2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册Unit2 Words (ppt课件+音频).rar

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  • 2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册Unit2 Words (ppt课件+音频)
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Book 3 Unit 2 Making a difference Read the new words and phrases1.contribution n.贡献贡献,捐款捐款,稿件稿件.contribute v.捐助捐助,投稿投稿,贡献贡献.make contributions/a contribution to/towards(doing).对对作出贡献作出贡献contribute.to/towards.(把把)贡献给贡献给;(向向)捐款;投稿捐款;投稿contribute to 促成,导致;有助于;是促成,导致;有助于;是的原因的原因 We should make contributions to the west of our country.我们应该为发展我国西部作出贡献。我们应该为发展我国西部作出贡献。Finally,some good English study websites contribute a lot to my improvement in English.最后,一些好的英语学习网站对我英语水平的提高起了最后,一些好的英语学习网站对我英语水平的提高起了很大作用。很大作用。2relief n.轻松,宽慰轻松,宽慰,减轻减轻.relieve vt.使轻松,宽慰使轻松,宽慰,缓解缓解.relieve sb.of.解除某人解除某人方面的负担方面的负担 in/with relief 如释重负;松了口气如释重负;松了口气 to ones relief 令人感到欣慰的是令人感到欣慰的是 Its a relief to do sth.做某事是令人欣慰的做某事是令人欣慰的 What a relief!可轻松了!可轻松了!Much to our relief,the outcome of the general election is far better than we have expected before.大选结果远比之前我们预料的要好,这使我们很宽慰。大选结果远比之前我们预料的要好,这使我们很宽慰。I was in/with relief when the exam was over.考试结束时,我松了一口气。考试结束时,我松了一口气。3.effect n.效果,作用效果,作用,影响影响affect vt.影响影响effective adj.有效的有效的effectively adv.有效地有效地 effectiveness n 有效性有效性affect influence have an effect/influence/impact on 对对有影响有影响side effect 副作用副作用come into effect 开始实施开始实施take effect 见效,生效见效,生效。in effect/in fact 实际上实际上,在实施中在实施中。Watermelon is effective in reducing both your body temperature and blood pressure.西瓜对降低体温和血压都有效。西瓜对降低体温和血压都有效。Modern farming methods can have an effect on the environment.现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成影响。现代农业耕作方法可能对环境造成影响。Your opinion will not affect my decision.你的意见不会影响我的决定。你的意见不会影响我的决定。4.earn vt.获得,挣得获得,挣得。earn moneymake money 赚钱赚钱earn ones livingmake a living 谋生谋生earn ones fame/reputation/fortune/respectHe also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习获得他还告诉我们,赢得尊敬的最佳途径就是努力学习获得优异成绩。优异成绩。It took her five years to earn her medical degree.她花了五年时间才获得她的医学学位。她花了五年时间才获得她的医学学位。90%is the required attendance rate if a student wants _(earn)the scholarship.I sang in a club _(earn)my daily bread when I was young.He had to stand on his own legs and _(谋生谋生)at the age of 12.to earnto earnearn his own living5.donate vt.捐赠,捐献捐赠,捐献。donation n.捐赠捐赠donator n.捐赠者,赠送者捐赠者,赠送者。donate.to.向向捐助捐助make a donation to .向向捐助捐助The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.这个商人捐给医院很多钱。这个商人捐给医院很多钱。He donated 50,000 dollars to the village.He made a donation of 50,000 dollars to the village.他向该村捐赠现金五万美元。他向该村捐赠现金五万美元。6.reality n.现实,真实现实,真实。real adj.真的真的 really adj.真正地真正地realize v 实现实现in realityin factas a matter of fact 事实上事实上become reality 实现,变为现实实现,变为现实。turn.into reality 使使成为现实成为现实bring sb.back to reality 使某人回到现实社会使某人回到现实社会7.sensitive adj.敏感的敏感的sense n.意义意义be sensitive to 对对敏感的敏感的/过敏的过敏的be sensitive about 对对在意在意make sense 有意义,讲得通有意义,讲得通make sense of 弄懂弄懂的意思的意思The singer is always very sensitive to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance.当这位歌手表演的时候,她对观众们的反应非常敏感。当这位歌手表演的时候,她对观众们的反应非常敏感。She is always sensitive bout her height.她总是对自己的身高很在意。她总是对自己的身高很在意。I learned that a fish is a coldblooded animal and therefore is very _(sense)to water temperature.I try to make sense _ the sentence.sensitiveof8.generous adj.慷慨的,大方的慷慨的,大方的。generousity n 慷慨,大方。慷慨,大方。be generous with sth.在在方面大方方面大方be generous to sb.对某人宽容对某人宽容/大方大方Its generous of sb.to_do sth.某人做某事真是太慷慨了某人做某事真是太慷慨了。Id like to thank Mary,whos been very generous with her time.我想感谢玛丽,她非常慷慨地投入了大量的时间。我想感谢玛丽,她非常慷慨地投入了大量的时间。Although he was poor,he was quite generous to his friends.他虽穷,但对朋友很慷慨。他虽穷,但对朋友很慷慨。It is generous of you to lend your computer to me.你把电脑借给我,你真是太大方了。你把电脑借给我,你真是太大方了。She is well known for her generosity.她以慷慨闻名。她以慷慨闻名。