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1、Animals or Children?-A scientists choiceAnimalsChildrenscientistchoicethe style of the essay?ArgumentationWhat happens to them?ExperimentWhat happens to them?Rescue a doctorGeneral understandingThe text is an _,the purpose of which is to convince readers by using good _ and strong _.The author,throu

2、gh writing this essay,argues for his rightfulness of doing _.argumentative essay reasons evidence animal research General understanding his love for children and his strong desire to keep them healthy.According to the text,why did the author become a childrens doctor?(Para.1)He was accused of doing

3、animal researches.What happened to the author?(Para.1)Part I (Para.1)The author was _of being cruel to animals,but in fact his top desire is only to keep children healthy with _based on _.wrongly accused medical advances animal research How did animal rights activists describe the researchers?(Para.

4、2)distort the truth How does society react to the animal rights issue?(Para.2)The public barely watches,convinced that the issue has no significance to them,while the senators and politicians continue to give way to the lobbying of animal rights activists.indifference What did physician scientists d

5、o?(Para.3)Responsebe unbelievably uncaringallow them to creep in“animal fraud”and hatredWhy?BeliefA knowledgeable public would consent to the importance of animal research for public healthNot respond to the emotional tone of the argument Consequence:be mistakenWhat should be done?respond to the act

6、ivists tone by waving equally sad posters of children dying of cancer or external woundsPart II Paras.2-3This part unfolds the current situation of animal-rights movement.Firstly,animal rights protectors distort the truth by accusing the physician of doing medical research only for his career advanc

7、ment.The author also criticizes the indifference of the public,senators and even the people who worked in the medical field.What are the three choices to relieve the eternal suffering of human beings?(Para.4)Create an animal model of the problem to understand the process and test new therapiesExperi

8、ment on human beings(some will succeed;most will fail)Leave medical knowledge static,hoping that accidental discoveries will lead us forward The optional fourth choice by computer imitation(Para.5)Advice?Possible benefits?Can computer model exchange the actual experiments?computer models suggested b

9、y animal rights activists are of little value.What are the terrifying effects of arresting the animal research?(Para.6)Drugs to cure infections will remain undiscovered.Surgical and diagnostic techniques will be developed.Fundamental biological processes will remain mysteries.undeveloped.What result

10、s did animal research help us to achieve?(Para.7)To fight against the serious sicknesses,such as _,_ and _.To operate the most complex surgical procedures,such as _ and _.heart disease high blood pressure stroke heart or hip surgery organ transplantation surgeriesPart III Paras.4-7As the main part o

11、f the essay,it provides compelling reasons to justify the necessity of doing animal research.Using examples of tragedies in everyday life,it emphasizes why doing animal research is so indispensable,and warns that stopping animal research will cause significantly negative effects.How about the presen

12、t situation of human beings in America today?(Para.8)People are overprotected from the reality of human life and death.They are more caring for animals and only little for sick and dying human beings.What is the authors attitude?(Para.9)We should arouse the majority to protect the future of animal r

13、esearch,and oppose the misdirected minority.Part (Paras.8-9)conclusion of the essayThe author is trying to make his _ heard and also show his most worried concern.He urges the public to _ put an end to the nightmare to cease animal research.final appealtake actions toOverview of the structure of the

14、 essay I am wrongly accused of doing animal research since my top desire is only to keep children healthy with medical advances based on animal research.(Para.1)Introduction Animal rights activists distort my medical research and accuse me of being a physician without moral limits.(Paras.2-3)Introdu

15、ction Current situation of the animal-rights movementIntroduction Current situation of the animal-rights movementReasons to justify the necessity of animal researchTo relieve the eternal suffering of human among the possible three reasons.(para.4)The optional 4th choice from animal activists is usin

16、g computer model,but its of no value(Para.5)The terrifying effects of arresting animal research will only be felt years or decades later.(Para.6)Our current combat abilities against sickness are mostly based on previous animal research.(Para.7)Introduction Current situation of the animal-rights move

17、mentReasons to justify the necessity of animal researchConclusionHuman rights vs.animal rightsI am wrongly _ of doing animal research since my _ is only to keep children healthy based on animal research.Although the animal-rights activists _ the truth.The politicians give in to the _ of animal right

