UNIT1 Life choice Lesson 1 词汇(ppt课件) -2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、lesson 1单词lifestyle n.生活方式 life/style 助记 life(n.生活)+style(n.风格,方式)-lifestyle生活方式充满压力的生活方式放松的生活方式stressful lifestylerelaxing lifestylechat vi/n 闲谈,聊天 教材语境P8 to chat with friends online 1.vi.聊天,闲聊 常见搭配:chat with/to sb.chat about sth.He returned to the room several hours later,and stayed there to chat

2、with Jack for a while.几个小时后,他回到了房间,并待在那儿和杰克闲聊了一会儿。We met occasionally(偶尔;偶然)to chat about the good old days at school.我们偶尔相聚,畅谈往昔上学时的大好时光。在网上和朋友聊天与某人闲聊闲聊某事chat vi/n 闲谈,聊天2.n.C聊天,闲谈 have a chat with sb.(about sth.)与某人闲聊(某事)She said she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me.她

3、说她要路过巴黎,想跟我聊一聊。chat vi/n 闲谈,聊天 语法填空1.Wechat,where you can chat _your friends,makes communication easy.2.The couple chatted _ their happy times in London on their way home yesterday.3.Great!I would like to visit him and have a chat_ him _my new plan.withaboutwithaboutsurf vi/vt 冲浪 surf the Intrenet 网

4、上冲浪,浏览因特网voluntary adj.志愿的;服务的;自愿的 vo/lun/ta/ry 教材语境P8 to do voluntary work 做志愿工作 voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的 做志愿工作eg.In my spare time,I do some voluntary work at the local hospital.在我闲时,我在当地医院做一些志愿工作。do voluntary workvoluntary volunteer归纳拓展相关词语积累:volunteer (1)vi/vt 自愿(做某事),自告奋勇 volunteer to do sth.自愿/主动提

5、出做某事eg.According to the research,people feel good when they volunteer to do something meaningful for other people.根据这项研究,人们自愿为他人做些有意义的事情时感觉良好。(2)n.C志愿者,义务工作者some college students are teaching in the poor mountain areas as volunteers.一些大学生作为志愿者在穷困的山区任教。语境串记 As a volunteer,he often does voluntary work

6、,and he thinks its his responsibility to volunteer to help those people in need.作为一名志愿者,他经常做志愿工作,他认为自愿帮助那些需要帮助的人是他的责任。语法填空1.Over the last 30 years,the number of people taking part in_(volunteer)work has increased sharply.2 My neighbors volunteered _(take)care of my pet dog while I was on vacation la

7、st summer.从公司退休后,她为一家慈善机构做志愿工作。Since she retired from the company,she_for a chairty.(voluntary)她现在作为一名志愿者每周在当地一所学校帮忙3天。She now helps in a local school_three days a week.voluntaryto takehas done voluntary workas a volunteerengine n.引擎 en/gine engine trouble 引擎故障 start/switch on an engine 发动引擎 stop/tu

8、rn off/switch off an engine 关闭引擎 search engine搜索引擎on a search engine 联想词 engineer n.工程师;机械师definitely adv.确切地,肯定地 de/fi/nite/ly 助记:definite(adj.明确的,一定的)+-ly(副词后缀)=definitelyteen n.少年,十几岁的孩子teenager n.青少年laptop n.笔记本电脑,便携式电脑native n.本地人 na/tive 教材语境P8Im a.digital native!我是一位数字原住民!(1).n.C本地人;出生于某国(或某地

9、)的人;本地的动物(或植物)常见搭配 a native of.本地人;原产于的动物(或植物)eg.She s a native of France who moved to Spain when she was15.You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.The kangaroo is a native of Australia.(2)adj.本地的;出生地的;原产于某地的,土产的 常见搭配 native land/country/language/speaker故乡/祖国/母语/母语使用者

