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人人教版教版(2019)新教材高中英语选择性必修新教材高中英语选择性必修第四册第四册 Unit 3 SEA EXPLORATION Words and Expressions1.tale tel:n.故事故事;叙述叙述 story:n.故事故事;小小说说;新闻报道新闻报道A Tale of Two Cities:双城记双城记 (英国作家狄更斯的小说英国作家狄更斯的小说)a fairy/moral/romantic tale:童话童话/寓言寓言/爱情故爱情故事事1)Marco Polos tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east.2)Im reading a book about folk tales and ancient legends.3)I love listening to his tales of life across the sea.2.merchant mtnt:n.商人商人;批发商批发商 adj.海上货运的海上货运的 1)The merchant received a large order of coal/shirts/shoes/rice/wheat.2)The merchant wants to expand his business.3)They have sent their troops to protect the merchant ships.set sail3.set sail:起航起航;开航开航set sail for.:起航去某地起航去某地set sail from.to.:从某地起航去某地从某地起航去某地1)However,merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.2)Under the command of Zheng He,they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea,and then to the east coast of Africa.3)We will set sail for Japan early tomorrow morning.4.extend kstend:vt.扩展扩展;使伸长使伸长;延长延长extend a fence/road/house:扩扩建护栏建护栏/公路公路/房子房子extend a deadline/visa/visit/life:延延长最后期限长最后期限/签证签证/访问访问/生生命命1)The deadline has been extended by two days.2)A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centered around Ceylon(now Sri Lanka).3)The show has been extended for another nine days.4)The city has decided to extend the road to the new airport.negotiate5.negotiate niet:vt.商定商定;达成达成(协议协议)vi.谈判谈判;磋商磋商;协商协商negotiation nien:n.谈谈判判;磋商磋商;协商协商negotiate a deal:达成交易达成交易negotiate a settlement:商定解决措商定解决措施施1)The government will not negotiate with terrorists.2)Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each others cultures.3)We have been negotiating for more pay.4)I will negotiate with their coach on the date of the match.5)They negotiated the sale of the house/truck/building.fleet fleet fleet6.fleet flit:n.舰队舰队;机群机群;车队车队 1)Between 1405 and 1433,seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration.2)A powerful fleet has been concentrated in the South China Sea.3)They chartered(包租包租)a fleet of planes to carry their soldiers back to the USA.4)A fleet of ambulances took the injured people to the big hospital.7.behold bhld:vt.看看;看看见见 (behold -beheld -beheld)a sight to behold:给给人印象深刻的人或物人印象深刻的人或物;值值得看的人或物得看的人或物hold -held -held (抓住抓住;抱住抱住;按住按住;顶住顶住;支撑支撑)1)Last summer we visited an island in the Indian Ocean,whose rocky coastline and long golden beaches were a sight to behold.2)They beheld/saw a bright star shining in the sky.3)The beautiful girl is a joy to behold.4)On the top of the mountain we beheld the night scene of the city.8.league li:n.等级等级;水平水平;联联合会合会;联赛联赛level:n.标准标准;水平水平;层次层次;级别级别1)They are in a different league from us.2)When it comes to cooking,Im not in her league.3)A car like that is out of our league.4)Our club is a member of the Football League.5)Brazil has dropped from second to third place in the league.9.in a league of ones own:独领风骚独领风骚;独独占鳌头占鳌头;比任何人都做得好比任何人都做得好1)These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time.2)In terms of economic power,military might and global influence,two countries-China and the US clearly stand in a league of their own.3)It is the US,not China,that stands in a league of its own in its abuses of the environment.4)Most of the applicants were quite strong;they all seemed to have some good qualities,but Lucy Brown was in a league of her own.10.royal rl:adj.皇家的皇家的;王室的王室的;高贵的高贵的 the royal family:王室王室the Royal Navy/Air Force:英英国皇家海军国皇家海军/空军空军king -queen -prince/princessemperor empr(r):n.皇帝皇帝palace pls:n.王王宫宫;宫殿宫殿;总统总统府府1)My sister studied at the Royal College of Art.2)Royal wedding ceremony is often held here.3)I wonder what our royal friends are doing now?spice11.spice spas:n.