18、s advocates,even the people working in the medical field let animal rights activists _.twistaccusedsupreme desireTo be continuedcreep inlobbyingThey _the issue as one of“_”and_.To relieve the _ of human beings,animal research is the best choice to u n d e r s t a n d t h e p r o c e s s a n d _,more

19、 than that hoping accidental discoveries will _.Whats more,the optional fourth choice is _ the animal experiments by computer model.Its _.move us forwardhatredanimal fraudtest new therapiesof little valueTo be continuedframeeternal suffering to imitateThe studies along with subsequent _ will actuall

20、y end if animal research is severely _.I would never _ needless cruel treatment of animals.The real question _ the importance of the _ and to protect its future.advancesrestrictedadvocateis to realize animal experiment 1.tip the scales使天平(向某人或物)倾斜 2.have relevance to 与有关3.creep in渐渐影响,逐渐改变 4.in the

21、name of 以的名义5.make a contribution作贡献6.be/become aware of 意识到;明白;知道7.isolate sb./sth.from 与隔离;孤立 1.When sth.is in question,as is the case with,sth.is of little value.用于表达“某人在特定身份下做某事的感受”。2.There is the danger that,while 用于表达“某种情况可能导致的严重后果”。3.The question is whether but 用于表达“人们应该面对的真正问题”。当原理本身有问题时,就跟正

22、处于研究阶段的复杂的生物系统的情况一样,仅靠计算机模拟的成效甚微。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习When the principles themselves are in question,as is the case with the complex biological systems of human life under study,computer modeling alone is of little value.句型提炼句型提炼When sth.is in question,as is the case with,sth is of little value.句型提炼句型提炼应

23、用提示应用提示用于表达“当某事有问题时,跟某种情况一样 ”句型应用句型应用典型例句当人们自身意识比较淡薄时,就像目前汽车市场高居不下的购买数量,仅靠政府出台的环保政策收效甚微。意群提示When the peoples own consciousness is in question,as is the case with the high purchases of auto market,depending only on the environmental protection policy of the government is of little value.(own consciou

24、sness/depend on/environmental protection policy)危险的是,那些善意的政治家匆忙作出决定,策略性地满足了那小部分大声疾呼的示威者,这只是权宜之计,而这些决定的后果和造成的破坏性影响要很久才会显现。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习There is the danger that quick decisions by well-meaning politicians will create resolutions to diplomatically satisfy the small minority of loud protestors while

25、the consequences and damaging impact of those decisions will not be apparent until long after.句型提炼句型提炼There is the danger/risk that,while 句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“由于某种情况导致的严重结果”。句型应用句型应用(involve in/ecological environment/influence on)典型例句可怕的是,当人们用动物进行医学实验的时候却没有意识到将会破坏生态平衡,最终影响到我们的下一代。意群提示There is the ri

26、sk that the people who are involved in animal research wont realize the damage to the ecological environment while the consequence will influence on our younger generation.因此,真正的问题是我们能否唤起大多数漠不关心的民众来保护动物实验的将来,以反对嗓门很大,但却是被误导的少数群体。原句译文原句译文逆译练习逆译练习Hence,the real question is whether an uncaring majority

27、can be aroused to protect its future against a loud,but misdirected,minority.句型提炼句型提炼Hence,the real question/problem is whether but 句型提炼句型提炼应用提示应用提示用于表达“人们应该面对的真正问题”。句型应用句型应用(basic news evaluation standard/impartiality of objective news)典型例句因此,真正的问题是我们能否唤起大多数没有基本新闻评判标准的受众人群来维护新闻消息的客观公正性,以反对影响面很大,但却是

28、被误导的少数媒体。意群提示Hence,the real question is whether majority who dont have the basic news evaluation standard can be aroused to maintain the impartiality of objective news against some influential,but misdirected,minority media.Do you think animal research is necessary and meaningful?And why?How did we

29、reduce the harm to animals?3 What is the relationship between human and animals?Yes,absolutely.Advancement of science necessitates animal research.It manifests that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effectual than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug s

30、afety.Secondly,in space research,live animals are still the only viable alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts.1.Do you think animal research is necessary and meaningful?and why?to be

31、 continued2.How did we reduce the harm to animals?I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals.However,I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development.On balance,I think that we should allow

32、 animals testing to be continued but at the same time use techniques such as analgesic,anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs to minimize the pain inflicted upon the test animal and augment the general welfare of these animals.to be continued Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different times o

