Unit1-Unit 4知识点梳理(ppt课件)-2022秋人教新目标版七年级上册《英语》.pptx

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1、U1-U4复习201课堂导入课堂课堂导入导入知识梳理课堂练习课堂小结课后作业课堂导入a bosom friend after brings distant land near 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。课堂导入同学们,你们听说过艾特熊和赛娜鼠的故事吗?你知道哪些哪些关于友情的名言呢?课堂导入Friendship1、familiar paths and old friends are the best.熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。2、friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.友谊可以增添欢乐,可以分担忧愁。3、a joke never gains an

2、 enemy but often loses a friend.开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。课堂导入Friendship4、admonish your friends in private,praise them in public.在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。5、a friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。6、a life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。课堂导入8、a hedge between keeps friendship green.有一道隔

3、墙会保持友谊常青。9、life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。10、a true friend is known in the day of adversity.疾风知劲草,患难见真情。Friendship课堂导入a faithful friend is hard to find.益友难求。词汇句型篇知识梳理1.thank(v.)(n.)感谢;谢谢2.to(prep.)(同音词num.)二3.one(num.)(adj.)第一4.this(pron.)(pl.)这些5.she(pron.)(名词性物主代词pron

4、.)她的知识梳理thankstwofirstthesehers词汇练习知识梳理6.dictionary(n.)(pl.)词典;字典7.I(pron.)(宾格pron.)我8.four(num.)(同音词prep.)为了;给9.watch(n.)(pl.)表;手表10.tidy(adj.)(近义词adj.)干净的dictionariesmeforwatchesclean知识梳理1.in English 用英语2.telephone/phone number电话号码3.last name 姓4.middle school中学;初中5.have a good day(表示祝愿)过得愉快词组闯关知识梳

5、理6.excuse me 劳驾;请原谅7.thank you for 为而感谢8.ask.for.请求;恳求(给予)9.a set of 一套;一副;一组e on 快点儿词组闯关知识梳理 Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My names Alan.我的名字是艾伦。Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴!This is my friend Jane.这是我的朋友简。These are my brothers.这些是我的兄弟。知识梳理Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。How do you spell it?你如何拼写它?Wheres the sch

6、oolbag?书包在哪儿?Its under the table.它在桌子下面。知识梳理1Good morning!早上好!【考点透析】Good morning!是英语中常见的见面问候语,类似的问候语还有Good afternoon!/Good evening!等。在非正式场合及日常口语中,熟人及朋友之间常用Morning!/Afternoon!/Evening!表达问候。句型整理2.Thats my family.Those are my parents.那是我的家庭。他们是我的父母亲。【用法归纳】辨析family,home,house与room句型整理知识梳理词汇意义及用法例句family

7、着重指家庭、家庭成员或家中的人口My family has lived in this village for over twenty years.我家在这个村子里住了20多年了。知识梳理词汇意义及用法例句home意为“家;家乡”,指一个人出生或居住的地方,含有感情色彩,强调家里的氛围和环境。East or west,home is the best.金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。He lives in China for many years.And this is his second home.他在中国生活了多年。这是他的第二个家乡。词汇意义及用法例句house意为“房屋;住宅”,指居住的房

8、屋They moved to their new house.他们搬进了新家。We went to my aunts house for dinner.我们去我姑姑家吃饭。room意为“房间”,指单人住户使用的房间The room looks very nice.这个房间看上去不错。family可以用作集体名词,表示“家庭”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;也可以用作个体名词,表示“家人”,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。如:His family is large.他的家庭是大家庭。My family are all waiting for the good news.我全家人都在等待这个好消息。考点

9、展示room作不可数名词时,意为“空间,地方”。谓语动词用单数形式。如:There is no more room in the computer file.计算机文件里没有空间了。考点展示4Here are two nice photos of my family.这儿有两张我家人的漂亮照片。【考点透析】(1)Here are.是一个倒装句,表示“这是;这(儿)有”,用于介绍或引入话题,单数概念用Here is.来表示。Here is a letter for you.这儿有你的一封信。(2)two photos of my family的单数是a photo of my family意为“

