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1、基础知识自测基础知识自测一、单词识记一、单词识记 1._ n.&vt.滥用;虐待滥用;虐待2._ n.压力压力 vt.加压力于加压力于3._ n.禁令禁令 vt.禁止禁止4._ adj.困难的;强硬的困难的;强硬的5._ adj.自动的自动的automatic abusestressbantough6._ v.离开离开,辞职辞职,停止停止7._ n.结果结果,影响影响,效果效果8._ n.肺肺9._ adj.怀孕的怀孕的10._ adj.绝望的绝望的desperate quiteffectlungpregnant11._ n.化学家化学家,药剂师药剂师12._ n.针针13._ adj.感到惭

2、愧感到惭愧14._ adj.气喘吁吁气喘吁吁15._ adj.局促不安的局促不安的awkwardchemistneedleashamedbreathless二、单词拓展二、单词拓展 (A)单词派生单词派生1._ adj.精神的精神的;智力的智力的 _ adv.精神上精神上;智力上智力上2._ adj.正常的正常的 _ adj.畸形的畸形的;反常的反常的;变态的变态的abnormal mentalmentallynormal3._ n.呼吸呼吸 _ v.呼吸呼吸 _ adj.屏息的屏息的breathless breathbreathe4._ v.放松放松 _ n.放松放松relaxation r

3、elax5._ v.使使失望失望 _ adj.感到失望的感到失望的 _ adj.令人失望的令人失望的 _ n.失望失望disappointmentdisappointing disappointdisappointed6._ adj.弱的弱的 _ v.使变弱使变弱;减弱减弱 _ n.虚弱虚弱weakweakenweakness(B)灵活运用灵活运用1.The president was _ to hear the _ result on Monday.(disappoint)1.第一空作表语用形容词第一空作表语用形容词,表示人表示人“感到感到失望的失望的”,用用disappointed;第二空

4、在名词第二空在名词前作定语前作定语,用形容词用形容词,表示结果表示结果“令人失令人失望的望的”,用用disappointing。disappointed disappointing2.This medicine can _ the function of another.(weak)作谓语用动词作谓语用动词,在在can后后,故用动词原形。故用动词原形。3.When the child arrived at the top of the building,he was so tired,which made him _.(breath)作补语用形容词作补语用形容词,由于到达顶部时由于到达顶部时,

5、he was so tired,所以此处应为所以此处应为:上气不接下气。上气不接下气。breathless weaken 4.The team was becoming weaker and weaker because of his _ in the match.(relax)前面有前面有his,故后面用名词形式。故后面用名词形式。5.Woman is physically but not _ weaker than man.(mental)副词修饰后面的形容词副词修饰后面的形容词,意思为意思为:女子在女子在体力上而不是智力上比男子弱。体力上而不是智力上比男子弱。mentallyrelaxa

6、tion1._ 由于由于2._ 对对上瘾上瘾3._ 习惯于习惯于4._ 作出决定作出决定5._ 想要想要(做做)三、短语翻译三、短语翻译feel like(doing)due tobe addicted tobe/become accustomed todecide on6._ 不顾;不管不顾;不管7._ 冒险冒险8._ 陷入陷入;染染上上(坏习惯坏习惯)9._ 处境危险;遭受危险处境危险;遭受危险10._ 对对有影响有影响have an effect onin spite oftake risks(a risk)get into(the bad habit of)at risk四、课文回顾四

7、、课文回顾 My dear grandson,your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up.By the way,did you know that this is 1_ you become addicted in three different ways?First,you can become physically addicted to nicotine,2_ is one of the hundreds of

8、harmful chemicals in cigarettes.because which This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to 3_(have)nicotine in it.So when the drug leaves your body,you get withdrawal symptoms.I remember 4_(feel)bad-tempered and sometimes even 5_ pain.Secondly,you become addicted through habit.As yo

9、u know,if you do the same thing over and over again,you begin to do 6_ automatically.having feeling in it Lastly,you can become 7_(mental)addicted.I believed I was happier and 8 _(relax)after having a cigarette,so I began to think that I could only feel good when I smoked.I was addicted in all three

10、 ways,9_ it was very difficult to quit.But I 10_ finally manage.mentally more relaxed so did 五、语段改错五、语段改错 When I was young,I didnt know muchabout the harm effects of smoking.I didntknow,for example,that it could do terribledamage your heart and lungs or that it wasthe more difficult for smoking coup

