Unit 1 Back to school Integrated skills (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 1 Integrated skills Starting a new school club制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 本板块围绕单元话题,以本板块围绕单元话题,以“创建创建校园俱乐部校园俱乐部/社团社团”创设情境,展创设情境,展开一系列具有综合性、关联性和实开一系列具有综合性、关联性和实践性的听、读、说、写等学习活动。践性的听、读、说、写等学习活动。教学活动首先引导学生获取教学活动首先引导学生获取建议书建议书文体特征文体特征的知识;再组织学生就的知识;再组织学生就“创建校园俱乐部创建校园俱乐部”这一话题展开这一话题展开讨论;最后完成给学校讨论

2、;最后完成给学校写一封建议写一封建议书书的任务。的任务。教学目标教学目标 By the end of this section.We will be able to:1.describe the details of starting a new school club;2.analyse and summarize the features of a formal proposal;3.discuss and compose kmpz(撰写撰写)a formal proposal about starting a new school club.Answer the following qu

3、estions before listening.(1)Have you ever joined a school club?Was it interesting?Option 1:Yes.I have joined the Music Club.Its fun to learn how to play a new instrument.Option 2:Option 3:Yes.I have joined the Ping-pong Club.Playing ping-pong has made me relaxed and also exercised my body.Yes,I have

4、 joined the Computer Club.Having a good command of the Internet has helped me have easier access to the information I need.对互联网的熟练掌握帮助我更容易地获取我需要的信息。(2)Have you ever thought of starting a new school club?What preparations will you make for it?Yes.I will make the following preparations preprenz:Discus

5、s what club Id like to start.Search for some relevant information.Find a place for the club.Fix the time for holding club meetings.A.Maggie mg is talking to Mr.Zhou about starting a new school club.Listen and finish the exercises below.P8 A1.Listen to Maggie and Mr.Zhous conversation and put the ste

6、ps it takes to start a new school club in the correct order.Write the letters in the boxes.a.Give the signed proposal to Mr.Zhou.b.With Mr.Zhous help,find a place for the club and set up(安排;安排;策划策划)the first meeting.c.Write a proposal for the new club.d.Wait for the proposal to be accepted by the pr

7、incipal.e.Find at least five students to sign up for报名报名(参加课程参加课程)the first meeting.Tapescript Maggie:Hello,Mr.Zhou.May I talk to you?Its about school clubs.Mr.Zhou:Sure,Maggie!What is it?ce a d b Maggie:Ive heard that students can start their own clubs.Could you tell me how to do it?Mr.Zhou:Sure!Yo

8、u just need to write a proposal about your plans.What type of club do you want to start?It should help students learn a useful skill-you cant have a“juice-drinking club”,for example,or the principal wont agree to(应允;答应;同意应允;答应;同意)it!Maggie:Thats fine!I want to practise short story writing,and I have

9、 noticed we dont have a short story writing club.Would that be OK?Mr.Zhou:That sounds like a great idea.In your proposal,youll need to mention the name of the club,the name of the club leader,the aims of the club and the time the club will meet each week.Then youll need to write about the activities

10、 you plan to organize at the club.You should also mention any materials youll need,and how youre going to find new members.When your proposal is ready,you must find at least five students,including you,to sign up for the first meeting.Then give your proposal to me.Maggie:OK,what happens after that?M

11、r.Zhou:Ill look at your proposal,and if its good enough,Ill give it to the principal.Once he agrees,Ill help you find a place for the club and set up your first meeting!Maggie:Thank you so much,Mr.Zhou!Im going to write my proposal right away.A2.Listen to Maggie and Mr.Zhous conversation again and c

12、omplete the notes below.P8 Maggies new school club Purpose of starting a new club To help students(1)_ Type of club Maggie wants to start A(2)_learn a useful skillshort story writing Information the proposal must containThe name of the clubThe name of the(3)_ The aims of the clubThe time the club wi

13、ll meet every week The(4)_ Maggie plans to organize What materials she will need How she is going to(5)_club leaderactivitiesfind new members B.After her conversation with Mr.Zhou,Maggie wrote a proposal for a new school club.Read her proposal below and try to understand its structure.Proposal for a

14、 new club uClub name:Short Story Writingu Club leader:Maggie Zhang uMeeting time:Friday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30 uClub aim:To improve short story writing skillsu Club activities:Read short stories in different styles;Write short stories using different techniques;Hold workshops(研讨会;讲习班研讨会;讲习班)to