(调味调味)香料香料 spicy spasi:adj.用用香料调味的香料调味的;辛辣的辛辣的hot:adj.热的热的;烫的烫的;辛辣辛辣的的1)African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold,silk,and spices.2)They also carried and traded other things like spices,cloth,jewels and gold.3)In the old days,it was made with different spices.12.withdraw wdr:vi.vt.(withdrew-withdrawn)(使使)撤回撤回;撤离撤离draw -drew -drawn (v.画画;拉拉;吸引吸引;拔出拔出;提取提取)1)The American troops were forced to withdrawn.2)He stated that all foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.3)The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn.13.withdraw from.:退出退出;撤回撤回 1)The tennis player withdrew from several tournaments due to injury.2)Both countries will withdraw their troops from the region.3)The American troops were forced to withdrawn from Afghanistan.channel14.channeltnl:n.航道航道;海峡海峡;频道频道 channel:n.海峡海峡 (长而宽的海峡长而宽的海峡)strait:n.海峡海峡 (短而窄的海峡短而窄的海峡)tunnel tnl n.地地下通道下通道;地道地道;隧道隧道the English Channel:英吉利海英吉利海峡峡1)Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.2)The captain sailed his ship through the narrow channel.3)Whats on Channel 8 tonight?4)We cant get Channel 9 in our area.15.maritime mrtam:adj.海的海的;海运的海运的;海海事的事的 sea:n.大海大海;海洋海洋(英国常用英国常用)ocean n:n.大海大海;海洋海洋(美国常美国常用用;四大洋用四大洋用)a maritime museum:海洋博物海洋博物馆馆1)The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st century Maritime Silk Road,which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative.2)The meeting discussed many hot topics on maritime laws.3)I have passed the deserts and have already seen the maritime empire.16.bond bnd:n.纽带纽带;关系关系 vt./vi.增强信任关增强信任关系系;使牢固使牢固结合结合relation:n.关系关系;联联系系;亲戚亲戚;亲属亲属relationship:n.关关系系;联系联系1)The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas,and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world.2)Their common experience created a strong bond between them.3)The agreement strengthened the bonds between China and Russia.4)The man was having difficulty bonding with his children.5)The glue cannot be used to bond wood to metal.17.in hand:在手头在手头;可供使用可供使用 1)Hundreds of years on,and with the latest technology in hand,the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.2)With lots of food and drink in hand,they set off for their picnic.3)It took me great efforts to get these books in hand.4)She always had a great deal of work in hand,but no one ever heard her complain.18.politics pltks:n.政治政治;政治观点政治观点 political pltkl:adj.政治的政治的politician pltn:n.政治家政治家;政政客客1)As a major figure in British politics,Churchill was in a league of his own.2)She began studying politics when she was 30 years old.3)The young mans politics are extreme.19.profession prfen:n.职职业业;行业行业 (指需要经过专业培训的职指需要经过专业培训的职业业,尤尤指需指需要要 较较高的受教育水平的职业。高的受教育水平的职业。)professional prfenl:adj.职业的职业的;专业的专业的;娴熟的娴熟的 n.专门人员专门人员;专专家家;职业运动员职业运动员professor prfes:n.教授教授;专专家家career kr(r):n.职职业业 (指从事的职业或希望毕生从事的事业。指从事的职业或希望毕生从事的事业。)enter/go into/join a profession:从事从事/加入加入/参加一个行业参加一个行业1)He hopes to enter the medical profession.2)Nurses are leaving the profession for different reasons.3)Her abilities carried her to the top of her profession.4)He does well in his chosen profession.5)I am a teacher by profession.6)She started her career as an English teacher at the age of 18.20.tournament tnmnt:n.锦标赛锦标赛;联赛联赛league:n.联赛联赛;等级等级;水平水平;联合会联合会a golf/tennis/badminton tournament:高尔夫球高尔夫球/网球网球/羽毛球锦标赛羽毛球锦标赛1)The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals.2)He has made up his mind not to join in the tournament.3)The tournament is restricted to players under the age of 17.4)Her victory in the tournament earned her 200,000 dollars.21.mixture mkst(r):n.混合混合;结合体结合体;混合物混合物mix mks:v.