Unit 1 Using Language (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Using languageWrite about what makes a great scientist.To write about what makes a great scientist.To learn some important words and sentence patterns.To master some linking words and phrases in the passage.What makes great scientists?Lead inLook at the pictures&the title to guess what the content o

2、f the text is.lThe text is mainly about Pre-reading:the brief introduction of Qian Xuesen and Stephen Hawking.THE FATHER OF CHINAS AEROSPACEA WORLD OF PURE THOUGHTWhat do you know about Qian Xuesen?钱学森(1911-2009),享誉海内外的杰出科学家,我享誉海内外的杰出科学家,我 国导弹、原子弹和人造卫星研究国导弹、原子弹和人造卫星研究领域的开拓者,航天科学的奠基人。领域的开拓者,航天科学的奠基人。

3、19911991年年国务院、中央军委授予他国务院、中央军委授予他“国家杰出贡献科国家杰出贡献科学家学家”荣誉称号和荣誉称号和“一级英雄模范奖章一级英雄模范奖章”,以表彰他对我国科技事业作出的杰出贡献。以表彰他对我国科技事业作出的杰出贡献。19991999年中共中央、国务院、中央军委作出决年中共中央、国务院、中央军委作出决定,授予钱学森定,授予钱学森“两弹一星功勋奖章两弹一星功勋奖章”。Stephen Hawking(1942-2018)physicist/mathematicianfamous scientist known for his theory about black holes a

4、nd big bangs:A Brief History of Time史蒂芬史蒂芬霍金霍金 Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking(1942-20181942-2018),),英国著名物理学家、宇英国著名物理学家、宇宙学家、数学家。生前曾在英国剑桥大学担宙学家、数学家。生前曾在英国剑桥大学担任卢卡斯数学教授(国际数学领域极具声望任卢卡斯数学教授(国际数学领域极具声望的教授职衔),的教授职衔),被认为是继爱因斯坦之后被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最杰出的理论物理学家之一。最杰出的理论物理学家之一。19631963年,年,2121岁岁的霍金被诊断患有肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症,的霍金被诊

5、断患有肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症,即运动神经细胞病,从此,霍金便不断与疾即运动神经细胞病,从此,霍金便不断与疾病斗争、挑战自我、奉献社会,是人类身残病斗争、挑战自我、奉献社会,是人类身残志坚的典范。他著有志坚的典范。他著有时间简史时间简史(A Brief(A Brief History of Time)History of Time)等著作,对宇宙黑洞有独等著作,对宇宙黑洞有独到的见地和研究。到的见地和研究。Fast-reading The text is mainly about _ _.the brief introduction of Qian Xuesen andStephen Hawkin

6、g.Study the structure of the texts:The father of Chinas aerospace (Qian Xuesen)Paragraph 1Paragraphs 2-5Paragraph 6Paragraph 7Introduction.His personal history and accomplishments.His personality.His death and peoples appreciation of him.2.What is the function of each paragraph in the passages?Read

7、the text on Pages 79 carefully and then choose the best answer.1、Why did Qian Xuesen change his major to aviation?A.Because he was not interested in his former major.B.Because he could get a well paid job in the future.C.He realized that China needed a strong air force.D.Because the country asked hi

8、m to do so.2、Why did he come back to China?A.He wanted to serve his country.B.He met with difficulties in America.C.He was a hero in China.D.He missed his family.3、What made Qian Xuesen so creative and outstanding according to the text?A.His strong interest in art like music and drawing.B.His resear

9、ch in the United States.C.His friends encouragement.D.His habit of reading a lot.4、How long did Qian Xuesen stay in the United States?A.About 15 years.B.About 20 years.C.About 25 years.D.About 30 years.Reread the passage and fill in the blanks.The father of Chinas aerospacePersonalinforma-tion of Qi

10、an Xuesen*Born in Hangzhou in 1911*Qian attended schools in Beijing and then entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study Railway Mechanical Engineering.*In 1932,Qian made the decision to switch his major to(1)_.*In 1935,Qian went to the United States to pursue his(2)_studies.*Over the course of t

11、he 1930s and 1940s,Qian became a pioneer in American jet and(3)_technology.aviationgraduaterocketThe father of Chinas aerospacePersonalinforma-tion of Qian Xuesen*As a graduate assistant at the California Institute of Technology during the 1930s.*In the 1940s,Qian and several other people(4)_the Jet

12、 Propulsion Laboratory.*In(5)_,Qian returned to China.*Under his leadership,China developed the Dongfeng missiles.In 1970,China successfully launched its first man-made(6)_.*On 31 October 2009,he died.founded1955satellite1911193219351930s-1940s1955SUMMARYbornattendschoolenteruniversitySonghuBattleSw

13、itch Why?patrioticin Chinawent to the USAgraduatestudiesin USAa pioneerresearch found.talented/gifted/learnedreturn to Chinain charge of Indifferent to fameHow was China at that time?Poor&undevelopedNo institute or universityNo talentsStudy the structure of the texts:A world of pure thought(Stephen

14、Hawking)Paragraph 1Paragraph2Paragraph3Introduction.His claim to fame.Characteristics that made him great.4、What proved Hawkings work on the big bang theory?A.Communicating with Fred Hoyle.B.Observing the stars.C.Telescopes used by astronomers.D.Two main theories.5、What helped him in his fight again

15、st the disease?A.Cleverness.B.Dreams.C.Determination.D.Mistakes.A world of pure thoughtStepen Hawking*He was one of the most famous and gifted scientists in(7)_.*He came down with a disease and lost the use of most of his(8)_.*In 1964,he first achieved fame.*He insisted the big(9)_theory.*The qualit

16、ies made him a genius:brilliant,brave,determined,willing to admit his(10)_.physicsmusclesbangfaultsRead the texts and decide if the statements are true(T)or false(F).(page9)1.Qian changed his major because of a shift in personal interest.2.Qians strong interest in art has a positive impact on a scie

17、ntists development.3.When Hawking was young,almost everyone believed that the universe began with a big bang.4.Because Hawking was determined,he was able to succeed even though he was ill.Answer the questions below using the information from the texts.(page9)1.Why was Qian called“the father of China

18、s aerospace”?2.How was Hawkings own theory proven correct?Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qians research.Astronomers used their telescopes to prove his work on the big bang theory.What important personalities and qualities Qian Xuesen had and hel

19、ped him earn the name of“the father of Chinas aerospace?patrioticswithced majorPost-reading:Further thinking.knowledgeablebecame a pioneer conducted important researchco-founded JPLdeterminedreturned to Chinatook on the challenge on developing Chinas space science What will be included in your essay

20、 if you are writing about a great scientist?who?switched majorwhatdid he/she do?when and where did these events happen?what achievements did she/he make?.Post-reading:Further thinking.1.Underline the linking words and phrases in the passages,and describe their function.However,after the Songhu Battl

21、e broke out in 1932,At that time,China was poor and its rocket science was undeveloped.Nevertheless Oian did not let that discourage him Because much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets Study the language and structure.However,what might have made him such an outstanding In general,there were two main theories Besides being brilliant,he was brave,Furthermore,he was quite determined.Above all,Hawking was willing to admit his faults.


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