Unit 5 What an adventure第三课时&第四课时(ppt课件+2课时)-2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 5 What an adventure第三课时&第四课时(ppt课件+2课时)_2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册
    • 新外研版必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure第三课时.pptx--点击预览
    • 新外研版必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure第四课时.pptx--点击预览


Unit 5 What an adventureUnit 5 What an adventure第三课时 Developing ideasDeveloping ideasLearning aims:1.Learn about some information of Jules Verne.2.Comprehend the passage and can translate the long sentences in it&learn how to describe the scenery under the sea.3.Accumulate important language points in it.Leading in:Activity 1 Read the short introduction to Jules Verne.1.be known for 因为因为而出名而出名2.Journey to the Center of the Earth 地心之旅地心之旅 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 海底两海底两万里万里 Around the World in Eighty Days 八十天环游世界八十天环游世界Have you read any books or watched movies related to adventures?GulliversTravels 格列佛游记RobinsonCrusoe 鲁滨逊漂流记1.Who was found working on the terrible creature was a submarine?A.Pierre Aronnax,the biologist professor.B.Nemo Land,the captain.C.Conseil,the servant.DNed Land,the whale hunter.2.Why would the three passengers stay in the submarine?A.To keep the secret.B.To enjoy more undersea scenes.C.To help the captain Nemo.D.To take more adventures there.3.Why was Ned different from the other two passengers?A.He enjoyed the adventures most.B.He thought of running away.C.He was in charge of the submarine.D.He was attacked by the terrible creature.4.What were not described in the words of Aronnax?A.The solar ray in the sea.B.The sand under the sea.C.The color of the sea water.D.The temperature of the sea.5.The author mainly intends to _.A.invite us to experience undersea scenery B.describe the amazing scenery under the seaC.tell us what happened under sea.D.call on people to protect the sea step 2:结合上下文语境猜测熟词生义及生词词义1.In this part adapted from a chapter of the book,Aronnax describes the experience of walking on the sea bed2.Words are not enough to relate such wonders!3.The solar rays shone through the watery mass easily,and consumed all colour,and I clearly distinguished(分辨)objects at a distance of a hundred and fifty yards.4.This dazzling carpet,really a reflector,drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity(强烈,强度),which accounted for the vibration(振动)which passed through every atom of liquid.改编;适应(to)讲述;相联系,有关联消耗,消散;吃,喝,消费是.的原因;解释了.;占.比例para 1:1.creature n.生物 2.servant n.仆人3.While attacking from the ship,Aronnax and Conseil,along with the whale hunter Ned Land,fall into the sea,and discover that the“creature”is actually a submarine.(翻译)4.They are captured and taken inside the submarine,where they meet the man in charge,Captain Nemo.(翻译)5.ahead of.在.之前 6.be permitted to do 被允许做/permit sb.to do 7.think of 想,想到 8.be fascinated by 被.吸引 9.(be)adapted from.改编自.当从船上攻击时,阿龙纳斯和康赛尔连同捕鲸者内德兰德掉进了海里,发现这个“生物”实际上是一艘潜艇。他们被俘获并被带进潜艇,在那里他们遇到了负责人尼摩船长。para 2:1.look back upon/on 回忆,回顾 2.leave impression upon/on sb.给.留下深刻印象(the impression left upon sb.)3.relate v.相联系,有关联;讲述(be)related to.与.有关联 4.Captain Nemo walked in front,one of his men following some steps behind.5.Conseil and I remained near each other,as if an exchange of words had been possible through our metal cases.6.I no longer felt the weight of my clothes,or of my shoes,of my air supply,or my thick helmet,inside which my head shook like a nut in its shell.独立主格结构:n.+doing/他的一个手下跟在后面。康赛尔和我彼此紧挨着,仿佛透过金属外壳能听到彼此说话。我已经感觉不到衣服、鞋子、氧气罐和厚重头盔的重量。我的头在头盔里摇来晃去,就像果仁在果壳里滚动一般。