Its very generous of you _(offer)to pay for the meal.The public have made _(generosity)response to the appeals for funds._(他借钱他借钱给我真是太大方了给我真是太大方了)when I was in trouble.to offerto offergenerousgenerousIt was generous of him to lend me the money9.hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑犹豫,迟疑。hesitation n.犹豫,迟疑犹豫,迟疑。hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事迟疑做某事,不愿做某事不愿做某事。hesitate about/over(doing)sth.(做做)某事犹豫某事犹豫without hesitation 毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地We are at your service.Dont hesitate to turn to us if you have any further problems.我们随时为您服务,如果您还有问题的话,请尽管来找我们随时为您服务,如果您还有问题的话,请尽管来找我们。我们。In the face of difficulties,please do not hesitate _(contact)our Customer Service Department.When the girl entered the room,the boy followed without _(hesitate)她毫不犹豫地接受了我的提议。她毫不犹豫地接受了我的提议。She _ accepting my offer.只要你考虑清楚了,就不要犹豫你的决定。只要你考虑清楚了,就不要犹豫你的决定。Dont _ your decision once you think it over.to contacthesitationhad no hesitation inhad no hesitation inhesitate abouthesitate about10.assistance n.帮助,援助帮助,援助。assistant n.助理,助手助理,助手 assist v come/go to sb.s assistance 来来/去帮助某人去帮助某人with the assistance of.在在的帮助下的帮助下assist(sb.)in doing sth.帮助帮助(某人某人)做某事做某事assist sb.with sth.帮助某人某事帮助某人某事一队护士协助医生施行手术。_(assist sb.in doing sth)_(assist sb.with sth)_(with the assistance of sb)A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operationA team of nurses assisted the doctor with the operationWith the assistance of a team of nurses,the doctor performed the operation11.aid v/n.帮助,援助帮助,援助。aid sb.in/with sth.aid sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事first aid 急救急救a a hearinghearing aid aid 一个助听器一个助听器financialfinancial aid aid 经济援助经济援助teachingteaching aids aids 教具教具with/without the aid of 在在/没有没有的帮助下的帮助下in aid of 为帮助为帮助come to ones aid 援助某人援助某人I aid her in going on studying.我帮助她继续深造。我帮助她继续深造。He should be able to read this article without the aid of a dictionary.他应该能够不用字典读懂这篇文章。他应该能够不用字典读懂这篇文章。He aided me _ business.Dictionaries are _ great aid in learning languages.我们及时援助了他们。我们及时援助了他们。We _ in time.这笔筹集的捐款是用来救济残疾人的。这笔筹集的捐款是用来救济残疾人的。The collection is _ the disabled.in/within/witha acame to their aidcame to their aidin aid ofin aid of12.disability n.12.disability n.残疾,残障残疾,残障disable v disable v 使使 .失去能力失去能力the disabled the disabled 残疾人残疾人a man of disability a man of disability 一个残疾人一个残疾人13.make a difference 13.make a difference 有作用有作用(关系、影响关系、影响)make no/little difference to make no/little difference to 对对没有影响没有影响/作用作用make some/much difference to make some/much difference to 对对有些有些/很大影响很大影响/作用作用tell the difference between A and B tell the difference between A and B 辨别辨别A A和和B B之间的不同之间的不同I know I cant change the whole world,but Im proud that I I know I cant change the whole world,but Im proud that I can help here and there,and can help here and there,and makemake a a differencedifference to peoples to peoples lives.lives.我知道我无法改变整个世界,但我很自豪,因为我能处我知道我无法改变整个世界,但我很自豪,因为我能处处给人们提供帮助,对他们的生活产生影响。处给人们提供帮助,对他们的生活产生影响。It evidently It evidently mademade nono differencedifference whether I was there to look whether I was there to look after things or not.after things or not.我在不在那儿照看东西显然无关紧要。我在不在那儿照看东西显然无关紧要。14.break into(a smile)break into(a smile)强行进入;突然开始强行进入;突然开始(笑、欢呼等笑、欢呼等)break away(from.)break away(from.)逃脱;脱离逃脱;脱离break in break in 打断,插嘴;打断,插嘴;break down break down 出故障;身体垮掉;坍塌;捣毁;分解出故障;身体垮掉;坍塌;捣毁;分解 break off break off 使折断;突然终止;中断使折断;突然终止;中断(谈话等谈话等)break out(break out(战争、火灾等战争、火灾等)突然发生,爆发突然发生,爆发break up break up 打碎;打碎;(关系关系)破裂;破裂;(会议等会议等)结束结束15.temporary adj.临时的,暂时的。临时的,暂时的。permanent adj.永久的,永恒的。永久的,永恒的。The arrangement is onlytemporary.这种安排只是暂时的。这种安排只是暂时的。Reality is temporary while ideal ispermanent.现实是暂时的,理想是永恒的。现实是暂时的,理想是永恒的。16.rise to ones feet 站起身来站起身来rise(rose,risen)vi.