
上传人(卖家):随风2020 文档编号:367441 上传时间:2020-03-13 格式:DOC 页数:6 大小:38.50KB
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1、China SARS fighter returns to spotlight in coronavirus battle Zhong Nanshan, an 83-year-old doctor _1_ became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight _2_ SARS, is the public face of Chinas effort to control a new strain of coronavirus.Despite his _3_ (advance) age, Zhong was

2、 appointed to lead the _4_(investigate) into the new virus, which has rattled(使发狂)millions of Chinese who are traveling for the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. _5_ announcement on Monday that the virus could spread between humans ratcheted up(增加)_6_ (worry) about the outbreak, _7_ which Beijing ha

3、s warned officials of public shame if they cover up any infections.That marks a departure from 2003, _8_ in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, a respiratory diseases specialist, gave media his candid(坦诚的), pessimistic assessment of the severity of the SARS crisis.Zhong was hailed for his in

4、tegrity and _9_ (remain) a public figure ever since, _10_ (weight) in on public health issues such as air pollution and food safety.答案:1. who 2. against 3. advanced 4. investigation 5. His 6. worries 7. after 8. when 9. has remained 10. weighing本文生词好句:1. SARS /srz/ n. 非典型肺炎(Severe Acute Respiratory

5、Syndromes) severe /sv(r)/ adj. extremely bad or serious 极为恶劣的;十分严重的严重的 acute /kju:t/ adj. very serious or severe急性的; 十分严重的 There is an acute shortage of water. 水严重短缺。acute pain 剧痛the worlds acute environmental problems 全球十分严重的环境问题Competition for jobs is acute. 求职竞争非常激烈。 respiratory /resprt:ri/ adj.

6、呼吸道的 syndrome /sndrm/ n. a set of physical conditions that show you have a particular disease or medical problem 综合征;综合症状综合症状2. spotlight /sptlat/ n. 聚光灯,舞台的中央(the centre stage) epicenter n. 中心ground zero 中心3. coronavirus /kronvars/ n. 冠状病毒 corona- 冠状的 virus n. 病毒4. a household name 一个家喻户晓的名字 househ

7、old adj. 家庭的household account 家庭账目 household expenditure 家庭开销household appliance 家用电器(home appliance) household word 家喻户晓的事5. dare to do sth. 敢做某事(have courage to do sth.) How dare you! 你好大的胆子啊!6. public face 公众形象(public image)7. a strain of 一种(a type of) a strain of rice 一种水稻 strain v. 拉,压 n. (动、植物

8、的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型a new strain of mosquitoes resistant to the poison对这种毒药有抗药性的新品种蚊子This is only one of the many strains of the disease.这种病有许多类型,这只是其中之一。8. despite UK /dspat/ US /dspat/ prep. 即使,尽管9. advanced age 高龄(感情色彩:老骥伏枥) old age 高龄10. appoint /pnt/ vt. 任命;指定(nominate/choose)11. investigation int

9、o. 对.的调查12. rattle /rtl/ vt. 使焦虑(make sb. nervous)13. Lunar New Year holiday 春节假期 近义表达:Spring Festival、Chinese New yearlunar adj. 月亮的 lunar calendar 农历,阴历14. ratchet up 稳步增加(increase steadily) ratchet down 逐步减少 ratchet n. 小齿轮15. warn sb. of sth. 警告某人注意某事16. public shame 公众羞耻cove up (用)盖在上(以保护或隐藏) If

10、 you cover something or someone up, you put something over them in order to protect or hide them. He fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a blanket. 他在起居室睡着了,我便给他盖上了一条毯子。 (PHRASAL VERB) 隐藏,遮掩(事实) If you cover up something that you do not want people to know about, you hide the trut

11、h about it. He suspects theres a conspiracy to cover up the crime. 他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。 They knew they had done something terribly wrong and lied to cover it up. 他们知道自己犯了十分严重的错误,于是撒谎隐瞒。17. a departure from. 与.不同 a departure from standards 远离标准departure /dp:t(r); 美 -p:rt-/ 可数名词, 不可数名词 (from) the act of lea