para 3:The light,which lit the soil thirty feet below the surface of the ocean,astonished me by its power./The solar rays shone through the watery mass easily,and consumed all colour,and I clearly distinguished objects at a distance of a hundred and fifty yards./Beyond that the colours darkened into fine shades of deep blue,and gradually disappeared./Truly this water which surrounded me was but another air heavier than the Earths atmosphere,but almost as clear./Above me was the calm surface of the sea.光线照亮了海面以下30英尺的土地,这股力量使我震惊。阳光轻易地穿透水层,并消除了所有的色彩。我能清晰地辨认出150码以内的物体。在这个距离之外,颜色变深,呈现出深蓝色的阴影。并逐渐消失不见。真的,环绕在我四周的水仿佛不过是一种气体,比地球的大气更稠密,却几乎一样透明。头顶上是平静的海面。We were walking on fine,even sand,not wrinkled,as on a flat shore,which keeps the impression of the waves.This dazzling carpet,really a reflector,drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity,which accounted for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid.Shall I be believed when I say that,at the depth of thirty feet,I could see as if I was in broad daylight?我们走在细腻、平坦的沙地上。沙地并不像平坦的海滩会随着海浪而褶皱。这块令人目眩的地毯简直是一个反射器,强有力地把阳光反射回去,光线所经之处的每个水分子都因此而振动。如果我说我在海面以下30英尺的地方能像在明亮的日光下一样看得清清楚楚,会有人相信吗?fine adj.细小的 even adj.平坦的 wrinkled adj.有褶皱的 dazzling adj.耀眼的carpet n.地毯 reflect v.反映,反射,反思 drive away 驱走 intensity n.强度,强烈-intense account for:占.比例;解释.atom n.原子 at the depth of 在.的深度压痕,印记Conclusion1.creature n.2.servant n.3.capture v.4.submarine n.5.in charge 6.ahead of.7.被允许做/允许某人做某事 8.think of 9.被.吸引 10.改编自.11.look back upon/on 12.给.留下深刻印象 13.relate v./与.有关联 14.light v.-pt./pp.15.shine v.-pt./pp.16.consume v.17.distinguished 18.在多远的距离 19.gradually 20.atmosphere n.21.fine adj.22.even adj.23.wrinkled adj.24.dazzling adj.25.carpet n.26.reflect v.-reflector 27.drive away 28.intensity n.-intense 29.account for:30.atom n.31.在.的深度Unit 5 What an adventureUnit 5 What an adventure第四课时 Writing about a diving experience本节目标:1.结合海报学习如何在日记中描述潜水经历。2.通过赏析范文,学习如何完成描述潜水日记并积累词汇句式。3.完成介绍潜水经历的应用文写作。Activity 5Activity 5:Read the poster and answer the questionsRead the poster and answer the questions1.Where are the divers going on this adventure?The waters around The Farne Islands.2.What are they going to do and see during the trip?They will visit a shipwreck,the 6,810-ton steamer Somali,and swim with Farnes most lovely residents,the thousands of grey seals.3.Which of the experiences appeals to you most and why?the feature of the diving your interest the point that attracts you to goPart 1 Writing about a diving experienceWhat information can you get from the poster?time time planplanfeaturesactivitiesactivitiesFarne islands 法恩群岛法恩群岛 available:可用的,可获得的可用的,可获得的shallow:浅的;使变浅(浅的;使变浅(deep)scenic diving:风景潜水风景潜水wreck diving 沉船潜水沉船潜水 be about to do:即将做某事即将做某事sink-sank-sunk delight sb with sth:用某事取悦某人用某事取悦某人shipwreck 遇难船遇难船 seaweed 海草海草 steamer 轮船轮船 school n.一群一群 a school of upright 垂直的(正直的)垂直的(正直的)set sail:启航启航 resident 居民居民 residence permit 居住证居住证 Part 1 Poster about undersea adventurePart 1 Poster about undersea adventureStep 2 Step 2 Imagine you have been on this adventure.Write Imagine you have been on this adventure.Write a diary entrya diary entry about your about your adventure.adventure.What did you do?What did you see?How did you feel?旅游类日记文体感知旅游类日记的写作就是描述旅途中的所见所闻,并通过对当地的风土人情、山川地貌、人文景致、名胜古迹等方面的描写来表达作者的思想感情。