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1、A good book is a good friend.Unit8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?Period 1:Section A 1a-2c 金银岛金银岛是史蒂文森所有作品中流传最广的代是史蒂文森所有作品中流传最广的代表作,描写了一位敢作敢为、机智活泼的少年吉表作,描写了一位敢作敢为、机智活泼的少年吉姆姆霍金斯发现寻宝图的经过,以及在出海寻宝霍金斯发现寻宝图的经过,以及在出海寻宝过程中如何智斗海盗,历经千辛万苦,终于找到过程中如何智斗海盗,历经千辛万苦,终于找到宝藏,胜利而归的惊险故事。宝藏,胜利而归的惊险故事。学习目标学习目标:学会使用现在完成时

2、,并会谈论最近发生的事情和经历。重、难点重、难点:1.现在完成时的结构 2.过去分词的用法Treasure IslandAlice in WonderlandRobinson CrusoeLittle WomenTom SawyerOliver Twist-Have you read Treasure Island yet?-Yes,I have.-No,I havent.Ive aready read it.I havnt read it yet.I have=Ive she has=sheshave not=havent has not=hasnt -Have you read Alice

3、 in Wonderland yet?-Yes,I have.-No,I havent.I have aready read it.I havnt read it yet.-Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet?-Yes,I have.-I think its fantastic.-What do you think of it?/What is it like?-Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet?-Yes,I have.-What do you think of it?-I think its fantastic.Explana

4、tionExplanation Already 和和 yet1.Already 和和yet 都可作都可作“已经已经”讲,讲,already 一一般用在完成时态的肯定句中。般用在完成时态的肯定句中。yet 一般用在完成一般用在完成时态的否定句和疑问句中。时态的否定句和疑问句中。Have you found your ruler _?我已经看过这部电影了。我已经看过这部电影了。I have _seen the film.我已经看过这部电影了。我已经看过这部电影了。yetalreadyExplanationExplanation Already 和和 yet2.Already 若用在疑问句中,常表示

5、吃惊意外的若用在疑问句中,常表示吃惊意外的语气。此时语气。此时Already常放在句末。常放在句末。Have you finished your homework _?你的作业完成了吗?(我以为你没有做完,表示出你的作业完成了吗?(我以为你没有做完,表示出乎意料。)乎意料。)alreadyBookTitleNameHave they read it?What do they think of it?NickJudySandyAlanKate Harryexcitingwonderfulfantastic1b Listen and complete the chart.Treasure Isla

6、ndRobinson CrusoeLittle women1.Treasure Island Mark/Tina2.Olive Twist Mark/Tina 3.Robinson Crusoe Mark/Tina 4.Tom Sawyer Mark/Tina 2a Listen.Who has read these books?Circle the names.1.Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.()2.Robinson Crusoe is a clas

7、sic.()3.Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book.()4.Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom.()2b Listen again and write T for true and F for false.FFTTA:Has Tina read Treasure Island?B:Yes,she has.She thinks its fantastic.A:Whats it about?B:Its about2c.Use the informat

8、ion in 2a and 2b to talk about the books.现在完成时现在完成时(一一)1、构成、构成:助动词助动词have(has)+过去分词过去分词(have/has done sth)其否定句在其否定句在Have/has后加后加not.一般疑问句把一般疑问句把have/has提到主语前提到主语前.GrammarGrammar I have=Ive she has=sheshave not=havent has not=hasnt 规则变化规则变化:过去式和过去分词的变化相同过去式和过去分词的变化相同1.一般在动词词尾直接加一般在动词词尾直接加ed。2.以不发音的以不

9、发音的e结尾的动词后面加结尾的动词后面加d。3.以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,变结尾的动词,变y为为i,再,再加加-ed。4.词尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,要词尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,要双写辅音字母,再加双写辅音字母,再加-ed。不规则变化:不规则变化:5.以不变应万变以不变应万变。如:如:let let let;put put put;read read read6.若中间有双写若中间有双写e,则去掉一个,则去掉一个e,单词末尾再加,单词末尾再加t。如:如:feel felt felt;keep kept kept;sleep slept slept7.结尾的字

10、母结尾的字母d变变t。如:如:lend lent lent;build built built;send sent sent8.变为以变为以-ought或或-aught结尾结尾。如:如:buy bought bought;bring brought brought;catch caught caught;teach taught taught2、表过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。、表过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。例如:例如:I have just cleaned my clothes.我刚洗过衣服。我刚洗过衣服。(“洗衣服洗衣服”是发生在过去的动作,对现在造成的是发生在过