(使使)混合混合;融合融合;调配调配n.混混合合;混杂混杂;配料配料;混合混合料料1)Reaching out across the sea is often a mixture of danger and boredom.2)The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.3)You should add the eggs to the mixture and beat well.laptop22.laptop lptp:n.笔记本电脑笔记本电脑;便携式电脑便携式电脑notebook:n.笔记本笔记本;笔记本电脑笔记本电脑desktop computer:台式电台式电脑脑1)He also emailed his family using his laptop,telling them about his experiences around the world.2)She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning.3)One day as I was sitting in a coffee shop,I noticed a girl working on her laptop.23.coverage kvrd:n.新闻报道新闻报道(U.);覆盖范围覆盖范围cover:v.采访采访;报道报道cover a conference/game/the earthquake/the Olympic Games:报报道会议道会议/比赛比赛/地震地震/奥运会奥运会story:n.新闻报道新闻报道;故事故事;小说小说media/newspaper coverage:媒体媒体/报纸的报报纸的报道道1)When the journey ended,Zacs adventure received widespread media coverage.2)Now many TV networks give live coverage of most games.3)The election was given enough coverage on TV and newspapers.4)The media,including this newspaper,are giving the subject much coverage.Press Conference24.press conference:记者招待会记者招待会;新新闻发布会闻发布会hold/give a press conference:举举行记者招待行记者招待会会/新闻发布会新闻发布会at the press conference:在在记者招待会记者招待会/新闻发布会新闻发布会上上1)At his press conference,he talked about how passion and courage made his dream come true.2)The US President will give a press conference tomorrow morning.3)The press conference was broadcast live on TV.4)The press conference concluded at five oclock.applaud applause25.applaud pld:vt.&vi.鼓鼓掌掌 vt.称赞称赞;赞赏赞赏applause plz:n.鼓掌鼓掌;喝彩喝彩1)The crowd stood to applaud the scientists for their important ocean research work.2)In a classical music concert,the audience applauded politely at the end of the perfomance.3)All of us applaud her decision.4)Her mother applaud her for having the courage to refuse.26.tax tks:vt.对对征税征税;使纳税使纳税 n.税税;税款税款free of tax:免税免税raise/cut/lower/pay taxes:增增加税加税/削税削税/降税降税/纳税纳税income tax:所得税所得税tax sb/sth:对对征税征税be heavily/lightly taxed:被被征重税征重税/被征税被征税少少1)It is a good idea to tax plastic bottles so that people use them less.2)The president declared that the country will tax the rich people.3)Cigarettes are heavily taxed in many countries.4)The actress cant pay her tax and is facing court action.5)The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes.6)Does the price include tax?27.manned mnd:adj.有人控制的有人控制的;需人需人操纵的操纵的 manned space flight:载人航天载人航天a manned spaceship:载人宇宙飞船载人宇宙飞船a manned spacecraft:载载人宇宙飞船人宇宙飞船/航天航天器器1)In the near future China should have a manned spacecraft on Mars/the moon.2)China is now in the second phase of its manned space program.3)Many scientists are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars.The Jiaolong Submersible submersible 28.submersible sbmsbl:n.潜水器潜水器;可潜船可潜船maritime mrtam:adj.海的海的;海运的海运的;海事海事的的1)The manned submersible dived to a depth of 10,907 metres in June,2020.2)Manned submersibles,like spaceships,must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment.29.underwater ndwt(r):adv.在水下在水下adj.水下的水下的1)The Jiaolong manned submersible is said to be able to reach 7 km underwater.2)Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater.3)The underwater world is really fascinating.coral coral coral30.coral krl:n.珊瑚珊瑚(U.)a coral island/reef:珊瑚岛珊瑚岛/礁礁1)Although the coral looks hard,it is very delicate.2)Coral can be yellow,blue,or green.3)Coral needs certain conditions in order to live.31.migration maren:n.迁移迁移;迁徙迁徙;移居移居immigrant mrnt:n.(外来外来)移民移民;外侨外侨move to.:搬到搬到.1)They have led some birds to give up on migration.2)The migration is an important aspect of learning process.3)The diagram shows the distribution and migration of population in Chinese history.4)Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.32.directory drektri:n.