Unit1 Lesson2 Language points for Reading (ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit1Back to schoolComplete the questionnaire alone first.1.How did you feel on your first day at Senior High?excited nervous happy curious proud other _happy 高兴的高兴的nervous 紧张的紧张的excited 兴奋的兴奋的curious 好奇的好奇的proud 自豪的自豪的 sad 悲伤的悲伤的Lead-inWhen we speak of school life,what can you think of?Lead-inWhen

2、we speak of school life,what can you think of?School lifedreamchallengeteacherknowledgehappinesssadnessactivitysuccessRealizing your potentialTask 1:Spell out the words below,and then find and underline the sentences that contain them before reading them fluently.Build your vocabulary1._ n.潜力,可能性 2.

3、_ n.道路;成功途径3._ n.&vt.挑战;质疑4._ adj.积极乐观的;良好的,正面的5._ vt.获得,得到6._ n.进步;前进 vt.&vi.发展,进步7._ n.资源;资料;谋略8._ n.态度,看法9._ vt.同等重视 n.均衡;平衡能力10._ n.个人 adj.单独的,个别的potentialpathchallengepositiveacquireadvanceresourceattitudebalanceindividual1.Realizing your potential 发挥你的潜力 potential n.潜力;可能性 have the potential t

4、o do sth.有潜力做某事 achieve /realize your(full)potential 发挥你的(全部)潜力 eg The company has the potential for growth.这家公司有成长的潜力potentiallyadj.潜在的,可能的potential benefit/problem 潜在的好处/问题potential danger/risk 潜在的危险语法填空the technology has the potential _(change)our transportation systems and our cities(2018 北京卷阅读)

5、to changepath n.小路,小径;路线,道路;成功的途径a career paththe path to success成功之路2.I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.我迫不及待地要向你们描述一下高中生活是什么样子的。cant wait to do sth.:迫不及待地要去做某事 cant help doing sth.不禁、忍不住做某事 cant help(to)do sth.不能帮助做某事 cant help but do sth.不得不做某事3.The path before y

6、ou leads to a world full of challenges:a new environment,new knowledge and new ways of thinking.你们面前的道路将通向一个充满挑战的世界:新环境、新知识和新思维方式。challenge n.挑战 the challenge of doing sth.做某事的挑战 face/accept a challenge 面对/接受挑战vt.挑战;质疑challenge sb.to do sth.向某人挑战做某事challenging adj.具有挑战性的challenger n.挑战者positivenegat

7、ivepositivelynegativelya positive attitude/outlook 乐观的态度 be positive about 对、有信心have positive effects on/upon sth对、产生积极的影响opportunity n.机会;时机 catch/seize the opportunity抓住/利用机会take the opportunity to do sth.把握住机会Its an opportunity for sb.to do sth.4.However,for those of you with a positive mind,oppo

8、rtunity lies in each challenge.但是,对你们当中思维积极的人来说,机会存在于每一个挑战中。lie in:位于,存在于lie in bed lie down lie on ones back/side/stomach eg The town lies in a small wooded valley.该镇坐落于一个林木茂盛的山谷中。卧床躺下仰卧/侧卧/俯卧【lay/lie】中文意思中文意思原原形形词性词性过去过去式式过去过去分词分词现在分现在分词词放置;产放置;产(卵);设置(卵);设置layvt._laidlaying躺;位于躺;位于lievi.laylain_说

9、谎说谎_vi.lied_lyinglaid lying lielied【语境应用】用lie或lay的适当形式填空。1)Tom got punished because he _ to his parents yesterday.2)He _ in bed the whole night,awake and in the morning he fell asleep.3)Last night I _ my mobile phone on the sofa,but its now nowhere to be seen.4)When the boy opened his eyes,he found

10、himself _ in a bed.liedlay laidlyingrise vi.起身,升高,增加,上涨,提高raise vt.举起,筹集,养育,提高 rise to 能够处理rise up 起义raise your handraise moneyraise pigsraise the curtain5.you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge 你将有机会获得大量知识 acquire vt.获得 得到 acquirement n.学得;才能;成就 【语境应用】语法填空 It took him a long time

11、_(acquire)the skills he needed to become a good dancer.(2018 天津)to acquire区分acquire,obtain,achieveacquire,多指通过努力逐步获得才能,知识,习惯;obtain,(通过买、借、拿等)获得;achieve,取得,获得,多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。efforteffortlesseffortlesslymake efforts to do=make every effort to do尽一切努力做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事6.Who knowswhat

12、medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop!谁知道你会取得什么样的医学进步,你会开发出什么惊人的技术!advance n.进步;前进 in advance 预先,提前 vt.&vi.发展,进步 advance on/upon/towards 向推进/挺进【拓展】advanced adj.高级的,进步的【语境应用】完成句子1)I should warn you _ that Im not a very good dancer.我得事先提醒你,我跳舞不是很好。in advanceamazi

13、ng adj.令人大为惊奇的,令人惊喜的amaze vt.使惊奇amazed adj.惊奇的,惊讶的amazing adj.令人惊奇的amazement n.惊奇,吃惊be amazed at/by 对感到惊讶in amazement 吃惊地to ones amazement 令某人吃惊的是一般用来形容人的感受一般用来形容事或物本身具有的性质【语境应用】用amaze 的适当形式填空。1.The presidents death _ the whole country.2.His _ success is known to us all.3.I was _ at his rapid progre

14、ss in English.4.To my _,he ate the whole lot.amazed amazing amazed amazementconfidentconfidentlyconfidencebe confident in/ofhave confidence in对有信心/信任 self-confidentself-confidence7.and I have confidence in your ability to make a difference to your family 我相信你有能力影响你的家庭 make a difference:起作用,有影响【拓展】ma