10、我的一张全家福”,也可表达成my family photo。5.Thanks for the photo of your family.Here is my family photo!谢谢你的全家福。这是我的全家福!【用法归纳】辨析thanks for与thanks to thanks for.(=thank you for.)“因而感谢”for后接名词或动名词。如:Thanks a lot for your help.=Thank you very much for helping me.多谢你的帮助。6Come on,Jack!快点儿,杰克!【考点透析】Come on!用于表示催促、鼓励、

11、安慰等。在此意为“快点儿”,还可用Hurry(up)!表示催促。come back回来;返回come from来自come true实现;成为现实come out出版;出现come up with想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)come around/round/over顺便来访常用短语搭配(一)根据句意及汉语提示写出单词(5分)1Alan is in my school.He is my good _(朋友)2Do you know the_(家庭)next door?3As soon as you get there,please _(打电话)me.4Are these your _(字典

12、)?Yes,they are.5Its not my book._(我的)is black.friend/family/call/dictionaries/mine(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)6Is that your watch in the_(lose)and found box?7You can _(ask)the teacher for help.8His_(one)name is Jack.9Here are two _(photo)of my family.10The computer over there is _(she).photosaskfirstlosthers

13、游戏环节你画我猜小游戏之没有我画不到的,只有你猜不到的对牛弹琴知识梳理猜图你怕了吗?花好月圆知识梳理看出我是那个成语了吗?井底之蛙基础写作篇知识梳理1.some+可数名词复数/不可数名词,常用于肯定句。一些书在书包里面。Some books are in the schoolbag.Found:Some keys are in Classroom 7E.Are they yours?E-mail me at .知识梳理Found:Some keys are in Classroom 7E.Are they yours?E-mail me at .2.e-mail sb.at 按照(某邮箱)给某

14、人发电子邮件 请给我 这个邮箱发邮件。Please e-mail me at 知识梳理Lost I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 685-6034.Thanks.Tom call sb.at 拨打找某人eg:请拨打345-7986找我。Please call me at 345-7986.知识梳理Lost 寻物启事你知道如何写寻物启事吗?寻物启事共包括四部分:1.标题(Lost)2.丢失的东西3.失者的姓名4.联系电话Lost:My ID card.My name is Helen.Please call 532-7138.知

15、识梳理知识梳理范文解析今天下午,我在图书馆弄丢了我的笔记本,封面时蓝白色的。第一页上写了我的名字。笔记本大概有200页,上面记有许多重要的笔记和信息,那些对我很重要。请拾到者与我联系。我的名字叫向云,电话号码是5320147。特在此感谢!如果是你,你会怎么写这封寻物启事呢?知识梳理I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon.Its cover is blue and white.I wrote my name on the first paper.There are about two hundred papers.Many importa

16、nt notes and information are written on it.They are important to me.Will the finder please call me?My name is Xiang Yun and my telephone number is 5320147.Here are my sincere thanks.译文欣赏知识梳理1.Its cover is blue and white.它的壳是蓝色和白色的。cover:名词,意为外壳,外表,尤指事物的表面。例如:The cover of this table is very tough.这个桌

17、子的表面很粗糙。cover:动词,意为覆盖,遮盖。例如:It covers all the floor.它把整个地面都覆盖住了。好词好句知识梳理2.Many important notes and information are written on it.很多重要的笔记和信息都在上面。该句中are written是一个典型的被动语态,从中文的意思上理解,即为信息和笔记是被记在上面的。被动语态基本结构:Be(is/am/are)+done.好词好句知识梳理3.They are important to me.它们对我很重要。be important to sb.意为对某人来说很重要。例如:Th

18、e photo is important to me.It is important for sb.to do sth.对某人来说做某事很重要。(万能公式)例如:It is important for me to learn English.对我来说学习英语很重要。好词好句知识梳理好词好句4.Here are my sincere thanks.在此表达我真诚的谢意。sincere:形容词,意为真诚的例如:Give you my sincere wish.副词:sincerely 真诚地Found 招领 如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢?你需要写Found,分五部分:1.标题(Fou

19、nd)2.拾到的东西3.询问某物是不是失者的4.联系人5.联系电话Found:A watch.Is this your watch?Please call Mike at648-5012.知识梳理知识梳理Found:I am very sad,because my watch is lost.That is my favorite watch.If you find it,please call me at 123-4569.Lost:There is a watch in my house.Is that yours?Call 456-7890.范文展示知识梳理快来试一试,写一篇Lost/F