11、les tobecome pregnant.harmfultoI certainly didnt know his babies mayhave a smaller birth weight and even be abnormal in some way.Either did I know that my cigarette smoke couldaffect the health of non-smokers.theirorNeitherTherefore,what I did know was that mygirlfriend thought I smell terrible.She

12、said my breath and clothes smelt,andthat the ends of my finger were turningyellow.She told me that she wouldnt goout with me again if I stopped!unlessHoweversmeltfingers1.harm harmful 修饰名词修饰名词effects,要,要用形容词形式用形容词形式harmful。2.在在damage后加后加to 表示表示“对对造成损造成损害害”为为do damage to。3.去掉去掉more difficult前的前的the 形

13、容词比形容词比较级前一般不需定冠词。较级前一般不需定冠词。4.his their 指代指代couples,用,用their。5.and or 在否定句中表示并列,用在否定句中表示并列,用or。6.Either Neither 表示表示“某人也不某人也不”,用,用neither。7.Therefore However 表示转折关系,且表示转折关系,且空格前后有标点,用副词空格前后有标点,用副词however。8.smell smelt 上下文都是用一般过去时,上下文都是用一般过去时,此处也应用一般过去时。此处也应用一般过去时。9.finger fingers 根据根据ends可知不止一只可知不止

14、一只手指头在变黄,所以手指头在变黄,所以finger要用复数。要用复数。10.if unless 由句意由句意“除非我戒烟,她不除非我戒烟,她不愿跟我一起外出愿跟我一起外出”,用,用unless。重点词汇讲练重点词汇讲练fitnessn.健康健康fitadj.健康的健康的/合适的合适的v.适合适合keep fitbe fit for sb.=keep healthy保持健康保持健康=be suitable for sb.适合某人适合某人unfitbann.禁令禁令v.禁止禁止1.There is a ban on smoking in the public places.2.We are ba

15、nned from bringing mobilephones to our classroom.3.They banned visitors from smoking in the building.4.The government put a ban on the sale of that drug.a ban on.ban sb.from doing sth.关于关于.禁令禁令禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事=forbid sb.to do sth.(forbade,forbidden)允许某人做某事允许某人做某事permit/allow sb.to do sth.一句多译:一句多译:这里禁

16、止游客拍照。这里禁止游客拍照。1.Tourists are banned from taking photos here.2.Tourists are forbidden to take photos here.3.Tourists are not permitted to take photos here.4.Tourists are not allowed to take photos here.1._v./n.禁止禁令禁止禁令2._n./v.压力压力/加压于加压于3._ n.青少年青少年4._ adj.v.健康的,合适的合适健康的,合适的合适5.cigarrette n._6.alcoh

17、ol n._7.obesity n._8.abuse v./n._banstressteenagerfit香烟香烟酒精酒精肥胖肥胖(症症)虐待滥虐待滥用用9.tough adj._10.automatically adv._11.bad-tempered adj._12.adolescent n./adj._13.be addicted to doing sth._14.be accustomed to doing sth._15._由于由于16._适合某人适合某人困难的,强硬的困难的,强硬的无意识地自动地无意识地自动地易怒的易怒的青少年青春期青少年青春期的的沉迷于做某事沉迷于做某事习惯做某事

18、习惯做某事as a result of/because of/due tobe fit/suitable for sb.17._允许某人做某事允许某人做某事18._禁止某人做某事禁止某人做某事 _19._保持健康沉默保持健康沉默20._关于关于.的禁令的禁令permit/allow sb.to do sth.forbid sb.to do sth.ban sb.from doing sth.keep fit/healthy/silenta ban on.stressn.压力压力=pressurev.加压于,强调加压于,强调stressedadj.感到有压力的感到有压力的stressfuladj

19、.令人有压力的令人有压力的be/become addicted to(doing)sth.沉迷于(做)某事;对(做)某事上瘾沉迷于(做)某事;对(做)某事上瘾1.Those who _ should get rid of the habit.2.Some students _that they have lost interest in study.are addicted to shopping onlineare so addicted to surfing the Internet 习惯于做某事习惯于做某事过去常常做某事过去常常做某事被用来做某事被用来做某事used to do sth.