上升,上涨;起身;起床上升,上涨;起身;起床(常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、蒸汽、河水、(常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、蒸汽、河水、温度、物价等,无被动语态)温度、物价等,无被动语态)月亮已经从山上升起。月亮已经从山上升起。The moon has risen above the hills.河水上涨了好几米。河水上涨了好几米。The river has risen by several meters.raise vt.1)招募,筹集)招募,筹集:raise an army/raise money2)养育)养育:raise a family 3)提高)提高:raise salary工资工资,raise the rent租金。租金。4)举起)举起:raise ones hand 5)提出)提出:raise a question arise(arose,arisen)vi.出现出现,产生产生(无被动无被动)。arise from sth.由由引起,因引起,因产生。产生。Her illness arise from lack of rest.她的病是缺乏休息引起的。她的病是缺乏休息引起的。How did the quarrel arise?争吵是怎么引起的?争吵是怎么引起的?arouse vt 激起,唤醒。激起,唤醒。arouse ones interest/sympathy唤起某人的兴趣唤起某人的兴趣/同情心同情心arouse sb.唤醒某人唤醒某人他睡熟了,别唤醒他。他睡熟了,别唤醒他。He fell into a sound sleep,dont arouse him.门铃声把他从睡眠中唤醒。门铃声把他从睡眠中唤醒。He was aroused from his sleep by the doorbell.17.achieve v.达到,实现,获得达到,实现,获得。achievement n.成就成就,成绩,达成。成绩,达成。achieve ones aim 达成目标达成目标 The invention of the computer is a great achievement.发明电脑是一大成就。发明电脑是一大成就。I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。18.major adj.主要的主要的,重要的重要的 n.主修科目主修科目,陆陆军少校军少校vi.主修主修 (in)She majored in maths and physics at university.她在大学期间主修数学和物理。她在大学期间主修数学和物理。Majority n.多数多数The minority is subordinate sbdnt to the majority.少数服从多数。少数服从多数。19.short adj.短的短的,矮的矮的 shorten v.缩短缩短shortage n 短缺,缺乏短缺,缺乏be short of缺乏缺乏 I am short of water.be short for是是的简称的简称,是是的缩写的缩写.The US is short for the United States.The United States is the US for short.lack sth 缺乏缺乏 be lacking in sth 缺乏缺乏They lacked the money to send him to university.He is lacking in courage.=He lacks courage.他缺乏勇气。他缺乏勇气。名词,表示某一方面的缺乏,其后接介词名词,表示某一方面的缺乏,其后接介词of。Lack of time prevented me from writing.我因没有时间而没有写信。我因没有时间而没有写信。20.perseverance n.毅力毅力,韧性。,韧性。It can take real perseverance to get the job you really want.你需要真正做到锲而不舍才能得到你非常想要的工作。你需要真正做到锲而不舍才能得到你非常想要的工作。Perseveranceisanimportantfactor when reaching towardsagoal.坚持不懈的毅力是达成目标的重要因素。坚持不懈的毅力是达成目标的重要因素。21.extend v延伸,延长,提供。延伸,延长,提供。Our playing fields extend as far as those trees.我们的操场延伸到那些树前。我们的操场延伸到那些树前。They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.他们已经将最后期限延长了他们已经将最后期限延长了24小时。小时。22.confirm vt.确认,证实,批准。确认,证实,批准。His letter confirmed everything.他的信证实了一切。他的信证实了一切。X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones.X光片证实他没有骨折。光片证实他没有骨折。The queen confirmed the treaty.女王批准了此项条约。女王批准了此项条约。练习题练习题1.I am firmly convinced of the significance of honesty,which will contribute to _(build)a warm and harmonious society.2.Failure can make a positive _(contribute)to your life once you learn to use it.buildingcontribution3.It was a great _(relieve)to find that my family were all safe.4.I was _(松了一口气松了一口气)when the exam was over.5.The medicine greatly relieved him _ his headache.reliefreliefofrelieved6.Every employee of the company is required to solve the problems _(effect)7.Sometimes,the adults could also _(effect)by the violent content of the video games.8.Before the new law comes into _,I hope we can take some _ measures to protect the Tibetan antelopes.Then we should work _ at once.(effect)effectivelyeffectivelybe affectedbe affectedeffect effect effectiveeffectiveeffectivelyeffectively9.The books on this shelf were _(donate)by the writer.10.To help more people in India,the IMA Blood Bank has also developed a team to educate the public about blood _(donate).11.Doctors are searching a blood _(donate)to the patient whose blood type is rare.donateddonationdonator12.Its known that there is a very _ difference between a dream and _.(real)13.It seems to me that there is a trend toward wanting“perfection”,and that is an ideal that just does not exist _ reality.realrealrealityrealityin in The new traffic law has _(开始实开始实施施)._(事实上事实上),it _(对对有影响有影响)peoples life in many ways besides peoples focus on road safety.Since it _(生效生效),many people have drunk less than e into effectIn effecthas an effect ontook effect用用break的短语填空的短语填空No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience _ thunderous applause.When the news came that the war _,he decided to serve in the army.You will _ if you take on more work than you can.broke intobroke outbreak down 一个好的目标使你感觉良好并有助于增强你的信心。