11、去的动作,对现在造成的结果是结果是“衣服干净了衣服干净了”)I have just had my breakfast.(对现在的影响:不饿对现在的影响:不饿)-Have you read Little Women yet?-No,I havent.(我对该书不了解)我对该书不了解)3、通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词、通常与表示包括现在在内的时间副词 just(刚(刚刚)刚),already(已经)(已经),before,yet(一般疑问:已(一般疑问:已经;否定句:还)经;否定句:还)never,ever等状语连用。等状语连用。-Do you know there is a panda in

12、 YiChang?-No.I have never heard of that before.I have never been to Beijing.The plane has not come yet.She has already finished the work.Ive just finished my homework.1.A:火车已经开走了火车已经开走了.B:什么时候开走的什么时候开走的?A:半个小时之前开走的半个小时之前开走的.2.A:这本书我已经买了两年了这本书我已经买了两年了.B:你在哪儿买的你在哪儿买的?A:在我老家买的在我老家买的.3.A:你看过这部电影吗你看过这部电影

13、吗?B:看过看过.A:什么时候看的什么时候看的.B:上周星期天看的上周星期天看的.A:The train has left.B:When did it leave.A:It left half an hour ago.A:have you seen the film?B:Yes,I have.A:When did you see it?B:I saw it last Sunday.A:Ive had the book for two years.B:Where did you buy it?A:I bought it in my hometown.完成汉译英,猜一猜:现在完成时和一般过去时的完

14、成汉译英,猜一猜:现在完成时和一般过去时的 用法有什么不同?用法有什么不同?注意点一:注意点一:现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成时与一般过去时的用法比较现在完成时表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下现在完成时表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下去或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示去或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。现在完成时属于现在时态范围,动作发生的时间在过去。现在完成时属于现在时态范围,因此,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。因此,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:如:yesterday,last night,two weeks

15、 ago等等 试比较:试比较:The plane has arrived.飞机已经来了。(说明现在的情飞机已经来了。(说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)况:飞机在这儿)The plane arrived a quarter ago.飞机是一刻中以前来的。飞机是一刻中以前来的。(强调动作发生的时间在过去)(强调动作发生的时间在过去)1.Write the forms of the past tense and past participle:drink _ _ see _ _ find _ _ leave _ _ tell _ _drank drunksaw seenfound foundleft l

16、efttold told 4a Use the words in brackets to complete the conversations.1.A:Would you like something to drink?B:No,thanks._.(just/drink some tea)2.A:I heard you lost your key._?(find)B:No,not yet.I have just drunk some teaHave you found it3.A:Do you know when Tom is leaving?B:_.(already/leave)A:When

17、 _?(leave)B:This morning.4.A:Is your sister going to the movies with us tonight?B:No._.(already/see the film)He has already leftdid he leaveShe has already seen the film5.A:What do your parents think about our plan?B:I _.(not/tell them/yet)havent told them yet4b Fill in the blanks with the correct f

18、orms of the words in the brackets.Sally _(love)reading.In the morning she reads the newspaper and in the evening she reads books.She _ already _(read)more than 100 different books.Her favorite kind of books is science fiction.She is interested in science and technology and loves to imagine what the

19、world _(be)like in 50 years.loveshasreadwill be She _(finish)reading a book about robots last week and _(write)a book report about it next week for her French class.Every time she is in the library,Sally looks at the many books she _(not read)yet and she cant wait to read them.finishedwill writehasn

20、t read一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.I (have)my breakfast already.I (have)it at seven oclock.2 She (not finish)her homework yet.She (do)it in a minute.3 They (live)in Beijing for five years.4 When Tom (find)his pen?Two hours ago.5 The story (happen)in Shanghai in the 1930s.二、单项填空。二、单项填空。1.Have you read Alice in W

21、onderland_?A.already B.yet C.still D.so2.What do they Olive Twist?A.think B.like C.think of D.like of3.He found an island treasure.A、fill with B、full of C、filled with D、full with4._,I have read the book twice.A.As for B.Of all C.At least D.At last 发展能力发展能力三三 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1.小妇人讲的是关于四姐妹成长的故事。2.读书报告再过两星期就要到期了。3.那个故事是如此有趣以至于我放下它 4.你应该赶快,否则你将迟到。5.我已经看完了哈利波特。6.那个故事中的男孩发现了一个满是珠宝的岛。7.你找到了你的钥匙了吗?8.你认为它怎么样?它极为精彩。


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