12、ving a place; an example of this 离开;起程;出发His sudden departure threw the office into chaos.他的突然离去使这个部门陷入一片混乱。Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure.航班应在起飞前48小时予以确认。They had received no news of him since his departure from the island.自从他离开这座岛后,他们再没得到过他的消息。可数名词 a plane, train, etc. leavi

13、ng a place at a particular time (在特定时间)离开的飞机(或火车等)arrivals and departures到站和离站班次All departures are from Manchester.所有离站班次都从曼彻斯特出发。the departure lounge/time/gate候机(或车)室;离站时间;登机(或上车)口the departures board离站时刻牌可数名词 (from sth) an action that is different from what is usual or expected 背离;违反;逾越It was a ra

14、dical departure from tradition.这从根本上违背了传统。Their latest single represents a new departure for the band.他们最新出版的单曲唱片体现了这支乐队的新尝试。18. atmosphere /tmsfr/ n. 气氛;大气层19. candid /kndd/ adj. 坦诚的,坦率的(truthful/straightforward/frank) candidate n. 候选人(罗马时期候选人身着白色长袍的习俗)20. sb. be hailed for sth. 某人因某事广受称赞(sb. be pr

15、aised for sth.)21. weigh in 带着意见参与公共事务 (intervene with opinions)weigh in (with sth)(informal) to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help (在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用We all weighed in with our suggestions.我们都提出了建议。Finally the govern

16、ment weighed in with financial aid.最后政府提供了财政支援。intervene /ntvi:n; 美 -trv-/intervene (in sth) to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it 出面;介入The President intervened personally in the crisis.总统亲自出面处理这场危机。She might have been killed if the neighbours hadnt intervened.要不是邻居介入,她可能会

17、没命了。二、全文翻译:“他让大家不要去武汉,自己却义无反顾。”这个人就是走上武汉疫情前线的“非典英雄”钟南山。如今83岁的他,承载着社会对战胜疫情的信心,“有钟南山在,我们就不怕”。一起来学习这篇外媒对钟南山的报道。China SARS fighter returns to spotlight in coronavirus battle中国“非典”战士重回公众视野,迎战冠状病毒Zhong Nanshan, an 83-year-old doctor who became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fig

18、ht against SARS, is the public face of Chinas effort to control a new strain of coronavirus.17年前因在抗击“非典”中“敢讲真话”而家喻户晓的83岁钟南山院士,如今再次成为中国抗击新一波冠状病毒的公众形象。Despite his advanced age, Zhong was appointed to lead the investigation into the new virus, which has rattled millions of Chinese who are traveling for

19、 the week-long Lunar New Year holiday. His announcement on Monday that the virus could spread between humans ratcheted up worries about the outbreak, after which Beijing has warned officials of public shame if they cover up any infections.正逢长达一周的春节假期,新型病毒的爆发让数百万春运中的中国民众惴惴不安。尽管年事已高,钟南山仍临危受命,牵头调查此次疫情。

20、钟南山于周一宣布该病毒存在“人传人”的现象,加剧了人们对疫情的担忧。此后中央政府警告官员,如瞒报任何感染病例,他们将被钉在耻辱柱上。That marks a departure from 2003, when in an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, Zhong, a respiratory diseases specialist, gave media his candid, pessimistic assessment of the severity of the SARS crisis.这与2003年的情况有所不同:当时,在充满恐惧和猜疑的气氛中,身为呼吸系统疾病专家的钟南山坦率地向媒体透露了他对于SARS危机严重程度的悲观估计。Zhong was hailed for his integrity and has remained a public figure ever since, weighing in on public health issues such as air pollution and food safety.钟南山因其直言不讳而广受赞誉,并自此成为一个公众人物,不断为空气污染和食品安全等公共卫生问题而发声。


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