Unit6 Disaster and hope一轮复习(ppt课件) -2022新外研版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、一轮复习一轮复习1.识记单词识记单词(一)汉译英1_n.灾难,灾祸2._adj.(用于数字后面表示)多,余3._v.预测,预报4._v.攫取,抓住5_v营救,解救6_n.紧急情况,不测事件7_v.(战争、事故等)夺去(生命)8._n.危机9._n.人造卫星1.disaster 2.plus 3.forecast4.grab 5.rescue 6.emergency7.claim 8.crisis 9.satellite10.billion 11.lap12.nowhere 13.otherwise 14.helicopter 15.midnight 16.county 17.property

2、18.shelter10._num.十亿11._n.大腿部12._adv.什么地方都不,无处13._adv.否则,要不然14._n.直升机15._n.子夜,午夜16._n.(美国等国家的)县;(英国的)郡17._n.所有物,资产,财产18._n.庇护,掩蔽(二二)英译汉英译汉1.tube n._2.hurricane n._3.landslide n._4.tsunami n._5.typhoon n._6.blizzard n_7.avalanche n._8.mosquito n._1.管子2.飓风3.山崩,滑坡4.海啸5.台风6.暴风雪7.雪崩8.蚊子3.拓展单词拓展单词1_v.(火山)

3、爆发,喷发_n.(火山)喷发,爆发2._adv.即刻,马上_adj.立即的;立刻的3._v.发生_n.发生,出现;存在;发生的事情4._n.通告,公告_v.宣布,宣告1.erupt;eruption 2.immediately;immediate3.occur;occurrence 4.announcement;announce5.reliable;rely;reliability6.exceptionally;exception;exceptional7.threaten;threat;threatening8.precisely;precise;precision 9.sufficient

4、;sufficiency5._adj.可信赖的,可靠的_v.依赖,依靠_n.可靠性6._adv.极其,非常_n.例外,一般情况以外的人(或事物)_adj.杰出的,优秀的;异常的,特别的,罕见的7._v.威胁到,危及_n.威胁,可能会带来危险的人(事)_adj.恐吓的,具有威胁的8_adv.精确地,准确地_ adj.精确的,准确的_n.精确;准确;细致9_adj.足够的,充足的_n.足量,充足直击高考1.(2019.北京高考)Some students dont have a _(rely)car,while others have to share vehicles with parents

5、who work six days week.2.(2019.北京高考)Taking advantage of the new technologies,scammer can aim at victims(precise).3.(2019.天津高考)Rapid economic development _(threat)animal habitats.4.(2018.天津高考)It seldom occurred_ them to wander a bit,to take a moment to see whats around them.5.(2018.天津高考)Exit _(immedi

6、ate)from the nearest emergency exit;do not use a lift.1.reliable 2.precisely 3.threatens 4.to 5.immediately6.(2018.浙江高考)Americans use more than 100_(billion)thin film plastic bags every year.7.(2017.全国卷)He said the lucky woman _(announce)on the website and the trip will be shared online.8.(2016.全国卷I

7、)I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film special unit caring for pandas_(rescue)from starvation in the wild.9.(2016.全国卷I)Here was an_(exceptional)creative mind at work.10.(2016.江苏高考)Though heavy rains brought about by El Nino may relieve the drought in California,they are likely to cau

8、se surface flooding and other_(disaster).6.billion 7.will be announced 8.rescued 9.exceptionally 10.disasters3短语巧练短语巧练1._自然灾害2._下楼,下楼梯3._翻阅,浏览4._省去,删去;遗漏;不理会,忽视5._变成.6_由.组成(构成);包括.7._突然8._来来回回,上上下下9._留心,留意,注意10._还没有1.natural disaster 2.go down the stairs 3.look through 4.leave out 5.turn into 6.cons

9、ist of 7.all of a sudden 8.up and down9.look out for 10.have yet to高考与教材1.(2019.浙江高考)Rock music_(包含)many different styles.2.(2015.湖北高考)The little boy had been running_(来来回回)the street,but there were still twenty papers left.3.(2010.天津高考)For countries experiencing_(自然灾害)or war,an Olympic win can mean

10、 so much.1.consists of 2.up and down 3.natural disasters4句式仿写句式仿写1.现在分词(短语)作状语_a free newspaper at the Tube station,I see the title“Hot!Hot!Hot!.在地铁站拿起一份免费报纸,我看到的标题写着“热!热!热!”。2.be expected to doToday,the temperature in London_ 30 plus degree!今天,伦敦的温度预计将达到30度以上!1 Picking up 2.is expected to reach 3.o

11、n doing sth._,China was quick to start organising emergency aid.一听到这个消息,中国迅速开始组织紧急救援。4.was/were doing.when.I_ with my cat,Smartie,on my lap,the roof just flew off.我正坐在房间里,我的猫咪斯玛蒂趴在我的腿上,这时屋顶就飞走了。5.独立主格Now we have another chance to look up at the stars of New Orleans,_ and giving us confidence to move

12、 on.现在我们又能仰望新奥尔良的星空了,它们的美鼓舞着我们,让我们有信心继续前行。3.On hearing the news 4.was sitting in my room;when5.their beauty inspiring us高考与教材1.(2020全国卷I)到达农场,我们就看见红色的、成熟的桃子挂在树上._,we saw red ripe peaches hanging on the tree.2.(2019.北京高考)紧张地面对挑战,我知道我将轻声对自己说两个简单的词“Be yourself。_,I know I will whisper to myself the two

13、simple words“Be yourself.3.(2018.天津高考)到2050年,全球人口预计将增长到96亿。The global population_ to 9.6 billion by 2050.4.(2015.江苏高考)由于长时间坐在办公桌前办公室职员普遍受到健康问题的困扰。_,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.1.On arriving at the farm 2.Nervously facing challenges 3.is expected to grow 4.Much time spent

14、 sitting at a deskI.单词拼写1.The _(人造卫星)will be used mainly to relay television programmes.2.It was well after_(子夜,午夜)that Anne returned toher apartment.3.The_(直升机)are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.4.Only under the_(庇护)of the laws can people really enjoy equality.5.