15、ke a big difference to 对有很大的影响 make no difference to 对没有作用/影响 make some difference to 对有些作用或影响【语境应用】根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1)你是去是留对我都无所谓。It doesnt _ to me whether you go or stay.2)学习驾驶时,若有一位好教练指导,效果则大不相同。When youre learning to drive,having a good teacher makes _.make any differencea big difference8.To fully r

16、ealize your potential,it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.为了充分发挥你的潜力,充分利用学校的资源对你来说是重要的。make the most of:充分利用,尽情享受 make good/full use of 好好利用,充分利用 make the best of 充分利用,尽情享受eg George studied hard.He wanted to make the most of his chance to learn.乔治学习很努力,他想利用一切机会学习。resourc

17、esourcenatural resources 自然资源rich/limited resources 丰富的/有限的资源9.Parents should actively urge their children to take advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.家长应积极鼓励孩子利用这个机会参加运动队。take advantage of:利用;占(某人的)便宜有关advantage的短语:have an advantage of 有的优势;have/give sb.an advantage over(使某人)在方面有优势to

18、ones advantage 对某人有利gain an advantage 取得优势10.Of equal importance are good study habits,useful skills and a positive attitude.同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能和积极的态度。equal adj.相同的,平等的;能胜任的 vt.比得上 be equal to 与相等;能胜任 n.同等的人(物)be without equal/have no equal 出类拔萃,首屈一指eg The film has no equal in cinema history.这部电影在电

19、影史上无与伦比。再多的金钱也比不上那样的记忆。vt.与相等;比得上eg No amount of money can equal memories like that.【拓展】equally adv.平等地,同样地 equality n.同等;平等,相等【语境应用语境应用】写出句子中写出句子中equal的词性及含义。的词性及含义。1)This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled._2)The company has an equal opportunities policy._3)There is an equal number of boy

20、s and girls in the class._4)Two plus two equals four._动词;比得上,敌得过 形容词;相同的,相等的 动词;与相等,等于形容词;平等的,同等的attitudehave a positive attitude towards lifegoalgoalkeeperset a goalreach/realize/achieve ones goal11.Carefully plan your study,set clear goals and balance your schoolwork with other activities.仔细计划你的学习

21、,设定明确的目标,平衡你的学业和其他活动。balance vt.同等重视;(使)保持平衡 n.平衡;平衡能力【拓展】keep ones balance 保持平衡,保持镇静lose ones balance失去平衡,慌乱keep a balance between.and.保持与间的均衡on balance 总的说来,两相比较,收支相抵off/out of balance失去平衡in the balance悬而未决12.As a senior high school student,you must make efforts to improve your communication and p

22、roblem-solving.作为一名高中生,你必须努力提高你的沟通和解决问题的能力。improve vt.&vi.改进,改善 eg He said he was going to improve his football.他说他要提高足球技术。Improvement n.13.Last but not least,always look on the bright side and never lose hope,even in difficult situations.最后但同样重要的,即使在困难的情况下,总是看到光明的一面,并且永远不要失去希望。last but not least:最后

23、但同样重要 eg Last but not least,I want to spend more time with family and friends.最后但同样最要的是,我想多花些时间和家人、朋友在一起。14.Senior high school will help you learn and grow,yet you alone are responsible for realizing your great potential.高中可以帮助你学习和成长,但只有你才能发挥你巨大的潜力。responsible adj.有责任,负责;可靠的 be responsible for 对负责/有

24、责任last but not leastFirstly,Secondly,Finally,on one handon the other handfor one thingfor another thingbesides/whats more/in additioneg The airline is legally responsible for the safety of its passengers.航空公司对乘客的安全负有法律责任。irresponsible adj.不负责任的responsibility n.责任;职责have/take responsibility for 对有责任/

25、负责 a sense of responsibility 责任感escape/avoid responsibility 逃避/回避责任【语境应用】语法填空1.Residents are responsible _ keeping their rooms,kitchens and shower rooms clean and tidy.(2019 天津)2.Parents need to inspire a sense of _(responsible)in their children.for responsibility15.In fact,Im looking forward to bei

26、ng more independent and responsible for my own learning.事实上,我希望自己能更加独立,对自己的学习负责。look forward to:盼望,期待 look forward to中to是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。介词to的短语:pay attention to 注意get down to 开始认真做be/get used to 习惯于refer to 谈到,查阅,指的是stick to 坚持lead to 导致,通往aheadahead of timethink aheadlook aheadgo ahead 走在前面in advan

27、cefocusfocus on/uponfocus/fix/concentrate ones eyes/attention on/upon sb./sth.with ones eyes focused/fixed on sth.Keep you focused【语境应用语境应用】完成句子。完成句子。1)接下来一个月,我希望多点时间和我的朋友接下来一个月,我希望多点时间和我的朋友相处。相处。In the coming months,I _ _.2)I am looking forward to _(meet)you next time.look forward tospending more t

28、ime with my friendsmeeting1.To fully realize your potential,it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.为了充分发挥你的潜力,充分利用学校的资源对你来说是重要的。【分析】本句式中it做形式主语,不定式作真正主语。It is+adj.+(for sb.)to do sth.结构中,for前面的形容词通常是difficult,necessary,important,quick,easy等。多与事物的特征有关。It is+adj.+(of sb.)to do sth.结构中,of前面的形容词通常是wise,kind,stupid,silly,bright,nice,good等,多与人的性格特点有关。Its no use doing sth.做某事是没用的Its a pity/a shame/that可惜/遗憾【仿写】1.对学生们来说,学习一门外语是重要的。It is important for the students to learn a foreign language.2.对任何紧急情况快速作出反应是很有必要的。It is quite necessary to react quickly to any emergency.


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