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1、Unit 6 Terms of Payment2022-10-92Lead-in2022-10-93Lead-ino 商业活动的目的是为了盈利,若付款不能得到保证,那么商业和贸易活动也就失去了意义。因而,支付可以说是国际贸易过程中最为重要的一个环节。o 现在的国际贸易中,最普遍的支付方式有以下三种:汇付、托收、信用证。2022-10-96Lead-in2022-10-97Writing Model2022-10-98买方信函 Payment Letter from BuyerStep 1.向卖方提示合同或订单、以及要支付货款的货物Referring to the contract No.188

2、,we purchased 50 metric tons of White Powder from you.根据第188 号合同,我方向你方订购了50 公吨白面粉。We refer you to the order No.378 for 100 metric tons of cocoa butter.我方向你方提及第378 号订购100 公吨可可脂的订单。With reference to the order No.75,we ordered 2,000 dozens of colored candles.根据第75 号订单,我方订购了2 000 打彩色蜡烛。2022-10-99Step 2.

3、阐明具体的支付方式及原因Owing to the small amount,we suggest making payment by check.由于金额较小,我方建议以支票方式付款。We would like to remit payment as we are long-term partners.鉴于双方长期合作伙伴关系,我方同意采用汇付方式付款。Since it is our first order,it is advisable to make payment by L/C.此为我方第一份订单,故我方可采用信用证方式支付。买方信函 Payment Letter from Buyer2

4、022-10-910Step 3.表示希望卖方能同意己方提出的支付方式We are anticipating your favorable reply.我们期待你方肯定的答复。We hope that you could accommodate us in this respect.我们希望你方能在此方面给予照顾。We hope that you could accept our suggestion that we remit 20%of the contract value as down payment.希望你方能接受我方汇付20%的合同款项作为首付的建议。买方信函 Payment Le

5、tter from Buyer2022-10-911Step 1.通知买方已收到支付方式的信函Thank you for your letter of March 22.感谢贵方3 月22 日的来信。We are pleased to inform you that we have received your letter of August 3 in connection with your order No.476.很高兴通知贵方,我方已收到贵方8 月3 日关于第476 号订单的来信。Your letter of July 8,concerning terms of payment has

6、 been received with thanks.贵方7 月8 日有关支付方式来函已收悉。卖方信函Reply to the Payment Letter2022-10-912卖方信函Reply to the Payment LetterStep 2.表明己方意见,是否同意支付方式及给出相应的原因We are glad to tell you that we agree to make payment on L/C basis.很高兴通知贵方,我方同意采用信用证方式付款。We appreciate the payment terms you referred to,as you are in

7、 urgent need of the machines.由于贵方急需这批机器,我方接受贵方提出的支付方式。With reference to the contract No.43,we regret to say that we are unable to accept your payment terms.关于第43 号合同,我方无法接受贵方的支付条款,对此深表遗憾。2022-10-913卖方信函Reply to the Payment LetterStep 3.表明为达成交易所做的努力,表达与对方合作的意愿In view of your first order,we would like

8、 to accept payment by D/P at sight.鉴于此为贵方的第一份订单,我方愿意接受即期付款交单。We hope you could understand our current situation and amend the shipment date of your L/C.希望贵方能够理解我方现在的处境,修改贵方信用证上的装运日期。We sincerely hope the business could be concluded soon with the cooperation of both sides.诚望双方努力尽快促成交易。2022-10-914Spec

9、imen Letters2022-10-915Letter 1 Requesting Terms of Payment2022-10-916Letter 1 Requesting Terms of Payment2022-10-917Letter 1 Requesting Terms of PaymentCore Vocabularyoin urgent need of:急需oowing to:由于,因为ofavorable reply:肯定答复Super-linko1.见买方Step 1,向卖方提示合同或订单、以及要支付货款的货物o2.见买方Step 2,阐明具体的支付方式及原因o3.见买方

10、Step 3,表示希望卖方能同意所提出的支付方式2022-10-918Letter 2 Declining Terms of Payment2022-10-919Letter 2 Declining Terms of Payment2022-10-920Core Vocabularyoirrevocable L/C:不可撤销的信用证onegotiation:议付oprescribed:规定的ofall in line with:同意Super-linko1.见卖方Step 1,通知买方已收到支付方式的信函o2.见卖方Step 2,表明自己的意见,不同意支付方式及给出相应的原因o3.见卖方Ste

11、p 3,表达与对方合作的意愿Letter 2 Declining Terms of Payment2022-10-921Enhance Your Grammar1.We suggest that you _ our representative in Beijing for your requirements.A.will contact B.contactingC.contact with D.contact2.We could manage to arrange the shipment in August,subject to your L/C _ us no later than Ju