一个好的目标使你感觉良好并有助于增强你的信心。A good goal makes you feel good and _.她为无家可归的人捐献了一些食物和衣服。她为无家可归的人捐献了一些食物和衣服。She _ the homeless people.每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。每个人都应当为保护环境做贡献。Everyone should _ the environment.contributes to your confidencecontributed some food and clothes tomake contributions to protecting原形原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词词性词性词意词意riseriseraiseraisearisearisearousearouse原形原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词词性词性词意词意riseriseroseroserisenrisenvi vi上升,起身,起床。上升,起身,起床。raiseraiseraisedraisedraisedraisedvt vt养育,筹集,提高,提出。养育,筹集,提高,提出。arisearisearosearosearisenarisenvi vi出现出现,产生。产生。arousearouse arousedaroused arousedarousedvt vt激起,唤醒。激起,唤醒。Latest news:The world is facing a chronic(长期的;慢性的)shortage of gowns(医院穿的罩衣),masks,gloves and other protective equipment in the fight against the coronavirus(冠状病毒)epidemic(流行病),the head of the World Health Organization(WHO)said on Friday.Latest news:The community is not only the front line of the epidemic prevention and control,but also the most effective line for containing the spread of the epidemic.Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also stressed respecting science and scientific rules in drug and vaccine (疫苗)research to ensure safety and effectiveness.Latest news:Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core,concrete and effective efforts should be made to win the war of epidemic prevention and control,the meeting said.Latest news:Since the outbreak,China has gone all out to fight the disease.The speed,intensity(强度)and coverage(幅度)(幅度)of Chinas response have been unprecedented in the world.Latest news:Foreign materials donated by overseas donors for prevention and control of the pneumonia outbreak will be exempted(免除)from import(进口)tax until late March.Latest news:when the Chinese leadership focuses its efforts on challenges,it can achieve the goal with strong resolve(坚强的决心),decisive measures (果断的措施)and,more importantly,the power of the people.Latest news:State Council announced plans to extend the Spring Festival holiday to Feb 2 as a key measure to control the novel coronavirus outbreak.Latest news:Chinese President Xi Jinping,also general secretary of the Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee(中国共产党中央委员会总书记)and chairman of the Central Military Commission(中央军委主席),inspects the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work in Beijing,capital of China,on Feb.10,2020.Xi visited Anhuali Community,Chaoyang District of Beijing to learn about the epidemic prevention and control at the primary level and the supply of daily necessities.He also extended regards to residents and community workers.(Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)Latest news:Wuhan had confirmed a total of 198 cases of the new corona virus since the illness first emerged in late December No confirmed or suspected novel coronavirus patients remain in Tibet.Latest news:Hubei province has raised health alert to highest level A spokesman said the percentage of recovered patients has continued to rise,including in Hubei and its capital Wuhan.The number of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus rose to 31,161 in Chinese mainland.Summarycontribution,shortage,relief ,effective,earn,donate,break into a smile,reality,perseverance,extend,sensitive,generous,hesitate,assistance,confirm,aid,achieve ,temporary,rise to ones feet,major.Homework:1.Read the new words fluently.2.Remember the key words and phrases and learn to use them well.3.Finish our test paper.
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