10、 be native to.原产于 eg.Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom.The panda is native to China.digital adj.数字的,数码的 di/gi/tal digital camera 1.语法填空-Are you a native _this town?No.I was born in New York,but this is where I grew up.(2021广东中山期末)The Kiwi is nati

11、ve_New Zealand and is the symbol of the country.2.单句写作 中国是我们的祖国,汉语是我们的母语。(native)China is our native country and Chinese is our native language.oftorange n.一系列;范围 I do a wide range of things online.我在网上做各种各样事情。【词义图解】1.语法填空(北京高考单项填空改编)The national park has a large collection of wildlife,ranging_ butt

12、erflies_ elephants.2.单句写作(用 range的相关短语)这家超市出售各种各样的商品。它们的价格从几元到几百元不等。The supermarket sells a wide range of goods.Their prices range from several yuan to several hundred yuan.fromtorange n.一系列,范围;v.排列,变动*Besides these traditional activities,we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visit

13、ing our relatives or friends.除了这些传统活动,我们还有一些更广泛的选择,比如旅游和拜访我们的亲戚、朋友。*The price of the house is so high that it is well beyond/out of our range.这栋房子的价格太高了,远远超过了我们能承受的范围。*Now the number of fires in NSW ranges from 100 to 300 in Australian Media reports.据澳大利亚媒体报道,新南威尔士州目前火灾的数量从100起至300起不等。various adj.各种

14、各样的;多种(类型)的 va/rious.I also shop for various things online,such as books,computer hardware and other necesities.我还在网上购买各种东西,比如书、电脑硬件和其他必需品。(2020天津高考)Restaurants can offer a choice of music along with the various food choices.餐厅可以提供音乐和各种食物的选择。*One of the advantages is that we can find a variety of to

15、pics,such as science,culture and history.其中优势之一是我们能够找到各种主题,如科学、文化和历史。variety n.U 变化;sing.多种式样,(同一事物的)不同种类a variety of+n.=various+n.各种各样的词块积累(1)for various reasons由于种种原因(2)variety n.变化;多样性;种类 a variety of=varieties of=all kinds of种类繁多的,各种各样的(3)varyvt.&vi.改变;变化 vary from.to.从到变化不等 vary with随而变化 The re

16、search team is made up of the pupils,whose ages vary from 10 to 15.这个研究小组是由年龄从十岁到十五岁不等的学生组成的。语法填空 There are_(variety)things on sale,so you can choose whatever interests you.结合variety 的用法完成句子。这家博物馆有种类繁多的独特的收藏品,每天吸引着大量的参观者。The museum owns_unique collections,attracting a number of visitors every day.va

17、riousvarious/a variety ofhardware n.(计算机)硬件necessity n.必需品 ne/ce/ssi/tyeg.Many people cant even afford basic necessities such as food and clothing.许多人甚至买不起食物和衣服之类的基本必需品。necessary adj.必要的It is+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.convenient adj.方便的,便利的 con/ve/nient教材语境P8 Its so convenient to be able to compare t

18、he quality and prices from different online shops before I buy.购物前,能够比较不同的网络商店的质量和价格是非常方便的。convenient adj.方便的,便利的;近便的,容易到达的常见搭配 It is convenient(for sb.)to do sth.(对某人而言)做某事是方便的。.is convenient for sb./sth .对某人/某物来说是方便的。.is convenient for/to.到.近便It is very convenient for me to pay by Alipay or Wechat

19、.Is three oclock convenient for you?Our house is very convenient for the childrens school.特别提醒 convenient作表语时,不可用人作主语,要用物作主语或用it充当形式主语。表达“如果你方便的话”时,应用 if it is convenient for you。表达在你方便的时候”,用 when it is convenient for you。当你方便的时候,我们和你的家人一起出去野餐吧。Lets go out and have a picnic with your family when you