名录名录;电电话号码簿话号码簿;(计算机文件或程序的计算机文件或程序的)目录目录album lbm:n.影影集集;集邮簿集邮簿;音音乐乐/歌曲专辑歌曲专辑contents:n.目录目录a telephone directory:电话号码电话号码簿簿1)They will be added to the directory so we can identify them in the future.2)I couldnt find your name in the telephone directory.3)Her name is listed in the telephone directory.4)Create a new directory and put all your files into it.33.meanwhile minwal:adv.与与此同此同时时;(比较两方面比较两方面)对比之下对比之下 =meantime =in the meanwhile/meantimefor the meanwhile:一会儿一会儿;暂时暂时1)Meanwhile,we also noted their location,so we can track their movements and plot their migration path.2)The doctor will see you again next week.Meanwhile,you must rest as much as possible.3)I went to college.Meanwhile,all my friends got well-paid jobs.34.exploit ksplt:vt.开发开发;利用利用;剥削剥削develop dvelp:v.发展发展;变化变化;开发开发1)When people talk of exploring the sea more,they usually mean exploiting it.2)No resources have yet been exploited in Antarctica.3)You must exploit all your spare time to learn English.4)The bosses exploited the workers with long hours and low pay.35.gallon ln:n.加加仑仑 (容积单容积单位位,1英制加仑约等于英制加仑约等于4.5升升)litre/liter lit(r):n.升升(容量单位容量单位)1)The Deepwater Horizon spilled over 200 million gallons of oil into the sea in 2010.2)The price of petrol is coming down by four pence a gallon.3)My red car will do fifty miles per gallon.4)The car used 15 gallons of petrol for the journey.5)A person should drink at least a gallon of water each day.36.murder md(r):vt.谋杀谋杀;凶杀凶杀;毁坏毁坏 n.谋杀谋杀;凶杀凶杀murderer:n.杀手杀手;凶手凶手an attempted murder:未遂谋杀未遂谋杀commit(a)murder:犯谋杀罪犯谋杀罪a murder case/investigation/trial:凶杀案件凶杀案件/调查调查/审审判判kill:v.杀死杀死;弄死弄死;扼杀扼杀;导致死亡导致死亡;毁灭毁灭;破坏破坏killer:n.杀人者杀人者;杀手杀手1)The Australian soldiers are responsible for the mass murder of 400 civilians.2)Last month he murdered the woman for the money.3)She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband.4)The man denies murdering his wifes lover.5)It is a beautiful folk song,but the singer murdered it.37.mercy msi:n.仁慈仁慈;宽恕宽恕;恩惠恩惠merciful msfl:adj.仁仁慈的慈的;宽容的宽容的;慈悲的慈悲的at the mercy of.:任由任由.摆布摆布show no mercy to.:对对.残酷无情残酷无情have mercy on someone:怜怜悯悯;对对.发慈悲发慈悲leave.to the mercy of.:任任由由.摆布摆布/宰宰割割1)Although this was banned in 1982,some countries are still“murdering”these intelligent creatures without mercy.2)The criminal got down on his knees and begged for mercy.3)The Japanese soldiers showed no mercy to the average people.4)Im not going to put myself at the mercy of the bank.38.possession pzen:n.(usually pl.)个人财产个人财产;拥有拥有;控制控制belongings:所有物所有物;财物财物be in ones possession:归某人所有归某人所有be in possession of sth:拥拥有有/占有占有/持有持有.have.in ones possession:拥有拥有/占有占有/持有持有.have possession of.:拥有拥有take possession of.:拥拥有有/占有占有.;拿到拿到.1)The sea is home to life,not human beings possessions.2)In the war those people lost their homes and all their possessions.3)Those priceless paintings are now in the possession of Taiwan.39.opponent pnnt:n.反对者反对者;对手对手;竞争者竞争者oppose pz:v.反反对对;抵制抵制;与与角角逐逐oppose doing:反对做反对做be opposed to 名词名词/doing:反反对对(做做)1)Opponents may be concerned,but sea exploration is important for our future.2)In the final match,his opponents will be stronger and more experienced.3)He knocked his opponent down three times in the first round.40.log l l:vt.把把载入正式记录载入正式记录;记录记录 n.正式记录正式记录;日志日志;原木原木keep a log:记日志记日志sleep like a log:沉睡沉睡;酣睡酣睡record:v.记录记录;记载记载;录制录制;录录(音音);录录(像像)diary:n.日记日记;日志日志journal:n.日记日记;日日志志(常与常与 diary 换用换用)log:n.正式记录正式记录;日志日志 (尤指航海日尤指航海日志志、飞飞行日志或航行记录行日志或航行记录)1)Logging new species will improve our understanding of life on the earth.2)They will log everyone and everything that comes in and
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