Unit 3 developing idea 阅读(ppt课件+视频)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 3 developing idea 阅读(ppt课件+视频)_2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册
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Unit 3 Book 3 developing ideas watch the vedio and learn something about Franklin?Franklin was one of the founding fathers of _ and helped draft the Dclaration of Independence.Apart from being a successfulstatesman,he was also well konwn as a leading Ameriac_,_,and _,_,creative _and _.the USAauthor inventor scientistdiplomat publisher printerThere are no gains without pains.Read the passage and find out what Franklins experiment aimed to prove.Franklins experiemnt aimed to prove that lightning was a form of electricity.Franklins spirit of scientific exploration is still considered an inspiration.People are amazed at and inspired by Franklins experiment.Scientists question what really happened in Franklins experiment.213Number the statements to show how peoples attitudes towards Franklins experiment have changed.1._proved the Franklins experiment was not true?some scientistsAlthough it has been proved that Franklins experiment took place,more than one scientist has questioned what really happened.虽然富兰克林的实验已经被证实,但不止一位科学家质疑到底发生了什么。虽然富兰克林的实验已经被证实,但不止一位科学家质疑到底发生了什么。Detail Reading2.Which story has also been mentioned and questioned?AFranklins life story.BFranklins work as a scientist.CNewtons theory of gravity.DLightning made by electricity.Some even question accepted ideas because they want to establish the facts.Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newtons head and led him to come up with his theory of gravity.有些人甚至质疑已被大家接受的观点,因为他们想要建立有些人甚至质疑已被大家接受的观点,因为他们想要建立事实。事实。一些人甚至质疑苹果掉在牛顿头上导致他提出万有引力理论的一些人甚至质疑苹果掉在牛顿头上导致他提出万有引力理论的故事。故事。His bravery and his scientific approach looking for the truth 3What people are inspired for in Franklins story?_More than one gengration of schoolchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his scientific approach to looking for the truth.不止一代的学童对他的勇气和他寻求真相的科学方法感到惊不止一代的学童对他的勇气和他寻求真相的科学方法感到惊奇。奇。4In which aspect Franklins experiment was NOT true?AHis story and the details of the experiment.BHis bravery and his scientific approach.CThe key tied to the string of the kite.DHis death from the electric shock.However,neither the story nor the details of the experiment are entirely ture.The detail about the string and the key is true.Scientist all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key,he would certainly have died from the electric shock.(虚拟语气)虚拟语气)然而,这个故事和实验的细节都不是完全真实的,关于绳子和钥然而,这个故事和实验的细节都不是完全真实的,关于绳子和钥匙的细节都是真实的。匙的细节都是真实的。科学家们一致认为,如果富兰克林真的碰了那把钥匙,他肯定会科学家们一致认为,如果富兰克林真的碰了那把钥匙,他肯定会死于电击。死于电击。5What do we know about the Newtons story?AThe scientists didnt see the apple falling on Newtons head.BScientists like to question everything around them.CNo one can prove the apple really hit Newton on the head.DThe falling apple inspired Newton to think deeply about why.In fact,more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple,there is no proof that it hit him on the head.(同位语从句)同位语从句)事实上,不止一种说法表明,虽然牛顿的确是受到了掉落的苹果事实上,不止一种说法表明,虽然牛顿的确是受到了掉落的苹果的启发,但没有证据表明苹果砸中了他的头部。的启发,但没有证据表明苹果砸中了他的头部。1.Do you think it matters that Franklins experiment might not be true?Why?2.What is your opinion about the statement“.we should not always believe everything we read or hear even if it is a great story”?do you know any similar Chinese sayings?尽信书不如无书尽信书不如无书3.What qualities do you think a great scientist should have?4.In what ways do scientists contribute to society?1).scientific discoveries promote the development of our society.2).the contributions of scientists in medicine extend our life span.3).scientists have invented a lot of surprising tools that fundamentally improve our living standards.
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