主。 参考范文 Id like to have lunch with Ren Zhengfei, the founder of the well-known Chinese tech company HUAWEI. Mr. Ren is considered as a great man who always has everything mapped out ahead. And under his leadership

45、, HUAWEI has become a high-tech giant worldwide. Over the lunch, I will listen to his success story. Then I will ask him what is important to make it happen. If time permits, Ill ask for his advice for us teenagers today.,Im expecting this lunch already. 精彩语句 1.精美词汇:founder n.创始人;be considered as被认为

46、是,被看作是;leadership n.领导 2.出彩结构: Mr. Ren is considered as a great man who always has everything mapped out ahead.(who引导定语从句,修饰先 行词a great man),Writing 4(2018河北) 请仔细观察下面的图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文。 提示:(1)What are the man and the woman doing? (2)What should you do when you see people litter like this? Why? 要求:(

47、1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。 (2)短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。 (3)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 参考词汇:throw, environment, civilized(文明的),I can see a man and a woman in the picture. The man is,答案 写作提示 1.审题:第一要点用第三人称写;第二要点用第一人称写。主体时态为一般现在时。 2.确定要点: (1)What are the man and the woman doing? 描述图片中两人的行为。 (2) What should you do when

48、 you see people litter like this? Why? 就图片中乱扔垃圾的行为表达你的观点,并阐述理由。 (3) 结束语。 参考范文 I can see a man and a woman in the picture. The man is throwing rubbish on the ground. The woman is telling him to put the rubbish in the dustbin. When I see people litter like this, I believe I can not stand by and do not

49、hing. I will stop them from doing so, like,the woman in the picture did. The city is our home. Its our duty to protect our environment. Whats more, its important to learn to be a civilized person. Lets take action and make the world more beautiful! 精彩语句 1.精美词汇:stand by and do nothing袖手旁观;whats more 另外 2.出彩结构:Its our duty to protect our environment.(It为形式主语,真正的主语为动词不定式to protect our environment),Writi


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