20、 are convenient.Lets go out and have a picnic with your family when it is convenient for you.词块积累(1)if convenient如果方便的话 It is convenient for sb.to do.对某人来说做很方便(2)convenience n.方便;便利;便利的事物 at ones convenience在某人方便时 for convenience为方便起见 for the convenience of为了方便(3)conveniently adv.方便地 相关词语积累 convenie

21、nt adj.方便的;近便的 -inconvenient adj.不方便的 convenience n.U 方便,便利;C 便利的事物(或设施),方便的用具=inconvenience U不便,麻烦;C不便之处 for the convenience of 为方便 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候 eg.Can you telephone me at your convenience to arrange a meeting?你能不能在方时给我来个电话,安排一次会面?I bought this apartment for convenience,because it i

22、s very convenient for the bus stations and it has a lot of conveniences.我买这套公寓是为了方便,因为它离公共汽车站很近,也有很多便利设施。语法填空1.Would it be_(convenience)for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport 2.We can meet to discuss this matter further_ your convenience.结合 convenient的用法完成句子如果方便的话,请帮我在面包房买点面

23、包。_,please help to buy some bread for me in the bakery.我们学校的实验室有一流的科学设备,所以做实验很方便。We have first-class scientific equipment in our school lab,so_do experiments.这个小镇离机场很近。The town _ the airport.convenientatIf it is convenient for youit is very convenient tois very convenient for/toquality n.质量,品质 qua/l

24、i/ty(1)n.U,C质量,品质常见搭配 of good/high/poor quality质量好/优/差(常作表语和后置定语)quality of life生活质量eg.Nowadays people are very concerned about the safety and qualitly of food.如今,人们非常关心食品安全和质量。This model is of good/high quality,but it is too expensive.这个型号质量好,但它大贵了。quality n.质量,品质 qua/li/ty(2)n.C(尤指好的)人品,素质,品德 He h

25、as a lot of good qualities but being organized isnt one of them.他有许多优秀品质,可就是缺乏条理性。(3)nC,特征,特色,特质One quality of this new material is that it is unbreakable.这种新材料的一个特点是抗破损。判断下列句子中 quality的含义1.China is making great efforts to develop its economy so as to improve the quality of peoples lives.质量2.(江苏南京模考

26、)Patience is a quality which success feeds on.品德3.Hardness is a quality of steel.特征from time to time有时;偶尔;间或 教材语境P8 I also play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room!我也时不时玩电脑游戏,甚至还用起居室的电视屏幕打网球(游戏)!用法详解 from time to time 意为”不时,有时,偶尔,间或”,常在句中

27、作状语。其同义词(语)有:sometimes,at times,now and then。Keep your head up,and look around you from time to time.抬起头,时不时看看你的四周。*(2020新高考全国卷)Her 68-year-old mother helped take care of the children at times.她68岁的母亲有时帮忙照顾孩子。【词块积累】in time及时,终于on time按时at times有时ahead of time提前,提早at a time每次;逐一at one time一度;曾经all th

28、e time始终;一直by the time到的时候(通常和完成时态连用)情景填空(用time的相关短语)_(曾经)Jane and I were good friends.She was a kind girl and I liked to turn to her for help when I was in trouble,because I knew she would always solve the problems_(及时).Jane was clever,and_(同时)she was diligent.She always finished her homework_(提前)s

29、o that she could have time to practice writing.My house is convenient to hers,so_(有时)we took a walk along the river after supper.At one timein timeat the same timeahead of timefrom time to time/at timesliving room 起居室addict n.对着迷的人 教材语境P8 My parents are worried that I may become an Internet addict“.