33、f the human history.It is such a complicated relationship between human and animals.In the entire ecosystem of the earth,human cant live without animals.Human rise to the top of the food chain subsisting harmonious with animals.The integrity of ecological species is also important to the development

34、 of humans future.3.What is the relationship between human and animals?Learn how to write an argumentative essay:To write an argumentative essay must provide specific and convincing evidence that supports the thesis statement.A writing mode that requires critical thinking and analytical skills.We al

35、so need to use the solid evidence and facts to support the viewpoints such as statistics,quotes from experts,and specific examples.You can follow these steps:to be continuedto be continuedStep 1:choose a position.Know the purpose of your essay,and be clear about which side of the issue you are going

36、 to write and what solution you will offer.Step 2:analyze the audience.Decide if your readers are going to agree or disagree with your position.Think about possible opposing viewpoints.Step 3:research the topic.A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence.Often it is necessary to

37、 do some research on the topicStep 4:structure the essay.Figure out what evidence you will include and in what order you will present the evidence.Remember to consider your purpose and your audience.Learn how to write an argumentative essay:To write an argumentative essay must provide specific and c

38、onvincing evidence that supports the thesis statement.A writing mode that requires critical thinking and analytical skills.We also need to use the solid evidence and facts to support the viewpoints such as statistics,quotes from experts,and specific examples.Please take a look at the chart below to

39、see how you can organize the detailswith this pattern:to be continuedto be continuedThesis statementReason 1Reason 3,4Reason 2Read the sample argumentative essay and see how it develops with the thesis statement-supported by reasons pattern.Topic:Ban on animal testingIntroduction:Thesis statement:Ev

40、en though animals have made a large contribution to modern medicine,animal testing should be stopped because it is immoral,unreliable,and unnecessary.to be continuedBody:Reason 1:ImmoralReason 2:UnreliableReason 3:Unnecessaryto be continuedConclusion:Inhumane,non-effective animal testing should be s

41、topped immediately when tests could be done with alternative methods.to be continuedSample essaySample essay:Animal testing is largely used in medical experiments today.Unfortunately,many animals are seriously harmed in the process.Even though animals have made a large contribution to modern medicin

42、e,animal testing should be stopped because it is immoral,unreliable,and unnecessary.(Thesis statement)to be continuedSampleSample:First of all,animal testing is usually cruel and inhumane.On experiments,innocent animals are going through so much pain and horror.It is absolutely wrong because animals

43、 should be free to live as any other creatures and they shouldnt be taken away from their homes and natural habitats.Many animal tests are performed without any painkillers.Consequently,they lead to animals constant pain.(Reason 1)to be continuedSampleSample:In addition to being cruel,animal tests a

44、rent reliable.People and animals are different,and thats why a medicine that appears safe for animals may not be safe for people or vice versa.One of the examples is Aspirin,which is poisonous to rats and mice but not to people in some cases.While many say that animal testing allows medicines to be

45、created that will aid human life,there are many examples showing they also cause horrible deaths in humans.(Reason 2)to be continuedSampleSample:It is true that some drugs can be used on both animals and humans,but this does not mean that they have to be tested on animals in the first place when alt

46、ernative methods are available.They include,for example,stem cell research.Living tissues can be grown in test tubes and new drugs can be tested on these.Computers can also be programmed to show how medicines will react in the human body.(Reason 3)to be continuedSampleSample:In conclusion,inhumane,n

47、on-effective animal testing should be stopped immediately when tests could be done with alternative methods.Animals have the same rights as human beings.We can help save animals from suffering and death by donating only to medical research which doesnt experiment on animals.(Conclusion)to be continu

48、edWriting practiceDirections:Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics.One topic has an outline you can follow.Topic:Why a petIntroduction:Thesis statement:There are some good reasons why you should keep a pet to have a positive life.Body:Reason 1:Give you unconditional

49、 love and companionshipReason 2:Increase your physical activity and improve your healthReason 3:Teach you to have a sense of responsibilityConclusion:Everyone should keep a pet because pets provide you with unconditional love,help you retain good health,and teach you to be responsible.More topics:Wh

50、y animals testing?Why no animal for entertainment?Suppose,as a physician scientist,you are expected to give a speech to animal rights activists.MMake a speech on the following topic.You can follow the outline given below.Part I.Opening part of the speech 1.The current situation of animal research;2.


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