20、be used to do sth.be used to doing sth.=be accustomed to doing sth.=be used for doing sth.1.Some kids _ relying on their parents to make decisions for them.2.The wood _ make chairs and desks.3.Didnt she _live in Germany?4.Youll soon get used to _(live)in the country.5.I used to _(treat)like a beggar

21、.are used tois used touse tolivingbe treated对某人物有影响对某人物有影响have an effect on sb./sth.have an influence on sb./sth.effecteffectiveadj.有效的有效的effectivelyadv.有效地有效地affectv.影响影响1.重大的科学成果将会对我们的生活和社重大的科学成果将会对我们的生活和社会产生积极的影响。会产生积极的影响。2.有烟瘾的他最终成功找到戒烟的一些有有烟瘾的他最终成功找到戒烟的一些有效的方法。效的方法。Great scientific achievements

22、 will have a positive effect on our life and society.He,who was addicted to smoking,managed to find/succeeded in finding some effective ways to quit it eventually.riskn.危险,冒险危险,冒险v.冒险冒险take risks/a riskat riskrisk doing sth.冒险冒险=take chances/a chance=in danger处境危险处境危险冒险做某事冒险做某事decide on(doing)sth.对对

23、(做做)某事作出决定某事作出决定decide to do sth.决定做某事决定做某事be determined to do sth.=make up ones mind to do sth.决心做某事决心做某事make a decision作决定作决定1._(determine)to enter a key university,he worked hard.2.It is about time that we _(decide)on the plan that we should carry out.=It is about time for us _(decide)on the plan

24、 that we should carry out.3.He had made such a wise _(decide)that we all showed great respect for him.decision decided to decide Determinedget into troubleget into the habit of.=form the habit of.陷入麻烦陷入麻烦养成养成.的习惯的习惯feel like doing sth.想要做某事想要做某事=would like to do sth.=want to do sth.quitv.停止停止;离开离开(q

25、uit,quit)(quitting)quit doing sth.=stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事quit schoolquit the job辍学辍学辞职辞职1.Sometimes _(他想要辞职他想要辞职)because it is tiring and boring.2.一旦你养成这些恶习,就难以摆脱它一旦你养成这些恶习,就难以摆脱它们。们。he feels like quitting his jobOnce you get into these bad habits,it is difficult to quit/get rid of them.breathles

26、sadj.气喘吁吁的气喘吁吁的breathbreathev.呼吸呼吸n.呼吸呼吸hold ones breathout of breath屏住呼吸屏住呼吸上气不接下气上气不接下气disappoint使失望使失望disappointeddisappointingadj.令人失望的令人失望的adj.感到失望的感到失望的disappointmentn.失望失望To his parents_,their_ son always makes them _at his _performance.(disappoint)to ones disappointmentbe disappointed at/by

27、sth.令某人失望的是令某人失望的是对某事感到失望对某事感到失望disappointmentdisappointingdisappointeddisappointingashamedadj.感到惭愧羞耻的感到惭愧羞耻的be/feel ashamed of.因因.感到惭愧感到惭愧be ashamed to do sth.耻于做某事耻于做某事shamen.惭愧,羞耻,遗憾的事惭愧,羞耻,遗憾的事It is a pity/shame that.真遗憾真遗憾.1.I am not ashamed to do those things that are beneficial to us.2.He fel

28、t ashamed of teasing the girl whose mother was a cleaner.3.It is a pity that he has lost the opportunity to defeat his opponent due to his wrong judgement.4.Every time he thinks of the incident,he feels ashamed.in spite of不管,尽管不管,尽管,虽然虽然=despite=regardless of1.In spite of his age,he still leads an a

29、ctive life.2.We went out in spite of the fact that it rained heavily3.In spite of having much money,he has no friends.in spite of+短语短语although/though句子句子strengthenstrength(n.)strong(adj.)weakness(n.)weak(adj.)v.加强加强weaken(v.)relaxv.使放松使放松relaxedrelaxingrelaxationadj.感到放松的感到放松的adj.令人放松的令人放松的n.放松放松emb

30、arrassv.使尴尬使尴尬embarrassedembarrassingadj.感到尴尬的感到尴尬的adj.令人尴尬的令人尴尬的embarrassmentn.尴尬尴尬survivev.幸存幸存survivorsurvivaln.幸存者幸存者n.幸存幸存arriveapprovearrivalapprovaljudgev.判断判断judgementn.判断判断1.develop-development 11.employ-employment2.treat-treatment 12.settle-settlement3.amaze-amazement 13.manage-management4