30、我父母担心我会成为一个网迷。用法详解 addict n.C对入迷的人 常见搭配 Internet addict网迷 TV addict电视迷 She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.相关词语积累:(1)addiction n.U,C瘾,入迷 Internet/online shopping addiction网瘾/网购瘾(2)addicted adj.上瘾的;入迷的(说明人的状态,不可用于名词前)be/become addicted to沉溺于;迷上.(to是介词)He is so addicted to Chinese cultur

31、e that he decides to attend online Chinese courses.【词块积累】(1)addicted adj.(人)上瘾的be/become addicted to对有瘾;热衷于(2)addiction n.入迷;上瘾(3)addictive adj.上瘾的 As you know,Tom used to be a video game addict and he was addicted to video games many years.However,he made great efforts to get rid of his addiction l

32、ast year.正如你所知道的那样,汤姆曾经是一个电子游戏迷,他迷上电子游戏很多年了。然而,去年他尽全力戒了他的游戏。语法填空 1.As your close friend,Id like to talk about the harm of the Internet_(addict)to you.2.Not realizing that children will be_(addict)to junk food,many parents do not take ther eating snacks seriously.3.More and more children are addicted

33、 to_(play)computer games online,which does harm not only to their studies,but also to their health.addictionaddictedplayingaccording to 按所说,根据 教材语境P8 According to them,there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends.在他们看来,我可能无法判断这些人是否是真朋友,这是危险的。用法详解 according

34、to意为”据所说;按照,为短语介词。According to the health program,developing healthy habits is very important to your children.根据这个健康计划,养成健康的习惯对你的孩子来说是非常重要的。特别提醒 according to不能表示来自说话人本人的信息,故不能用 according to me/my,而要用 In my opinion。完成句子 1._(根据)the weather forecast(天气预报),the temperature will drop a lot tomorrow.2._(在

35、我看来),schools not only provide us with knowledge,but also help us develop ourselves and make us better prepared for our future lives.According toIn my opinionin person 亲自person n.人personal adj.个人的media n.新闻媒体,大众传播媒介(总称)social media 社交媒体actually adv.实际上,事实上in fact 事实上,实际上drag vt.拖,拉drag-dragged-dragge

36、dtend to so sth.易于做某事 教材语境P8 I tend to set a goal for every subject at the beginning of each term.我往往会在每学期开始时为每个科目都设定一个目标。tend to do sth.意为”往往会发生某事,易于做某事。We tend to get cold winters and warm and dry summers in this part of our country.在我国这个地区,往往冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥。People under stress tend to reach their tru

37、e potential。处于压力下的人容易发挥他们真正的潜力。(1)tend vi.往往会;倾向,趋于;.vt.vi.照管,照料tend(to)sb./sth.照料/照管某人/某物Several nurses carefully tended(to)the sick man.几位护土悉心地照料这个病人。(2)tendency nC倾向;趋势have a tendency to do sth.有做某事的倾向She has a tendency to talk fast when she is nervous.她紧张时往往会说话快。语法填空 1.Its said that the elderly

38、who are regularly accompanied(陪伴)by their family members tend_(live)longer and more happily.2.There is a growing_(tend)for people to work at home instead of at the office.3.Busy with daily office tasks.she had no time to tend_her children.to livetendencytogoal n.目标,目的set a goal设定一个目标achieve/realize

39、a goal实现目标goat n.山羊aim n.目的,意图;vi.力求达到 教材语境P9 My aim is to do well in every subject this term.这个学期,我的自标是把每门课都学好。(1)n.C目标,目的 常见搭配 with the aim of为了,目的是 achieve ones aim实现目标;达到目的 The aim of this activity is to teach young people to think independently and not to follow others blindly.这个活动的目的是教年轻人要独立思考

40、而不是盲目地听从他人。She visited the school with the aim of seeing the library.她参观学校的目的是看看图书馆。(2)vi.vt.力求达到,力争做到 aim at(doing)sth.力求做某事 aim to do sth.力求做某事 aim at/for sth.力争得到某物 Earth Day is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection.地球日是一年一度的活动,旨在加强公众的环境保护意识。You should ca

41、rry out your plan carefully and aim for the best result.你应该小心执行计划,力争取得最好的结果。(3).目的是,旨在;针对,对象是 be aimed at(doing).旨在(做).;目的是(做).be aimed at sth.针对某人,对象是某人 主语一般是物 This activity is aimed at improving students ability of listening and speaking,which is very popular.这项旨在提升学生听说能力的活动非常受欢迎。The programme is