15、discuss the short stories that club members read and write;Invite professional writers to give talks on short story writing.uMaterials needed:Paper and pen for each student;u Plan for finding new members:Make posters and put them up around the school;Put a notice in the school newspaper and on the s

16、chool website;Put a video on the school website u Signed:Maggie Chang Read Maggies proposal on page 9 and answer the following questions.(1)What sentence pattern is used most frequently in Maggies proposal?The imperative mpertv sentence.(2)What are the writing features of Maggies proposal?Separate s

17、epret different types of information to make the proposal easy to read.Use formal language.Provide important and detailed information about the suggestion or plan.Answer the following questions.(1)What type of club do you want to start?What are the aims of the club?Id like to start a film club.The a

18、ims of the club are to watch films of different types,to learn about film-making,such as acting in a film and directing a film,and to discuss current krnt(当前的;现在的当前的;现在的)popular films.(2)What are the activities you plan to do at the club?I plan to watch clips(电影片段电影片段)from films of different types e

19、ach week.The club will discuss the directors style,the acting and anything else that is special in the film.Finally,members will give presentations(介绍;陈述;报告;说介绍;陈述;报告;说明明)on the latest film they have seen.(3)What materials will you need?(4)What are the ways to find new members?I will need a computer

20、 and projector prdekt(r)(放映机;投影仪放映机;投影仪).I will put up posters around the school,and put a notice on the school website.C.In pairs,talk about starting a new school club.Use the following ideas and expressions to help you.P10The type of club you want to start The aims of the club The activities you p

21、lan to do at the club The materials you will needThe ways to find new members Expressions:Talking about plans Wed like to start aclub in order to/so that We plan/intend to.by Our plan for a.club calls for(需要需要)Our club aims to/is intended to Sample A:I intend to start a film club so that students ca

22、n learn more about films and film-making.B:Great idea!Whats the plan for each meeting?A:We plan to watch films of different types at each meeting.Then we can talk about the acting,the directors styles or anything special in the films.B:Club members can also give presentations on the latest films the

23、yve seen.Best of all,we can also invite directors and actors to give talks about films and film-making.A:Sounds great!What materials do you think well need?B:Well need a computer and projector.We should record the presentations too.A:Sure.How can we find new members?B:Lets make posters and put them

24、up around our school.A:Perfect!I also plan to attract more students by putting a notice on our school website.B:Well meet for an hour each week.What about Thursday afteroons,from 4:00 to 5:00.A:Sounds great!Lets finish our proposal!D.Write your proposal for a new school club.Use your ideas from part

25、 C and the information in parts A and B to help you.P10 Planning your writing Learning about the text type A proposal is a formal suggestion or plan.Its purpose is to get the reader to agree to your suggestion or plan.Learning about the structure It is important to separate different types of inform

26、ation to make your proposal easy to read.Refer to page 9 to see how you should structure(使形成体系;系统使形成体系;系统安排;精心组织安排;精心组织)your proposal.Learning about the language The target reader of your proposal is your school principal.Use formal language and provide important and brief information about your sug

27、gestion or plan.Checking your writing It is important to check your writing after you finish.You should especially check if there are any mistakes in terms of(谈及;就谈及;就而而言;在言;在方面方面):Punctuation pktuen(标点符标点符号号)SpellingGrammar Choice of wordsStyle(formal/informal)Structure It is a good idea to work in

28、 pairs to read and edit edt 编辑,编编辑,编纂,校订纂,校订(文章、书籍等文章、书籍等)each others writing.You should give different types of comments,including praise,suggestions and corrections.Self-review What mistakes do you find in your writing?How can you correct them?Peer身份身份(或地位或地位)相同的人;同相同的人;同龄人;同辈龄人;同辈 review What com

29、ments does your partner give on your writing?How can you improve your writing?Possible answer Proposal for a new club Club name:Film Club Club leader:Matthew mju:Wu Meeting time:Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00 Club aim:To learn about films and film-making Club activities:Watch films of differen

30、t types;Talk about different films,including directors styles,the acting and anything special in the films;Give presentations on the films students have seen;Invite directors and actors to give talks about films and film-making.Materials needed:A computer and projector Plan for finding new members:Make posters and put them up around the school;Put a notice on the school website Signed:Matthew Wu


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