31、.astonish-astonishement14.improve-improvement5.encourage-encouragement15.argue-argument6.disappoint-disappointment 16.agree-agreement7.announce-announcement 17.govern-government8.arrange-arrangement 18.move-movement9.punish-punishement 19.achieve-achievement10.adjust-adjustment 20.excite-excitement+


33、._adj.正常的正常的3._ v.加强加强4._ n.强项强项5._ adj.失望的失望的6._ n.弱点弱点7.desperate adj._8.chemist n._mentalnormalstrengthenstrength绝望的绝望的药剂师药剂师disappointedweakness9._决定做某事决定做某事10._决心决心做某事做某事 _19._想要做某事想要做某事20._因做某事感到惭愧因做某事感到惭愧decide to do sth.make up ones mind to do sth.be determined to do sth.feel like doing sth.

34、be/feel ashamed of doing sth.写作句型仿写写作句型仿写1.They all thought it impossible to finish the task in such a short time.2.I found it quite difficult to get along with him.3.He considered it important to have the work done on time.4.I feel it our duty to protect the environment from being polluted.5.We mak

35、e it a rule to pay a visit to the old every weekend.1.find/consider/feel/believe+it+adj./n.+to do sth.2.make+it+adj./n.+to do sth.3.find/consider/feel/believe/make+it+adj./n.+that.发现认为觉得相信做某事是发现认为觉得相信做某事是.让做某事成为让做某事成为.1.The bridge _(让让.成为可能成为可能)for us to cross the river.2.I _(认为难以认为难以)to quit smokin

36、g once you are addicted to it.3.I found it astonished that he had managed to give it up.makes it possible consider it hardastonishing1.强调句强调句It is/was+强调的部分强调的部分+that/who.2.花费某人多长时间做某事花费某人多长时间做某事It takes/took sb.st.to do sth.=sb.spend(spends/spent)st.(in)doing sth.3.显而易见显而易见/众所周知众所周知.It is/was obvio

37、us(evident,clear)/well-known(known)that.4.据说报道预测建议相信据说报道预测建议相信.It is/was said/reported/predicted/suggested/believed that.5.该是某人做某事的时候了。该是某人做某事的时候了。It is/was(about,high)time that sb.did sth.=It is/was time for sb.to do sth.6.真可惜遗憾真可惜遗憾.It is/was a pity/shame that.7.这是某人第一这是某人第一(二三二三)次做某事次做某事It is/was

38、 the first(second,third.)time that sb.have(has)/had done sth.8.看起来似乎看起来似乎.It seems/appears(seemed/appeared)that.It looks/seems(looked/seemed)as if.9.(对某人来说对某人来说)做某事做某事.It is/was+adj.(necessary/important/easy/difficult/safe/common.)+(for sb.)to do sth.10.某人某人.做某事做某事It is/was+adj.(clever/kind/educated

39、/brave/foolish/.)+of sb.to do sth.It is/was no good/no use/a waste of time/useless/no fun/fun doing sth.11.做某事是没有好处用的。做某事是没有好处用的。It was/is/will be not long before.12.没过多久就没过多久就.1.没过多久他就习惯了那里的生活方式。没过多久他就习惯了那里的生活方式。2.这是我第三次尝试戒掉网络游戏。这是我第三次尝试戒掉网络游戏。3.显而易见他对于伤害了你愧疚不已。显而易见他对于伤害了你愧疚不已。4.该是政府禁止人们继续污染这些河流的时该

40、是政府禁止人们继续污染这些河流的时候了。候了。5.帮助孩子们养成良好的习惯是很有必要的。帮助孩子们养成良好的习惯是很有必要的。6.光说没有采取行动是没有用的。光说没有采取行动是没有用的。7.据建议,你应该首先树立一个目标。据建议,你应该首先树立一个目标。8.正是他的幽默感对孩子们有积极的影响。正是他的幽默感对孩子们有积极的影响。1.It was not long before he was used to the way of life there.2.It/This is the third time that I have attempted to quit/stop/give up In

41、ternet games.3.It is obvious that he is ashamed of hurting you.4.It is time that the government banned people from continuing to pollute the sea.=It is time for the government to ban people from carrying on polluting the sea.5.It is very necessary for parents to help children get into good habits.6.It is no use talking without taking actions.7.It is suggested that you should first set a goal.8.It is his sense of humor that has a positive effect on the children.9.It occurred to/hit him that he had forgotten to turn off the light.Thank You!


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