42、aimed at the teenage audience.这个节目针对的是十几岁的观众。(4)vt.vi.瞄准,对准 aim(sth.)at sb./sth.(把)瞄准 She aimed the telescope at a point in the eastern sky.她把望远镜对准东边天空的一个点。归纳拓展相关词语积累:aimless adj.无目标的 aimlessly adv.漫无目的地【词块积累】(1)achieve ones aim达到某人的目的;实现某人的目标take aim at 向瞄准with the aim of以为目标;意在(2)aim at doing sth.

43、/aim to do sth.意欲/企图/旨在做某事be aimed at目的是,旨在(3)aimless adj.无目的的;无目标的aimlessly adv.漫无目的地;无目标地 1.语法填空(1)A variety of after-school activities are aimed_building up students physical strength and confidence.(2)Lots of magazines and research pape are put out_the aim of meeting readers need for specific kn

44、owledge.(3)Jane moved_(aimless)down the tree-lined street,not knowing where she was heading.2.结合aim的用法完成句子 要达到这些目标需要团队合作。Teamwork is required in order to_.这门旨在提高学生的沟通技巧的课程深受学生的欢迎。The course which_ improving students communication skills is very popular with them.atwithaimlesslyachieve these aimsis a

45、imed attarget n.目标update vt.更新meanwhile adv.与此同时distance n.距离,间距 教材语境P9 Meanwhile,Im an active member of my schools long-distance running team and volunteering club.同时,我也是我们学校长跑队和志愿者俱乐部的一名积极分子。用法详解(1).C,U距离;sing.远方;U遥远 in the distance在远处 at a distance离一段距离,从远处(=from a distance)at/from a distance of.

46、从远的地方(of后跟具体的距离)I can see lights in the distance.We slept in a tent,cooked over an open fire,and walked a long distance to take the shower and use the bathroom.我们住在帐篷里,在野外烧火做饭,走很长一段路去洗澡和上厕所。(全国卷)The tower can be seen from a distance of 30 miles.从30英里远的地方就可以看到这座塔。distance n.距离,间距(2)n.U,C冷淡,疏远 常见搭配 ke

47、ep sb.at a distance同某人疏远;对某人冷淡;与某人保持一定距离 It is very difficult to get to know her because she always keeps everyone at a distance.了解她很难,因为她总是与每个人都保持一定的距离。distance n.距离;远方;遥远;疏远distant adj.遥远的;远亲的be distant from.离.远distantly adv.很远地;冷淡地;远亲关系地 语法填空 1.If you have good eyesight,you will be able to see th

48、e building_the distance.2.We could see nothing in the thick fog_a distance of ten metres,so we got lost.3.His house stands on a hill and can be seen from a_ of two miles while my house is ten miles_from his,and our two families are_ related(distant).inat/fromdistancedistantdistantlyrevise vi./vt.复习I

49、 spent the weekend revising for my exam.我花了整个周末复习备考。saying n.格言,谚语“Accidents will happen”,as the saying goes.常言道:”意外事,总难免。“ahead adv.在前面;向前go ahead 取得进步,获得成功1.一个轻松的生活方式2.与朋友网上聊天3.网上冲浪4.做志愿者工作5.在搜索引擎上找信息6.一个数码相机7.本地语言8.大范围的选择9.各种必需品10.方便某人去做某事a relaxing lifestylechat with friends onlinesurf the inter

50、netdo voluntary workfind information on the search enginea digital cameranative languagea wide range of choicesvarious necessities/a variety of necessitiesIt is convenient for sb.to do sth.11.有时,偶尔12.痴迷于打电脑游戏13.一直做某事14.强迫某人不做某事15.的开始16.易于做某事17.我的目标是18.保持更新19.实现目标20.分秒必争keep doing sth.drag sb./onesel


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