旅游类日记一般分为三部分:开头部分:引出话题,简要介绍游览的情况主体部分:详细描述游览过程结尾部分:抒发自己的体验与感受范文赏析I couldnt believe that I succeeded in diving and swam with the seals for ten minutes.I never thought I could start an adventure under the sea before,till my parents took me to the Farne Islands and tried diving there.We were offered two choices,either wreck diving-to see the wrecked ship Somali,or scenic diving-to have a good time with the grey seals.I choose the second one because it was less challenging and I love sea animals.Diving turned out to be much less difficult than I had imagined.I just put on the instruments and followed my instructor.I was a bit scared,but my instructor told me to take it easy.At first,I could only see nothing,but when my eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness,I could see deep blue waves moving up and down and small fishes swimming.Soon we reached the spot,and I could breathe normally.It was such a wonderful world.Before realizing it,I had been in the seaweed forest surrounded by the young sales.They were eager to get close to me and dance around me.I reached out my hand to touch one of them.All of a sudden,something big appeared on my right.I turned around and almost got astonished.It was a huge male sale.I was so scared fearing it would attack me.But it just touched me lightly with its body,as if it wanted to hug me.I put my hands on its back,trying to feel its smooth skin.The world here was so quiet that it felt that time had stopped.Finally,my instructor gestured for me to go up.When I reached the surface,I had to readjust to the sunlight.What had happened just now was like a dream.背诵句子:1.I couldnt believe that I succeeded in diving and swam with the seals for ten minutes.2.Diving turned out to be much less difficult than I had imagined.I just put on the instruments and followed my instructor.I was a bit scared,but my instructor told me to take it easy.At first,I could only see nothing,but when my eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness,I could see deep blue waves moving up and down and small fishes swimming.3.The world here was so quiet that it felt that time had stopped.4.Finally,my instructor gestured for me to go up.When I reached the surface,I had to readjust to the sunlight.What had happened just now was like a dream.我不敢相信我成功潜水并和海豹一起游泳十分钟。结果潜水没有我之前想象的那么难。我穿戴好游泳器械并跟着我的潜水教练。我有点害怕,但我的教练告诉我放轻松。、起初,我什么也看不清,但当我的眼睛慢慢适应黑暗,我能看见深蓝色的海浪起起伏伏,小鱼们游来游去。最后,我的教练示意我上去。当我到达水面时,不得不重新适应阳光。刚刚发生的事情就像一场梦。假如你是李华,今年暑假去三亚旅游,生平第一次潜水使你很激动。请写一篇日记,记述潜水的经历。内容包括:1介绍潜水中的所见、所想;2说明潜水的感受。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Part 2 Writing exercisePossible versionFriday September 21,2019 Sunny It was a day of pure magic!I went diving on the reef offshore yesterday morning.The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding me.What impressed me most was the fantastic corals which were shaped like fans,plates,mushrooms,the branches of trees and the horns of deer.And all kinds of small and elegant fish were swimming in and around the corals.However,there were other dangerous creatures that I wasnt permitted to get too close to such as sharks.From the experience,I realize that the amazing underwater world is waiting for us to explore.介绍游览情况介绍游览情况描述游览过程描述游览过程游览感受游览感受Conclusion:1.Learn the structure and the write procedure of a diary2.Learn how to write an diary about your diving experience3.Recite important points:1)available adj.2)shallow adj.(反deep)3)scenic diving 4)wreck diving 5)be about to do(when)6)sink-pt./pp.7)用某事取悦某人 8)shipwreck n.9)seaweed 10)steamer n.11)a school of 12)upright adj.13)set sail 14)resident n.15)residence permit 16)我不敢相信我成功潜水并和海豹一起游泳十分钟。17)结果潜水没有我之前想象的那么难。我穿戴好游泳器械并跟着我的潜水教练。我有点害怕,但我的教练告诉我放轻松。起初,我什么也看不清,但当我的眼睛慢慢适应黑暗,我能看见深蓝色的海浪起起伏伏,小鱼们游来游去。18)这儿的世界如此安静,感觉时间已经静止。19)最后,我的教练示意我上去。当我到达水面时,不得不重新适应阳光。刚刚发生的事情就像一场梦。
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