20、ound吧知识梳理把你们写好的作文,拿出来给大家读一读吧课堂练习一、按要求完成句子1They are my pencils.(改为同义句)2These two boys are his cousins.(对画线部分提问)3Her last name is Smith.(对画线部分提问)The pencils are mine.Who are these two boys?Whats her last name?课堂练习4.My keys are in my grandparents room.(划线提问)5.This is your dictionary.(改为复数形式)Where are y

21、our keys?These are your dictionaries.课堂练习二、根据汉语提示完成句子1请问,这个用英语怎么说?2谢谢你给我看你的全家福。Excuse me,whats this in English?Thank you for showing me your family photo.课堂练习3祝你一天玩得愉快。4你怎样拼写“手表”?5你的铅笔是什么颜色的?Have a good day!How do you spell“watch”?What color is your pencil?课堂练习()1Whats your telephone number?_ 278106

22、.AImBIt CIts DIs it()2Is that a ruler?No,_.Ait is Bit isnt Cthat is Dthat isnt()3All the _ have _ own meanings.Aname,its Bnames,its Cname,their Dnames,their ()4.This is _“h”and thats _“q”.A.a;a B.a;an C.an;a 课堂练习()5.Hello!Are you Amy?_.A.Yes,Im B.No,Im C.No,Im not()6.You can call Gina _ 234-5678.A.i

23、n B.at C.for()7The son of my aunt is my _.Auncle Bbrother Csister Dcousin()8._are good friends.AYou,I and he BHe,you and I CI,you and he DYou,he and I课堂练习完形填空:This is a picture of my 1 .My grandpa and my grandma 2 old.My father is 3 English teacher.He is a 4 man.My mother is a doctor.5 are students.

24、Were in No.2 Middle School.Were not in 6 grade.My brother is 7 Class 1,Grade 2 Im in Class 2,Grade 1.8 name is Lin Tao.Im only 9 .They all like 10 very much.课堂练习()1Afamily Bfamilies Cfamilys Da family()2AisBhas Care Dam()3AtheBan Ca D/()4AEngland BEnglish CChinese DJapan()5AMe and my brother BMy bro

25、ther and me CBrother and me DMy brother and I课堂练习()6Athe sameBa sameCour D/()7AtoBat Cin D/()8AYour BMy CMy brothers DHis()9AtenBsix Cone Dtwenty()10Athem Bme Cit DIkeys:A/C/C/C/D A/C/B/B/B 课堂小结课后作业复习本节课内容,整理笔记基础部分词汇及词组各抄写3遍课后作业阅读理解一This is a room in Kates house.There is a big bed,a table,a computer

26、 and some chairs in it.Theres a glass and some books on the table.There is a picture on the wall.Kate is in the room.She is looking at the picture.Her father and mother are in the school.They work hard.()1Is there only one room in Kates house?AYes,there is.BThere is a bed.CThere is a computer.DI don

27、t know.课后作业()2Whats in the room?AOnly a bed.BOnly a table.COnly some chairs.DA bed,a table,a computer and some chairs.()3Is there anything on the table?AYes,there is.BNo,there isnt.CSome books.DA glass.()4Who is at home?AKates father.BKates mother.CKates brother.DKate.()5Kates father and mother are

28、_.Ateachers Bstudents Cfriends Dat home课后作业My name is Jeff.Im English.But now I live(住)in China.I am a student.This is my classroom.Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom.They are for classmates and me.A big desk is in the classroom,too.Its for my teacher.A clock is on the back w

29、all of the classroom.Next to the clock is a map.Its a map of China.My classroom is nice and clean.I like it very much.阅读理解二课后作业()6.Who is Jeff?A.A schoolboy.B.A schoolgirl.C.A Chinese student D.American.()7.What is Jeff talking about?A.The family.B.The school.C.The classroom.D.The park.()8.Whats on

30、the back wall of the classroom?A.A clock.B.A map.C.A map and a clock.D.A picture.课后作业()9.How many desks are there in the classroom?A.Fifteen.B.Sixteen.C.Thirty.D.Thirty-one.()10.What does the underlined “it”mean in the passage(文章)?A.The classroom.B.The map of China.C.The big desk.D.The school课后作业阅读理解一:D/D/A/D/A阅读理解二:A/C/C/A/A谢谢!


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