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1、英语(三年级下册)Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Cartoon time & Sound timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time & Sound timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:1. 学生能熟练掌握日常用语Wheres = Where is ? 及其回答Its/Hes/Shes .2. 学生通过语气判断和理解Here you are.在不同情境中的含义。3. 学生了解字母d在单词中的读音,即d。技能目标:学生能整体感知、理解并有感情地朗读故事,进行故事表演,尝试故事改编。

2、情感目标:学生能理解Cartoon time中的幽默。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 学生能熟练掌握日常用语Wheres = Where is ? 及其回答Its/Hes/Shes . 2. 学生通过语气判断和理解Here you are.在不同情境中的含义。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Enjoy a songT: Lets enjoy a song Where is it.S: OK.T: Where is the bird?S: Its in the tree.【

3、设计意图:营造英语学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。且歌曲内容与本单元话题相吻合,自然导入本课学习。】Step 2 Sound time1. Play a gameT: Lets a play a game “Quick response”. Please look carefully, and then answer my question. Where is the bird?S: Its in/on/under/behind the desk.2. Sound timeT: Where is the bird?S: Its on the desk.T: Yes. The bird is st

4、anding on the desk. Follow me, “stand”.S: Stand.T: Now, where is the bird?S: It flies away.T: Youre right. Follow me, “fly away”. Next, please choose and complete the rhyme.(学生同桌合作讨论)T: Lets share the answers. Look at these words. What can you find?S: 字母d都发d。T: Yes, you are right. Lets read them tog

5、ether.【设计意图:这个部分是从快速反应的游戏自然引入到语音部分的学习。语音部分的儿歌以选词填空的方式,一方面检测孩子对文本的理解,另一反面让孩子填入的词都是含有字母d的,让孩子自主发现,以加深印象。】Step 3 Cartoon time1. Watch and guessT: Boys and girls, our good friends are coming. Who are they?S: Bobby and Sam. T: They are playing “hide and seek”. Bobby hides and Sam seeks. Lets make a guess

6、. Where is Bobby?S1: Bobby is under the chair.S2: Bobby is behind the sofa.S3: Bobby is in the school bag.T: Next, lets watch the video. Here are two questions. Try to read them first.S1: Where is Bobby at first?S2: Where is Bobby at last? (教师播放动画)T: Wheres Bobby at first?S: 在抽屉里。T: Yes, hes in the

7、drawer. But wheres he at last? S: Hes on the table.T: Lets listen to Sam. What does “Here you are.” mean?S: “Here you are.” means “你在这里!”T: Lets compare two sentences. What do they mean?Hi, Sam. Here you are. Im looking for you.This doll is for you. Here you are.S: The first “Here you are.” means “你

8、在这儿。”. The second means “给你。”.【设计意图:文本前的“大胆猜测”的环节,帮助Sam猜想Bobby躲在哪里,培养学生的猜测能力以及在语境中运用语言的能力;设计了两个核心问题:Where is Bobby at first和Where is Bobby at last?让学生带着问题观看动画,提高观看的目的性和有效性。】2. Read the storyT: Is the story funny?S: Yes.T: Lets read after the computer. (逐句跟读并指导语气兴奋、失望、得意等)T: Lets read it again. Then

9、answer my question. What do you think of Sam?(学生齐读)T: What do you think of Sam?S: Hes smart/clever/foxy.3. Do the dubbing T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? (你们能为这个故事配音吗?)S: Yes. 【设计意图:通过为文本配音,鼓励学生模仿其语音语调,体会Bobby的情感。】Step 4 Make and act a dialogue T: Sam wins. So, its Bobbys turn to se

10、ek Sam. What will happen? Can you imagine and act it out?【设计意图:承接文中的捉迷藏游戏和学生所体会出的Bobby和Sam的不同情感,趁热打铁,随即创设了一个既真实又有趣的情景,激发学生的表达欲望,并调动起学生的已有词汇,培养学生综合的运用语言的能力。】Homework 家庭作业1. Listen and read Cartoon time twice.2. Dub for the story.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学PPT板书设计:Unit 4 Wheres the bird?Wheres th

11、e ?Its in/on/under/behind the 说课本课以一首与本单元话题相关的歌曲导入,自然引入本课学习。在学习Cartoon time部分前,教师设计了“大胆猜测”的环节,帮助Sam猜想Bobby躲在哪里,培养学生的猜测能力以及在语境中运用语言的能力,并再次巩固介词用法。通过录音中Sam说话的语气来判断、理解、学习Here you are的新含义,并比较在不同情境下的不同意义。为文本配音的过程既是对文本内容的巩固,也是对文中Bobby情感的再体会,为接下来的对话创编打下基础。最后的综合活动承接文中捉迷藏的活动和情感,给学生一个想象和发挥的空间,调动学生已有词汇,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。如果课堂上时间充足的话,可以帮助学生一起分析Bobby闻到蛋糕香味以及后来被Sam发现时的心理活动,Bobby可能会说什么呢?学生可以猜测说:Sam, youre so bad./A cake. I want to eat it./Oh, no. Dont eat, Bobby.等。


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