2020年高考英语外刊时事命题语法填空:冠状病毒是一场没有硝烟的“战争”团结合作定能完胜!Keep Calm and Carry On.docx

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2020年高考英语外刊时事命题语法填空:冠状病毒是一场没有硝烟的“战争”团结合作定能完胜!Keep Calm and Carry On.docx_第1页
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2020年高考英语外刊时事命题语法填空:冠状病毒是一场没有硝烟的“战争”团结合作定能完胜!Keep Calm and Carry On.docx_第2页
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2020年高考英语外刊时事命题语法填空:冠状病毒是一场没有硝烟的“战争”团结合作定能完胜!Keep Calm and Carry On.docx_第3页
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1、Keep Calm and Carry On冠状病毒是一场没有硝烟的“战争”,团结合作定能完胜!China is now fighting a war of a different kind. Its against unseen enemy, which has been named COVID-19 by the WHO. Since its appearance at the end of December in Wuhan, the virus causing this disease (spread) to other cities, infecting hundreds of th

2、ousands of people and (lead) to over one thousand deaths. As yet, there is no vaccine (疫苗) to protect people against the virus and the only (effect) way to fight it is to try to contain it.The Chinese people should be praised because, for the most part, theyve emulated (效仿) the Britons “stiff upper

3、lip” and refused to panic. Theyve stayed home as much possible, worn protective masks and washed their hands frequently and (thorough). The governments response has also been calm. Theyve kept everyone (inform) about what has been happening and theyve sent thousands of doctors and nurses to Hubei to

4、 treat those have been infected.This terrible virus hasnt been defeated and the fight against it may continue for several more months. However, it will eventually die out. Its hoped when the crisis fades, China and the world will learn that cooperation and hope, not panic or criticism, is the best w

5、ay (face) a common threat. (节选自 Readers Digest)答案:1.an2. has spread 3. leading 4.effective 5.as 6.thoroughly 7.informed 8.that/who 9. that 10.to face译文:中国现在正在打另一场战争。它针对的是一个看不见的敌人,世卫组织已将其命名为COVID-19。自从12月底在武汉出现以来,引起该病的病毒已传播到其他城市,感染了数十万人,并导致导致一千多人死亡迄今为止,还没有疫苗可以保护人们免受这种病毒的侵害,而对抗这种病毒的唯一有效方法就是设法遏制这种病毒。应该

6、赞扬中国人民,因为在很大程度上,他们效仿了英国人的“僵硬的上唇”,并且拒绝恐慌。他们尽可能地呆在家里,戴着防护口罩,并经常彻底洗手。政府的反应也平静而有效。他们使所有人都知道发生了什么事,并已向湖北派遣了数千名医生和护士来治疗被感染的人。这种可怕的病毒尚未被击败,与它的战斗可能还会持续几个月。但是,它最终将消失。希望随着危机的消逝,中国乃至世界将学会合作与希望,而不是恐慌或批评,是面对共同威胁的最佳方式。单词:panic v.(panicked-panicked) to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or b

7、ehave sensibly (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措e.g. Many people were panicked into leaving the country. n. 恐慌,惶恐contain v. to stop sth. from spreading or escaping 抑制,控制e.g. The police were sent in to help contain the violence. discrimination n. the practice of treating one person or group differently from another in a

8、n unfair way 歧视e.g. New laws have been adopted to prevent discrimination. protest v. to say that you strongly disagree with or are angry about sth. because you think it is wrong or unfair 表示异议或不满,抗议e.g. A lot of people protested about the new working hours. n. 反对,抗议to the credit of / to sb.s credit used to say that sb. has done sth. good 某人值得赞扬或钦佩e.g. To her great credit, Jenny admitted that she was wrong.阅读指南:“stiff upper lip”的字面意思是“僵硬的上唇”,常用于形容英国人在面对困境时保持镇定的品质。“keep a stiff upper lip”是一个习语,表示某人“坚忍、刚毅、沉得住气”。作者将抗击新冠肺炎比作一场战争,病毒是我们共同的“敌人”。因此有理由相信,如果我们像“二战”时期的英国人一样“保持冷静,继续前行”,最终必然能取得这场“战争”的胜利。


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