15、The report_(预测)that prices will rise by 3%next month.1.satellite 2.midnight 3.helicopters 4.shelter 5.forecasts6 Earthquake is a kind of natural_(灾害),which often results in many people being injured or killed.7.He is badly ill so he has to be fed by a_(管子)that enters his nose.8 An active volcano is

16、very dangerous because it may _(喷发)at any time.9.Charities appealed for donations of food and clothing for victims of the _(飓风)。10.Firefighters_(营救,解救)nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building.6.disaster 7.tube 8.erupt 9.hurricane 10.rescued2.单句语法填空1.It occurred_ him that he had left th

17、e door unlocked and the windows open.2.You should look out_ the cars when crossing the street.3.The recent_(erupt)of the volcano affected air travel on a global level.4.The weather in some northern areas in China is_(exceptional)cold in winter.5.When copying this paper,be careful not to leave_ any i

18、mportant word.1.to 2.for 3.eruption4.exceptionally b 5.out 6.Nobody knows_(precise)how many species there are on the earth now.7.Earthquakes kill thousands of people and cause(billion)of dollars in damage every year.8.All of _ sudden,I realized how stupid I was to behave in such a bad manner.9.Much

19、to the princesss surprise,the ugly frog turned_ a handsome prince.10.This dance club consists_ more than 200 members,half of whom are under the age of 35.6.precisely7.billions 8.a 9.into10.of3语段填词1._ a person getting an electric shock,you should take _action and cut off the electricity _(immediate).

20、2.He always does as he says so we all think he is a_ man.If you make friends with him,you can_ on it that he will help you whenever you are in trouble.(rely)3.The committee_ that the judge would make an_ as soon as we had made the final decision.(announce)1.Immediately;immediate;immediately 2.reliab

21、le;rely 3.announced;announcement4.完成句子完成句子1.While_ Dr.Yuan,I learned a lot from him.在和袁博士工作时,我从他身上学到很多。2.He_ at 9 o clock tomorrow.他预计明天9点到达。1.working with 2.is expected to arrive3.I_electricity was cut off unexpectedly.我正在做作业,这时出乎意料地断电了。4._,it gets colder and colder.冬天来了,天气变得越来越冷了。5._,they broke in

22、to loud cheers.一听到这消息,他们都高声欢呼。3.was doing my homework when 4.Winter coming5.On hearing the news5.微写作微写作请根据下列要点写一篇有关自然灾害的短文。要点如下:1.每年都会发生大量的自然灾害,包括地震、洪水、飓风、滑坡、海啸、台风、暴雪、雪崩等。2.它们都威胁着亿万人民的生命财产安全。3.虽然人们可以借助卫星精确地预报天气,但预报自然灾害却异常困难。4.1976年唐山午夜发生的地震夺走了242 769人的生命。5.幸运的是,地震发生后,救援队立即赶到。建立了收容所来收容灾民。6.希望随着科学技术的发

23、展,我们能够预测未来的自然灾害。注意:1.词数80左右;2.尽量使用本单元的知识点;3.可适当增加细节。Numerous natural disasters occur every year,including earth-quake,flood,hurricane,landslide,tsunami,typhoon,blizzard,avalanche,etc.They all threaten the safety of billions of peoples lives and property.Although people can precisely forecast weather

24、 with the help of satellite,it is exceptionally difficult to forecast natural disasters.The earthquake happened at midnight in Tang-shan in 1976 claimed 242,769 peoples lives.Fortunately,rescue teams arrived immediately the earthquake happened.Shelters were set up to accommodate the victims.Hopefull

25、y,we can forecast natural disasters in the future with the development of science and technology.6.课文语法填空课文语法填空Today,the temperature in London is expected 1_(reach)30 plus degrees!Sure enough,2_(go)down thestairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano thats erupting.This,however,is not

26、hing3 _(compare)to thetrain.Im sure the passenger next to me and I are melting and becoming one!Each summer in London definitely seems 4 _(hot)than the last.I suddenly feel a bit scared.Perhaps now is the time to start planning for the future?My office is only on the 5_(three)floor of the building,s

27、o quite low.Ill speak with my manager about moving to the top floor.Most 6_(important),I will need to learn to swim!Then Ill be able to survive even when the tall buildings 7 _(flood).1 to reach 2.going pared 4.hotter 5.third 6.importantly 7.are floodedLooking through my newspaper,Im shocked by phot

28、os 8 _ show a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town.Expertssay this bad weather has occurred due to climate change.Nowthat 9_ is hard to avoid a disaster on Earth,perhaps I should start thinking about moving to saeStepping out of the station with a heavy heart,I suddenly feel a fresh wind on my face.Well,maybe I have been worrying too much.10_ all,its only 30 degrees outside!8.which/that 9.it 10.AfterThank you!


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