12、ly 15.A.reaches B.being reachedC.reaching D.reach2022-10-922Letter 3 Urging Establishment of an L/C2022-10-923Letter 3 Urging Establishment of an L/C2022-10-924Core Vocabularyostipulation:规定,条款oexpedite:加快,加速Letter 3 Urging Establishment of an L/C2022-10-925Enhance Your Grammar1.As we are _ of these

13、 goods,please expedite shipment after receiving our L/C.A.in badly B.badly in needC.urgent in need D.in urgently need2022-10-926Letter 4 Requesting Amendment to an L/C2022-10-927Letter 4 Requesting Amendment to an L/C2022-10-928Core Vocabularyoon examination:经检查,经审查odiscrepancy:差异,不符otransshipment:转

14、运ofacilitate:使便利,促进Letter 4 Requesting Amendment to an L/C2022-10-929Enhance Your Grammar1.Please open your L/C immediately to facilitate _.A.our shipping arrangement B.for shipmentC.to arrange shipment D.us to arrange shipment2022-10-930Letter 5 Requesting Extension of an L/C2022-10-931Letter 5 Req

15、uesting Extension of an L/C2022-10-932Core Vocabularyoconsignment:一批(运送的)货物ovalidity:有效期oeffect:完成,实现,使发生Letter 5 Requesting Extension of an L/C2022-10-933Enhance Your Grammar1.We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.A.to an effect B.to this effectC.to

16、that effect D.to the effect2022-10-934Mini CasePlease write a reply to a letter pressing for overdue payment.You may use the ideas given below.oThis delay was caused by financial difficulties you are confronted with.oYou will tell the recipient that the payment will be made by T/T soon.oYou may add

17、some other details that you think reasonable.2022-10-935Case Study2022-10-936Case StudyBusiness Background:o 卖方公司:上海绿光进出口公司Shanghai Green Light I/E Corp.o 买方公司:日本东京樱花公司Sakura Co.Tokyo,Japan2022-10-937Case StudyBusiness Background:o上海绿光进出口公司(以下简称“绿光公司”)是一家生产毛绒玩具的公司,产品价廉物美,主要出口日本以及东南亚国家。日本东京樱花公司(以下简称“

18、樱花公司”)于2012 年7 月有意从绿光公司购进一批产品。o由于起初樱花公司开立的信用证No.3843 与销售合同有些许不符之处,信用证经过修改后造成延误,绿光公司不能在最迟装运期2012 年9 月10 日前将货备好。因此,绿光公司要求樱花公司将信用证的装运期和有效期(the dates of shipment and validity)分别延展至2012 年9 月30 日和2012 年10 月15 日。樱花公司进口部经理工藤亮(Kudou Ryo)于2012 年9 月3 日收到绿光公司销售部经理林美琪(Maggie Lin)要求展证的信函。2022-10-938Case StudyBusi

19、ness Background:o请根据上海绿光公司的要求、以日本樱花公司进口部经理工藤亮(Kudou Ryo)的语气及恰当的形式写一封英语回函。Key Words:信用证、延期、装运期、有效期Writing Guidance:o1.说明对方的来信已收悉;o2.表明已根据对方要求进行信用期展期;o3.请对方按时装运货物,并将信用证要求的单据提交给议付行;o4.表示期待收到对方的装运通知。2022-10-939Knowledge Salon2022-10-940Knowledge Salon信用证的一般分类:o 1.跟单信用证 Documentary L/C 和光票信用证 Clean L/Co

20、2.可撤销信用证 Revocable L/C 和不可撤销信用证 Irrevocable L/Co 3.保兑信用证 Confirmed L/C 和非保兑信用证 Unconfirmed L/Co 4.即期信用证 Sight L/C 和远期信用证 Time L/C or Usance L/C2022-10-941Knowledge Salon信用证的主要运作流程:2022-10-942Knowledge Salon信用证的主要运作流程:o(1)出口方与进口方签订合同,以信用证方式支付。o(2)进口方通知开证行按销售合同的条款开立以出口方为受益人的信用证。o(3)开证行开立信用证给出口方的通知行。o(4)通知行核对信用证,将信用证交给出口方。2022-10-943Knowledge Salon信用证的主要运作流程:o(5)出口方检查信用证,确保信用证符合条款,否则应提出修改信用证,在货物装运之前完成修改,避免银行拒付风险。出口方按合同条款装运货物(shipment)、准备单据(shipping documents)、开出汇票(draft)。出口方将货运单据交给通知行,通知行核对后对出口方付款。o(6)通知行将单据转交开证行,向开证行索偿。o(7)开证行核对单据,向通知行付款。o(8)开证行将单据转交进口方,向进口方索偿。进口方凭单据提货。The End!


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